Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 47 So Do You Like Me?

While Lin Xiaoxiao was eating dessert in Feiran, she received a call from Ye Fanyu asking her to have dinner. She didn't tell him that she had a private meeting with his mother.She thought of the rejection of 10 million just 4000 minutes ago, and immediately agreed, and asked that dinner must be good, only in this way can she make up for her hurt heart.

Ye Fanyu agreed, and Lin Xiaoxiao hung up the phone contentedly.

A few minutes later, she received another call from him.He told her where to have dinner, which was a great coincidence.

"You don't need to pick me up. I just came here to eat dessert. Come here when you are done. I'll wait for you for dinner."

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that there was still a lot of time after eating dessert, so she ran to Feiran's back kitchen to play with Tang.

She went all the way unimpeded, and everyone in the kitchen greeted her when they saw her, and she nodded one by one in response.

"The meeting with the future mother-in-law is over?" Tang was wearing a chef's uniform and was making desserts ordered by the guests. When he saw Lin Xiaoxiao coming in, he didn't let everyone else go out, but let her sit in his workshop .

Lin Xiaoxiao was sitting directly opposite Tang, she propped her chin to watch him busy, "It's over, you may not believe it, 4000 million, I just gave it back to her."

"Damn! You don't even want 4000 million. Did you tell me that the Lin family has 4000 million for you to inherit?" Tang Hen cast a glance at Lin Xiaoxiao, and then put on a curious tone, "I can know why you are worth 4000. Wan?"

"Actually, it's [-] million. I refused."

Tang simply forgot what he was going to do next. He opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Xiaoxiao in surprise, "[-] million? Is that [-] million followed by many zeros?"

"I'll count, there are eight zeros in total."

"You pinch me, I feel like I'm dreaming."

Lin Xiaoxiao's attack was serious, Tang let out a cry of pain.

"Two hundred million! Why did you refuse? Even if you married that one and divorced, you don't know if you have two hundred million. How can you be so greedy?"

Lin Xiaoxiao snorted dismissively, "The 4000 million includes the gift money Ye Fanyu gave me, and the money he bought the land for the Lin family. His mother is only willing to give me [-] million."

"Oh, that's 4000 million, that's a lot."

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, "It's a lot, but it's a pity that Ye Fanyu and I must get married."

"Okay, I know you're going to marry Young Master Ye, so let's change the subject. Why has Min'er been away for so long this time, is she ready to settle down there?"

"Why didn't Min'er tell you when she went out? She didn't come back so soon, at least it will be a few months. I can't leave here, or I will go to play with her."

Wu Min'er is her good best friend. She went abroad to play half a year ago, and then she was thrown abroad to study when her brother found out. She was so angry that she almost vowed to take root abroad.It was she who made Min'er dispel this idea, and Min'er took this study as her life goal and worked hard.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"That's why you don't ask, why should we take the initiative to tell you?"

"The boat of friendship capsized."

"Turn it over, take your time, I'll go to sleep."

After Lin Xiaoxiao left the back kitchen, she went directly to the box that Ye Fanyu had reserved.Before she closed the door, she told the waiter that she was going to sleep, and the waiter said she would not be disturbed.

This time Lin Xiaoxiao slept soundly, and when she woke up faintly, she found that the light in the box was already on.But the lights were specially dimmed, no different from when she turned off the lights and went to sleep, so she didn't even know when Ye Fanyu arrived.

As soon as Lin Xiaoxiao woke up, Ye Fanyu noticed it. He put down the document and looked at her face, "Are you awake?"

"What time is it, why didn't you call me when you came?"

"Seeing that you are sound asleep, stop barking. Now at 23:[-], you can eat after sitting up."

Lin Xiaoxiao got up quickly, she took out the vanity mirror to look at her makeup and hair, and felt relieved when she found that it was okay.

"After dinner, let's go to the store to have a look."

"Is it ready?"

"No, just to digest."

Well, she thought it was installed in advance, but it turned out to be empty joy.

When the dishes were ready, Ye Fanyu's first chopsticks were to pick up a piece of fish for Lin Xiaoxiao. Lin Xiaoxiao was about to drink the soup, but when she saw the fish, she was hungry again. She said thank you and ate the fish first.

"Sleeping all afternoon?"

Why did she feel that there was something in her words, did he know?
Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Fanyu chewing meat in her mouth, trying to see something from his face, but she couldn't understand it for a long time, so she could only vaguely say, "Yes, otherwise you think I can't do anything except sleep. What else can I do?"

"Since you're so busy these days, why don't you come to my office and help me?"

Lin Xiaoxiao really wanted to scratch her ears, did she hear correctly, he asked her to help him?
"Li Hao has something to do at home these two days, and the store is still being renovated. If you feel bored, you can come and help me."

It turned out to be like this, Lin Xiaoxiao understood.

"Shouldn't you have only one secretary?"

"They can't go past Li Hao to find me."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to agree casually. She has opened a flower shop since she graduated and never worked in a company.She didn't know the scope of Li Hao's work, the most important thing was that she was just helping out, what if something went wrong, she couldn't bear the responsibility.

This matter cannot be agreed to, Lin Xiaoxiao decided to refuse after going through her mind.

"I can't, I'm afraid to cause trouble for you, don't think about me."

Lin Xiaoxiao's refusal made Ye Fanyu's eyes dim. In fact, Li Hao had already made arrangements. It didn't matter if she helped or not, he just wanted her to accompany him.

From last night to today's daytime, he always wanted to see her soon.If work hadn't distracted him, he wouldn't have seen her just now.

He found that his feelings for her were getting deeper and deeper, and he didn't know if she had noticed.

He doesn't want to be the only one who feels this way, when will she be like him?
"Let's eat first."

Ye Fanyu didn't speak after that, he seemed a little depressed.

After Lin Xiaoxiao ate two pieces of pork ribs, she felt that they were chewy.

Didn't she just refuse to agree to him, and then it was unpleasant to see him not seeming very happy. When did she become so soft-hearted?

"How do you want me to help you? Let me explain first, I have never worked in a company, I don't know how to deal with documents, and I don't know how to make reports. If you just let me serve tea and water the flowers, I will be happy. Just pack the meal."

The corner of Ye Fanyu's mouth raised, "I won't let you do things you don't understand, just send me the documents or something. I don't want to go outside the door to pick up the documents when I'm busy signing."

"It's simple. Whenever Li Hao comes back to work, I will resign."

"If you find it hard, you can resign at any time, I have no objection."

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out a finger towards Ye Fanyu, "NONONO, you must have principles in life, and I will work hard for three meals a day."

"Not bad." Ye Fanyu was satisfied, "Eat more meat, you are too thin."

"I have gained weight recently, which eye of yours sees me thin?"

"I see it with both eyes."

Lin Xiaoxiao only believed in the weighing scale at home, "I'm sorry to tell you, I'm really fat."

"It's better to be fatter. Grandpa always tells me that you are thinner. Next time you tell him in front of him that you are fatter."

"Can you two, grandpa and grandson, stop talking about me all day long? Something will happen if you talk like this." She always felt that they would talk about their children, which is a lesson from the past.

Ye Fanyu saw through Lin Xiaoxiao at a glance, and he brought her food, "Don't worry, you won't have children if you're not married."

"Of course. Eat quickly, I'm so hungry."

No, she couldn't continue talking about this topic. She was embarrassed and a little scared.

Ye Fanyu voluntarily gave up this topic and changed to another one. Lin Xiaoxiao took the rice and wondered why he could talk so much. He didn't seem to be like this before, why did he change.

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't figure it out, she decided to give up harming brain cells.

After dinner, the two went to the store to digest food.

Workers are still rushing to work, and the scene is chaotic.Lin Xiaoxiao almost tripped, but fortunately, Ye Fanyu beside her helped her in time.

Lin Xiaoxiao's waist was held tightly by Ye Fanyu's hand, and it was a little hot. She twisted her waist unaccustomed to him but failed to let him go.So she met his gaze and then looked down at her waist, signaling him to let go, but he didn't understand!
Ye Fanyu pretended not to know what Lin Xiaoxiao meant, he hoped to hug her tighter, but he gave up on this idea.

"I'm fine, so can you let me go?"

"It's easy to fall here, and I'll let you go when you leave."

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and pushed Ye Fanyu, but did not push away, "I was just careless just now, but now I will pay attention. There are so many people, can you let go?"

"No, I'm hugging my fiancee, do they have a problem?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't expect Ye Fanyu to say that, she didn't know how to answer.

"Do you see what you don't like and needs to be changed?"

Ye Fanyu saw Lin Xiaoxiao blushing, so he found something to divert her attention.

Lin Xiaoxiao really took the bait, she didn't care where Ye Fanyu's hand was placed, and began to observe the unsatisfactory places.

Half an hour later, Lin Xiaoxiao picked out a few small places and told the designer that they needed to be revised, and the designer quickly wrote them down.Ye Fanyu also put forward his own ideas, and Lin Xiaoxiao followed up after listening, agreeing with his point of view very much.

The two left the shop, and Ye Fanyu sent Lin Xiaoxiao home.

"Ye Fanyu, I found that you are very good. What major did you study in college?"

"Business management."

"Brother Zhai in my store also majored in this major, but he majored in gardening, so I decided to hire him."

Ye Fanyu didn't like to hear Lin Xiaoxiao talk about other men, "Only when his major enters the company will he have a prospect of development."

"He said he would join the company, and I only signed a three-month contract with him."

Three months is not too long, as long as you can leave.

"What about the other one?"

"Xiao An? I don't know. He didn't say anything and I didn't ask. It's rare that my store recruited two such good-looking clerks, and the business has improved a lot."

"You like them?"

The moment Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, Ye Fanyu almost stepped on the emergency brake.

"What do you like about them?"

"He is handsome and serious about his work. I like both of them."

"Do you like me?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think of the answer to this question until she went upstairs and lay down under the quilt. She was still thinking in a daze before going to bed, does she like him?

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