After leaving, their next destination was City A. When Lin Xiaoxiao sat on the plane and learned the result, her expression was lifeless.

"It's rare to come out, and I don't let people play. If you are busy, you can go back first. Anyway, I'm fine, and I can spend a few days with Min'er."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought that she and Wu Min'er just met in a hurry, and there was no time to talk privately, how could this person be like this, he didn't have any thought for others.

Ye Fanyu held the tablet in his hand, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose reflected the light on his head.

He raised his eyes to look at Lin Xiaoxiao, and could see that she was a little unhappy, so he had no choice but to put down the tablet, and stretched out his hand towards her to let her come in front of him.

When I came here, I took the plane of the airline company, but when I came back, it was a private jet.Lin Xiaoxiao knew that she was in a hurry even though her brain was rusty, so Ye must have some work that urgently required Ye Fanyu to go back, otherwise they would still take the punctual flight as they did when they came.

Lin Xiaoxiao also knew that it was not good for her to lose her temper and complain like this, but she just felt that why Ye Fanyu wouldn't let her choose something that was obviously a choice.

It's his business that he is busy, she can stay.It's not that she disagrees with him going back, besides, she's a big person, so he doesn't have to worry about safety or anything.Besides, the two of them are tired of being together every day when they are at home, there will always be a boring day, life still needs distance.

Ye Fanyu waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to take the initiative to approach, her hesitant look fell into his eyes, but he thought she was cute.

"Do you need me to go and carry you over?"

This man is dangerous!

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to sit still, she got up quickly and walked in front of Ye Fanyu.

Ye Fanyu directly pulled her into his lap and sat down, his forehead lightly touched the back of her neck, and his breath sprayed on her neck, making her tremble slightly, while he enjoyed her trembling and chuckled softly.

Lin Xiaoxiao moved back to try to push him away, "Can you stop getting so close, it's itchy."

"Let me lean on."

How did she hear the regret in his tone? What regrets did he have? She was the one who regretted it!
It was rare for her to come here. After flying for more than ten hours, she couldn't stay for a few more days. Such a hasty itinerary was simply torture.

I can't hear you, hum!
Lin Xiaoxiao had many thoughts in her mind. She felt that she just couldn't let Ye Fanyu succeed. Anyway, she was a little wronged. If he didn't coax her, then she would stop talking.

Ye Fanyu held Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, he knew what she was thinking without looking at her face.

If he hadn't seen her unhappy, he wouldn't have stopped working.

"I know you want to stay and play for a few days, but there is something about the company, and I need to go back to deal with it immediately. When I have time later, I will take you out again, and you can play for a few days at that time."

Don't talk, can't talk.

Lin Xiaoxiao secretly warned herself in her heart that she couldn't talk to Ye Fanyu right away, let's see what else he could say.

Ye Fanyu couldn't wait for Lin Xiaoxiao's words, so he chuckled again, his laughter was like a spring breeze.

This man's voice is nice, if he often laughs.
No, he can only show her a smile. The way he smiles is so charming that he will seduce other women.

He belongs to her alone!
Lin Xiaoxiao almost didn't control her mouth, almost said what was in her heart, it was so dangerous.

Lin Xiaoxiao was afraid that she couldn't help it, so she learned to be good, and didn't imagine Ye Fanyu smiling, so that she wouldn't be affected and could be "cold" to the end.

Ye Fanyu gently massaged Lin Xiaoxiao's fingertips with his hands, he raised his head slightly, his eyes looked out of the plane, the starry sky was shining, "Look outside, isn't it beautiful?"

Don't talk about business, what's the topic, this man is really...
Lin Xiaoxiao was disgusted in her heart, but her eyes still looked outside involuntarily.

Only then did she see the stars outside.

The plane soared in the night sky, and they seemed to be in the sea of ​​stars.

However, the stars are unattainable. Although they seem not far away, they are actually separated by an unknown number of light-years.

The beautiful star scene immediately dilutes the unhappiness in Lin Xiaoxiao's heart. She didn't even notice it, but Ye Fanyu, who was close to her, noticed it immediately.

Lin Xiaoxiao lay down by the window, she looked at the stars outside and the sea of ​​clouds around the plane.

Suddenly, a shooting star streaked across the sky, and Lin Xiaoxiao exclaimed.

Ye Fanyu also saw it, and he waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to calm down before asking, "Have you made a wish?"

"You also believe in such things?" Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head.

She forgot not to talk to Ye Fanyu, and when she saw the playfulness in Ye Fanyu's eyes, she remembered her plan just now.

Now that it's all said, there's no need to be cold.

Lin Xiaoxiao gave a fake cough, "I'm still not happy."

"Did you make a wish?"

Why is it still the same sentence, he is a big man, why should he pay attention to this kind of woman?
No, after he interrupted, she forgot to make a wish!

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly turned her head to look outside again. She was very lucky and saw shooting stars again. This time she had to close her eyes and make a wish no matter what she said.

Ye Fanyu quietly waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to make a wish, and when she opened her eyes, "What wish did you make?"

"Don't tell you."

Ye Fanyu didn't press the question, he continued the previous topic, "I don't want you to leave my side for too long, if you want to play, then come out when we are on our honeymoon."

Oh, and there's that honeymoon thing.

If Ye Fanyu didn't mention it, Lin Xiaoxiao forgot about it.

Wait, honeymoon!
Lin Xiaoxiao thought of one thing, her eyes lit up, "You took me to your friend's house before, and that friend of yours is a fashion designer?"


Lin Xiaoxiao stopped talking, she guessed it.

"Don't want to know what clothes to make for you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't ask, but Ye Fanyu was waiting for her.

Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head.

She looked at Ye Fanyu and smiled.

She knew it all, why did she still ask, wouldn't that make her look stupid?

Ye Fanyu saw through Lin Xiaoxiao's careful thinking, he didn't say anything, and changed the topic, "Master Ye has moved once, and the internal personnel structure has broken, and the personnel who have been added recently still need to be adjusted, so the workload is heavy. I'm not here, and my heart is impetuous, so something happened and I need to go back to deal with it. I can't stay with you, I'm sorry, I will make it up to you later. "

That's right, explain something clearly, otherwise people will be confused and feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Xiaoxiao listened to Ye Fanyu's explanation.

He can explain that this is a very good thing for her, otherwise the two of them will not communicate at all, and it will be troublesome.

"If you have anything to do in the future, you can tell me first. Sometimes I am not smart and I like to play petty temper, but I can understand. If you arrange everything quietly, I will feel that I have no place in your heart. I Anyway, she is also your wife, but if you don't discuss anything with me, I will think that you didn't put me in your wife's position."

Lin Xiaoxiao paused as she spoke, she looked at Ye Fanyu, trying to see something from his face.

I don't know if he will be angry when she says that.

The expression on Ye Fanyu's face was calm, but Lin Xiaoxiao saw some waves in his eyes.

Wouldn't he be angry?

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little afraid to continue.

Lin Xiaoxiao stopped talking, but Ye Fanyu was still waiting for her to continue.

What she said was actually right.

He is used to the identity of the leader, and he is centered on himself in many things.If she didn't talk, he would think she was submissive.

He didn't waste his brain trying to figure out what she thought, if she didn't say it, then he...
Ye Fanyu knew that he was a bit "dictatorial". He and she were husband and wife. If the two of them didn't discuss it, there would be minor conflicts in many things.

No matter how small the contradiction is, it will become a big contradiction when it accumulates, and it will be more troublesome to solve it.

He should listen to what she thinks.

"go on."

Ye Fanyu didn't pay attention to his tone all of a sudden, when Lin Xiaoxiao heard his slightly cold tone, bad thoughts flashed through her mind.

Did she make him angry, but she didn't seem to be wrong.

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that she was right, she had to stand her ground, otherwise she would obey him in everything in the future, wouldn't she have no personal freedom at all?

She knew that he was not the kind of man without grace, but they had become husband and wife, so they still needed to understand and communicate with each other more.

She is not wrong at will, and he cannot be angry.

Lin Xiaoxiao had a decision in her heart, and she also had the confidence to speak, "I'm not wrong!"

She was firm in her position first, and she was even more courageous after saying this sentence.

"As it is now, if you want to rush back, you can tell me in advance. I will not delay your work. If you insist on me going home with you, I am also happy. In fact, many times, some small things seem It’s not eye-catching, but the more we do it, the more conflicts there will be between us. At that time, it may be difficult for us to sit down and talk face to face, so when we find problems and solve them in time, this is also your attitude towards work. Isn't it?"

"There is no contradiction between us."

Ye Fanyu didn't like hearing such words from Lin Xiaoxiao's mouth, he emphasized, "We won't have any problems."

"Let me make an analogy, brother."

"Who am I?"

Ye Fanyu was dissatisfied when he heard Lin Xiaoxiao's address.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think there was anything wrong, she waved her hand, "It's nothing serious, so do you understand what I just said?"

Not a thing?
He was her husband, her man, and she actually called him big brother?
Ye Fanyu didn't want to hear this kind of address from Lin Xiaoxiao's mouth again. He pinched her chin, looked into her eyes, and said word by word, "Remember, I am your man, not your man." Brother."

What's the point of being entangled with this? This person's focus is too biased.

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to get rid of Ye Fanyu's hand, but he used all his strength, so she could only let him hold her.

"If you let me hear the address just now from your mouth again, then I will only do one thing, one thing to let you understand who I am."

After talking, she started driving, Lin Xiaoxiao stared, this man is a bit too much.

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