Coupled with the main force like Li Xiaohan, Ning Qingqing's future will be limitless by then.However, Han Lin had already thought a lot in a short while, and now he wanted to keep Ning Qingqing, and what he couldn't let Ning Qingqing suffer was a loss.

"Come here." After thinking it through, Han Lin turned around and said, the bodyguard outside the door had already opened the door and walked in, "Sir, do you have any orders?" He should be punished for making a mistake, and there is only one reason why Han Lin didn't do anything now.

That is, we have not yet analyzed who is responsible, and what should we do in the end?How to punish is the best, so that everyone can be convinced, even though they know that they will definitely be punished.

Although this matter has nothing to do with the bodyguards, and even said that the bodyguards had dutifully caught Uncle Li, but did this happen because the bodyguards couldn't guard him and let Uncle Lin drive out?

Speaking of it, it was also his fault, so he was willing to punish him now without complaint or regret.

"You go and bring Uncle Li and Mama Lin here." Han Lin paused, and then said that there is no way to ask Uncle Li who ordered him to hit Ning Qingqing with a car, but such a thing Li Uncle must have come here with the determination to die.

The person who asked him to bump into Ning Qingqing must also have something in his hand, and this reason is Uncle Li's unspoken reason. He came here with all his life, and now it is only Mama Lin who can make Uncle Li speak. .

At that time, Madam Lin was the only person present who cared about Uncle Li. She begged desperately like that, on the one hand, she cared that Ning Qingqing was the wife of the Li family, and on the other hand, she was also for Li Shu's comfort.

She wanted to alleviate Uncle Li's crimes, at least Uncle Li did not kill his wife in the end, and it would not cause such a big impact, even if it was punished, it would not be a direct matter.

Mama Lin's concern happened to be Uncle Li's Achilles' heel. Uncle Li is not the kind of person who doesn't value affection. After so many years of getting along, Han Lin also knows what kind of character Uncle Li is, and knows that Uncle Li must have some kind of personality. The handle was caught.

Although he doesn't know exactly what this handle is, Han Lin can be sure that through Mama Lin, he will know, because feelings are relative, and Uncle Li can definitely feel it when Mama Lin treats Uncle Li like this. of.

He also knew that Mama Lin was doing it for him. If he passed Mama Lin at this time, Uncle Li's mouth would definitely be opened, otherwise, the threats against him would be useless.

Uncle Li was quickly pushed in, and as soon as he entered the door, he knelt on the ground and made a loud bang.

Immediately afterwards, he lay down on the ground and kowtowed to Han Lin, "Sir! It's all my fault, sir. It doesn't matter about Mama Lin's business, why did you call Mama Lin over here?" Uncle Li knew that This incident was his fault.

He went to drive and hit Ning Qingqing and his wife, and it was still at the door of his house. For such a big matter, anyone would be angry, let alone a family as big as the Li family.

Uncle Li was willing to be punished, but what he didn't expect was that Mama Lin was the one who got up with him?
It never occurred to him that Mama Lin would call over with him. It was the car he was driving. How could Madam Lin be involved with the wife he wanted to hit? Uncle Li, out of guilt and feelings for Mama Lin, As soon as he entered the door, he knelt on the ground and started to nibble on Han Lin's head.

"This matter really has nothing to do with Lin's mother, but how do I know that Lin's mother is not your accomplice." Han Lin continued with his hands behind his back.

Mama Lin spoke for Uncle Li everywhere, every point was for Uncle Li, because she was afraid that Uncle Li would really kill Ning Qingqing and take too much responsibility.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Mama Lin and Uncle Li are in the same group, but now, everyone can see that Mama Lin did this only because she has a good relationship with Uncle Li, but in Han The taste in Lin's mouth changed.

This is also what Han Lin said on purpose. He deliberately made Uncle Li feel that Lin's mother did everything for him, and in the end, Lin's mother was also implicated.

The path of the two of them has been completely taken by Han Lin. They have no ideas of their own at all, and the only thing they can follow is Han Lin's statement.

What Han Lin meant was that your mother and Uncle Li were in the same group, and the two of them just wanted to murder. The more this happened, the more confused Li Shu's thinking became, and the more he would follow Han Lin's ideas.

"Sir, Mama Lin really has nothing to do with this matter. I did the whole thing by myself. Don't embarrass her." Uncle Li is also an upright person. Originally, he couldn't bear this matter. , but he can't help it.

If now, because he got Lin's mother involved, he would really feel sorry in his heart.

"Embarrassing Mama Lin? I'm not embarrassing. I have every reason to believe that Mama Lin is with you. Otherwise, how could Mama Lin protect you like this now? What is the relationship between you?" What Han Lin said was The righteous words were loud and clear, and every word and every word hit Uncle Li's heart heavily.

Every sentence Han Lin said made Uncle Li take a step back. He couldn't stop thinking about what he should do. For Uncle Li, Mama Lin was his last thought in the Li family.

When he was about to leave, it was his blessing to meet Mama Lin, he was already content, even if Li Xiaohan finally woke up and wanted to kill him, Uncle Li would have no regrets.

But now, I don't know what's going on, this Han Lin just thinks that Mama Lin and Uncle Li are in the same group, and the two of them are together. This kind of thinking gives Uncle Li a headache.

He felt that this matter was done by himself, even if he had to bear the greatest responsibility in the end, Uncle Li was willing to do so, but now that the matter had actually been implicated in Mama Lin, Uncle Li flinched again.

"Mr. Han, you are wrong. I really have nothing to do with Mama Lin. This is what I want to do alone. You can't implicate Mama Lin!" Uncle Li was about to cry now , the current him, never thought that the final matter would involve Mama Lin,

Now he is in a dilemma. If he doesn't tell the matter, Lin's mother will be implicated. If he tells his other family members, he will suffer along with him.

"Then tell me, why did you kill Madam?" Han Lin immediately turned his head and stared at Uncle Li, which made Uncle Li feel pressured.

What Han Lin wanted was this effect. What he wanted was to break through Uncle Li's psychological defenses and use the simplest and quickest method to get Uncle Li to tell all the things. Now it will be effective.

"This... this, I just don't like Madam, Madam is very annoying,"

Uncle Li also stuttered. He had never lied to anyone in his life. He had always done his duty in the Li family. He did not expect that at the last moment, things would turn out like this.

Don't say that his evening is not guaranteed, and now he is implicating the matter on Mama Lin, he really doesn't know how to say it.

"So you want to kill Madam?" Han Lin is using psychological force to make Uncle Li nervous. He wants Uncle Li to know what it means to be powerful.

At the same time, let Uncle Li tell the truth quickly.

"No no no!"

"Yes..." After hearing Han Lin's words, Uncle Li's first reaction was to quickly deny that he had never done anything bad in his life, so he couldn't explain clearly.

But after a brief pause, Uncle Li retorted again, saying yes, "That's right, it's because I hate Madam, that's why I went to hit Madam. Yes, it's because I hate Madam. Madam is really annoying at Li's house."

Uncle Li said these words several times in a row, for Han Lin and himself at the same time. Now Uncle Li is deceiving Han Lin, more in fact he is deceiving his own heart.

He wanted Han Lin to believe it, but he also wanted himself to believe it.

Even Mama Lin who was sitting on the side could hear this point, but Uncle Li was just obsessed with it, he just felt that he could completely deceive himself now

Only by making yourself believe first, will others believe it.

"Really? Then why do you hate Madam?" After Uncle Li said this, Han Lin continued to ask, and while asking, Han Lin walked into Uncle Li's side, which gave Uncle Li a great deal invisibly. pressure.



Once a person tells a lie, he has to make up for it with a thousand or ten thousand lies, so that other people really believe the lie. Uncle Li is a good example now, and now he is lying.

As long as he wanted to convince Han Lin, he would continue to make up for it with countless lies.

But with Uncle Li's current brain, he couldn't think of any better way. He could only look at Han Lin helplessly, his face flushed.

He opened his mouth and finally realized that he didn't know what to say.

"Uncle Li, don't lie to Mr. Han. Tell Mr. Han everything, so that Mr. Han can find a way for you." Lin's mother on the side couldn't stand it anymore. It can be seen that this Uncle Li is lying.

He definitely didn't bump into Ning Qingqing because he hated Ning Qingqing. Han Lin could probably guess why Uncle Li did this. Now he just wanted to prove it.


"Uncle Li! Don't hesitate! Tell me!" Mother Lin yelled again. The two of them have been in the Li family for a long time, and they have some feelings for the Li family. Now Uncle Li can do such a thing Although it was unexpected, Han Lin believes that Uncle Li still has a family in his heart, and there must be some kind of willingness that made Uncle Li have to do this.

The surroundings were eerily quiet. Uncle Li looked around, and time seemed to have stopped in place, and he didn't know what to do.

"If you don't tell me, then I will punish Mama Lin directly. The two of you have always been together. Now that you have done such a thing, Mama Lin will be suspected no matter what. If you don't Make it clear, then Mama Lin is your accomplice!"

Han Lin's voice became louder and louder, and the oppressive Uncle Li didn't dare to move.He could only lie on the ground, trembling and lowering his head, not knowing what to say.

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