Seeing the dramatic expressions directed and acted by these two people, Ning Qingqing was a little speechless, she didn't even bother to say anything to these two women.

In the end, Ning Qingqing just nodded lightly, indicating that she was still there.

"Sister Qingqing, don't mind what we just said. Those are all passed on to each other. We have no malicious intentions." At this time, the woman in the yellow skirt held Ning Qingqing's hand, and she and Ning Qingqing They seem to have a good relationship.

"What did you just say?" Ning Qingqing raised her eyes, as if she didn't hear anything at all, as if she didn't feel anything about such a thing.

Ning Qingqing like this made the women in front of her not know what to say. They thought that Ning Qingqing would be angry so that they could use this reason to blame Ning Qingqing.

Make Ning Qingqing embarrassing, and Li Xiaohan will not help Ning Qingqing at that time, let's see how Ning Qingqing has the face to stay in front of these people.

But now, seeing Ning Qingqing's innocent face, everyone didn't know what to do.

At this time, Tang Li was the first to react, and she took Ning Qingqing's hand from the side, "Sister Qingqing, come here, taste this red wine, this is the taste that grandpa specially took out from the wine cellar, but it is different from the ones outside. Much better than the nameless one."

Tang Li's eyes were actually looking in Ning Qingqing's direction all the time, and she was just waiting for Ning Qingqing to make a fool of herself.

The woman in the yellow dress is Zheng Feifei, and she is the number one fan of pursuing Li Xiaohan. She originally wanted to invite Li Xiaohan to their home for a party, and the time was the same day as the Tang family.

But Li Xiaohan didn't go, so Zheng Feifei just pushed back the banquet at her own house and ran over with her good girlfriend Wang Chaoge, just to see Li Xiaohan.

Now it is rumored that Li Xiaohan is going to divorce Ning Qingqing, so now is their best chance, but what they didn't expect is that Li Xiaohan actually brought Ning Qingqing here, and Li Xiaohan is going to marry her Grandpa went to meet some old friends together, and they naturally didn't dare to call Li Xiaohan at this time.

However, these two people's brains were also turning quickly, and they immediately thought of embarrassing Ning Qingqing and making Ning Qingqing look ugly, but they didn't expect that not only did they fail to achieve their goals.

Instead, stealing the chicken is not enough to lose the rice and accompany myself in.

Although Tang Li didn't like Zheng Feifei and Chaoge, as the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is his friend, so now Tang Lixiang came to help Chaoge and Zheng Feifei without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, Ning Qingqing has no reaction now.

Tang Li held the wine glass in his hand, and also handed Ning Qingqing a glass of wine. The dark red liquid was shaking in the wine glass. Under the light, it made people feel weird like fresh blood.

Coupled with Tang Li's ferocious smiling face, it made people feel uncomfortable.

"Come on, drink it, Qingqing." Like a curse, Tang Li's voice echoed in Ning Qingqing's ears. Ning Qingqing looked at Tang Li who was smiling, and frowned slightly. She already had her own worries in her heart. , she knew that this Tang Li had malicious intentions, and the weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, which was uneasy and kind.

It's just that Ning Qingqing is not the kind to let others bully her, she smiles, her pair of watery eyes seem to hold the whole Milky Way, making people unable to take their eyes off.

In the next second, the red wine glass in Tang Li's hand fell into Ning Qingqing's hand, "Thank you, Miss Tang."

The sound of wine glasses colliding came from between the two of them. Ning Qingqing and Tang Li looked at each other with a smile, trying to guess what was going on in each other's mind. In just a split second, the two of them had turned their minds several times.

Mr. Tang, who was standing in the distance looking at Ning Qingqing and Tang Li, had a strange expression on his face. This was obviously his own idea, to make Ning Qingqing stand up for himself, but Mr. Tang never thought of how to deal with Ning Qingqing even after beating him to death. People, all of a sudden from Zheng Feifei to his own granddaughter.

Isn't this lifting a rock by yourself, and then hitting your granddaughter?
Mr. Tang was a little embarrassed, and even wanted to go up and pull his granddaughter back. Otherwise, something too much happened, and by Li Xiaohan's method, his granddaughter would not know what kind of treatment he would have.

But it's too late for Mr. Tang to think too much now. Judging by the appearance of the two, the confrontation has already begun, and it's too late for him to stop it now.

Mr. Tang can only look at Li Xiaohan, hoping that Li Xiaohan can look at his own face and not go too far.

But at this time, Li Xiaohan's eyes were not on Mr. Tang at all, he was always looking straight in Ning Qingqing's direction, for fear that something might happen to Ning Qingqing.

When those eyes saw Ning Qingqing, they were full of tenderness.

Seeing this, Mr. Tang was even more sure that there was no hope for his granddaughter, and he only hoped that his granddaughter would not go too far.

Just as Mr. Tang was wandering, Ning Qingqing's side had already started.

When the wine glass in Tang Li's hand collided with Ning Qingqing, it made a moderate sound, and then the glass in Tang Li's hand tilted, and the glass in her hand slipped from her hand.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Li yelled, "Ah!"

Now, everyone in the banquet hall looked in Tang Li's direction.

Tang Li is the granddaughter of the host of the banquet, and Ning Qingqing is a popular entertainment star and gossip collection.

These two people together are simply entertainment headlines, and everyone knows that Tang Li likes Ning Qingqing, now Tang Li's voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Their bodies are also moving closer in this direction unconsciously.

Tang Li saw that his goal had been achieved, "Qingqing, I have already apologized to you for Feifei and Chaoge, why are you still so unreasonable!"

Tang Li's words directly pulled Feifei and Chaoge to the same line as him.

The people around were even more curious. Judging by the current situation, Ning Qingqing should have had an argument with Tang Li, and then poured the red wine in her hand on Tang Li.

The people present were more gossip and smarter than each other, and they quickly began to extract useful information from Tang Li's words.

It seems that Zheng Feifei and Wang Chaoge should have done something to offend Ning Qingqing, and then Tang Li apologized for them, but Ning Qingqing was unwilling, so he poured red wine on Tang Li.

Such a big drama took shape in the minds of the people around.

Tang Li squatted on the ground, the bright red dress on his body was stained with red wine, although it was also red, there were still some differences.

Tang Li continued to speak pitifully, "Qingqing, even if Feifei and Chaoge said something that they don't like to hear, everyone knows about those things, so you just don't want to hear about it. , why did you overturn the glass and pour red wine all over me."

What Tang Li said was hysterical, his already watery eyes were full of tears, as if they were about to overflow at any time.

At this time, Zheng Feifei and Wang Chaoge, who were stunned, immediately understood what Tang Li was doing, and the two immediately cooperated.

"That's right, besides, we just said that Qingqing seems to be in a different batch with Li Shao, so why are you so angry?"

"Exactly." Chaoge followed Zheng Feifei's words and echoed.

In just an instant, the three of them reached the goal of strategic cooperation. Although they usually dislike each other, they are now surprisingly unanimous.

The exaggeration of the three people's acting did not hinder everyone's association at all, but in the past moment, the meaning described by the three people had already appeared in everyone's minds.

All they could think of was that Ning Qingqing was domineering and unreasonable.

Just like the last time at the auction, they rejected Li Xiaohan's gift in public, and finally left. Although a small number of people admire Ning Qingqing's chicness and can do whatever they want, more people still think that Ning Qingqing It would be too rude for Qingqing to do this, after all, this time is not like the last auction, and the person who rejected is Ning Qingqing's husband.

But now, when Ning Qingqing came to Tang's house as a guest, she overturned the red wine and stained Miss Tang's third lady's skirt because of something the size of a sesame seed.

That's a little too disrespectful.

This was the host's treat, and Ning Qingqing's doing so was really excessive. For a moment, everyone looked at Ning Qingqing angrily. In their eyes, it seemed that they were asking Ning Qingqing to apologize.

Those who originally stood in a neutral position also changed their views on Ning Qingqing following this incident. They looked at Ning Qingqing, stared at them, and pressed Ning Qingqing with an invisible pressure.

"Mrs. Li, it's really unreasonable for you to do this. Apologize to Miss Tang." Soon, some people who thought they were righteous stood up.

"That's right, she's still a big star. I think her acting skills are too good to be true. I've used them here." Although Ning Qingqing herself has a bad record in the rumors in the capital, she does not deny her ability in the entertainment industry. .

Because the Tianxunlu performed by Ning Qingqing proved everything.

Such abilities are not available to ordinary people.

"That's right. Fortunately, I have watched her Tianxunlu."

Almost everyone was the first to criticize Ning Qingqing. Originally, these people were a little hesitant, but Ning Qingqing was Li Xiaohan's wife after all.

But after what happened at the last auction, these people became more courageous, and up to now, Li Xiaohan has never come out, so what is certain now is that this Li Xiaohan must not like it very much. Ning Qingqing is gone.

Now that Li Xiaohan's position is known, this Ning Qingqing is the target of everyone's attacks. As time goes by, people's accusations against Ning Qingqing are getting louder and louder.

Standing in the distance watching these, Li Xiaohan frowned deeply.

Mr. Tang also wanted to ask Li Xiaohan to pull Ning Qingqing out at this time, so that even if something happened, he would not embarrass his granddaughter too much.

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