"Yuyou is really hard for you to think like this. Now you have begun to realize the difficulty of being a mother. I think you can understand now, Mom, why did I tell you at that time. Say that. Of course, if you say that, now I still feel very sad when I think about it. I was not so stubborn at the time, so I thought about your feelings more. I also didn’t let you come here alone and suffer so much. Of course, it may be Wan who suffered more Son, now that I think about my mother, I really have a lot of things, and I feel a little sorry for you, I hope you can understand me, and I hope you can justify..."

Tu Yun was never able to continue because of her always arrogant character.He was never allowed to apologize to anyone, let alone beg for forgiveness from anyone.But seeing Yoyo and Wan'er now, she really felt sad in her heart.

"Mom, how can you say such a thing! How can I hate you, you were doing it for my own good at the beginning. It's only because I was too young and ignorant at that time. Of course, I also have reasons for coming to Shanghai. I have to settle down Wan'er. Mom, I've already said that this is all my choice, no one can blame anyone. I brought Wan'er to see you, and I didn't want to ask for anything. I just want to respond to your concern for me. I don't want to Let you worry about me again. Mom...!"

After Yoyo finished speaking, her whole body became sobbing.Yoyo cried bitterly because she felt very excited.She had never seen her mother like this, she had never heard her mother say such a thing, and she had never even thought about it before.So today's mother's change is an unexpected surprise to her.It can be said that Yoyo was crying with joy and couldn't help herself.

"Yuyou, don't cry, okay? If you continue to cry like this, how can you make me feel as a mother? It's because I didn't take good care of you that I made you suffer so much. It's because I didn't take good care of you that you You and Wan'er have suffered so much. But all of this will pass. Because I am here, I don't care if you accept it or not. I don't care if you accept it or not. I will help you and Wan'er I did this for Wan'er, if you are speaking from the perspective of her mother, Yoyo, you shouldn't refuse my help to you."

Tu Yun said emotionally, and then hugged Yoyo tightly with both hands.Yoyo nodded silently, this time there were no more tears, only the mother and daughter smiled knowingly.

Afterwards, Tu Yun tried his best to keep Wan'er and Yoyo to have a meal together, but Yoyo declined.Yoyo's excuse was that Wan'er was too tired for a while.In fact, what Youyou is really worried about is that if she spends too long with her mother, she may show her flaws and be caught by her mother.Then this perfect lie of oneself will fall short.So in order to ensure that the lie between herself and Wan'er will not be seen through by her mother, Yoyo can think of 36 tricks as the best plan!
Seeing Yoyo stubbornly wanting to leave, Tu Yun is not good, too reluctant.He could only quietly stuff a gold card into Yoyo's pocket.Call a car to send Yoyo and Wan'er away...

"President Tu...do you really believe that what Yoyo said is true?"

In Tu Yun's room, there was a man standing in a corner, speaking in a low voice.He knew Tu Yun's temper, because he hated people interfering in her housework the most.Tu Yun is a person with high self-esteem, such a person does not need anyone to give her advice.Maybe this person was the one who asked this question.He already regretted it very much, so his voice went downhill like a roller coaster.In the end, it was almost as small as a mosquito moaning, and I couldn't hear it anymore.

"Why can you even see it? Could it be that my acting skills have fallen to such an extent? It looks like I'm still really old. But it doesn't matter if you see it, as long as Yoyo doesn't see it. .Yeah, how can I not see that Yoyo is acting for me? You must know that I am her mother. It doesn't matter if it's three years or longer.

After all, she is still my daughter, and I am the person who understands her best in this world.So no matter what, it is impossible for her to lie to me.Wan'er can't be her daughter. Her every move these years has been under my close surveillance.It can be said that he didn't even have time to fall in love. In the past three years, she didn't even have a opposite sex by her side. How could she have such a big daughter.So he must be lying to me.And I saw this early on.Of course, even if he hadn't stepped into my door, I would have known about it. "

Tu Yun didn't feel angry or annoyed because the other party raised such a question.She just smiled lightly, and then answered the other party's question.This is completely different from Tu Yun at all times before.Involuntarily, the person standing in the shadow couldn't help being surprised, and opened his mouth wide.

"Am I surprised? Today I am not like me before. I didn't expose her. I even cooperated with her to finish the scene. In fact, there is no reason, just because I am hers." Mother, that's all. As a mother, you should be like this. You forgive yourself unconsciously, and your children have made some mistakes, and you will understand their difficulties. Everyone has their own difficulties in everything they do, Yoyo Nature is no exception.

A woman will not easily treat other people's children as her own.This, as a mother, I know best.So there must have been a lot of pressure on Yoyo, and there must be a man's difficulties.So as a mother, I should be considerate, not exposed.Now, rather than exposing Yoyo's lies, I want to know the reason, why I did this.What was her original intention, and what kind of coercion did he suffer to recognize such a big girl as his daughter!What exactly is this for!She actually didn't say anything in front of me.I really wronged her... Well, now you know what you are going to do, right? "

Tu Yun spoke slowly, and then turned his gaze to the person in the shadow.

"I understand, this subordinate will investigate now!"

The person in the shadow received the order and walked out quickly.He clearly knew what Tu Yun's words meant...

My daughter has really grown up and has begun to look more and more like me.They all began to dare to act in front of themselves.After three years of experience in Shanghai, it seems that she has made some progress.If it was placed three years ago, she might have quarreled with herself again with her temper.Now he would actually think of solving the problem with such a complete method.It seems that she has indeed grown a lot in the past three years since she left.But such growth does not appear to be enough.I still need to give her more opportunities to practice.It's better to teach her better.It's just that what I can't think of is what kind of coercion he was subjected to.Treat such a little girl as your own daughter?Just a little girl like me.It's really my granddaughter, and it's not a good thing because she is really like a little angel, so cute!
As Tu Yun thought in his heart, the corners of his mouth slowly revealed an unexpected smile...

Besides, Yoyo, with Wan'er, can be said to rush home non-stop.She didn't want to waste any more time on the road.Because she knew that her mother had probably sent someone to watch her behind.One wrong move and any negligence on his part could destroy the deceit he had set before.Completely exposed....She knows how powerful her mother is, and she also knows what will happen if she cheats her mother.

"Yuyou, I probably shouldn't ask this question. But I want to know why you are so panicked? Isn't it a happy thing to see your mother?"

Looking at Yoyo's solemn expression, Wan'er finally couldn't help asking.Although he also knows that he is a 6-year-old child.It is impossible to solve Yoyo's problem, but she still can't help but care about Yoyo.

"How should I tell you? You won't understand. Maybe the relationship between me and my mother has always been a love-and-kill relationship. He has always wanted to train me into the kind of person he wants. Of course I No, I don’t want to become that kind of person either. That’s why I chose to escape and come to this magic city. It’s okay, I believe what we have done is perfect. As long as we act out the scene well Be more complete, be more perfect. She will definitely not see any flaws. In the end, the victory will definitely belong to us. Well, you have been tired all day, I'd better go back and rest early."

Youyou smiled and explained to Wan'er. In fact, he also knew what he said, and Wan'er might not really understand it.But she still has to try her best to explain to Wan'er.Because now, as one of the most important supporting roles in his big drama.It was Wan'er, he just felt that when he saw his mother, she had become a little flustered and a little overwhelmed.But at this time, it was just Wan'er's angelic smile that successfully attracted her mother's attention.Let your flaws be covered up.In the end, such a result can be obtained, which can be regarded as a smooth pass.

She couldn't imagine, her own mother.Seeing himself appearing in front of her with a six-year-old daughter, the kind of rage that almost melted her!If that is the case, then the end of the world can be said to have really come.It can be said that Wan'er is really thankful for such a result.Youyou began to think of the old saying, "A woman who loves to laugh will not be too unlucky." With a lucky little angel like Wan'er by her side, she can say that she finally passed the test smoothly!

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