Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 84 Are You Addicted?

"Xiaoxiao, this fish is raised in the fish pond outside. When it is caught, it is killed and cooked immediately. It is still cooked with firewood. It tastes very good."

"This chicken is a free-range chicken in the back. It usually digs up bugs to eat, so it is small in size, but the meat quality is very good."

"These vegetables are grown by us old guys in the vegetable garden. They are pollution-free vegetables, so you can eat them with confidence."

Ye Zhenghai would introduce every dish with great enthusiasm, and after the introduction, he would look at Lin Xiaoxiao with eyes seeking affirmation, ignoring his grandson the whole time.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very cooperative, listening carefully to each dish, and her expressions were in place.

It really wasn't her pretending, because as soon as the dish was served, a mouth-watering smell hit her nostrils, and she couldn't wait to put down her chopsticks immediately.But Mr. Ye introduced it vigorously, so she listened patiently.

"Grandpa, can you eat?" Ye Zhenghai sat beside Lin Xiaoxiao. The old man might not be able to hear him, but he could hear Lin Xiaoxiao swallowing.

She also swallowed carefully, as if she was afraid of being discovered. She looked so cute that he wanted to start feeding her. After all, he felt sorry for starving his fiancée.

Ye Zhenghai blew his beard and stared at his eyes, waved his hands like chasing flies, "Don't talk, I didn't tell you, it's nothing to do with you."

"Xiaoxiao has been busy all afternoon, and she is very hungry. I understand that you want to introduce each dish one by one, but you introduce one dish and let people eat one dish. If you say that, it won't taste good when the dish is cold."

When Ye Zhenghai heard this, he immediately became worried. He picked up the chopsticks and put them in his hands, indicating that it was time to eat, "Xiaoxiao, eat quickly. Grandpa is happy. Don't be hungry. What are you busy with this afternoon?" , Why did you come all the way here, I thought this kid lied to me."

"I just went to the nearby resort to help the guests arrange the proposal scene. I didn't know that Ye Fanyu was here. He said he would bring me over to accompany you for dinner, so I came to see the food here. If the food is not good, we will pick you up. Go home and I will cook for you myself."

Lin Xiaoxiao finally moved her chopsticks, she ate her first mouthful of fish after speaking.

The fish meat is delicious and juicy, without any muddy smell.It is cooked with firewood, so it has a woody fragrance and a special taste.

"Delicious!" Lin Xiaoxiao ate until her eyes lit up, and she continued to pick up another piece of fish.

Ye Zhenghai was happy to hear Lin Xiaoxiao's concern, and what made him even happier was Lin Xiaoxiao's affirmation of the dishes.

He urged, "Don't just eat fish, try chicken. This little mushroom was also dug from the back mountain. It rained this morning, and the people who went up the mountain dug a lot. I also asked them to stew the soup. Speaking of this soup Why haven't you brought it yet, go and rush it."

Under the table, Ye Zhenghai touched Ye Fanyu's leg with his cane.

Just as Ye Fanyu was about to refuse, he met Lin Xiaoxiao's expectant gaze. He had no resistance and stood up to see what was going on.

"What a brat, I can't move him with crutches, and you made him move with just one look." Ye Zhenghai saw everything in his eyes, and said with emotion.

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly picked up a piece of chicken, and used food to hide her embarrassment.

She shouldn't have stared at people just now, it's so embarrassing.

"Grandpa Ye, this chicken is so tender and delicious!"

The chicken is wrapped in a rich soup, which stimulates people's appetite just by looking at it, not to mention the meaty aroma when you eat it, it really makes people want to stop.

"Eat more if it tastes good, don't leave it for the stinky boy. It's your first time eating it, and he has eaten it for countless times, so let go of your appetite and eat as much as you can. If you don't have enough, let people eat it." Do it, anyway, a lot of ingredients."

"Enough is enough, this table is full of dishes, it's a waste if you can't finish them."

After Lin Xiaoxiao finished eating the chicken, she ate the green vegetables. Sure enough, even the green vegetables were delicious, and they were not comparable to the vegetables in the greenhouse.

"How's this dish? I haven't watered it these two days because I'm not feeling well, and I don't know if they are lazy, but it looks okay, and the taste should not be bad."

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that he was nervous after listening to Old Master Ye's words.

She told the truth, even put the green vegetables with several chopsticks in the bowl, and ate the vegetables with great face, "This dish is very fresh and delicious. Grandpa Ye, eat it quickly, or it will be gone later."

Ye Zhenghai couldn't be unhappy with such a supportive person.

When Ye Fanyu came back, he was caught and educated by Mr. Ye before he could see clearly the situation inside.

"Look at Xiaoxiao, she is so caring. We old guys can eat a big bowl of vegetables. Compared to you, who eats some green vegetables, it's like a grandson who wants to kill you. I suspect that your parents hugged you wrong. people."

"I don't know if I'm wrong or not, but I know you are my grandfather."

Ye Zhenghai said proudly, "Of course it's a kiss, otherwise who do you think would pamper you so much?"

"Ye Fanyu, you can cook and eat."

Seeing that he was still standing, Lin Xiaoxiao told him to sit back beside her.

Ye Fanyu walked up to her and sat down, and then said, "The soup is still almost done, you eat slowly, don't rush. Anyway, it's raining so hard, we don't rush to go back."

Of course, Lin Xiaoxiao had no objection, she had to eat the delicious food on this table slowly.

Ye Zhenghai was usually accompanied by the old people in the courtyard, and today his grandson and the others came to accompany him for dinner. He was much happier and ate half a bowl, and he also drank an extra bowl of soup.

After dinner, Lin Xiaoxiao chatted with her for a while, and then the nurse came to distribute the medicine.

Ye Zhenghai originally wanted to resist, but meeting supervisor Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, he resentfully took the medicine handed over by the nurse, and finished it with a bitter face.

"Nurse, how is the situation of the old man?"

Before the nurse left, Lin Xiaoxiao asked about Mr. Ye's condition.

The nurse replied with a smile, "Mr. Ye's condition has stabilized, and he can recover as long as he persists in taking medication. However, we still hope that Mr. Ye can cooperate with the doctor's treatment, which will be very helpful for the later care."

"Thank you."

After the nurse left, Ye Fanyu said to his grandfather, "Have you bargained with the doctor again?"

"Don't slander me." Ye Zhenghai refused to admit it.

"What did the nurse mean?"

He also received a call from the doctor at noon, but it's better not to mention it, otherwise the old man thought he was watching him.

"How do I know what she means!"

Lin Xiaoxiao found out that Old Man Ye was about to become angry, so she hurriedly dissuaded her from the sidelines, "The nurse is not interesting, and you are also in the spirit of Grandpa Ye, much better than yesterday. If he doesn't cooperate with the treatment, how can he be in such a state?"

"That's right, Xiaoxiao still understands me, you brat, who are you with?"

"It's best like this, we're going back, you go to bed early."

As soon as Ye Fanyu said that he wanted to leave, Ye Zhenghai quickly took Lin Xiaoxiao's hand and said in a low voice, "Xiaoxiao, you are going back? Didn't you mean that you will come to accompany me tomorrow, so stay here tonight. You see it’s raining so hard, it’s very dangerous to drive back, and the resort next door has nice rooms, you live there, so you don’t have to drive from the city tomorrow.”

Lin Xiaoxiao was really moved.

It is raining harder and harder outside, and driving in such weather is very dangerous.Although the road from the nursing home back to the city center is not difficult, no matter how easy the road is, it is inevitable that there will be no accidents.

She didn't dare to make a decision by herself, so she turned her eyes to Ye Fanyu.

Ye Fanyu raised his eyebrows, "You decide."

"But I didn't bring any clothes or anything. I don't know if there are any at the resort."

"Just let them wash and dry."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't expect this. Now that Ye Fanyu said it, she no longer hesitated, "Then let's stay for one night."

After the two decided to live in the resort, Lin Xiaoxiao did not forget the two employees who ate at the resort.After calling them, knowing that they were already on their way back, she had no choice but to tell them to be careful.

The resort is next door to the nursing home, and it was raining heavily. Lin Xiaoxiao just talked with Mr. Ye, while Ye Fanyu sat quietly beside him, occasionally interjecting a sentence or two.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Zhenghai felt sleepy, but he still managed to talk to Lin Xiaoxiao about her grandmother.

Although Lin Xiaoxiao still had a lot to say, but she looked at Mr. Ye's appearance and decided to end the conversation between them.

"Grandpa Ye, it's getting late, you should go to bed early. It just happened that the rain has stopped, so let's hurry over to the resort."

Ye Zhenghai still wanted to pull Lin Xiaoxiao, but Ye Fanyu withdrew his hand after a glance, "Then you go over there, come early tomorrow morning to accompany me, and I will show you some friends of mine."

"it is good."

The rain looks small, but densely packed.

Lin Xiaoxiao wore cloth shoes on her feet, she looked at the wet ground, very embarrassed.

"Come up."

Ye Fanyu walked up to Lin Xiaoxiao, squatted down, and he motioned for her to lie on his back.

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her finger and touched Ye Fanyu's back, "Are you addicted to it?"

I recited it once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then recited it for the third time in the evening.

It's not that she hasn't been recited by others. In her memory, her mother has recited her, her uncle and aunt have recited her, and then Ye Fanyu.Although grandma wanted to carry her on her back, but she was too old, and the family members refused, and she knew that she loved her grandma at a young age, and she always just hugged her.

She had almost forgotten the feeling of being carried on her back before today, but today she felt this full sense of security again, and she actually quite liked it in her heart.

She doesn't hate being carried, especially Ye Fanyu's back is really warm.

Ye Fanyu turned his head, "Come up quickly."


The raindrops hit the umbrella, and the two of them shared the same umbrella.Under the umbrella, one is wearing expensive high-end leather shoes and stepping on the splash, while the other is shaking cloth shoes to feel the warm care.

"Don't shake, be careful to get wet from the rain."

Ye Fanyu stopped Lin Xiaoxiao, but he ignored the leather shoes on his feet.

"We should have found a pair of slippers just now, so you don't have to carry me."

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of this method, but they were almost at the gate of the resort.

It's not that Ye Fanyu hadn't thought about it, but he didn't change the leather shoes that were already wet inside because he had the idea of ​​betraying others.

He never thought that it would be such a happy thing to carry the person he likes behind his back.

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