If Ning Qingqing was here now, he would definitely be able to tell that this person was Lin Moshi who had just left. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Lin Moshi had already gone to the biggest casino in the capital to gamble.

"One, two, three, small!" When Lin Moshi was choosing the big one, the banker opened the black jar with lightning speed, and the three dice inside were lying quietly, and the number on them was exactly one or two. Three, it is obviously small.

At this moment, Lin Moshi's face turned pale, but now he has a black mask on his face. No one knows that this is the Lin Moshi that everyone in the capital is discussing now.

Naturally, no one wanted to see his face.

Half a year ago, Lin Moshi started to work in the gambling industry. At the beginning, he went to a city where gambling was not allowed, and a few friends took him to play together.

At that time, it was a small game, not very interesting, and it was just for fun.

But as time went by, Lin Moshi gambled more and more times, and finally became a frequent visitor to the casino. Because he was afraid that others would recognize him, he would wear a mask every time he gambled in the days to come.

So everyone will also call him the black-faced big head.

Of course, this is not a nice name, and the meaning is not very mean, it means that he was taken advantage of and lost every time he came, but Lin Moshi still came every time, he couldn't control his hands and heart.

Gambling has become a part of his life. At the beginning, he was able to win some money, but then he lost more and more, and sometimes he even had to ask his family members to redeem him with money.

Now that the Lin family's property has been almost lost by him, he went all out, trying to use Ning Qingqing to bring down Li Xiaohan, and then go to take the property of the Li family.

He has been busy with Ning Qingqing's affairs these past few days, and Lin Moshi hasn't come to the casino for several days.

Today, as soon as he entered the door, everyone immediately became excited. Not only did he have to play against the dealer directly, but he was also given unlimited exchange chips.

In fact, it was also to let him borrow more money.

In the beginning, Lin Moshi always won. It can be said that today is the first time Lin Moshi has won so much money after playing for so long.

Everyone said that this black-faced big man is going to stand up today, and he wants to win back all the previous money.

Even Lin Moshi felt that he was very lucky today, and wanted to win back all the money he lost in the past in one go.

So he placed more and more bets, bigger and bigger. Although he would lose a few times occasionally, he still won more often, and the money in front of him hadn't decreased at all.

In the end, he put all his chips up in one go, and without a doubt, he lost.

So he immediately borrowed tens of millions of chips, continued to bet, continued to gamble, and now Lin Moshi did not know how much money he had borrowed.

Lin Moshi's face was a little gray-haired. He had lost and won a few times before, but until now he only lost but not won. Even a fool would know that the banker was playing tricks.

What's more, Lin Moshi is a shrewd person, but the more this is the case, the more Lin Moshi can't stop, he wants to win, he wants to win back all the money he used to have.

People who go to gamble basically have this idea. They always think that they will win next time, but this next time, the next time, until they go bankrupt, how many people really win back?

"Sir, you have no money, do you want to continue playing?" At this time, the dealer also felt that it was almost the same, Lin Moshi had lost tens of millions here just tonight.

Eating meat and drinking blood has to be done step by step, otherwise it will be of no value if he is drained all at once.

"Continue! Give me another 100 million chips!" Lin Moshi's eyes are red now, he always feels that he will win next time, he always feels that he will not lose everything like this.

Actually, besides Lin Moshi's business plan, the reason why Li's ship was about to go bankrupt was another reason, that is, Lin Moshi drew a lot of money from it.

And most of the money was spent tonight. This money should have been given to the Lin family.

But now, all the things are gone, the Lishi ship has been bought, and the things are gone, and even the money they got in the end has been lost to the gambling house.

The more this happened, the more Lin Moshi wanted to play, he wanted to win.

But at this time, the banker was ready to stop. How could Lin Moshi continue to borrow money?

The banker who was sitting on the gaming table playing dice raised his head and carefully looked at someone on the other side of the gaming table. It seemed that he was asking if he wanted to continue lending money to Lin Moshi.

The person standing on the other side of the gaming table shook his head secretly, and the dealer understood what he meant.

"Sir, you have already borrowed tens of millions from our casino. I think you should go back and make up the money first, and then continue."

The dealer was polite. After all, no one is showing shame now. Lin Moshi should still have money in hand, and the dealer is still waiting for Lin Moshi to come back.

"No! If you continue to borrow, I will definitely win!" Lin Moshi gritted his teeth, he couldn't believe it. After playing so many games, he would always win one game.

As long as you win a game, you will go by yourself.

"Sir, it's not that we won't lend you. You see, you owe too much money. Why don't you go back and get the money first, and we'll wait for you here?" The dealer asked tentatively. Going back to get the money means that Lin Moshi hasn't lost everything yet.

Then he, Lin Moshi, was still a customer of the casino.

"You are lending me once, as long as you lend me, I will definitely win!"

At this time, the face of the dealer had changed. This Lin Moshi, he would not eat or drink fine wine when he was toasted, and he would not go back even if he was asked to go back.

"Sir, you are also an old man in the casino, we are the only ones who treat you like a guest, but if you have no money, don't come to gamble, if you want to gamble, go back and get the money, and return the money from our casino as soon as possible, otherwise, next time you But you can’t go out in such a complete way.”

Now, the dealer's words are very obvious, if Lin Moshi can't get the money out, the gambling house will be rude.

On the other side, Ning Qingqing was alone at Lin's house, looking out the window, the moon in the sky was extraordinarily bright, and the branches were tilted upwards, reflecting the shadows of the branches.

Because it was Lin Moshi's home and lived in a second-floor villa, so even if Ning Qingqing stayed in the room, she could hear the voices of the little animals on the tree.

Ning Qingqing pushed open the window cautiously, and a gust of breeze blew past her face, making her head feel much refreshed.

Now that it's autumn and the weather is fine, Ning Qingqing suddenly wants to go out for a walk.

Now that she thought about it, Ning Qingqing didn't hesitate, and went out directly. Along the way, there was no one in the entire Lin family, which shows how fallen the Lin family is now.

Ning Qingqing also came to Ning's house before. At that time, there were many people watching the Ning's house even at night.

Now, there is nothing left.

Fortunately, Ning Qingqing knew the way, and she could find the direction without asking others. She turned around a few times and suddenly developed the Lin family, which was very close to the architectural exhibition she went to last time.

It's night now, but Ning Qingqing also wants to go and have a look, maybe they can catch up with the building exhibition when it closes late, anyway, there is nothing to do now, and Lin Moshi will not suddenly come to him at this time.

After making the decision, Ning Qingqing left the Lin family directly.

She rode her bicycle and walked all the way towards the architectural exhibition. She remembered where Lu Zhengming first met her.

I heard from Lu Zhengming that in the end, he waited until the architectural exhibition was over, but he couldn't find himself. When he thought of Ning Qingqing, he wanted to laugh. At that time, it seemed that he left soon.

No wonder Lu Zhengming could find it.

The cool night wind hit Ning Qingqing's face, and the broken hair at the temples also flew up with the breeze.

There is no sweltering heat in summer, nor the coldness in winter, and the refreshing and comfortable feeling can only be felt at this time.

This kind of weather made Ning Qingqing's gloomy heart much brighter.

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth, and her feet were much faster, and Ning Qingqing arrived in front of the architecture exhibition in a short while.

It was already late at night, and the building was closed long ago. Ning Qingqing was just lying to herself. She just wanted to come out and find a suitable reason for herself.

Even if the art gallery is closed, Ning Qingqing is not in a hurry. She sits on the steps, raises her head, and looks at the sky.

The moon at this moment is quietly hiding behind the dark clouds, only revealing a small sharp corner.After watching for a long time, Ning Qingqing felt a little tired. She looked around, and there was no one in the middle of the night. Even the security guard at the door dozed off and didn't notice Ning Qingqing at all.

Ning Qingqing simply lay down on the ground, put her hands behind her head, looked at the sky, and her heart became much calmer.

At this moment, the sound of a piece of wood being broken pierced Ning Qingqing's ears, Ning Qingqing suddenly straightened her body, and asked vigilantly, "Who is it?"

"Qingqing..." A person came out from the shadow in the darkness, most of the shadow covered the person's face, making his expression unclear, but Ning Qingqing still recognized it immediately from the voice. People are calendar owls.

"Why are you here?" Now in Ning Qingqing's impression of Li Xiaohan, he is simply a heinous villain, so Ning Qingqing became more vigilant when he heard that it was Li Xiaohan.

It is because of him that the Ning family became like this. Although Lin Moshi later maliciously bankrupted the Li family's Li family ship, the Ning family will never come back. The culprit of all this is Li Xiaohan. .

It's like no matter how punished the murderer is, the dead will not come back.

In Ning Qingqing's eyes, Li Xiaohan was the one who killed the Ning family and his father.

Seeing that Ning Qingqing was so wary of him, Li Xiaohan felt uncomfortable. Since when, he and Ning Qingqing stood on the opposite side, without a single leeway, and did not give himself a chance to explain.

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