The two women began to plan how to get Li Xiaohan back.

On the other side, Li Xiaohan took Ning Qingqing to the hot spring.

Ning Qingqing looked at this luxurious big room with some surprise, not knowing what she should do.

She thought that the hot spring was like the one in the advertisement, where many people were soaking together, but she didn't expect that there would be such a luxurious private room with all the equipment.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the presidential suite.

The steaming pool was built like an ancient emperor's bath, and the whole room gave people an antique feeling.

"Aren't you going to change clothes?" Li Xiaohan looked at Ning Qingqing's surprised eyes, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

" it really a place to soak in hot springs?" Ning Qingqing asked in disbelief.

Li Xiaohan nodded.

"But... just the two of us?" Ning Qingqing continued to ask without giving up.

"Who else do you want?" Li Xiaohan couldn't help but want to laugh, this woman looks so cute.

A super luxurious room with a natural hot spring inside, only her and him, alone and widowed, soaking in the same pool, this shouldn't be too ambiguous!

It's easy to get wild.

"The quality of the hot spring here is the best, and the water quality is also the best. It is rich in various minerals, and can effectively relieve fatigue. It can also be used for recuperation. If you are not in a hurry and want to enjoy it for a while, then I Let's change clothes first!" Li Xiaohan turned around and left after finishing speaking.

Ning Qingqing looked at his back and frowned, what should she do?
Do you want to change clothes?
She came here to soak in the hot springs. Li Xiaohan said just now that the hot springs here are the best, and they come here all the time. I really don't want to try it.

Besides, she has been with Li Xiaohan for so many days, and she still lives in his house, if Li Xiaohan really wants to do something to her, then when can't, and don't have to wait until today!
And in name, they are still husband and wife...

Thinking that Li Xiaohan is still a gentleman, Ning Qingqing also turned around to change clothes.

She believed that Li Xiaohan would never do that kind of thing that hurt her.

When she went to the changing room, she realized that she really thought too much. In fact, the equipment here is really complete, and there are even many styles of clothes. Ning Qingqing chose a swimsuit with a very conservative style , Looking at myself in the mirror was not so blushing, so I walked out slowly.

In the pool, Li Xiaohan was soaked, only his head and strong shoulders were exposed.

Ning Qingqing walked to the pool, tested the temperature, and then slowly slid in.

Really comfortable!Ning Qingqing sighed in her heart.

It's just that she felt very uneasy staying in a hot spring pool with Li Xiaohan like this.

She hid vigilantly in a corner far away from Li Yanhan, her eyes glanced at him from time to time.

Li Xiaohan closed his eyes and enjoyed this pleasant moment, he naturally knew how embarrassing Ning Qingqing was in his heart now, so he didn't care about the detail that she was thousands of miles away from him.

The two soaked quietly without speaking.

The atmosphere was very quiet. Seeing that Li Xiaohan kept his eyes closed and did not violate the rules, Ning Qingqing felt relieved and became more courageous.

"I'm sorry..." Ning Qingqing said first, she still felt very guilty when she thought of the ring that Li Xiaohan had photographed for herself.

"If you really feel sorry for me, then you can keep the gift I gave you in the future, and don't give it to others casually, is that okay?" Li Xiaohan was like a roundworm in Ning Qingqing's stomach, and he immediately understood what she said. what do you mean.

"Well, I get it, I won't do it anymore" Ning Qingqing said apologetically.

Li Xiaohan smiled very satisfied, and then said, "It's just that I have already given that ring to the orphanage. I haven't discussed it with you until the next auction. You don't mind! I know I hope this matter can pass soon, I don’t want some people to use this matter to make a fuss, so it’s best not to have this ring appear in your life in the future!”

"So that's the case, thank you!" Ning Qingqing was surprised when she heard that he had given away the ring. Did he just give away the [-] million ring?
After hearing his explanation, she realized that he did this for her sake.

"If you really thank me, then come and wipe my back for me, I feel a little itchy..." Li Xiaohan made a request with a smile.

Ning Qingqing was taken aback, went to wipe his back for him?
This... isn't it a bit too close!

Just seeing Li Xiaohan's expectant eyes, Ning Qingqing was embarrassed to say the words of refusal.

After all, this man thinks of himself in everything, and she is very grateful to him in her heart, and after getting along for such a long time, she knows that this man is a gentleman and will not do anything to hurt her.

Ning Qingqing hesitated for a moment, bit her lip, "Okay!"

She slowly leaned towards Li Xiaohan.

Finally she came to Li Xiaohan's side, the water temperature between the two of them seemed to be much higher.

Ning Qingqing wiped his back with a towel.

At first, I thought she would be very embarrassed, after all, Li Xiaohan is still a relatively strange person to her at this time, it is really not good for her to wipe the back of a relatively strange man for such an intimate matter!

But unexpectedly, when the wiper in her hand was placed on Li Xiaohan's body, she felt that this feeling was very familiar, as if she had done this before.

She and Li Xiaohan are husband and wife, has she ever rubbed Li Xiaohan's back before?
Moreover, this man's back is really different from that of a woman's. His muscles are so firm. No wonder men are often described with words like strong and powerful.

Ning Qingqing was addicted to rubbing her back, just when she was about to ask him if he needed help from the front, Li Xiaohan turned around and looked at her carelessly, "Please help me from the front too!"

This, is this really treating her as a bath master?

Ning Qingqing blushed when he turned around suddenly, and hurriedly closed her eyes to look embarrassed.Only at this time did she realize that it seemed like a wrong decision for her to agree to wipe his back just now.

"The front...can't you wipe it yourself?" Ning Qingqing said with her eyes closed and blushing, she didn't know where to put her hands.

"Are you shy? We are husband and wife, and we have done more intimate things before..." Li Xiaohan's voice became full of temptation.

Ning Qingqing threw the back towel directly to him, closed her eyes and said, "Wipe it yourself!"

This man is really hateful, is this Chi Guoguo's teasing her?

She turned around and wanted to escape, but her feet slipped, and her whole body fell back.


She screamed, trying to grab something to support her body, but this is a hot spring pool, so there is nothing she can grab.

She could only close her eyes resignedly, wanting to forcefully accept the coming splash, and then her whole body fell into the pool like a big rock.

But that imaginary moment did not come, instead she felt herself falling into a warm embrace.

She opened her eyes in astonishment, and saw that she was indeed lying in Li Xiaohan's arms.

Li Xiaohan's affectionate eyes were looking at her, like a deep pool, making Ning Qingqing feel that her whole body was about to be sucked in by his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Ning Qingqing hurriedly wanted to get up. At this moment, the bodies of the two of them were tightly pressed together. The hot touch came through the thin fabric, and Ning Qingqing felt that she was about to be burned by him.

She didn't know where she should look, she lowered her head and glanced inadvertently, and saw a very obtrusive scar on Li Xiaohan's body.

His skin is wheat-colored, healthy and sexy.

His figure is well managed, with wide shoulders and narrow hips, a standard model figure, and a drool-worthy eight-pack abs, which is really a proper walking hormone.

The scar was black, and it looked so abrupt on his body, adding a hideous feeling to his originally perfect body.

"This is..." Ning Qingqing was attracted by the scar, she just asked, and then realized something.

Zhou Xiaoyou once said that she shot Li Xiaohan and almost killed him.

Could this be the gunshot wound?
Ning Qingqing was stunned for a moment, she never thought that the marks on a person who had received a gunshot wound were so shocking.

"It's nothing, a small scar, it's already healed!" Li Xiaohan said lightly, but the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Ning Qingqing felt.

"I did it, didn't I?" she asked in a low voice, guilt-ridden.

Li Xiaohan didn't deny it, but he didn't nod either.

Ning Qingqing understood.

She couldn't help reaching out to touch the scar, which was terrifying. She could even feel how frightening the bullet hole was when she shot him.

"It hurts. At that time..." She asked softly, stroking the scar lightly with her fingers, as if she was worried that a little force would cause the wound to hurt together.

"Well, it hurts!" Li Xiaohan nodded, "But it's all over, don't you think I'm fine now?"

Li Xiaohan comforted her with a smile, Ning Qingqing suddenly had the urge to cry, for some reason, at this moment she felt that she had gone too far!

"Although I don't remember the scene at that time, but I shot and wounded you, why didn't you let me accept punishment? I'll be sent to prison..." Ning Qingqing said in a low voice, "But why didn't you do that? Why do you still treat me so well now..."

"Little fool, because you are my wife, I know that although you shot at that time, you didn't want to hurt me in your heart. What's more, the situation at that time was special, and you couldn't say a word or two clearly!" Li Xiaohan smiled, and originally planned to say that it would be better if he didn't remember, but seeing Ning Qingqing's expectant eyes, he swallowed the words that came to his lips, and changed his course, "I will help you remember a little bit of what happened at that time in the future. Situational!"

Ning Qingqing nodded.

In the following time, the two of them still soaked in their own hot springs, but Ning Qingqing's heart was not at peace.

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