Ye Fanyu wondered for a second that he had heard it wrong. When he confirmed what he had heard from the helplessness on Li Hao's face, he asked by name again, "Is Qin Hanyuan stupid?"

When Li Hao knew about it, he had the same idea. Did Qin Hanyuan's brain grow in vain?

The land in the old city was taken by the third master Qin after two years of wasted effort, and the Ye family played a big role in it, so both Ye and Qin attached great importance to the renovation project of the old city.

This project is no other project, as long as you have money, you can solve the problem.There are a lot of things involved in the middle, even if the third master Qin wants to stop, he probably has to weigh it. I really don't know where Qin Hanyuan got the courage to do so.

The matter is not simple, but Ye Fanyu does not plan to call Third Master Qin abroad.

After all, Qin Hanyuan is the elder brother of Third Master Qin. Let the brothers solve their brothers' affairs by themselves, although once the project is stopped, they will face pressure from all sides.

The pressure is just right, if you want to wipe out the moths in the Ye Group, you need this kind of sudden crisis to let those moths show up.Ye Fanyu decided to add fuel to the fire, and signed a project that required a lot of money on the spot.

"Young Master Ye, do you really want to do this?"

After the project is settled, there is basically not much liquidity on the company's books. In this way, the company will face compensation issues, and there will be no turnover funds, and the company will fall into a commercial crisis.

Ye Fanyu was very sure of what he was going to do, "All the rest of the work arrangements for this week will be cancelled, and you will sit in charge and report to me after you find out the problem."

The bait has been put down, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Lin Xiaoxiao woke up from hunger, she opened her eyes to look for food, when she heard Zhai Junyi's voice as soon as she moved.

"woke up?"

"Brother Zhai, why are you here?"

Isn't it time to open the shop, why is he here?

Di Junyi stood up from the sofa, "I cooked some porridge for you in the morning, are you hungry?"

She was more than hungry, she was starving.

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, she looked curiously at the thermos in his hand, "What kind of porridge?"

She didn't forget the chicken soup he made, it was really fragrant and the key point was that it was not only fragrant but also delicious.

As soon as Zhai Jun opened the thermos, he knew that there were bowls and chopsticks in the ward, so he didn't prepare anything else.

He poured the porridge out of the pot, "pork liver and lean meat porridge."

The aroma of porridge wafted into Lin Xiaoxiao's nose, and she felt even hungrier.

"I'll get up and wash up first." Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't wait, and quickly got up from the bed.

After Lin Xiaoxiao brushed her teeth and washed her face, she sat on the sofa and enjoyed the melt-in-your-mouth porridge.

When Ye Fanyu returned to the ward, he saw his wife sitting next to another man eating. He looked down at the food box in his hand, feeling a little glaring.But what is even more glaring is the man next to his woman.

"Are you finished?" Lin Xiaoxiao put down the bowl.

Ye Fanyu put away the food box and walked up to Lin Xiaoxiao. He reached out to her, "What do you want to eat?"

"Brother Zhai brought the porridge, do you want some?" Lin Xiaoxiao stood up and walked to Ye Fanyu's side.

"Are you full?"

Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head, she had only eaten a little more than a bowl, and she was still hungry.

Ye Fanyu was still very satisfied with the answer. He moved his eyes from Lin Xiaoxiao to Zhai Junyi, and his tone was not as friendly as Lin Xiaoxiao, "Shouldn't you be working in the store at this point?"

"Well, then I'll go first." Zhai Jun was neither humble nor overbearing, he stood up and wanted to leave.

It is impossible for him to allow the other party to leave things, "Take your things away."

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the thermos, thinking that there was still porridge in it, so why did she just take it away.She touched Ye Fanyu, "Isn't that bad?"

"Then do you eat porridge, or what I brought?"

Needless to say, before Lin Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, Zhai Junyi made the choice for her.

"I'll take the rest back to the store." Zhai Junyi didn't make Lin Xiaoxiao feel embarrassed, he started to tidy up.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt very embarrassed. No matter what, it was Zhai Junyi's intention, but she couldn't accuse Ye Fanyu in front of Zhai Junyi, "Here are some fruits, you can take them back to the store and eat with Xiao An, anyway, I I can't eat so much, let it go bad."

When Zhai Jun came, he only had a thermos in his hand, and when he left, he had an extra fruit basket in his hand.

As soon as Lin Xiaoxiao and the others left, she poked Ye Fanyu's chest with her finger, "Why are you so stingy, you won't let me eat porridge?"

"Why can't I tell you what you want to eat, will I still be hungry for you?" Ye Fanyu grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, preventing her from eating the leftover bowl of porridge.

The food in the food box was delicious, and Lin Xiaoxiao showed a regretful expression when she couldn't eat any more, "I knew I would have waited for you to come back just now, so full."

"Who told you not to wait for me." Ye Fanyu was still eating.

"How did I know you would come back so soon? I only got up when I was hungry. Of course I ate first if I had something to eat."

Ye Fanyu took a piece of beef, and Lin Xiaoxiao swallowed.

Lin Xiaoxiao watched Ye Fanyu put the beef into her mouth, she savored the taste of the beef, but she couldn't eat anymore, her stomach was so full.

"Even if I don't come back, I won't let you go hungry."

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled like a flower, "I know."

After the two of them had dinner, Lin Xiaoxiao felt a little sick to her stomach. After she told Ye Fanyu, Ye Fanyu led her around the ward a few times.

The area of ​​the ward was not big enough for people to walk around for a few minutes to digest food. Ye Fanyu just asked Lin Xiaoxiao to walk around a few times, and then he hugged her and rubbed her belly gently.

Rubbing and rubbing, Lin Xiaoxiao was sleepy again.

"I'm sleepy again."

When Lin Xiaoxiao said this, she blushed.

Ye Fanyu felt just right, "Let's take a nap."

"You don't have to go to work in the company?"

Lin Xiaoxiao thought that Ye Fanyu just came back to the hospital to have lunch with her, and she would doubt what he was trying to do.

Ye Fanyu received the thoughts in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, and he laughed uncontrollably, "I just want to take a nap with you, I will stay with you these days, and I won't go to work."

"If you don't go to work, who will do your work for you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of Li Hao, if the boss is not working, then the assistant is on the job, so isn't he going to be busy?It's so pitiful, one person does the amount for two people, but in her shop it's still two people, it's not that hard.

"Don't forget that there is someone above me."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought of Ye Huiping, Ye Fanyu's father.

Ye Fanyu probably guessed what Lin Xiaoxiao was thinking, so he didn't let her think so much, and pulled her towards the bed, "Don't think about it, let's sleep."

Lin Xiaoxiao got a new mobile phone. Her mobile phone was obviously the same model as Ye Fanyu's, but Ye Fanyu's was black and hers was red.Although she prefers pink, it is a bit girlish, so red, a color that takes a mature route, finally won her favor.

As soon as she got the phone, she immediately downloaded various software, and after a while she copied all the apps that existed on the old phone to the new phone, and then she started various logins and verifications.

When Lin Xiaoxiao was very busy, Ye Fanyu was also answering Li Hao's call.

Chaos had begun to emerge within the company. Before Ye Fanyu hung up the phone, he asked Li Hao to continue lighting the fire. He wanted to put a long line to catch big fish.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Ye Fanyu turned to ask Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao was responding to a message, and happened to be talking about food, without raising her head when she heard the words, "Brother Zhai said he would bring dinner over."

"Doesn't he have to work?"

"Maybe the shop isn't busy."

Ye Fanyu didn't look up when he saw Lin Xiaoxiao, he sat beside her, and then looked down at the screen.

He was typing over there, and he looked at their previous chat records first.After he finished reading, there was still no reply, so he took the phone from Lin Xiaoxiao's hand and started typing.

"What are you going to say?" Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think there was anything wrong with the phone being taken away, she wondered what Ye Fanyu was going to do.

Ye Fanyu took Lin Xiaoxiao's cell phone and replied, "Thank you, we cooked it at home."

"Is it cooked at home?"

"No, but since he wants to work, let him concentrate on his work instead of running to the hospital all the time."

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that what Ye Fanyu said made sense. When she took back the phone and was thinking about what to say, Zhai Junyi told her that he was going to work.

After dinner, Ye Fanyu received a call from the old man. Lin Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone to play games after seeing him leave.

When Zhai Junyi appeared in the ward, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled.

Why is he here again, and he brought something, isn't he a little more attentive?
Although Lin Xiaoxiao was puzzled, she still ate the syrup that Zhai Junyi brought.

"Just you?" Zhai Junyi also had a portion, and he was sitting next to Lin Xiaoxiao eating with her.

Lin Xiaoxiao gave a "hmm" and lowered her head to pick up the chestnuts in the bowl.

Zhai Jun saw Lin Xiaoxiao's every move, "I will make chestnut chicken soup tomorrow."

Lin Xiaoxiao raised her head and met Zhai Junyi's eyes. She didn't know if she was dazzled, but she actually saw the brilliance in Zhai Junyi's eyes.

Zhai Junyi smiled at Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao declined, "There are only you and Xiao An in the store now, you must be very busy, so I don't need to trouble you here."

Why, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

"It doesn't matter, I will always leave the flower shop, let Xiao An feel a little bit of crisis first, and cultivate his independence."

Is that so?
Lin Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, and as soon as Zhai Jun left, she sat on the sofa and thought.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiaoxiao was frightened by the thoughts in her heart.

But apart from this possibility, she couldn't think of any other reason.

After returning to the ward, Ye Fanyu found Lin Xiaoxiao's unfinished bowl of sugar water, and he asked casually, "Do I have my share of the sugar water?"

"Brother Zhai only brought two bowls, and he ate one bowl."

"Why is he here again?"

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Fanyu, she moved her mouth but said nothing.

She felt that it was better for her not to mention it, otherwise, with his jealous temper, he would definitely cause trouble.

Besides, she couldn't just say that Zhai Junyi liked her without knowing it. What if she was wrong?

However, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, Ye Fanyu also guessed it, and when he turned his head, his gaze became dark.

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