"It's okay, Lin Ru, hold on!" Ning Qingqing rushed to take emergency treatment, Xiaowei came to help, and together they rescued Lin Ru's foot from the stone, but her ankle was injured and she couldn't walk anymore.

"Xiaowei, come and meet Lin Ru, you will be in a safe place soon!" Ning Qingqing said to Xiaowei.

Without saying a word, Xiaowei carried Lin Ru on his back, and the group continued to move forward.

Finally arrived at a safe place, Ning Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, settled Lin Ru, and then began to count the number of people.

It doesn't matter this count, she found that one is missing.

"Where is Xiao Tang, why is she missing?" Ning Qingqing asked.

Xiao Tang is the most delicate little girl, today she insisted on going out to buy clothes.When she got off the car just now, she was carrying big bags and small bags of clothes, and said that she was reluctant to leave them behind. Everyone had no choice but to let her carry some big bags and small bags of new clothes.

"Just now she liked us together, why did she disappear after so long?" a female worker said.

"No, I have to go back and find her quickly, I must find her, it's too dangerous for her to be alone on the mountain!" Ning Qingqing said as she was about to go back, but was grabbed by Lin Ru.

"You are crazy, how dangerous it is to go back now! Look at the heavy rain, the rocks on this mountain are loose, and it is likely to landslide at any time, and you managed to escape from death. What are you going to do now, continue to go back to die?" Lin Ru said emotionally Shouted excitedly, determined not to let her go back.

"But Xiaotang can't do it alone on the mountain. Sister Lin Ru, Xiaowei and I will go together. We can bring Xiaotang back in a while. You are here to organize everyone. Don't run around. I guess the police should be here soon. , then we will be really safe!"

Ning Qingqing looked around, there were already more than a dozen people waiting for the police to rescue them.

When the police come, there will be a car to take them to a safe place.

"Qingqing!" Lin Ru wanted to say something, but Ning Qingqing had already left with Xiaowei.

They went back the same way to look for Xiao Tang.

Fortunately, they soon saw Xiao Tang who was alone.

Xiao Tang looked very helpless, crying in the heavy rain.

Seeing that Ning Qingqing was back, she seemed to have a backbone in her heart. "Qingqing, I'm here, I'm here!" She wiped her tears and waved her arms vigorously.

Ning Qingqing and Xiaowei hurried over.

"Xiao Tang, what's the matter with you, how can you fall behind!" Xiaowei reprimanded immediately.

Xiao Tang lowered his head in embarrassment, "These clothes are wet, they are too heavy, I can't carry them..."

As he spoke, he looked at the big and small bags under his feet.

"Don't worry about your clothes. It's important to save your life now. Throw away these things quickly! Everyone else has already reached a safe place. If Qingqing didn't find you missing, we still don't know that you are alone on the mountain. The stones here are always there. Everyone may slip, now that everyone has finally reached the safe zone, who would come back to look for you? That is Qingqing and me, otherwise you will cry to death alone and no one will care about you!" Xiaowei continued to train.

Xiao Tang was even more embarrassed.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about these, Xiao Tang, these things can't be taken away, we can't take them away, besides, they can't be worn after being soaked in rain, so let's leave them here, we have to pack lightly , to leave here in the fastest time!" Ning Qingqing said to Xiao Tang.

"Okay!" Although Xiao Tang was very reluctant, she also knew that Ning Qingqing's words made sense.

Especially when Xiao Wei said that everyone else was safe now, Xiao Tang became anxious.

She regretted that she came out to buy clothes today, and also regretted why she had to carry all these burdens just now.

Otherwise, she is now waiting for rescue in a safe place like everyone else.

After throwing away those wet clothes, the three hurried on their way, but within a few steps, there was a sudden bang, the sound of rolling stones.

Ning Qingqing looked up and was stunned.

I saw a lot of rubble rolling down the mountain, and it was too late for them to run now.

What should I do, is she going to die here today?
Heartbeat started to get faster.

At this moment, what subconsciously appeared in her mind was Li Xiaohan's figure.

How could she think of this man at this time!
But she just misses him!

She... really wants to say goodbye to him, if she is really destined to die here today!

Ning Qingqing thought in despair.

"What are you still doing here, hurry up and hide!"

Suddenly, a majestic and anxious man's voice sounded.

That voice was so familiar, it was the one she would think of every day!
The moment the voice sounded, Ning Qingqing felt as if something hit her hard in the heart!
Ning Qingqing looked in disbelief at the place where the voice sounded, and she saw the face of the man that appeared in her mind just now, and now that face actually appeared in front of her.

With an anxious expression on his face, he grabbed the stunned Ning Qingqing and ran up the mountain, facing the direction of the rock.

Later, Xiaowei also reacted, and hurriedly dragged Xiaotang to run as well.

"Hey, are you crazy? Why are you running here!" There are gravels on it, and they ran in the direction of the gravel. Isn't this courting death?
Ning Qingqing looked at him in panic, not knowing what this man wanted to do, was it to save her?
"There's a place to hide there!" Li Xiaohan explained loudly, pulling her to continue running up.

Suddenly, he suddenly blocked Ning Qingqing under him, "Be careful!"

he cried, and a stone fell on him hard, and fell.

"Ah!" Li Xiaohan yelled in pain, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

Ning Qingqing's eyes widened, and she looked at him very worriedly, "Are you okay!"

"It's okay!" Not wanting to worry her, he hurriedly responded, and quickly dragged her into a nearby cave.

Then Xiaowei and Xiaotang also ran in.

At the moment when Xiaowei and Xiaotang ran in, they only saw stones falling from the entrance of the cave.

The sound was huge, like rolling thunder in a thunderstorm, whizzing past overhead.

Ning Qingqing was so frightened that she held her head tightly.

Li Xiaohan held her in his arms, wanting his arms to give her warmth and comfort.

Worried that the cave was not safe, he also made a gesture of protecting her with his body at any time.

Fortunately, the gravel fell down quickly.

When all the sounds disappeared, only the sound of rain and wind remained, Li Xiaohan gently helped her up, "It's all right, the danger is over, we are safe!"

"Wow, we are finally safe, we are saved!" Xiao Tang and Xiao Wei hugged each other excitedly.

"Why did you appear here?" Ning Qingqing watched Li Xiaohan ask her own question in surprise at this moment. She thought that she would die this time, but she didn't expect that this man would appear at this time.

Shouldn't he be comfortably waiting in the hotel for the rainstorm to go back and continue to be his chief executive?
At such a dangerous time, others wished to leave here and go far away, but this man came up to her. She couldn't think of his reason for doing so.

"Because you are here, of course I want to be here!" Li Xiaohan said while hugging her tightly.

Ning Qingqing's heart seemed to be shaken by something.

Because she is here, he is here!
Is she really so important to him?
She never knew it before!
"You...you...are you crazy? Do you know that you almost took your own life just now!" Ning Qingqing said tremblingly, thinking of the thrilling scene just now, she felt terrified.

As long as they are a little slower, they are now killed by the gravel or rolled down with the gravel, and that is still death!

Isn't this man very shrewd, how could he make such a mistake!
"Even if it takes my life, what's the point of my existence if there is no you in this world?" Li Yanhan said to her affectionately, his words were very simple, without the slightest sensational element, it was entirely what he thought in his heart How to say.

Tears welled up in Ning Qingqing's eyes instantly.

What kind of virtue and ability does she have to make this man treat her so well, even risking his life to treat her so well!
"Li Xiaohan, it's not worth it, it's really... not worth it..."

Where is she so good, she can't find a reason.

She has always doubted his feelings and even his identity, but this man has always been so caring and considerate to her, even at this moment he even wants to protect her!

How could she deserve him to treat her like this!
"You are the woman I love the most in my life. Without you, there would be no me now. I will not let you suffer any harm. If I encounter such a dangerous moment, I would rather die than me, and protect me." You are considerate!"

Li Xiaohan felt that Ning Qingqing was crying, he held her shoulder and gently wiped away her tears.

"Thank you……"

Ning Qingqing almost choked up, she was very touched by what Li Xiaohan said, at this moment she knew that if Li Xiaohan hadn't been drugged by Bai Menglin that time, he would never have done anything to hurt herself.

What's more, the reason why he lost control that time was because he loved her in his heart, and under the aphrodisiac of the drug, he couldn't help it.

At this moment, she also knew that she had always been unable to let him go, because at the edge of life and death, the only person she thought of was Li Xiaohan.

She threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, tears could not hold back anymore.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li, are you alright!" When Owen brought people in to rescue them in a hurry, what he saw was the scene of Li Xiaohan and Ning Qingqing hugging each other tightly. The bodyguards who came came to disturb them.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was in a good mood.

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