Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 41 Holding hands is normal

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what the gift Ye Fanyu had prepared, but he followed her to choose the gift, so she wasn't afraid to buy too much.Of course, it is impossible to be heavy, because she believes that the gift he chooses will definitely not be cheap.

The old man likes jade, this personal hobby will definitely become the first choice of many gift givers.Lin Xiaoxiao wouldn't foolishly buy another jade or something.

"Thinking of buying anything?"

When getting in the car, Lin Xiaoxiao said to think about it quietly, but Ye Fanyu didn't say anything along the way.The car was about to drive into the parking lot before he asked.

Lin Xiaoxiao's face was troubled, and Ye Fanyu wanted to pinch her because of her flat mouth, "Not yet!"

In the next second, Lin Xiaoxiao freed herself, "Don't think about it, go up and see what's available. Buy it if it suits you, and don't buy it if it doesn't suit you. You've prepared it anyway, right?"

"You don't have to buy it at all."

When Ye Fanyu said this, Lin Xiaoxiao felt that it would be impossible not to buy it.She told herself silently in her heart that she must buy a gift, otherwise she would not leave.

Lin Xiaoxiao has a characteristic of shopping, that is, she likes to shop from store to store.Even if the store didn't have what she wanted to buy, she would walk into the store and walk around before leaving.

Ye Fanyu didn't notice Lin Xiaoxiao's characteristic at first, but after walking through a few more stores, he discovered it.

"Don't go in without buying something."

Does he understand the fun of shopping?
Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at Ye Fanyu casually, "Going shopping means going from store to store, otherwise, what's the point of shopping?"

"In this case, can you visit this mall in one day?"

"Who said I have to finish shopping, there are some things I don't shop."

Ye Fanyu expressed his willingness to hear the details.

Lin Xiaoxiao replied, "You'll find out later, don't worry."

As soon as Lin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she was about to step into a men's clothing store, but Ye Fanyu directly reached out to grab her, and dragged her forward.

"What are you doing, let me go."

Lin Xiaoxiao struggled to get out of Ye Fanyu's hand, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from his hand.

He walked very fast, and Lin Xiaoxiao followed him in strides, passing many shops in a short while.

How could this person be like this? He ruined her shopping fun.

Regardless of Lin Xiaoxiao's feelings, Ye Fanyu pulled her from the east side of the mall to the west side, and then she saw the logo clearly, and he brought her into the store.

"You can buy whatever you want in this store. Grandpa usually likes the things here."

It's okay to like it, the key is that the things here are not cheap.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that Ye Fanyu was here to trick her. Didn't he agree to buy a small gift? The cheapest things here all end in [-]. Does he know what a small gift means?

The so-called small gift does not mean small in size, but cheap in price!
This is an antique store that specializes in boutiques from all over the world. Lin Xiaoxiao has visited it several times, and every time she sees the prices in the store, she will be dumbfounded.It's not that she can't afford small things, but that all the things she likes are worth 10,000+ or ​​even millions.

Ye Fanyu brought her here, she couldn't pick the cheapest one, but she couldn't bear to let her spend 10,000+ all of a sudden.

I want to beat him up, beat him flat.

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao standing silently, Ye Fanyu asked, "What's the problem?"

"It's a big problem, let's go out and talk about the interpretation of the small gift first."

She wants to interpret the little gift?
Ye Fanyu didn't think there was anything wrong, "Just pick a small gift from here, I think it's fine."

"I think there is a problem!" Seeing that Ye Fanyu refused to leave, Lin Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth in front of the shop assistant, "The things here are expensive, so they are not suitable for small gifts."

"Don't worry about money."

Ye Fanyu finally understood Lin Xiaoxiao's meaning. Seeing her cute hair blown, he couldn't help reaching out and stroking her head, "This is a store under my name, you like to take it away."

Wait, what did he say?
Lin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide and looked at Ye Fanyu in disbelief, her speech was not smooth, "You said this shop is yours?"


"Then you said just now that you can buy whatever you want in this store. It costs money to buy it, but it doesn't cost money to take it."

"Slip of tongue."

Young Master Ye, please find a better excuse, what slip of the tongue, you did it on purpose!

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that the store was under Ye Fanyu's name, so she had no scruples, "You said it earlier, you scared me."

"This one, that one, this one over here, take them all out and let me have a look."

Lin Xiaoxiao stood in front of the glass window, pointing her finger back and forth quickly, and the clerk took out one item without dropping it.

"This doesn't seem to be suitable for the elderly, and it seems a bit stingy. What do you think?"

"up to you."

"What do you mean by me, if you really want me, I can send a bouquet of flowers."

Flowers can be sent, but sending flowers is too ordinary.

Ye Fanyu was helpless, "This is not suitable for giving now."

Lin Xiaoxiao was holding a pipe in her hand. She thought about it seriously and felt that Ye Fanyu was right, so she put it down and continued to pick other things.

After picking for more than half an hour, Lin Xiaoxiao finally picked a pair of birthday bottles.

Ye Fanyu looked at it and nodded directly, "The meaning is good."

"That's it."

Although Ye Fanyu said no money, Lin Xiaoxiao still paid, even though the price was ridiculously high.

"After buying the presents, I want to see the clothes. Will you still accompany me?"

Ye Fanyu nodded under Lin Xiaoxiao's gaze, and Lin Xiaoxiao was so happy that she immediately reached out to hold him.

Ye Fanyu lowered his head and glanced, thinking that this woman has become enlightened?

"What are you looking at? We are an unmarried couple. It's normal to hold hands. Let's say that we must hold hands at night. Let's get used to it today. Let's go, my favorite clothes store is over there."

Lin Xiaoxiao took Ye Fanyu to find the store where she usually buys clothes, because it was a weekday and there were not many customers in the store.

"I'll go in and change my clothes, and you can take a look for me when I come out."

Lin Xiaoxiao changed her clothes, and every time she asked Ye Fanyu with her eyes, he would nod.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy at first, but Lin Xiaoxiao felt that Ye Fanyu was a little perfunctory after coming down a few times.

"Don't just nod your head, tell me what's so good about this dress?"

Ye Fanyu didn't expect that just nodding would be enough, and he said that he had nothing to say.

"So I don't look good in this?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't wait for Ye Fanyu's words, she lowered her head to look at the clothes on her body, and then really picked up a place she didn't like, so she decisively changed it.

When half an hour passed, Ye Fanyu finally held Lin Xiaoxiao impatiently, preventing her from looking for clothes again.

"Buy it if you like it, don't try it."

"How can you not try it? Don't you usually buy clothes without trying them on?"

"My clothes are all made to order."

Lin Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. Seeing Ye Fanyu's impatient look, she finally realized her conscience, "Then let's do this first. I'll come back another day when I'm free."

Lin Xiaoxiao changed back into her clothes, and when she was about to pay the bill, the clerk told her that the bill had already been bought.

"Did you pay?"

"It's strange to buy clothes for your fiancee?"

What happened to this man? Why did she always feel that he was flirting with her?

Just as Lin Xiaoxiao was about to speak, a familiar voice beside her caught her attention.

Through the gaps in her clothes, she saw Liu Ji's fiancée holding the hand of a middle-aged man, looking very intimate.

"They still want to buy it, do you agree?"

Wang Yuan acted like a baby to someone, her whole body was about to stick to the other person's body.

The man enjoyed Wang Yuan's embrace, and he waved boldly, "Wrap everything up, are you satisfied, cutie."

What?little cutie
"Thank you dear, I love you the most, okay?"

Wang Yuan didn't notice Lin Xiaoxiao next to her, and Lin Xiaoxiao took pictures of her constantly courting men.

Ye Fanyu didn't understand where her hobby came from, "What's the use of taking pictures?"

"I think it will be useful, if you don't believe me, just wait and see.

After shopping in the mall, Lin Xiaoxiao invited Ye Fanyu to her home for dinner.

At night, Lin Xiaoxiao's apartment.

Ye Fanyu has already connected to several calls and looks very busy.Lin Xiaoxiao, who was washing vegetables and cooking in the kitchen, was a little worried that she would be the only one eating in the end. When the dishes were served and she sat face to face with him, she found that her worry was unnecessary.


Lin Xiaoxiao quickly picked up a rib, and just as she was about to put it into her bowl, she found that there was already a piece in her bowl, and the man who picked up the rib was retracting his chopsticks.

She froze for a moment, "You eat yours, don't pinch it for me."

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly put the piece she had put into Ye Fanyu's bowl, and only after putting it away did she think, would Ye Fanyu not like her like this?
Ye Fanyu just didn't hate it, because just as she finished thinking, he picked up the ribs and ate them.

The two were eating, Lin Xiaoxiao asked some things to pay attention to the next night, Ye Fanyu didn't tell her to shut up, but he answered whatever she asked, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that under her influence, Ye Fanyu even changed her eating habits, she is really amazing.

"There are after-dinner fruits in the kitchen, I'll go get them."

After the two finished eating, Lin Xiaoxiao remembered that there was still some fruit, so she quickly took it out.

Ye Fanyu ate two yuan casually, Lin Xiaoxiao asked him to eat two more yuan, but he refused.

"Nothing, I'm leaving first."

What can she do?

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't understand why Ye Fanyu asked such a question, she stood up to see off the passengers, "Drive slowly on the road."


Lin Xiaoxiao opened the door for Ye Fanyu, but when she saw the person standing outside the door, she felt that she could go to fortune-telling.

Wang Yuan, her parents and her elder brother were about to knock on Lin Xiaoxiao's door when they saw it open.She pretended to be startled and took a step back. Her parents quickly supported her, and her brother stood in front of her.

"Yuanyuan, is it this woman?"

Wang Jun turned around and asked his sister again, and when he saw her nodding, he immediately turned back with a vicious look.

Lin Xiaoxiao had already been pulled behind by Ye Fanyu, and he stood at the door instead of her.

Wang Jun's expression changed after meeting Ye Fanyu, but when he thought of his sister's grievance, the anger in his heart made him ignore the cold man in front of him, and stared at Lin Xiaoxiao behind him.

"Why are you hiding? If you dare to hide after doing something outrageous, you will be punished!"

The nonsense made her speechless. Before she could speak, the man standing in front of her had already spoken.

"Who do you think will be punished?"

"Her!" Wang Jun pointed at Lin Xiaoxiao.

Ye Fanyu was already on the verge of getting angry, but Lin Xiaoxiao's action made him slightly stunned, and he forgot to be angry.

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