The corners of her mouth twitched, her face innocent, "I don't know."

Wu Min'er couldn't break free from the man's confinement, she couldn't speak with a cloth stuffed in her mouth, otherwise she would definitely scold Lin Xiaoxiao for being so stupid.

"There must be more than the two of you here, right? Tell me, how many people are here, and why do you know we are here. If you don't say anything, I will make her look good."

The man in the lead was full of beards, and Lin Xiaoxiao and Li Hao couldn't see his appearance clearly.But judging from his voice, at least he wasn't as old as he looked, and although his eyes were fierce, they didn't have the feeling of timidity.

Before Lin Xiaoxiao could speak, Li Hao whispered to her.

"Young lady, you'd better not talk."

Li Hao is well aware of Lin Xiaoxiao's violent temper. She is too impulsive and will say a lot of things if she is not careful.Just in case, he reminded her first, otherwise everything would be exposed by her.

What Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to say was blocked, she was not angry, but she was a little unhappy.

She doesn't know what to say, so there's no need for Li Hao to be afraid.

"Aren't you taking us too seriously? When I ask you, you'd better answer honestly, otherwise, with your two slender arms and legs, it's definitely not enough for us to clean up. Anyway, one is a sell , two more we only earn but not lose. At that time, even if you cry and beg us, you will not let you go."

The bearded man winked at his partner, and the other two echoed loudly, looking at Lin Xiaoxiao and Li Hao more greedily.

Li Hao was not afraid of the other party's intimidation, he only wanted to protect Lin Xiaoxiao behind him, and then delay the time.

Young Master Ye is just taking people around, they will be back soon.As long as they find that there is no one in the helicopter, they will definitely chase after it, and it will not be certain who will take care of it.

"Who are you and why are you arresting her? We're just here to play, so it doesn't seem like we offended you? Why don't you take a step back, let's not meddle in our own business, and you let us go?"

"Come to play? Hahaha, what jokes are you talking about? What's so interesting here!" The bearded man laughed twice, his face changed, and he stared at Li Hao's face with gloomy and violent eyes, "You'd better tell the truth, or believe me Don't you believe that I can make you speechless for the rest of your life?"

Li Hao has been with Ye Fanyu for so long, and he has never seen any kind of person. This little scare didn't frighten him at all. He smiled calmly and said, "What I'm telling is the truth. If you don't believe me, it can only be your brain There is a problem with the circuit."

Lin Xiaoxiao noticed that the bearded man's face was getting more and more terrifying, so she couldn't help but whispered, "Assistant Li, he seems very angry."

"Can you not be angry? Young Madam, can you stop talking to distract me, I can't beat the three of them alone."

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that she was rejected, "Okay."

Li Hao felt tired, but he didn't show it on his face, and looked at the other party calmly.

"Boss, stop talking nonsense with him, we are still in a hurry."

"You go!"

The man in a jacket rushed towards Li Hao obediently. The latter was already prepared, he took two steps forward before the opponent rushed up, and then fought with the former.

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't imagine that Li Hao, who is usually gentle and gentle, would have such good skills. He looked thin and tall, but he was completely handy when fighting with stronger men.

"Lian Jiazi? Be strong!" The man in the jacket was punched in the left cheek, and he turned his head to the side and spat blood.

Li Hao didn't stop talking nonsense with him, and punched him back a step.

This time the man in the jacket finally got angry, his fist was blown by the wind, and he fought back so hard that Li Hao could only defend but not attack.

Lin Xiaoxiao was happy one second, but frightened the next second.

Li Hao is quite capable of fighting, but the opponent is obviously stronger than him. If he is beaten to the ground, wouldn't they have to be arrested by the opponent?
Where did Ye Fanyu go, and why hasn't he come back for so long.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think about running away, she took advantage of the heated fight between the two, and started to look around.

It would be good if you can find a piece of wood, which can not only defend yourself, but also hit people.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao's thinking was too naive, Li Hao and the man in the jacket were not free, the man holding Wu Min'er was not free, but the bearded man was very free.

Lin Xiaoxiao and the others didn't realize the other party until they got close. She screamed and hurriedly dodged the other party's overstretched hand.

The bearded man didn't succeed in catching him, and he wasn't angry. Instead, he continued to approach Lin Xiaoxiao with a smile.

It was impossible for Lin Xiaoxiao to stand still and wait to be caught, so she started running in the grass, shouting, "Help!"

"You broke your throat and no one saved you." The bearded man saw Lin Xiaoxiao running forward, but he was not in a hurry to chase him. He looked at Lin Xiaoxiao's "dying struggle" with great interest as if he was taking a walk. .

Li Hao wanted to break away from the fight with the man in the jacket, but the other party saw through his intentions and couldn't care about Lin Xiaoxiao by pestering him.

He could only yell at Lin Xiaoxiao, "Run to the helicopter!"

Lin Xiaoxiao heard it.

The lights of the helicopter were on not far away, and Lin Xiaoxiao knew that as long as she ran there, she might meet Ye Fanyu who came back, so she ignored the dense grass and kept running forward.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaoxiao tripped and fell to the ground.

She looked back and found that the bearded man was still walking towards her. She immediately got up and continued to run forward regardless of the pain.

The field of vision is black, only the helicopter side has light.Lin Xiaoxiao was stumbling, and when she was finally approaching the helicopter, she heard running footsteps behind her.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to look back at all, she panted and continued to run forward.

Don't get caught, Ye Fanyu, where are you!
Lin Xiaoxiao heard the sound of the bearded man getting closer, he said something, and then fell to the ground.

Not knowing what was going on, Lin Xiaoxiao continued to move forward.

Lin Xiaoxiao was taken aback by the person who suddenly appeared in front of her. When she saw who it was, she staggered into the other person's arms.

She burst into tears, "Where did you go, you scared me to death!"

Ye Fanyu didn't expect to see this scene when he came back. His woman was being chased by a man, and the man was about to catch her.

The next second, the bearded man landed on the ground, his eyes darkened, it was too cheap for him.

"Don't be afraid."

Ye Fanyu hugged Lin Xiaoxiao tightly, just as he was about to continue coaxing people, when he heard Lin Xiaoxiao's words, he immediately looked to the person on the left.

Lin Xiaoxiao cried and said, "Min'er is in front, woo woo, hurry up."

Ye Fanyu didn't expect that the person they were looking for was in front, no wonder there was no one there when they passed by.

"I shouldn't have kept you here. It's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Lin Xiaoxiao cried while hugging Ye Fanyu, who let her cry.

After a few minutes, Lin Xiaoxiao stopped crying.She curled up in Ye Fanyu's arms, feeling his warmth.

"I finally stopped crying, can you look at me?"

Wu Min'er had already stood by the side, she waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to finish crying, who knew that Lin Xiaoxiao planned to lie in the man's arms after crying, she was overwhelmed.

"Min'er?" Lin Xiaoxiao's voice was hoarse, she looked up from Ye Fanyu's arms, saw Wu Min'er beside her who was safe and sound, excitedly pushed Ye Fanyu away, and then crashed into Wu Min'er's arms.

Lin Xiaoxiao staged a crying scene again, she held Wu Miner's hand tightly, crying very sadly, "Min'er, you are fine, you scared me to death! I thought you were dead, how could you scare me like this."

"It's not that I want to scare you, hey, don't cry, your man is staring at me."

Wu Min'er's scalp was numb from Ye Fanyu's look. She wanted to push Lin Xiaoxiao away, but she couldn't push anyone away.

"I'm going to cry, do you know I'm worried about you?"

Wu Min'er couldn't handle Lin Xiaoxiao anymore, she looked at Ye Fanyu, "Take care of your wife."

Ye Fanyu didn't want Lin Xiaoxiao to make others cry, but the other party was a woman, and he could bear it, so he might as well let her cry enough, at least he would feel better.

Seeing that Ye Fanyu hadn't moved, Wu Min'er could only sigh.

Wu Min'er detested Lin Xiaoxiao one second, but hugged someone to comfort him the next second, "I'm fine, don't cry, or I'll cry for you."

"You are not allowed to cry!"

Wu Min'er was overjoyed, "You can cry, why can't I cry?"

"You just can't cry."

Lin Xiaoxiao originally wanted to cry for a long time, but when Wu Min'er interrupted her, she couldn't continue crying.

The tears stopped, Lin Xiaoxiao pushed Wu Min'er away.

Seeing a pair of red eyes, Wu Min'er felt very uncomfortable.

She knew that what happened to her this time had scared Lin Xiaoxiao, but she couldn't say a word of apology.

"You were beaten by them, where did you hit? Is your face swollen? Let me see."

Lin Xiaoxiao stared at Wu Min'er's face carefully, and sure enough she found that Wu Min'er's face was swollen.He touched it lightly with his hand, feeling extremely distressed, "It hurts, why did they hit you?"

"It must be painful, I thought I was going to be planted this time."


Lin Xiaoxiao covered Wu Min'er's mouth angrily, "Whether you can speak or not, don't open your mouth if you can't speak, how can you curse yourself to death. As long as you are fine, let's go to the hospital. By the way, what about your brother?"

"How do I know, you came together?"

Only then did Lin Xiaoxiao think of Wu Zetian and the others. She looked at Ye Fanyu, only he knew the situation.

"Already contacted, let's go back first."

They were going back, Lin Xiaoxiao thought of the people who arrested Wu Min'er, "What about those people?"

"Wu Zetian will come and deal with it."

Ye Fanyu left one person behind, and the rest boarded the helicopter and left.

The helicopter rose slowly, Lin Xiaoxiao looked down, "Is it enough to leave only one person?"

"They can't move."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't understand the meaning of the words, but Wu Min'er understood.The two looked at each other, but both of them did not explain the deep meaning to Lin Xiaoxiao.

More than an hour later, the helicopter stopped on a grassy field.

Lin Xiaoxiao was taken off the plane, she didn't understand why it stopped here, "Ye Fanyu, aren't we going back to the hotel?"

"This is our home, little fool."

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