"Beep beep..."

"Beep beep..."

"Beep beep..."

The phone line was always busy, and no one answered it at all. Ning Qingqing frowned. She took her mobile phone and went directly to the top floor along the elevator.

Dingling, the elevator door opened, this is the core part of Fengyun Company.

Those who can come here are Zhang Xiaolan and the shareholders of Fengyun Company. Since Zhang Xiaolan decided to make Guan Moxin the new director last time, the company's senior management disagreed, and they have almost left.

Because of this, Ning Qingqing also came with her when she was filming.

Now the whole company is empty, there is no one at all, so Ning Qingqing can only think of this place.

This is an empty hall. This hall is very large. There is only such a hall and a general manager's office on the entire floor.

The hall is now empty, and there are some tables and chairs around it.

There are messy ribbons and some red wine on the tables and chairs. It seems that a celebration party is being prepared here, but now there is no one around.

Ning Qingqing could only focus her eyes on the last chairman's office.

This door is opaque, so Ning Qingqing couldn't see what was going on inside. She took a step and walked to the chairman's room. When she pushed the door, Ning Qingqing was touched by something that didn't know what it was. .

Immediately afterwards, cheers sounded, "Wow!"

"What are you doing?" Ning Qingqing was stunned. She thought something happened to Fengyun Company, but she didn't expect it to be like this now.

"The celebration party, Qingqing, don't you really don't know?" Guan Moxin rarely spoke first, he got out from the gap between several people, only one head leaked, and talked to Ning Qingqing with a smile.

"What celebration party?" Speaking of it, Ning Qingqing really didn't know about it. Why didn't anyone tell her about such a celebration party.

Seeing Ning Qingqing's bewildered face, Zhang Xiaolan laughed. Originally, Zhang Xiaolan said that he told Ning Qingqing about this matter, but what he didn't expect was that he forgot about it later, and because of the ups and downs of this movie, it was unstable. The celebration banquet was a mistake.

It has been postponed until now, but Zhang Xiaolan forgot to tell Ning Qingqing, until it started, Ning Qingqing hadn't come yet, Zhang Xiaolan remembered that Ning Qingqing didn't know yet.

Thinking that if he went to sue Ning Qingqing now, Ning Qingqing would definitely be angry, so Zhang Xiaolan simply stopped talking and called Ning Qingqing over directly to give her a surprise, which was better than being told by Ning Qingqing.

Sure enough, when Ning Qingqing came, she was still in a daze and didn't know what happened, so now she didn't have much time to talk about Zhang Xiaolan.

"Now, is it our celebration banquet?" Ning Qingqing was stunned for a while before asking.

"That's right." One of the little girls said, there were quite a lot of them. When Ning Qingqing came up just now, Zhang Xiaolan suggested that everyone should hide and not let Ning Qingqing find out, and then let Ning Qingqing come to them by herself.

The moment Ning Qingqing came up, all of them hid in the room, and the chairman's office was probably overwhelmed by them, so the moment Ning Qingqing opened the door, the people in the front line Just paste the cake on Ning Qingqing's face, which is one of the reasons why Young Qing has been stunned until now.

Immediately afterwards, a bunch of people came out of the chairman's office, "You really don't know what happened today?" Ning Qingqing was still standing there in a daze, while Guan Moxin also ran out and asked.

"So are we done now?" Ning Qingqing's face darkened, and now she knew why.

"Speaking of which, we've just started." Zhang Xiaolan smiled awkwardly. He couldn't tell Ning Qingqing that it was because he forgot about her that Ning Qingqing missed the opening of the celebration party.

Ning Qingqing touched the cake on her face, then looked at the crowd, and finally her eyes fell on the little girl who was still holding the cake scraps in her hand. The little girl looked at Ning Qingqing staring at herself and wanted to take a step back.

"Sister Qingqing, are you trying to take revenge on me? I didn't do it on purpose. Someone pushed me from behind." The little girl kept saying a lot, but Ning Qingqing didn't care and just wiped a piece of it from her face. Buttercream, I ran over to her, stop for me.

Ning Qingqing yelled as she walked, but the little girl saw that something was wrong and ran away.

"Sister Qingqing, don't be like this, someone pushed me from behind." Even though they said this, they both smiled and saw that they were joking, and everyone followed suit.

"Come on, Ning Qingqing is about to surpass you"

"Go quickly"

Some people cheered for the little girl.

It's not a big deal for everyone to watch the excitement. A group of people are arguing happily, and the two of them are running lively. This scene is deeply engraved in his mind.

This is probably the happiest time, everyone is gathered here, and they are all celebrating for the goal of everyone's hard work. Now it is considered that such a task has been completed. After a while, Ning Qingqing is also tired. , everyone also became serious, and they stood still and raised the cups in their hands.

Among them, Zhang Xiaolan handed a glass of red wine to Ning Qingqing's hand, "Qingqing, take it, today is our celebration banquet, you are our current hero, you are everyone's hero, without you, we would not be able to shoot this scene Come out, if not for you, everyone might be buried in the snow because of this, there is no chance, but it is also because of you that everyone turned over, because this movie became a hit, I believe that the future of our Fengyun company The road will definitely go farther and farther, come! We all drank this cup, for the future of Fengyun Company, and also for our own future."

Zhang Xiaolan put the wine glass in Ning Qingqing's hands, he raised the wine glass, and everyone followed suit. The scarlet liquid swayed in the glass, and finally entered the mouths of everyone, which always made Ning Qingqing feel like an alliance.

Ning Qingqing smiled and drank the wine in her hand.This kind of unity and cohesion can only be reflected at this time. Even Ning Qingqing in the past did not have such a sense of belonging. In this way, everyone is working hard for a goal. She smiled sincerely. up.

"Next, I have one more thing to announce." Zhang Xiaolan continued when everyone drank the wine.

"I announce that I will distribute half of my shares to Ning Qingqing, and then I will take out the other 1/5. I will distribute this share to everyone, and everyone will share 1/5 of the shares equally. Fengyun The company belongs to all of us, all of us have worked hard to obtain the current Fengyun Company, so I want to give this credit to everyone as well."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present was stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Xiaolan to make such a big concession. This is a share, not like money or other things, and it can be earned back in the future. And this share As long as there are shares, there is no way for someone to deprive them if they don't do it themselves, and it can be said that as long as Fengyun Company is still profitable in the future, then these people will just sit and wait for money.

Now Zhang Xiaolan actually wants to share 1/5 equally with everyone. 1/5 doesn't sound like much, but how important it is to the company!
"You heard me right. This 1/5 is allocated to you. I believe everyone can see that Fengyun Company belongs to us. I hope everyone will protect it together." Zhang Xiaolan's selflessness made everyone's hearts tremble. The holders of those shareholders in the past have all left one after another, and now the real shareholders are only Zhang Xiaolan and Li Xiaohan.

Li Xiaohan didn't care about the 9% at all, but Zhang Xiaolan had 90%. Now that he is revealing these, his power has suddenly weakened, and he even directly took half of the shares in his hands to Ning Qingqing .

He also distributed some to other people. If Ning Qingqing had any opinion on Fengyun Company, he could close down Fengyun Company in no time, or even directly dismiss Zhang Xiaolan's opinion.

Although he still has some shares left in his hand and holds a large amount, but in this case, it is equivalent to giving his company to others with his own hands. No one can believe such trust.

"Zhang Xiaolan, stop messing around, how can you just give shares like this?" Ning Qingqing actually only listened to the second half at first, and when she realized it, she realized that Zhang Xiaolan had given her half of the shares.

Ning Qingqing disagreed, she didn't come here for these shares, she just wanted to prove her strength.

Although it is said that becoming a shareholder of Fengyun Company gives her own rights, but this is not what Ning Qingqing wants. Her appearance is just to prove herself, not to use the strength of the Zhang family to help her grow.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaolan's great gift was too heavy, "I disagree," Ning Qingqing said firmly.

She cannot accept such a big gift from Zhang Xiaolan, nor can she become a shareholder of the Zhang family.If this is the case, then she is too much.

However, Ning Qingqing thinks it is cost-effective to give the remaining 1/5 to other people. Now the Zhang family does not have much funds, and the entire Fengyun Company does not have much funds. The other shareholders have already left, and the shares are divided equally among others People, although the capital flow is relatively small, it can be regarded as an injection of capital.

"Qingqing, we have already discussed this matter, so don't refuse." Zhang Xiaolan found Ning Qingqing again. It is true that the transfer of shares is such a big matter. It is impossible for Zhang Xiaolan to say that a decision is made by one person. He has already told the family alright.

It was to give these things to Ning Qingqing. Zhang Xiaolan wanted to help Ning Qingqing, and also saw her hard work, so that Ning Qingqing could have something to gain.

And the entire Zhang family only saw Li Xiaohan behind Ning Qingqing. As long as there is one Li Xiaohan, then Fengyun Company will not come. Besides, even if these shares are not wanted tomorrow, they are likely to be taken away in the end. Walk.

Rather than doing this, it is better to give Ning Qingqing now, and let Ning Qingqing owe the Zhang family a favor. If there is really any crisis in the Zhang family, then Ning Qingqing can't just sit by and watch, especially Li Xiaohan behind her, Li Xiaohan For young feelings, I believe most people can see it.

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