Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 53 Shouldn't I be angry?

Zhao Mingmei was very nervous, she told about the divorce three times, and when she told the fact that she was divorced for the third time, joy began to appear in her eyes.

She is announcing and sharing.

She wanted Ye Fanyu to know that she was single again, and she divorced for him.

The lights in the restaurant were dim, but Ye Fanyu could clearly see Zhao Mingmei's faint expectation.

He knew what she wanted to hear, but he couldn't and didn't want to.

It's meaningless to say anything now, he and she have been completely limited to a certain range.There was no way they could go beyond that line, and he had even retreated as far as it could go.


Perhaps all he could say were these two words.

Zhao Mingmei's eyes flashed white, and the joy in her eyes was covered and extinguished by his simple words, leaving only uneasiness and mottled anxiety.

"Fan Yu, you know that's not what I want to hear."

"You can think, but I won't say."

Zhao Mingmei was at a loss for such a straightforward refusal.

The waiter stepped forward and broke the floating silence between the two, "Guests, are you ready to serve now?"

Ye Fanyu looked at Zhao Mingmei, and let her decide.

Zhao Mingmei lowered her head to cover up the sadness in her eyes, then put on a smile before raising her head, "It's time to serve."

"Please wait a moment, both of you, this is the meal for you two."

The waiter served the dishes, and there was a faint scent of rosemary in the air.

Zhao Mingmei couldn't help but reached out and picked up the rosemary on the plate, put it under her nose and sniffed, and slowly relaxed the impetuousness in her heart.

She took a look at Ye Fanyu, he looked mature and stable while eating, Cao Yuanzhou was not even one-tenth of his, why did she choose Cao Yuanzhou at the beginning and abandon the best man around her?
During the period of filing for divorce, she repeatedly asked herself what she had gained from her marriage in the past few years.

She has nothing but money.Even a legitimate husband is just a man she shares with other women.

"Fan Yu, we haven't had dinner alone for a long time, thank you for not bringing other women over like last time, I'm very happy."

He knew who she was referring to.

"Xiaoxiao is my fiancee, she's been busy these two days."

Zhao Mingmei smiled wryly, "Do you need to remind me of her identity? I know who she is."

Ye Fanyu stopped the rhythm of eating, "I hope you can face up to this matter."

I don't know how that guy Li Hao arranged it, but the chef has arranged it, so she should have a good time eating.

Zhao Mingmei didn't like the tenderness that flashed across Ye Fanyu's face when he talked about other women. She impulsively said all her inner thoughts, "Fan Yu, can you break off the engagement with her? Although I just divorced, I I am ready to be your bride anytime."

"Sister, I always thought you were a smart woman, but sometimes you are really stupid. Do you think I will marry a divorced woman?"

Without showing any sympathy, Ye Fanyu lost the mood to eat.

He put down the knife and fork, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, "I shouldn't agree to have a meal with you, you seriously affected my dining mood. I invite you to pay for the friendship between us. Don't show up again in the future." In front of me, we are just ordinary alumni relationships."

Zhao Mingmei couldn't maintain the smile on her face, she looked at Ye Fanyu who attacked her mercilessly with words in disbelief.

Is this still the handsome ex-boyfriend she knew?

He said unfeeling words again and again, how much did he want to cut off the love between them?
No, he still likes her, but the woman who appeared suddenly snatched him away from her.As long as she holds on tight to him, they will start a new life together again.Zhao Mingmei is sure that Ye Fanyu is hers, and only she is worthy of him.

To her, Ye Fanyu is an indispensable partner in her new life. She left Cao Yuanzhou so resolutely just to be with him.

"Fan Yu, don't go, you promised to dine with me."

Zhao Mingmei realized that she might have used the wrong method. With such a strong man as Ye Fanyu, she should show weakness in front of him.No man can escape the palm of a weak woman, she has to take it step by step.

Ye Fanyu avoided Zhao Mingmei's extended hand, and he didn't feel any fluctuations in her heart when she showed weakness.

He had already said everything he needed to say, and felt that she was a little more stupid.

It's still Lin Xiaoxiao's cuteness and cuteness, although sometimes she is really stupid.

Ye Fanyu decided to find Lin Xiaoxiao.

Zhao Mingmei failed to stop Ye Fanyu, she watched him leave helplessly.After sitting blankly for a few minutes, she began to restrain all her emotions, and ate alone quietly.

Lin Xiaoxiao met the chef, who was a very talkative uncle, and she chatted happily with him.If it wasn't for a bunch of work waiting for her, they would have chatted for a longer period of time, probably talking all night would not be a problem.

"Next time I have a chance, I'll cook something delicious for you."

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded excitedly, "Thank you."

Li Hao led the chef out, and there were only three people left in the banquet hall.

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched her waist, "Let's keep fighting!"

An Zinan followed her and excitedly made a cheering gesture, "Let's fight!"

Zhai Junyi looked at the two like idiots, he felt that they were too full and their brains were congested.

"Brother Zhai, where's your slogan?"


The slogan is right, give it to him.

An Zinan complained with a hurt face, "Sister Xiaoxiao, Brother Zhai scolded us."

"No, he scolded you. He dare not scold the boss unless he doesn't want his salary anymore."

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Zhai Junyi proudly, she was right.

As soon as Zhai Jun understood Lin Xiaoxiao's meaning, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and cooperated with her in bullying An Zinan, "I'm talking about you."


He has to be angry, but what to do, it seems that he can't be angry, he hates this situation.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at An Zinan's tangled look and laughed out loud.As soon as Zhai Jun heard her laughter, his smile deepened.

Ye Fanyu heard Lin Xiaoxiao's laughter right outside the door, he told Li Hao to keep quiet, and he opened the door to see what she was laughing at.

Lin Xiaoxiao turned her back to the door, even though she heard the sound of the door being pushed, she just thought that Li Hao had sent the chef away and turned back, she didn't think about other people, naturally she didn't think that she was supposed to have dinner with her senior Some man will show up.

Zhai Junyi and An Zinan both saw Ye Fanyu, the former put away his smile, but the latter rolled his eyes and immediately came up with a bad idea to get revenge on Lin Xiaoxiao.

Let sister Xiaoxiao bully him and watch him treat her.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you don't like me anymore."

"Son, you are so naive, I never liked you."

An Zinan pouted, "Then what do you mean, you like Brother Zhai?"

"Yes, it's because he looks better than you."

"Then who is better looking, me or him?"

Ye Fanyu waited for Lin Xiaoxiao's answer, but she didn't move, which made him displeased, "Turn around and answer my question."

Lin Xiaoxiao froze in place, she suspected that she had auditory hallucinations, otherwise why would a certain man who should be eating with her senior sister be behind her and ask her such a terrible question.

Ever since she knew that she liked Ye Fanyu, she had been wondering if Ye Fanyu liked her.

Regardless of whether he likes her or not, which fiancé would like his fiancee to praise other men?

Brat, I was killed by you!You wait, I'll deal with you later!
After Lin Xiaoxiao gave An Zinan a threatening look, she turned around slowly.

Lin Xiaoxiao saw Ye Fanyu's frosty face, her eyes lit up, he was angry?

She seems to have guessed it!

"You seem to be very happy to see me angry. Did I come at a bad time? If that's the case, then go ahead." Ye Fanyu turned and left after speaking.

The elevator he just took stayed on this floor, and when he pressed the elevator, the elevator door opened for him.

When the elevator door closed, he saw Lin Xiaoxiao rushing over.

Ye Fanyu waited until the elevator doors closed, and the chill all over his body disappeared.Li Hao blinked, but didn't react.

Isn't Young Master Ye angry? Why isn't he angry all of a sudden?

"Stupid." Ye Fanyu said helplessly.

"Young Master Ye, are you not angry?"

Ye Fanyu turned his gaze to Li Hao, "Shouldn't I be angry?"

Are you angry?
Facing Ye Fanyu's death-like gaze, Li Hao nodded vigorously, "You should be angry!"

Ye Fanyu snorted coldly, "Go up and help her, and take her home at twelve o'clock at the latest."

"Okay, Young Master Ye, go slowly."

Li Hao sent Ye Fanyu away in the elevator, and he went back upstairs.

So Young Master Ye just pretended to be angry to scare people?

As soon as the elevator door opened, Li Hao met Lin Xiaoxiao's anxious eyes. She wanted to get into the elevator, but he quickly stopped her.

"Miss Lin, Young Master Ye has already left, so you don't have to chase after him."

"No, he's mad at me, and I need to explain to him."

Li Hao coughed uncomfortably, "Young Master Ye has already gone back. If you want to explain, you can call him later. Of course, this is just a small suggestion from me. If you are not busy, you can go to him now." he."

How could she not be busy, she still has a lot of work to do!

Lin Xiaoxiao weighed it in her heart, and felt that the explanation of this matter could be discussed later, and she should be busy with work at present.

Anyway, Ye Fanyu wouldn't go anywhere if he ran away, so it would be a good choice to wait for him to calm down and explain later.

"I accept your suggestion."

Lin Xiaoxiao devoted herself to work again, but she kept a cold face the whole time, and An Zinan regretted the prank just now.

He wanted to apologize, but Lin Xiaoxiao would ignore him whenever he approached, so he could only turn to Zhai Junyi for help.

Zhai Junyi also ignored it.

Li Hao interrupted Lin Xiaoxiao at 11:30 in the evening, and the latter stopped what she was doing when she knew it was Ye Fanyu's intention.

On the way home, Lin Xiaoxiao was very conflicted, and finally she sent Ye Fanyu a pitiful expression, hoping that he could see and understand what she meant.

Ye Fanyu was exercising, and after seeing Lin Xiaoxiao's expression picture, he only replied with a question mark.

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

"Why should I be angry?"

So she was depressed all night, but this one wasn't angry?

"I thought you were angry."

"Shouldn't I be angry?"

Excuse me, is he angry, wait online, so anxious!

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