At that time, on the first day of the opening of Jiuzhou Park, almost half of the people in the capital went there, and everyone wanted to meet the designer of the park.

It's just that the Ning family, who was in charge of the park at the time, protected the designer too well. No one knew his name. After a long time, no one was looking for a thing.

Unexpectedly, after three years, the designer turned out to be Ning Qingqing!
"You are lying!" Now, Zhou Xiaoyou was completely slapped in the face. He wanted to teach Ning Qingqing a good lesson, but he didn't expect Ning Qingqing to be the designer of Jiuzhou back then.

"I'm not lying, the information is very clear, I don't bother arguing with you." After speaking, Ning Qingqing stepped off the stage.

Now the whole banquet exploded. Who said that Miss Ning's family is just a vase, who said that Miss Ning's family is down and out now, looking at her now, she looks so high-spirited.

The moment Ning Qingqing walked out, Chief Zhao also quietly withdrew from the crowd, and followed Ning Qingqing to a relatively secluded place.

"I don't know if Chief Zhao is looking for me, what's the matter?"

Director Zhao, who was discovered, smiled awkwardly, "I'm here to find my wife, of course I have something to ask, otherwise I wouldn't dare to bother you."

Director Zhao, Ning Qingqing, met him once at the last auction, and he seemed like an upright person. If he came to him, what could he do?

"Director Zhao, you are too joking. The Ning family is already lonely, and I am just a bullied person in the Li family. What can Director Zhao ask me for?" Ning Qingqing really couldn't think of it.

At present, Ning Qingqing has nothing, and she is really caught off guard when Director Zhao comes.

"Miss Qingqing, I think you are just joking. Just now in the hall, your imposing manner is not at all like the lady of the lonely family, but like a queen looking down on the world. Moreover, it is up to you to help me with this matter. Help me." Director Zhao's face was very serious, and there was no sign of a joke, so Ning Qingqing believed that Director Zhao really had something to do with him.

"Then tell me, what's the matter, you need my help."

"It's like this. I want to ask Madam to help me find my younger brother." Director Zhao was silent for a while, and then said that this matter has always been his heart disease. For decades, he has been brooding about this younger brother .

"Your brother? Director Zhao, you are looking for the wrong person, how can I help you?" It's not that Ning Qingqing doesn't want to help this Director Zhao, but now, Ning Qingqing herself is in danger, let alone helping him find him. people.

And even Director Zhao couldn't find someone, let alone her Ning Qingqing, this is just a joke.

"That's right, only Madam can help me with this matter." It turned out that Director Zhao had a twin brother decades ago. At that time, Director Zhao's family was very poor and there was no way to support the two children.

Director Zhao's parents sold one so that they would have money to support the other, and the sold child might have a better life in the future.

"At that time, my mother wanted to sell me to support Liming, but when someone came to take him away, I didn't want to leave, so I changed with my brother, and he agreed. Later, I Now that I have the ability, I have been looking for him, but he seems to have disappeared from the world, and I can't find him anymore. Now, my mother is seriously ill and may die. I would like to ask you to help me." Zhao The director said a lot at once, just to get Ning Qingqing to agree to help him find his younger brother Zhao Liming.

However, although Ning Qingqing sympathized with Director Zhao's experience, there is nothing Ning Qingqing can do now.

"It's not that I won't help you, it's that I really can't help you. Director Zhao, you know that our Ning family is in ruins now, and I'm about to lose myself. How can I help you?"

"You can, as long as you ask Li Shao to help me, Li Shao will definitely agree." After these few cases, Director Zhao is very sure that Li Xiaohan's intelligence network can be said to be very large.

Many things can be investigated more clearly than the police station. As long as it is something he wants to know, he will definitely find out.

"Then you go and tell Li Xiaohan, it's useless to tell me." Ning Qingqing finally understood that Director Zhao just wanted to leave his relationship, but how did he know that Li Xiaohan would listen to him.

"Ma'am, I don't have much contact with Li Shao. If I ask him, I will probably be rejected, but on your side, your father and I used to have a good relationship. After your father and brother come back, You will still need my help, so naturally it is more appropriate to come to you." As expected of an old fox.

This Director Zhao just calculated what Ning Qingqing needs. What this means is that as long as Ning Qingqing agrees, the Ning family will get help from him in the future. If he does not agree, he will not necessarily What will happen.

Ning Qingqing looked at Director Zhao's scheming appearance, and felt a little uncomfortable. Although Director Zhao was an upright person, he was also corrupted by those faces in the officialdom.

But what he said is correct, finding himself is indeed a little more likely to succeed than going directly to Li Xiaohan.
"Okay, if I have a chance, I'll go and talk to Li Xiaohan, but let me explain first, I can't guarantee that he will agree." Each person has his own purpose, and Ning Qingqing doesn't force it.

Even if it is to help Director Zhao once, it will leave a way out for the Ning family and the Li family. After all, this Zhao Litian is still the director of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

After finishing speaking, Ning Qingqing turned and went back to the banquet hall. At this moment, the banquet hall had already played music, and there were several couples dancing in the middle of the venue, and Ning Qingqing, who just came back from the door, bumped into Li Xiaohan's body.

"What were you doing just now?" Li Xiaohan grabbed Ning Qingqing's hand and asked with raised eyebrows.

"Director Zhao is looking for me, and he wants to ask you to help him find someone through me." Ning Qingqing really didn't intend to hide it from Li Xiaohan at all. It was Director Zhao who was looking for Li Xiaohan in the first place, but now he was caught in the middle A Ning Qingqing, which made her a little unhappy.

"Who are you looking for?" Li Xiaohan could see that his little wife was unhappy, and guessed why, he suddenly became interested in teasing Ning Qingqing.

"His lost brother, anyway, I told you, you can figure out what to do." After finishing speaking, Ning Qingqing turned around and left. This kind of thing is not something she can interfere with. She doesn't want to know what Li Xiaohan will do. .

Seeing that Ning Qingqing wanted to leave, Li Xiaohan grabbed Ning Qingqing's hand, "Won't you dance with me?"

Although it was a question sentence, there was a look of rejection in Li Xiaohan's words.

Before Ning Qingqing could refute, Li Xiaohan had already dragged Ning Qingqing to the center of the dance floor. In an instant, all eyes were on Ning Qingqing and Li Xiaohan.

I saw the two of them slowly turning their bodies to the beat of the music, and the hem of Ning Qingqing's long dress fluttered like a beautiful butterfly, making it dizzying for the eyes.

Li Xiaohan was wearing a black tuxedo, and his every move was full of gentlemanly demeanor. The two of them seemed to be completely intoxicated in the dance, and could not hear any sounds from the outside world.

Li Xiaohan, who has always been cold-faced on weekdays, is not so scary in Ning Qingqing's eyes at this moment.

On the sharp-edged face, eyes like black gemstones are inlaid, looking so perfect from every angle.

For a while, Ning Qingqing was a little obsessed with watching it. After a while, Ning Qingqing realized that she had been staring at Li Xiaohan.

She turned her head shyly, blushing.

At this moment, a piece of music had just finished playing, and Ning Qingqing broke free from Kai Li Hanhan's hand and left the center of the dance floor.

As Ning Qingqing walked, she covered her face with her hands. No one knew that her cheeks were already blushing.

For some reason, she actually felt that Li Xiaohan was inexplicably handsome.

Soon, the banquet was coming to an end, and the people who came to congratulate Mrs. Li on her birthday also dispersed. Ning Qingqing also followed Li Xiaohan and others back to Li's house. Along the way, the lights were brightly lit. Ning Qingqing looked at the The scenery, the dizzy head from drinking a little wine is also much better.

After entering the Li's villa, Mrs. Li and Zhou Xiaoyou both returned to their rooms, and Li Xiaohan also sent Ning Qingqing to the door of Ning Qingqing's own room.

"Thank you for your hard work today." Still with such a cold voice and a calm look, Ning Qingqing felt a little displeased with such a cold experience.

"Nothing, it should be done."

"You should rest early, you must be exhausted today." Li Xiaohan has always cared about Ning Qingqing, but he never showed it in front of others, and now he is also starting to show himself to Ning Qingqing, let Ning Qingqing know that he has always cared about Ning Qingqing. Xiao Han's love for Ning Qingqing.

"En." Ning Qingqing responded softly to Li Xiaohan, then turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, Li Xiaohan grabbed Ning Qingqing's arm, and with one force, Ning Qingqing who was about to go back Pulled back.

Just when Ning Qingqing thought that Li Xiaohan was angry, a soft kiss fell on Ning Qingqing's forehead.

"Good night."

For a long time, Ning Qingqing stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say. After a while, Li Xiaohan's magnetic voice sounded again.

"Can I stay tonight?"

This question made Ning Qingqing blush in an instant. Although she and Lin Moshi had been together for many years, they were only limited to holding hands. So far, Ning Qingqing is still a complete body.

Being asked like this suddenly, Ning Qingqing naturally knew what would happen, but she didn't refuse.

Naturally, he didn't agree, he just turned around and went back to his room.

When I left, I didn't close the door.

Li Xiaohan stared closely at the crack of the door that Ning Qingqing left behind, and heard the sound of running water inside, presumably, Ning Qingqing was taking a bath.

For the first time, he smiled.

Different from the usual superficial smile, this time, it was Li Xiaohan's heartfelt smile, really happy, a shy child about to get the kind of happiness he wanted.

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