Ye Fanyu was not surprised at Lin Xiaoxiao who appeared suddenly.

After he hugged her sleeping soundly, he kept paying attention to the situation in the lounge, and he noticed the slightest movement of the door immediately.In order not to attract his father's attention, he didn't take another look at the lounge.

The door was opened, but no one came out, Ye Fanyu guessed that she was eavesdropping on them.

While dealing with his father, he imagined her situation in the lounge in his mind.

Compared with Ye Fanyu's calmness, Ye Huiping was not so calm.

He pointed at Lin Xiaoxiao, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Lin Xiaoxiao blinked, she approached Ye Fanyu and stood beside him.

There was someone next to her, and the safety factor was greatly improved. Lin Xiaoxiao praised her cleverness in her heart.

"This is the Ye Group, not a place where any cat or dog can come in."

Ye Fanyu was very unhappy with his father's description, just as he was about to speak out for Lin Xiaoxiao, the woman beside him had already spoken, and his father was speechless for a while.

"Fortunately, I am neither a dog nor a cat. It is normal for me to be here."

Lin Xiaoxiao was very satisfied that she blocked the other party so that she couldn't answer, she thought to herself, at this level, it's too shameful to hurt others, let's practice for a few hundred years.

It took Ye Huiping more than a minute to slap the table heavily again, but when Lin Xiaoxiao muttered, "Who are you scaring?", he became furious.

"If you want to piss me off, marry her quickly, and I'll see how you explain to your grandpa!" Ye Huiping deliberately covered his heart, and they would have a heart attack if he didn't have a heart attack.

"Ye Fanyu, your father doesn't have a heart attack, does he?"


"Then he is holding his chest, am I angry?" Lin Xiaoxiao patted her heart, "Don't scare me, I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack too."

Ye Huiping continued to hold his heart, he really felt a pain in his heart.

Both Ye Fanyu and Lin Xiaoxiao noticed something was wrong with Ye Huiping, the former immediately stood up and walked to his father, frowning, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm so angry with you!" Ye Huiping roared, but bursts of pain hit him, and his face turned pale.

"Help him sit down first, drink some water slowly."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought to herself, she wouldn't be sick from anger, so she quickly poured water.

Ye Huiping refused to take the water cup she handed over, so Ye Fanyu directly took it and stuffed it into his hand, "Drink water."

Ye Huiping had no choice but to drink some water, and the pain in his heart was finally relieved.He took a few breaths, calmed down and found that the pain just now had completely disappeared.

"Go for a checkup if you're sick."

Ye Huiping wanted to punch him directly, but he stared at Ye Fanyu, "You are the only one who is sick."

"Uncle, you look like you just now, you'd better go to the hospital for an examination. If you have any disease, you can find it early and treat it early. Now that medicine is so advanced, as long as it's not cancer, there is hope for a cure."

Lin Xiaoxiao said it in a caring tone, but what she said fell into the ears of Ye Huiping who didn't like her, and it became her cursing him.

Ye Huiping felt a pain in his heart again.

"Tell me, how much money do you need to agree to terminate the engagement?" Ye Huiping didn't care, and decided to settle the matter in front of his son.

"I will not consent to the dissolution of the engagement."

Lin Xiaoxiao vetoed it outright, and there was no room for negotiation.

"I don't know what to say." Ye Huiping stood up.

He felt that Lin Xiaoxiao was not good enough for his son, but their marriage contract was approved by the old man. If he could easily let them separate, that would be great.If not, he seems to have no choice.

Waiting for him to think of a way to talk about it, this son was born to restrain him, and since he was a child, he has never been satisfied with anything.

Ye Huiping decided to leave, and he slammed the door without looking back, leaving Lin Xiaoxiao in a daze, while Ye Fanyu calmly returned to his desk to continue working.

"If your father is angry, will the consequences be serious?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't intend to disturb Ye Fanyu, she just wanted to know.

"There's a lot of thunder and little rain, don't be afraid of him. Grandpa has already warned him, unless he wants to get a penny. I still have two documents to deal with. You sit and wait a little longer. I'll take you when I'm done." go to have dinner."

Lin Xiaoxiao was very cooperative and sat on the sofa. She picked up the magazine she hadn't finished before and continued to read.

When Lin Xiaoxiao came home after dinner, she couldn't believe that the day had passed like this.Obviously she was going to help Ye Fanyu, but in retrospect, she only lay down and ate, it seemed that she didn't help Ye Fanyu at all.

In order to express her apology, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately sent a text message to Ye Fanyu after sitting for half an hour.

She very euphemistically expressed that if she doesn't need her help, she can rest at home tomorrow.As a result, Ye Fanyu's reply in seconds was very simple, and he would pick her up on time tomorrow morning.

Forget it, he doesn't mind, what does she care about.

Lin Xiaoxiao was on standby in Ye Fanyu's office for three days in a row. As a result, all she could help was to put away the magazines she had finished reading and clean up the garbage after eating. She really didn't need to take over all the work.

On the night of the third day, Lin Xiaoxiao thought that the next day would be the day when Li Hao went to work. Although she was "free", when she thought that she would not be able to eat delicious food the next day, she secretly planned in her heart. When are you coming for lunch.

Ye Fanyu didn't know Lin Xiaoxiao's inner thoughts, if he knew that he had successfully charmed her with food, he would definitely not send her home reluctantly.

"The flower shop has been decorated." Ye Fanyu told Lin Xiaoxiao the good news before getting off the car.

Lin Xiaoxiao clapped her hands, her eyes lit up, "When did it happen?"


"Then I'll go and have a look tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it."

If it wasn't a little late, Lin Xiaoxiao would have passed.But don't worry about this night, she can go there early tomorrow.

Ye Fanyu hoped that Lin Xiaoxiao would ask him out, but after hearing the good news, she hurriedly said goodbye to him, got off the car and went upstairs without looking back.

Ever since Lin Xiaoxiao stepped into the flower shop, she couldn't miss anything. The newly renovated look is really beautiful.

The door between the flower shop and the coffee shop is ingeniously designed. When a complete partition is required, just press the control button, and the two hollow wooden doors will merge.Even if the two doors are fully opened, the top can be decorated with dried flowers, which is very practical.

The previous window was expanded, and Lin Xiaoxiao found that she could put a workbench here, so that no matter who worked here, people outside could see their craftsmanship with their own eyes.

Lin Xiaoxiao has already planned to let Zhai Junyi or An Zinan take turns to stand guard. Their online looks will definitely attract a lot of female customers.

In the past, there was only one freezer for storing flowers, but now there is a whole row.Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't put it down to the new freezer, so she could put in more flowers and store them in the store.

"Miss Lin, if you are okay with the completion, please sign here." The designer approached Lin Xiaoxiao with the contract.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy, "I would like to trouble you to add an extra workbench to the window today, is that okay?"

"No problem, you can call me if you need to add anything later. Here is my business card, thank you Miss Lin for your support."

"I also want to thank you for your hard work. How do you settle the fee?"

"We will contact Mr. Li later to settle the fee, Miss Lin, you don't have to worry."

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and waved her hands, "I'm not worried, if I can settle the fee here, that's fine."

"Miss Lin, please don't embarrass me. Mr. Li has said hello in advance, and we can only charge him."

"Okay, then may I know how much the total is?"

"The specific expenses still need our accounting, and the total amount is not yet known."

Lin Xiaoxiao stopped embarrassing the designer, and continued to wander around the store.

The flower shop can reopen, Lin Xiaoxiao told Zhai Junyi and An Zinan the good news.

A week after the two visited the flower shop, they both said that the style this time was very good.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, shall we start working tomorrow?" An Zinan asked happily.

"Yeah, so to celebrate, let's have a good meal."

During the meal, the lawyer sent Lin Xiaoxiao a photo.

Lin Xiaoxiao opened it to see the court's verdict.

Ms. Zhang was sentenced to three years for intentional arson and compensated for more than 30 yuan in damages.

She said she was satisfied with the result.

The flower shop was about to reopen because of Ms. Zhang's arson, and the arsonist was punished as it should be. After Lin Xiaoxiao returned home that night, she talked for a long time to her grandmother's photo.

Before going to bed, she habitually looked at her phone and found that she hadn't received any news from Ye Fanyu that day.

Is he on a business trip?

Lin Xiaoxiao was not used to it, she wanted to ask him if he was on a business trip, but she deleted the message before it was sent.

"I agreed not to interfere with the other party's private life, how could I be so stupid?"

Lin Xiaoxiao put the phone away, and closed her eyes to sleep.

But after a while, she decided to send a message to Ye Fanyu, explaining that the flower shop was reopened.

Ye Fanyu didn't reply for a long time, Lin Xiaoxiao fell asleep after waiting.

Ye Fanyu rushed to other provinces early in the morning and returned to City A after three o'clock in the morning. He only saw Lin Xiaoxiao's message after getting off the plane. He checked the time and thought it was too late, so he didn't reply.

Early the next morning, Lin Xiaoxiao received a gift from Li Hao.

"Why doesn't your Young Master Ye reply to my message?"

"Young Master Ye was on a business trip yesterday and didn't come back until after three o'clock in the morning. It was probably too late so he didn't reply to your message."

"Then does he have an appointment for dinner tonight? I'll treat him to dinner."

Lin Xiaoxiao planned to have a successful treat no matter what this time, and she had already thought about the location, and she would pay for the restaurant where they met for the first time.

After reading the memo, Li Hao replied truthfully, "There is no arrangement for tonight."

"Okay, go back and tell him that I have an appointment with him tonight."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought that if she made an appointment early in the morning, she would not be let go. Who knew that she only received a call from Ye Fanyu that she was not available until she arrived at the restaurant door.

"It's okay, if you don't have time, we can make an appointment another day."

Dining alone is quite boring, Lin Xiaoxiao and the restaurant canceled the meal plan, and went to Feiran instead.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Tang enjoyed a simple dinner in the workshop. After eating and drinking, she was about to leave through the back door. Before she got into the car, she saw a familiar big Benz.

Isn't he going to work overtime? Why is he here?

Driven by curiosity, Lin Xiaoxiao returned to Feiran.

Afterwards, she was very grateful for such things as curiosity, otherwise, hehe.

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