Ye Fanyu didn't move, instead he reached back and pulled Lin Xiaoxiao to his side, "I'm not afraid if I'm here."

What does it mean not to be afraid with him, but she is very afraid, okay!

Look, it's hundreds of meters high even if it's not a thousand. It's no joke if you fall down.God, she feels dizzy, what should I do.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao realized that she was actually a little afraid of heights, especially on the edge of a cliff where people could fall to pieces if she was a little careless.Even if the scenery in front of you is really beautiful, life is the most important thing.

"Is this where you're taking me?"

"No, I still have to go up. If I see that mountain, it's on top of that mountain."

Ye Fanyu pointed to a mountain in the distance, and Lin Xiaoxiao measured the distance between them with her eyes. She felt that Ye Fanyu might not have understood one thing. Looking at the two mountains so far away, if she wanted to get closer, there would be a distance between them. Not a small distance.

It is impossible to reach the destination within an hour!Why don't you just take a helicopter, if you take a helicopter, I'm afraid they will all be on that mountain by now.

Lin Xiaoxiao had a resentful face, Ye Fanyu met her expression and eyes, and remembered something, "This is the first surprise place, we will go there after lunch."

"So this is the only destination we walked for an hour?"

When Lin Xiaoxiao saw Ye Fanyu nodding, she knew that she had guessed correctly, and the journey was really long and long.

There were three cars in total for this trip, and Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know about it along the way, until someone came to disturb them and told them that they were going to have lunch, she realized that on the other side of the car, a group of people had been busy for a long time.

She didn't look over there when she got out of the car just now, blame her for only seeing Ye Fanyu.

Three cars were parked near the edge of the cliff, with a cliff on one side and a flat road on the other.The lunch table is placed on the side of the cliff, but because Lin Xiaoxiao casts a shadow on the cliff, the table is placed a little further inward from where Ye Fanyu saw it in advance, so that Lin Xiaoxiao feels like eating by the cliff as much as possible Meals are a very safe thing to do.

Lin Xiaoxiao's position was close to the car, and she felt that it was much safer to have a car behind her.

Ye Fanyu and Lin Xiaoxiao took their seats, and Lin Xiaoxiao found that sitting on the edge of the cliff and standing on the edge of the cliff were two completely different feelings.

She was afraid of accidents when she was standing, but she felt much safer when she was sitting.

It may be the visual difference, otherwise how could there be such a big change.

As soon as Lin Xiaoxiao and Ye Fanyu were seated, the chef served delicious dishes.

"Ye Fanyu, are the human rights you brought out this time bodyguards?"

"The one just now was the chef."

Lin Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide in shock, no way, it turned out to be a chef, and he actually brought the chef out, why don't you be so willful.

"Let's eat, don't you like to eat his dishes?"

Wait, this is not what she thinks, is it?
Lin Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, but before she could ask what was on her mind, Ye Fanyu answered for her.

"It's the one you want, grandpa asked me to bring it out."

How could they keep the matter of their trip from the old man, Ye Fanyu specially informed the old man before departure, so there was the matter that the old man sent someone to follow.

Ye Fanyu's original plan was that they would only drive one car, so that it would be convenient no matter where they went.Unexpectedly, after the old man's ears, one car turned into three cars.

Originally, the old man arranged not only three cars, but in the end Ye Fanyu only agreed to travel in three cars, so the old man compromised.

Both the grandpa and grandson knew the purpose of this trip, and the old man was also worried about what happened to his grandson and daughter-in-law on the way, otherwise he would not force him to ask.

"You brought people out, so what do they eat, grandpa?"

"There are other cooks at home."

That's it, so she doesn't feel guilty.

"Eat quickly, rest for a while before continuing on the road."

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly lost her appetite. She thought that the road up the mountain was bumpy. Did she just vomit when she was full?
She was hesitant to eat it, but Ye Fanyu had already started to eat it.

When someone in front of him eats with gusto, as the person opposite him, it is impossible not to be affected.

Lin Xiaoxiao swallowed, she realized that she was hungry.

Forget it, if you vomit, just vomit, she can't bear to eat such a delicious lunch.

Even if he vomited on the way, he had eaten it in his stomach.How to say tasted it, no regrets.

Lin Xiaoxiao decided to have a good time.

Ye Fanyu waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to eat something before raising the wine glass in front of him, "Drink some."

The mountain road was so bumpy, but I didn't expect the glass cups I brought out to be undamaged.

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to see what was in the two cars other than the one she was sitting in. It was possible that the car she was sitting in was also full of things in the trunk.

"We'll stay on the mountain for two days, and we'll go back on the third day."

Ye Fanyu finally said the time to go out, Lin Xiaoxiao still felt a little short.

It's a bumpy road, so I have to stay for two more days.But considering other factors, two days is already pretty good, and she should learn to be content.

"What's on that mountain?"

"That's Tea Mountain."

Ye Fanyu told Lin Xiaoxiao clearly what kind of mountain that mountain was.

"Are all the mountains growing tea?"

"Well, grandpa likes to drink tea."

Lin Xiaoxiao admired the old man for finding such a bumpy place to grow tea, and such a bumpy road. No, the old man probably used a helicopter to travel. Where there is any bumpy situation, it is really sad.

Lin Xiaoxiao decided to turn her grief and anger into appetite, and she didn't think that she would vomit it all up in the car after eating.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao had an appetite, Ye Fanyu gave the chef a few glances.

Lin Xiaoxiao would toast Ye Fanyu while she was eating. Before she knew it, she drank a big glass, and then she felt dizzy.

"How much is this wine?"

"The alcohol content is not high."

Can a low alcohol content give her such an immediate effect? ​​Can she suspect that the wine is wrong?

"Ye Fanyu, thank you for bringing me here, I offer you a toast."

Although dizzy, Lin Xiaoxiao thought of one thing.If you drink too much and get dizzy, you probably won't be sober enough to vomit along the way.Maybe you can have a good sleep, and when you wake up, you will really arrive at your destination.

"If you can't drink it, don't drink it, or you will feel uncomfortable later."

Ye Fanyu began to persuade her to drink, but how could Lin Xiaoxiao listen to the advice, she wanted to drink more, and fell asleep all the way.

As a result, more than half of the large bottle of wine entered Lin Xiaoxiao's stomach, and Ye Fanyu couldn't stop it even if he wanted to, because Lin Xiaoxiao's reasoning was in the right place.

After eating and drinking enough, Ye Fanyu didn't want to leave immediately.He moved the chair and sat next to Lin Xiaoxiao, and then the man pulled towards him.

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little drunk, this was her understanding.She felt Ye Fanyu approaching, she tilted her head, "Why don't you sit opposite me, why don't you sit next to me?"

"I want to see the scenery from the same angle as you."

Ye Fanyu's reason touched Lin Xiaoxiao's heart, she squinted her eyes and smiled like a kitten who just finished eating dried fish, so cute that Ye Fanyu couldn't take her eyes off to look at the scenery.

"Didn't you say you were looking at the scenery? Why are you looking at me without blinking your eyes. Hey, blink your eyes and I'll see if you're asleep."

Lin Xiaoxiao patted Ye Fanyu, and Ye Fanyu fulfilled her request on the spot.

Ye Fanyu realized that blinking was not enough, Lin Xiaoxiao reached out and pulled his face, not leaving him any image at all.

"Your face should be so drawn, it looks good."

Ye Fanyu doesn't believe a drunken person's drunken words, but Lin Xiaoxiao said it, so he can barely believe it.

"If you think other men are prettier than me, don't you want me?"

"You are the most beautiful man I think so far, how do you let me choose?"

Although the answer is not satisfactory, it is still acceptable.

Ye Fanyu held Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, "You are married to me, so you can only look at me if you want to see it, other men should not take a second look, do you hear me?"

"Some of them need to be looked at more, they are handsome."

This woman didn't even know she was drunk, and she was still saying drunk things that made him dissatisfied. Believe it or not, he beat her up.

It is impossible to fight, he is reluctant.

"Xiaoxiao, I don't like it when you look at other men. Since you are married to me, then you can just look at me, and don't look at other men too much."


So what about domineering, he just doesn't like her looking at other men.

Lin Xiaoxiao pulled Ye Fanyu's clothes, she whispered, "Ye Fanyu, I want to go to the bathroom."

The surrounding area is empty, is there a toilet, how to solve it?

"Hurry up, I can't hold back anymore!"

Lin Xiaoxiao stood up in a hurry, and Ye Fanyu hurriedly held her hand to prevent her from running around.

She was so drunk and dazed, running around would definitely cause an accident.

"Hurry up, I really can't hold back!" Lin Xiaoxiao stomped her feet.

Ye Fanyu called people, and then asked them to walk away from the cliff with their backs turned.

"Come on, I really"

"follow me."

Ye Fanyu chose a place for Lin Xiaoxiao, and before he let her go, she had to deal with it on the spot, and when it was settled, she would go to his side and not run around.

"Run and hit."

"I don't run around!" Lin Xiaoxiao waved her hand, so she wouldn't run around.

Ye Fanyu was not at ease, but Lin Xiaoxiao was very fussy and told him to turn around and not allow him to peek.

"You can't look back."

"it is good."

There was a rustling sound behind him, and Ye Fanyu listened carefully, fearing that Lin Xiaoxiao would be in danger.

"All right!"

After Lin Xiaoxiao solved her personal problem, she rushed to Ye Fanyu whose back was facing her.

Ye Fanyu immediately turned around and caught Lin Xiaoxiao who was bumping towards him.

"I'm fine, when are we leaving?"

"When do you want to leave?"

Lin Xiaoxiao laughed, "Now, I'm going to sleep."


After getting into the car again, Lin Xiaoxiao fell asleep in seconds, there was no need for Ye Fanyu to coax her.

The turbulent movement along the way did not wake Lin Xiaoxiao up, Ye Fanyu was very satisfied, he felt that it was right for him to ask someone to prepare wine, and nothing happened when he was drunk, which is great.

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