A little girl came in after a while. This girl was the one who asked Ning Qingqing to change her clothes last time. She should be in charge of Ning Qingqing's place.


"What's your name?"

Ning Qingqing glanced at the little girl in front of her. She had seen her so many times, but she still didn't know her name.

Although I don't plan to live in Li's family, I can't always call her a girl.

"If you go back to Madam, my name is Xiaoping"

"Well, you don't have to be so polite in the future, just call me by my name. I can't afford the wife of the Li family."

Ning Qingqing flipped through the clothes on the hanger, and continued.

"Ma'am, how can you say that? You are the wife of our Li family." Seeing that Ning Qingqing had woken up, Xiaoping also began to help Ning Qingqing choose clothes.

It should be said that there was not much trouble before, but since Ning Qingqing left the Ning family for the first time to take away her own things, the Li family suddenly had a lot more clothes of her size.

These should be prepared by those servants.

The clothes were layered on top of each other in all colors and styles. If Ning Qingqing hadn't confirmed that she was in Li's house, she would really have the feeling of going shopping.

"Madam, these clothes are all personally selected by Li Shao for you. They are all new products from various famous houses. It can be seen that Li Shao likes you, Madam." Xiaoping also didn't understand that Li Shao liked Madam so much.

Why does the lady seem to be unhappy, and she looks particularly sad.

Regarding Xiaoping's words, Ning Qingqing just smiled, Li Xiaohan likes herself?Probably only Xiaoping could say such words.

If liking someone means ruining her family, then Ning Qingqing can't bear Li Xiaohan's liking. Although Ning Qingqing still doesn't know the meaning of Li Xiaohan's doing these things, it's definitely not because she likes herself. up.

"Madam, why don't you understand Li Shao's love for you?"

"Okay, let's just take this one." Ning Qingqing casually took a long light yellow dress from the hanger, and handed it to Xiaoping.

"Xiao Ping, you are still young, there are some things you won't understand."

Speaking of these things, even Ning Qingqing couldn't understand, she didn't know the real intention of Li Xiaohan doing this, but what she could know now was that Li Xiaohan absolutely didn't like herself.

"Madam, if Young Master Li didn't like you, how could he choose so many clothes for you." Holding the clothes in her hand, Xiaoping felt a little bit aggrieved for Li Xiaohan.

If it wasn't because the young master didn't like me, I would have confessed to the young master a long time ago, how can I still look like my wife.

Hearing what Xiaoping said, Ning Qingqing really took a look at the clothes on the hangers. All kinds of clothes were hung on the racks, each of which was her own size, and Ning Qingqing had just looked at it, although The styles are different, but each suits you well.

Is it really Li Xiaohan?
Thinking of this, Ning Qingqing shook her head fiercely, how is this possible, Li Xiaohan is so busy, how could he have time to find clothes for himself, it must be done by servants.

Others also know what size they wear, Xiaoping said so, probably just to let herself not be so repulsive to Li Xiaohan.

"Don't say any more, you go down first."

Seeing Ning Qingqing's appearance, Xiaoping wanted to argue a few more words, but she had to back down in the end, "Yes."

After Ning Qingqing changed her clothes, it was boring to sit alone in the room, she didn't want to go out now, she would meet Li Xiaohan when she went out, at least she wouldn't see people she didn't want to see in the room.

It’s the end of October now, the sun outside is warm, not too glaring, the autumn wind blows the leaves, making a rustling sound, and occasionally a few leaves will float down.

Ning Qingqing's heart also became more stable.

She was half leaning against the head of the bed, enjoying the rare quietness, with her slender hands resting casually on the bedside table.

At this time, the phone suddenly turned on, and a push message popped up. Ning Qingqing opened it casually. It turned out to be a reminder from the calendar.

October [-], birthday.

Unknowingly, time has passed so fast, tomorrow is October NO.16, Ning Qingqing's birthday, I still remember that on the previous birthday, Ning's family was still in his father and elder brother to celebrate his birthday again, But this year, my father has passed away, and my brother is still in prison. I don't know what happened.

This birthday, there is no need.

I still remember that on my birthday last year, my father gave me a set of jewelry, and my brother took me out to play, but now, these are impossible, and I will never see them again.

Ning Qingqing flashed past scenes in her mind, suddenly, her nose became sour, and her eyes turned red. Ning Qingqing slowly closed her eyes to prevent tears from flowing out of her eye sockets.

But the previous scenes were still replayed in his mind countless times, the more Ning Qingqing was unwilling to think about this problem, the more these things came out of Ning Qingqing's mind.

It took a while for Ning Qingqing to calm down, and at this moment there was a knock on the door, "Ma'am, are you there?"

As soon as Ning Qingqing heard the voice, she knew that Xiaoping was coming. She hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, got up and calmed down for a while, and then said, "I'm a little tired, I want to take a rest. What's the matter, you can talk about it tomorrow."

Xiaoping outside the door was stunned for a moment, and then continued, "Madam, there will be an auction tomorrow, and the young master said that he will take you with him. Do you need to prepare anything?"

"No, I don't want to go, you go back to Li Xiaohan."

How can Ning Qingqing be in the mood to think about these things now, her mind is full of the affairs of the Ning family now, her father died and her brother was imprisoned, the current Ning family is torn apart, and there is no way to go back to the way it used to be.

Now Li Xiaohan still wants to take himself to the auction, how can Ning Qingqing be in such a mood.

"Madam, you'd better get ready, this auction is very important." Xiaoping seemed to have something to hide, she paused, and spoke after a while.

Ning Qingqing knew that if she rejected Xiaoping now, she would probably stand at the door talking endlessly, and more likely to call Li Xiaohan over directly, so she simply dealt with Xiaoping first
"I see, you go back first, I'll take a rest first, and you can deal with the rest."

Sure enough, after Ning Qingqing finished speaking, Xiaoping left. Otherwise, with Xiaoping's stubborn temper, she would definitely keep talking until Ning Qingqing agreed.

"Madam, rest well, I'll go back first, and I'll come back later to try on your dress." After speaking, Xiaoping left, and when she was leaving, Ning Qingqing heard the sound of wheels rumbling outside.

It seems that Xiaoping pushed a lot of things when she came.

After Xiaoping left, Ning Qingqing leaned back on the bed, closed her eyes, and let her mind go. Now she didn't know what to do, anyway, she just took one step at a time.

Ning Qingqing feels that she is really a little decadent now, but what can she do, she can't sit still and the only thing she can do is to wait here for the result of Li Xiaohan.

Can Li Xiaohan believe that Ning Qingqing doesn't know, what Ning Qingqing knows is that she has only one choice now, even if she doesn't want to, she can only do so.

So she chooses to stay, chooses to wait, maybe she will succeed.

In the evening Xiaoping knocked on the door again, but Ning Qingqing pushed it back. In the end, Ning Qingqing gave Xiaoping everything she needed for the next day.

Now Ning Qingqing just wants to be quiet for a while.

Early the next morning, Ning Qingqing heard Xiaoping's voice, "Madam? Madam, are you up yet?"

"What's wrong."

Xiaoping's voice sounded a little excited, "Madam, you forgot, today is the day to go to the auction, get up and have something to eat, the young master will take you away later."


Ning Qingqing didn't want to go at first, but this Xiaoping was too persistent, Ning Qingqing really had no choice but to follow Xiaoping.

But to be honest, Ning Qingqing was reluctant.

"Ma'am, why do you look so unhappy, today is a good day, you should smile more."

At this moment, Ning Qingqing had already changed her clothes, and the door was opened.

"Let's go."

Ning Qingqing's voice was faint, she didn't look happy at all, she just looked at Xiaoping silently.

Xiaoping naturally also could see that Ning Qingqing was unhappy, she didn't understand why the lady still couldn't be happy when her young master liked her so much.

But Xiaoping believed that Madam would understand the young master's intention one day.

"Well, ma'am, let's go eat first."

Ning Qingqing nodded and followed Xiaoping. Now that she has thought about it, since she is already at Li's house, don't be so entangled, just wait here, and when the remaining two months pass, she can left.

At that time, no matter what Li Xiaohan said again, Ning Qingqing would not believe it, nor would she pay attention to it, only this time.

After thinking about it, Ning Qingqing's mood was not so heavy, but her hostility towards Li Xiaohan was still there.

The two of them arrived in the hall soon, and breakfast and tableware were already set on the dining table.

I don't know what's going on today, Zhou Xiaoyou and the old lady of the Li family are not there, only Li Xiaohan is sitting in the middle of the table, he has no expression when he sees Ning Qingqing coming, just sits quietly in his seat eating.

Ning Qingqing looked at Li Xiaohan, but didn't say a word, she went straight to find her own seat, and as soon as she sat down, someone placed a plate for Ning Qingqing.

Soon, Ning Qingqing's breakfast was also served. Today, she ate noodles, a bowl of noodles in clear soup with a round egg lying on top.

Ning Qingqing suddenly thought, isn't today her birthday? Could it be that the people from the Li family knew about it and prepared it for herself?
This thought flashed through Ning Qingqing's mind.

How is it possible, Li Xiaohan is using himself at all, how could he pay attention to this kind of thing, but since there are noodles, it is better than none, right?

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