Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 38 You Can't Peek

Half an hour later, Ye Fanyu wanted to take back what he had said.

He just wanted Lin Xiaoxiao to be happy, but that didn't mean he wanted her to drink away her worries.He felt that he could slap her in the face, and seeing her teary eyes, he didn't refuse her request.

She wants to drink, and it's not a matter of one bottle or two.If he hadn't stopped him, she would have ordered all those expensive ones in Feiran.

It's not enough for her to drink alone, but she insists on having him with her.He wasn't afraid, but felt that her bold way of drinking would definitely make her feel uncomfortable later.

"Drinking with you is really boring, drink quickly. Oh, if you don't drink, I'll be so boring drinking alone! Just say I'm happy, now I don't even have anyone to drink with me, I can't be happy."

Lin Xiaoxiao held the wine glass and looked at Ye Fanyu dissatisfiedly. The latter felt a little headache when he saw how drunk she was after a few drinks.

"Are you uncomfortable? Then I won't ask you to drink, but you can find someone to drink with me. I can't drink so much by myself. You call some people who can drink, and I will fight with them!"

Ye Fanyu pressed his temples, he sat on the sofa and watched Lin Xiaoxiao screaming.When she had finished screaming, she said, "Are you happy to find someone to drink with you?"

"Of course I'm happy if someone drinks with me. You're looking for it. It's boring for me to drink alone."

Lin Xiaoxiao took another sip while talking, and the smell of alcohol came out of her mouth again.She hiccupped, then moved to Ye Fanyu's side all of a sudden, her body pressed against him, and began to act like a baby.

"Ye Fanyu, hurry up and call someone over. I know anyone, or I don't know anyone, can't you call someone here? The consumption is so high here, don't waste it, quickly call someone over, let's have a drink together. "

Ye Fanyu consciously put his arms around Lin Xiaoxiao's shoulders, his deep voice made Lin Xiaoxiao's heart itch after drinking.

"I can call someone, how can you thank me?"

"Thank you, what is our relationship, needless to say."

Lin Xiaoxiao squinted her eyes and smirked. She poked Ye Fanyu's shoulder with her finger and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Ye Fanyu, your voice is very nice. You can call people over first. While we are waiting for them, you Sing to me?"

"Lin Xiaoxiao, do you know what you're talking about?"

The person who was named was drunk, she nodded cheerfully, and her face ached because her head was resting on Ye Fanyu's shoulder, "Ye Fanyu, your shoulders are so hard, my face hurts a little. I I'm not drunk yet, I know what I'm talking about. You have a really good voice, sing."

"I think you are deliberately drunk to annoy me."

Ye Fanyu was not angry, and there was an indescribable indulgence in his words.

"Why am I angry with you? I didn't want to be angry with you. Don't accuse me. I found that you guys are really boring. You came to me one by one and said what happened to me. You really are all surnamed. Hehe Hee, all of them have the surname Lai, if your surname is Lai, Lai Fanyu?"

"Who am I?" Ye Fanyu raised Lin Xiaoxiao's chin, "I see clearly, the answer is incorrect, so don't even try to drink these wines."

When Lin Xiaoxiao heard that it was so serious, she didn't give up the wine. How could she dare to talk nonsense anymore, so she quickly answered Ye Fanyu's words, "You are Ye Fanyu!"

"Then do you know what you're doing now?"


"Isn't it enough for me to drink with you, do you want someone else to accompany you?"

Ye Fanyu didn't want a third person in front of them, Li Hao was left behind by him, not everyone can watch her drink here.

"Then you stay with me, and I'll pour you wine."

Lin Xiaoxiao pushed Ye Fanyu away, she moved closer to the table, then picked up the opened wine bottle, and poured wine into Ye Fanyu's glass.

Seeing that it was almost done, Ye Fanyu held down Lin Xiaoxiao's movement, "Enough."

"Okay, let's do it together!"

Lin Xiaoxiao picked up her wine glass. Seeing that Ye Fanyu hadn't moved, she stretched out her other hand to hold it for him, and then stuffed it into his hand, "Don't just say you don't want to drink, I'm treating you tonight, so don't worry about drinking."

"Are you sure you want to treat these wines?"

"Do you think I have no money? Although my God of Wealth was burned, I still have some money. So what if the wine is expensive, I can afford it. Oh, if you don't drink it, I will I really want to find someone to accompany me. Xiaoan likes to drink, Brother Zhai seems to be able to drink too, they should be very happy to accompany me to drink."

Talking about other men in front of him, Ye Fanyu felt that Lin Xiaoxiao really ate the guts of a leopard.

He would never allow other men to see her at this moment. Although she was a bit drunk, she was cute and interesting.

In his impression, no woman dared to get drunk like her and make a lot of ugly appearances in front of him. She was not ugly, but pleasing to the eye.Maybe it was because of the alcohol, but there was a naive look in her voice that made people want to pinch her face.

When Ye Fanyu thought about it, he really reached out and took action.

Lin Xiaoxiao's face was gently pinched by Ye Fanyu, although he didn't use much force, she still pouted.

"Why are you so annoying? Can a girl's face be pinched casually?"

"Girl?" Ye Fanyu said with a smile.

The coldness all over his body had already disappeared when Lin Xiaoxiao was alone, and he pinched him twice, which caused Lin Xiaoxiao to cry out in great dissatisfaction.

"Ye Fanyu, don't touch me, be careful that I bite you."

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were foggy after drinking, and it might be because she cried so she was not clear all the time, so she didn't see the change on Ye Fanyu's face, but she felt that Ye Fanyu still had that cold look.

But she is not afraid of him.

She reached out and waved Ye Fanyu's hand away, and stared at him angrily, "Ye Fanyu, don't you believe that I will bite you! Let me tell you, it hurts to bite me, try pinching me again."

Regarding Lin Xiaoxiao's appearance, Ye Fanyu really wanted to bring out her unknown side again, but he didn't think it was necessary, and he was not in a hurry to expose her all in front of his eyes.

Some things need to be discovered slowly so that it can be fun.

"Okay, you drank a lot, do you want to eat something? I haven't had dinner since I got off the plane. Why don't you have something to eat with me?"

"Haven't you had dinner yet? Then why didn't you say, what do you want to eat?" Lin Xiaoxiao put down her glass, concerned about Ye Fanyu's appearance, "I ate hot pot tonight, but something happened before I finished eating .”

"Let's have hot pot."

On Ye Fanyu's menu, hot pot rarely appears.Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao's salivating expression, he knew that she was still thinking about the hot pot.As long as she doesn't drink, it doesn't matter what she eats.

When Ye Fanyu talked about eating hot pot, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately applauded.

Feiran is a member first, and Ye Fanyu is a distinguished member that they need to put all their energy into serving. He said he wants to eat hot pot, and they hurried down to prepare.

The waiting process was a bit long, maybe it was because of the hot pot, Lin Xiaoxiao was very obedient and didn't bother to drink anymore.

"Why isn't the hot pot ready yet? I'm hungry. No, I'll go to the toilet first, otherwise I won't be able to eat meat with water in my stomach."

Lin Xiaoxiao touched her swollen belly, and she stood up after she finished speaking.

Ye Fanyu followed her and stood up, he was worried that she would go alone, "Let's go together."

"Okay, but you're going to the men's side, and I'm going to the women's side. Hurry up, and you can eat hot pot when you come back."

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to grab Ye Fanyu, and she pulled him out of the box.

Outside the box, just as the waiter was about to come forward to ask, Ye Fanyu stopped him, and the waiter backed away tactfully.

Lin Xiaoxiao's footsteps were still steady, she did not go in the wrong direction while holding Ye Fanyu's hand.After finding the toilet, she pointed to the sign and turned around to tell Ye Fanyu, looking very funny.

"The one in pants, man. That's the woman over here, you go in, remember to wash your hands before you come out."

"I watched you go in."

Ye Fanyu was worried about Lin Xiaoxiao being alone, but he couldn't go in the women's toilet, so he had to let her in first.

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly showed Ye Fanyu an expression of "you are wrong to do this", she pointed at Ye Fanyu, and just about to speak, she thought of something, so she pulled Ye Fanyu and whispered mysteriously, "You can't peek oh."

What is this with what?
Ye Fanyu was speechless by Lin Xiaoxiao's nonsensical words, and he decided that from now on, no wine should enter Lin Xiaoxiao's mouth.

"Did you hear what I said, don't peek."

"I didn't want to peek, you go in quickly, I'll wait for you at the door."

Ye Fanyu managed to see Lin Xiaoxiao in, so he took the opportunity to go into the men's room as well.

He came out soon, but he waited at the door for two or three minutes, but still did not see Lin Xiaoxiao coming out, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Ye Fanyu didn't dare to go far, but fortunately he only took two steps forward and saw the waiter.

The waitress quickly went in and found Lin Xiaoxiao who was throwing up.

Lin Xiaoxiao never knew that drinking could be so uncomfortable, she vomited dizzily.

"Miss Lin, are you okay?"


Lin Xiaoxiao managed to catch her breath, and the foreign body sensation in her throat made her bend down again when she was speaking.

"Do I need to get you some medicine?"

Is it still useful to take medicine now?
Lin Xiaoxiao felt that she had vomited like this, and she didn't need to take medicine anymore.She waved her hand to say no.

"Miss Lin, Young Master Ye is still waiting for you outside, do you think I need to go out and tell Young Master Ye?"

"Fuck you and tell him I'm fine."

It took a long time for her to come in, so it's better to say something.

When Ye Fanyu knew that Lin Xiaoxiao was vomiting inside, his face darkened.

Seeing Ye Fanyu's face, the waiter was terrified and fell silent.

At this moment, Cao Yuanzhou stopped walking with his arms around the woman.

"Young Master Ye, what a coincidence?" Cao Yuanzhou let go of the woman beside him, and he walked up to Ye Fanyu, "Waiting for someone?"

Ye Fanyu glanced at Cao Yuanzhou and the woman, but said nothing.

Cao Yuanzhou smiled and let the woman into the toilet, only then did he restrain the smile on his face.

"Do you know that Zhao Mingmei wants to divorce me? She said that she has had enough of me and doesn't want me to disturb her life, and she wants to pursue her true love. These words sound ridiculous, don't you think? You have been married to me for so many years, and you actually said that I was not her true love, so why did she marry me in the first place?"

There was no expression in Cao Yuanzhou's eyes, he looked at Ye Fanyu fixedly, trying to see something different from his face, "I know she married me for money, as long as she is obedient, I can still give her money." Money. Unfortunately, a disobedient woman, I think it's better to forget it, there is no need to waste too much of my time. "

"Don't involve me in the matter between your husband and wife."

"No, Young Master Ye, you are her true love."

"If you're done talking, shut up."

Ye Fanyu had already seen Lin Xiaoxiao walk out of the women's bathroom, he walked around Cao Yuanzhou who was blocking the way, and asked in a low voice, "Is it better?"

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