August is the peak season of summer vacation. Every day, Lin Xiaoxiao looks at who in her circle of friends has traveled where, and who has gone on vacation. She doesn't even need to ask the other party's occupation, she can tell at a glance that the other party is definitely a teacher.

She really envied the teacher. Whenever the students had a holiday, they would also have a holiday.

Lin Xiaoxiao once again sat in the shop doing laps, and her heart was traumatized just by doing so.The same blue sky and white clouds, people are either sea beaches, or high mountains and plains, she only has flowers in one room.Everyday life is a two-point line between the flower shop and the family, which is very ordinary.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you think of this bouquet of flowers?"

Lin Xiaoxiao only heard "what do you think" vaguely, and she blocked the rest of the words.After Zhai Junyi repeated the same sentence again, she filled in the rest of the words, and she suddenly recovered.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly at Zhai Junyi, "Sorry, I just lost my mind."

She apologized, while taking the freshly wrapped bouquet from Zhai Junyi's hand.

Turning the bouquet around in her hand, Lin Xiaoxiao looked at it seriously, then nodded with satisfaction, "It's very beautiful. Brother Zhai, what's the matter with you recently, you are professional in this field, do you still need me to comment? "

After Lin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she looked at Zhai Junyi with puzzled eyes.

Zhai Junyi didn't give an explanation, he took back the bouquet and said, "Okay, thank you."

Lin Xiaoxiao watched him turn back, and quickly met An Zinan's eyes.

Your Brother Zhai is here again!

Right, right, brother Zhai, what happened to him?
How do I know what happened to you, brother Zhai?

Well, we'll learn his secret someday.

After the eye contact ended, Lin Xiaoxiao started to brush circles again.

But as she brushed, she thought of four words—what do you think?

That day at the cemetery, after Ye Fanyu asked her back, she forgot how she answered.She vaguely remembered that Ye Fanyu asked her to think about it, but until now she couldn't figure out why.

All in all, she was wondering what happened to Ye Fanyu, and Zhai Junyi was the same, what happened to these two men recently.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, where are you!"

Lin Xiaoxiao was sitting and thinking about life, when the wind chime sounded, a customer came, but a row of flowers blocked her view, she didn't see who it was, obviously the other party didn't see her immediately.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, come out for me!"

Ms. Zhang went crazy looking for someone when she entered the door. She walked around the flower row and saw Lin Xiaoxiao sitting there with a half-smile.

She rushed in front of Lin Xiaoxiao, the arrogance of the previous second instantly turned into a pleading, she failed to grab Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, so she could only put her hands together in a gesture of begging for mercy, "Lin Xiaoxiao, I beg Please, let my son go. Ah Ji was just confused for a moment, he didn’t mean to hurt you, he really loves you too much. Please forgive him, don’t sue him, or his life will be ruined.”

"I'm just such a son. What should I do if he goes to jail? Do you know that he didn't even want his fiancee and children for you. How can you bear to treat him like this? "

Ms. Zhang choked up as she spoke. She knelt down on the ground and begged desperately, "I beg you on my knees, please let him go. He just wants to marry you."

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but backed up a little while sitting on the chair.

When Lin Xiaoxiao heard Ms. Zhang's begging, she was ridiculously ridiculous. The word "shameless" flashed in her mind, and the smile disappeared on her face.

"Aji, he knows he's wrong. Let him go. We won't appear in front of you again. I'll take him home. Don't worry."

"Auntie, I'm worried." Lin Xiaoxiao said firmly.

Ms. Zhang held back her tears in disbelief, "Why don't you worry, I will take him far away, and you will not have any intersections. After I take him back, I will let him get married immediately, so that he will Put all your heart and soul into your family. After a few years, he will never remember who you are, even if we go back to City A, he will still take care of his family, what are you worried about?"

"That's what I said, but I just don't believe it. Liu Ji and I broke up peacefully. Don't you know why? In this case, he should know that he can no longer appear in front of me. I don't know where he is. The self-confidence that comes, I think it will allow me to get back together with him.”

"Whether he likes me or my money, I have eyes to see and a brain to think about. He stood outside my shop every day with an affectionate look, and I have told him very clearly that we are not It's possible. He clearly promised well, turned around and followed me, then forcibly touched me in my house, and even tried to cook raw rice!"

"If he really loved me, would he do these things? Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense, I'm not a fool."

When Lin Xiaoxiao spoke, anger began to accumulate in her eyes. She finally forgot about the experience that had cast a shadow on her, and was lifted up by Ms. Zhang again.

Ms. Zhang only cared about her son, and nothing Lin Xiaoxiao said could get into her heart. She just felt that her son was not wrong, and he was just impulsive in the process of expressing it.

"Aji is my son. He has never violated my will since he was a child. His feelings for you arose without my permission, and it became deeper and deeper. How dare you say that when you are with my son, you are not happy?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't been with your son for a long time. Maybe he will tell you, or you think there is a mutual liking between us, but I tell you very clearly. It was your son who persevered in pursuing Me, and then I didn’t have a boyfriend before I agreed to be with him. But after we got together, your son’s true face was exposed, and we would have conflicts over some trivial matters, and we didn’t even meet each other over time. "

"In that situation, how could I be happy? Don't impose your son's feelings on me. He is an adult and he has to be responsible for what he has done, and I also have to protect myself. He committed a crime. Once the law is established, he must accept legal sanctions, and it is impossible for me to withdraw the accusation against him, unless it is something unnecessary."

Lin Xiaoxiao stood up and pointed at the door, "It's useless to say what you say. This is a society ruled by law, and I have to be responsible for my actions. The door is over there, so I can leave."

"How can you be so cruel? What did my son do to make you treat him like this? I'm just a son. He can't have an accident."

"My mother is only my daughter, so something should happen to me?"

"Didn't you have an accident? Standing here in good condition, eating well and sleeping well every day. Have you ever seen what my son looks like now? What a handsome young man in good condition has become. When I saw him, I couldn't believe my own eyes."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what Liu Ji looked like now, but she could imagine it.

"Auntie, did your son ask you to come and beg me? If so, did he ask you to kneel down and beg me? You are a mother, and your son's mistakes will not be attached to you. You don't have to lower yourself like this identity of."

When Ms. Zhang saw Lin Xiaoxiao softened her attitude, she thought things had turned around, "He is my son, how could I just watch him go to jail. You are a kind girl, as long as you don't sue him, he will come back. Come to me as a mother. Show your mercy, and I will burn incense for you in the future."

Burn high incense?She is alive and well, what kind of incense is she burning.

Lin Xiaoxiao gave up her momentary soft-heartedness. She would not soften her heart for Liu Ji, but for a mother who cared so much for her son.But this mother obviously misunderstood, in order to avoid the misunderstanding from getting bigger, she still has to be cruel.

"Auntie, it's impossible to withdraw the lawsuit. Your son must go to jail. Well, if you still want to kneel, please go outside, and I won't stop you. Anyway, if you dare, I won't bother to stand at the door Tell the onlookers exactly what your son has done. They are bystanders, and you can listen to what they have to say."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think it was a big deal, so she suggested it to Ms. Zhang.

How could Ms. Zhang dare to make such a big show, she has already lost all her old face by kneeling down, if she kneels outside, will she still have to live?
"Lin Xiaoxiao, you are forcing our mother and son to death!" Ms. Zhang was furious, but when she thought of her son's situation, she unconsciously pleaded, "If you want money, we can give you money. We will discuss this matter privately. OK, okay?"

"Did you give me compensation for smashing my store before?"

"I'll give it now, then what?"

Seeing Ms. Zhang take out her bank card, Lin Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, "Just give me the money, what else can I do?"

"You should drop the case."

"Auntie, how many times do you ask me to say that it is impossible to withdraw the lawsuit, and it will be impossible in this life. Your son deserves what he deserves. No matter how much you plead for mercy and give money, it is impossible for me to change my mind."

"Lin Xiaoxiao, you are too cruel, are you worthy of Ah Ji?"

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that no matter how much she said, it would be in vain, so she might as well not say it, she was so tired.

"Are you saying that you are worthy of Ah Ji? Is it wrong for him to like you? Is it wrong for him to love you? Why are you so hard-hearted? Didn't you see me and knelt down to beg you? If you don't agree, you will lose your life .”

"Let's just fold it. I'll fold my life so that your son can stay in prison well. I'm willing."

This time, Ms. Zhang was blocked by Lin Xiaoxiao and was speechless. She couldn't accept the fact.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, you will get retribution for doing this! I beg you kindly, but you still harmed my son so viciously. Don't you just have a little money? I don't believe that my son didn't do anything and still Go to jail!"

Lin Xiaoxiao saw the whole process of face changing, she really didn't know what to say.

"I don't want your compensation anymore, you can go."

"You still want my money? You have a good idea. Even if I burn the money, I won't give it to you."

Lin Xiaoxiao was indifferent, "If you don't leave, I'll call the police."

"What else can you do but call the police!"

"I will sue your son."

"You!" Ms. Zhang trembled with anger.

Ms. Zhang finally dropped by and fled, and Lin Xiaoxiao felt relieved.

"So your recent restlessness was caused by her son. Why didn't you tell us, are you okay?"

Facing Zhai Junyi who cared about her, Lin Xiaoxiao felt warm in her heart, "I'm standing right in front of you right now, what's the matter?"

"Your fiancé, does he know about this?"

"I know, otherwise you think how I escaped."

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