Yes, it's anger, these two big living people are too much, even if they are still standing here and don't let anyone else, this makes Ning Qingqing feel that she is superfluous, as if she is the one who should go.

"Let's go together." Lin Moshi said when he saw that Ning Qingqing was really angry.

Li Xiaohan nodded, reluctantly agreeing, but the moment Li Xiaohan stepped out of the door, Lin Moshi went back.

"Qingqing, I'll come see you tomorrow." Lin Moshi was standing very close to Ning Qingqing. From Li Xiaohan's point of view, the two of them were basically stuck together, very ambiguous.

Li Xiaohan pulled Lin Moshi out, and threw it on the corridor like an eagle throwing a chicken, "Stay away from her."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ning Qingqing, his eyes actually contained a trace of warning. In fact, Li Xiaohan meant to tell Ning Qingqing not to get so close to Lin Moshi in the future, but in Ning Qingqing's eyes, all Things have changed taste.

In the end, Li Xiaohan still didn't move, he closed the door gently, and then pulled Lin Moshi away.

In the room, Ning Qingqing stared blankly at the closed door, not knowing what to say. Just now, when Li Xiaohan turned his head, Ning Qingqing thought that Li Xiaohan would also be like Lin Moshi. farewell.

It's just that he didn't expect that he left without saying anything. At that moment, Ning Qingqing was looking forward to it.

Thinking of this, Ning Qingqing slapped herself severely, what's wrong with her, how can she expect Li Xiaohan, he is a big devil, a person who destroyed his family.

My father and elder brother were all because of him, just to retaliate for a little thing in the past, and ruined my family, and now I have started to treat the Lin family. For such a person, what else do I have to look forward to!
Tears fell uncontrollably, and Ning Qingqing was so entangled that she was going crazy.

But Li Xiaohan couldn't see this scene anymore. Now when he was staring at Lin Mo fiercely, the air-conditioning on his body could freeze people to death.

"Look what I'm doing." Lin Moshi was sure that Li Xiaohan liked Ning Qingqing, so he dared to be so unscrupulous, because he knew that at this time, Li Xiaohan would definitely care about Ning Qingqing's feelings, and would not put her This so-called "savior" of myself was typed out.

"Get out." In contrast, Li Xiaohan is now more angry than ever, and the only person who can control his emotions like this is Ning Qingqing.

He didn't know what would happen next if Lin Moshi didn't leave.

Fortunately, Lin Moshi is also a person who can read his face. Seeing that Li Xiaohan is really angry, if he doesn't leave, he will ask for trouble, and Ning Qingqing will not come out for a while.

But in a split second, Lin Moshi ran away.

Only Li Xiaohan was left standing alone and sulking.

He was also wronged, obviously it was Li Xiaohan who brought people to look for Ning Qingqing for a whole day, but in the end it was Lin Moshi who brought Ning Qingqing back.

It doesn't matter anymore, the most important thing is that Lin Moshi is too dangerous. So far, most of the dangers that happened to Ning Qingqing, as well as the affairs of the Ning family, were done by Lin Moshi.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaohan had long forgotten his anger just now, and instead began to worry about Ning Qingqing's safety.

He hurried back to his room and called Han Lin.

"Young Master Li, this meeting will end in 10 minutes. Why are you in such a hurry to go back!" Han Lin's anxious voice was on the other end of the phone. Li's Group had a very important meeting today.

Li Xiaohan has already arrived at the scene, and the meeting has already been halfway through. When the final decision was made, Li Xiaohan insisted on going back to the hotel now, which made everyone wait in place.

Fortunately, Li Xiaohan was strong enough before that no one dared to say anything, plus Li Xiaohan now holds the shares of the entire Li's Group, and everyone else is a part-time worker.

But even so, Li Shao was too capricious this time.

Those who can participate in this meeting, who is not a big cow in the industry, let them all be left here now, how can people be willing to come to Lishi in the future.

"Arrange more people and follow Madam." Li Yanhan didn't seem to hear Han Lin's words, he just said this, and then hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound on the other end of the phone, Han Lin finally understood that the relationship between Li Shao and Li Shao went back because of Madam. While preparing people, Han Lin secretly scolded himself for being a pig-headed person who could make Li Shao leave the meeting suddenly. I am afraid that there is only one lady in this world.

Even Mrs. Li probably doesn't have this face, why didn't she think of it just now.

When Han Lin arranged for a good person, he looked up and saw Li Xiaohan himself appearing at the door. Han Lin was taken aback. Although the hotel was not far from the company, it had to open for more than ten minutes before he let it go. How long has it been on the phone, and Li Shao is back.

Did you run a red light on the road?

And Li Xiaohan didn't know what Han Lin was thinking now, he walked into the office without squinting.

The office is a bit lively at the moment. Although the people sitting here are not shareholders, they are all directors and executives of various departments. It can be said that every person here is chased by various companies when they go out.

But here, they don't even have shares in the company.

But even so, the moment Li Xiaohan came in, everyone shut up, and some even swallowed back half of what they had just said.

So what if Li Xiaohan leaves midway, so what if Li Xiaohan sees no one in his eyes, what can Li Group do if he doesn't give shares, these are all based on Li Xiaohan's own ability.

Whether to leave or stay is their own choice. Li Xiaohan has never forced anyone.

They and the company are interdependent. The money given by the company is no less than that of any other company. The world given by the company is not comparable to other companies, so they are willing to stay.

And even if there is no company share, Li Xiaohan has formulated other policies, no matter which one, so that these people have no worries, and the company has taken their families and future lives into consideration.

This is also one of the important reasons why everyone is willing to follow Li Xiaohan.

"Continue with the meeting."

Li Xiaohan looked around, although it was a bit noisy before he came in, but now everyone has sorted out the things at hand, and is serious about preparing for the meeting, no one is missing, and no one stands up to say anything.

The thing that Li Xiaohan left in the middle of the journey just now seemed to have never happened at all.

Li Xiaohan nodded in satisfaction, and the meeting continued.

Time passed quickly, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye. The weather outside the hotel was very good. The sun shone through the window and hit Ning Qingqing's face, which was very warm.

The chirping birds could still be heard outside the window, which was pleasant to the ear. Ning Qingqing got up, stood in front of the window, opened the window, and breathed in the fresh air, feeling as if the depression of the previous few days had been taken away by such good weather.


Vaguely, Ning Qingqing seemed to hear someone calling herself, who is it at this time.

Ning Qingqing looked up strangely, but there was no one on the road.

Just when Ning Qingqing thought she heard it wrong, the voice just now sounded again, "Qingqing, I'm here!"

At this time, Ning Qingqing realized that it was Lin Moshi who was standing downstairs in the hotel. Because the distance was too close, Ning Qingqing just ignored this blind spot and did not see Lin Moshi.

"Qingqing, come down and I'll take you out to play."

When Lin Mo saw Ning Qingqing saw him, he hurriedly continued to shout.

When Ning Qingqing looked at Lin Mo, she looked at the weather outside. She hadn't gone out for two days. At this time, Ning Qingqing really wanted to go out. If she continued to stay in this room and did not go out, Ning Qingqing would not go out. I feel like I'm about to grow hair.

But if you want to go out, you want to go out, Ning Qingqing doesn't want to be with Lin Moshi.

But Lin Moshi didn't mean to ask Ning Qingqing's opinion at all.

"Qingqing, I'll wait for you in the hotel lobby." After finishing speaking, Lin Moshi turned around and entered the hotel. Ning Qingqing saw that Lin Moshi had already entered, and called Lin Moshi a few words.

But no one responded to her no matter what, it seemed that she should have heard it, and what Lin Moshi said was waiting in the hotel lobby, but she didn't come up, and Ning Qingqing couldn't say that she didn't want to go out when Lin Moshi went down.

I had no choice but to change clothes slowly, tidy up briefly, and went downstairs.

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Lin Moshi sitting in the hotel lobby. Because Li Xiaohan had already booked the hotel, there were no other guests in the hotel except the waiters. With just one glance, Ning Qingqing saw Lin Moshi.

Naturally, Lin Moshi saw Ning Qingqing coming at the first time. He looked a little anxious. Seeing Ning Qingqing coming down, he hurried over and took Ning Qingqing's hand.

"Let's go, Qingqing, there's something interesting today, I'll take you to see it." Ning Qingqing was held by Lin Moshi's hand, and walked a little fast, caught off guard, and almost fell.

At this moment, a pair of strong hands helped Ning Qingqing up, and when Ning Qingqing raised her head, she realized that it was Li Xiaohan.

At this moment, Li Xiaohan looked very angry, but the movements of his hands were still gentle. He carefully helped Ning Qingqing up, and even knocked down Lin Moshi's hand that was holding Ning Qingqing.

As for Lin Moshi, he seemed to have known that Li Xiaohan would come, so there was no surprise at all.

"Why, you don't take Qingqing out by yourself, and you don't let me take Qingqing out for a walk. Look at what Qingqing looks like when you locked her in the hotel these days. She has lost a lot of weight. When Qingqing and I were together, how could Qingqing suffer like this."

Every word Lin Moshi said sounded as if he was concerned about Ning Qingqing, but in Li Xiaohan's ears, these words were all provocations.

When he stared at Lin Mo, his fists clenched unconsciously.

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