Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 33 Sorry, I'm Late

"Liu Ji, if you have something to say, please say it. Don't act impulsively and regret it for the rest of your life. You have the old and the young, and if you go to prison, no one will take care of them."

Lin Xiaoxiao intends to procrastinate, she knows that Ye Fanyu is already on his way, as long as she procrastinates a little longer, she can wait for Ye Fanyu.She couldn't let Liu Ji succeed, she must have a way to distract him.

"Aren't you arrogant? What's the use of what you say now? Since I dare to do it, I won't be afraid of regretting it. When we cook rice, you will be mine. If I go to prison, who will accompany you for the rest of your life?" ? Is your so-called fiancé? Can he tolerate his wife sleeping with other men?"

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that her scalp was about to be torn, but she didn't dare to let go, she gritted her teeth and continued to persuade, "Liu Ji, you are just confused for a while, why do you have to treat yourself like this? Yes, as long as you work hard for a few more years, you will definitely achieve something. Are you going to destroy all of these? If you let go now, I will pretend that nothing happened."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know that when she said these words, a look of heartbreak flashed across Liu Ji's face behind her, followed by a face full of ridicule, and then a disgusting smile.

"What you said can only be realized on the basis that I have not been fired. Do you know that the programming I did by myself was plagiarized, and he dared to say that it was done by himself. Isn't he just the brother-in-law of the company boss? He's a bitch. After we're together, you must go and see that guy with me. At that time, I must taunt him in front of him to make him feel A handful of rich man's viciousness."

Oops, she said the wrong thing.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't expect Liu Ji to encounter these things, and when she thought about his behavior at this time, she estimated that the two were related.Didn't she push herself into the fire pit, and she also threw firewood into the fire pit.

God is killing me, Ye Fanyu, when will you arrive!

"Is there nothing to say? I advise you to let it go obediently, and then let me save some effort."

"Liu Ji, have you really never thought about the consequences of doing this?"

No, I have nothing to say, just wait!

Lin Xiaoxiao was about to go crazy, she said earnestly, "Impulse is the devil, you are just impulsive. You are a man with a future, as long as you return from the wrong way."

"Qiantu? What future do I have? Future is a lie. All I want now is money, money! How much do I want to marry you? Xiaoxiao, quickly tell me your bank card password, etc. After we're done, let's transfer the money together."

You are not good enough, but you still want to rob her of money?

Lin Xiaoxiao was extremely angry, but she still gritted her teeth and endured, "Liu Ji, money is not everything. If you want money, I can give it to you, but you have to let me go immediately. If you touch me again, I won't let you get a penny."

"I'm so scared." Liu Ji changed his voice, and there was only madness on his face, "You are mine now, don't your money belong to me?"

Liu Ji no longer wanted to quarrel with Lin Xiaoxiao, he pulled Lin Xiaoxiao's hair harder, and forced her to let go.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't want to let go, but her scalp was really painful. She seriously suspected that a third of her hair had been pulled off.At this time, she wished she had short hair, especially a short cut.Seeing him like this, how can he still drag her, it hurts her to death
When Ye Fanyu rushed to Lin Xiaoxiao's house, what he saw was Lin Xiaoxiao letting go.

"Let go!" Ye Fanyu scolded angrily, he quickly ran into Lin Xiaoxiao's house, and then grabbed Liu Ji's wrist.

The appearance of Ye Fanyu changed the panic in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes into surprise. She no longer turned her back to Liu Ji, but at the same time Ye Fanyu shot, she turned her head and kicked Liu Ji hard.

Liu Ji's hands and feet were hit by gravity, he let go in pain, and then staggered back a few steps.

Ye Fanyu pulled Lin Xiaoxiao behind when she was free, and he took a quick look at her, "Are you all right?"


Lin Xiaoxiao didn't want to distract Ye Fanyu, so she didn't dare to speak carefully.However, the shadow that Liu Ji brought her made her unable to hold on to his clothes even if someone stood in front of her. Only when she had something in her hand did she feel a little bit safer.

Ye Fanyu felt Lin Xiaoxiao's movements, and he didn't turn his head, but it was not difficult to guess that she was still afraid.

He looked at Liu Ji coldly, "You are very courageous."

"Thank you, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, don't you succeed?"

"Yeah, as long as you come one minute late, you won't even be able to get in the door."

Ye Fanyu didn't want to think about what would happen in that minute, he didn't even want to think about what Lin Xiaoxiao experienced before he came.

"Liu Ji, you will regret what you did tonight."

"Now I regret that I was not decisive before you appeared, otherwise she would already be mine. Don't you just want me to be rich, otherwise how would she marry you? Women are all vain guys, I can see through it .”

"Even if he has no money, I will marry! What do you have that is worthy of my marriage? I have long thought that you are not a man who can continue dating. You regret it, I regret it more than you. Why did I blindly agree to your dating back then? .”

Lin Xiaoxiao poked her head behind Ye Fanyu furiously, "Liu Ji, you'd better look in the mirror, with your appearance, no woman wants to marry."

"Shut up! You just love vanity, if it wasn't for the tens of millions of dowry, would you marry?"

"So you are aiming at that ten million to attack me?"

Ye Fanyu felt unhappy when he heard Lin Xiaoxiao and Liu Ji's words.

He doesn't want her to talk, especially her ex-boyfriend.

"Wait for me in the room?" Ye Fanyu turned around.

Lin Xiaoxiao met Ye Fanyu's gaze, she didn't understand why she was called back to the room.

"I don't want you to talk to him. You can come out after I'm done with it? You can take a shower first. Didn't he grab your hand just now? Don't you think it's disgusting?"

After what Ye Fanyu said, Lin Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable all over.

She was pulled and hugged just now, and she felt the smell of Liu Ji all over her body.

No, it's really disgusting, she can't take it anymore.

Lin Xiaoxiao shuddered, "I didn't realize it even if you didn't tell me, then I'll leave this place to you, and I'll take a bath."

Liu Ji wanted to grab Lin Xiaoxiao again, but Ye Fanyu stood between him and her. Lin Xiaoxiao returned to the room safely, and there were only the two men left in the living room.

Ye Fanyu came in a hurry from the company, he was still wearing a suit.After Lin Xiaoxiao's room door was locked, he took off his suit jacket in front of Liu Ji, and threw it on the sofa.

He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves.He twisted his neck and moved his limbs.

Liu Ji was not reconciled to running away. Seeing Ye Fanyu about to make a move, he asked fearlessly, "What's your name?"

"In front of me, you are not qualified to ask my name. However, you should know my name. My name is Ye Fanyu, you remember this name."

"Ye Fanyu? Are kids from rich families like you all so proud and arrogant? Are other people inferior to an ant in your eyes? Didn't you warn me that if I stop feeling unwell, you will let me live in City A?" I can't go on. I'm like this now, why are you going to make me unable to survive in City A?"

It was Ye Fanyu's fist that greeted Liu Ji's arrogance and pride. The latter landed heavily on the former.

"Please, don't hit me. I know I was wrong. If you hit me again, you will die. Aren't you afraid of going to jail?"

"Can't you bear this pain? Don't worry, you won't die so easily. I just teach you a little lesson. If you dare to touch my person, you will bear my anger. As for the person in prison, I will let you live in peace." Enjoy life in there."

Ye Fanyu vented his anger on Liu Ji, each of his punches seemed to be disorderly, but the position of the landing was particular, which would definitely make Liu Ji remember the pain.

Liu Ji was not Ye Fanyu's opponent at all, he begged so hard that tears and snot flowed out.

"It's going to kill someone, I'm going to die, I'm going to die"

"Liu Ji, with your current appearance, I feel that my hands are dirty. Few people dare to touch my things, let alone she belongs to me."

"I'm really going to die, call the police, I'd rather go to jail."

Ye Fanyu stopped his hands and said condescendingly, "Would you rather go to jail?"

"Yes, yes, I'd rather go to jail."

"Then call the police yourself."

Ye Fanyu let Liu Ji go. He sat down on the sofa, looked at Liu Ji who was getting up from the ground, and realized that he was about to run away. He said casually, "You can get out of this door, but you can't get out of A City. As long as you dare to run, I will have your legs amputated as soon as I find you."

Liu Ji was too scared to move, he froze in place for a while.

"Why, do you want me to teach you how to call the police?"

Liu Ji was afraid of calling the police, and even more afraid of the angry Ye Fanyu.

He was afraid that if he didn't call the police, Ye Fanyu would beat him to death.

Liu Ji called obediently, the feeling of calling the police and arresting him was very bad.

"Before the police come, you just want to stand there and think about how to explain later."

When the police arrived, Lin Xiaoxiao had washed up and walked out.

Liu Ji explained in detail how he followed Lin Xiaoxiao home and tried to rape her. Whenever he was vague in some places, Lin Xiaoxiao would add it aloud.

Ye Fanyu listened silently the whole time, and after the police took Liu Ji away, he waved to Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what he wanted to do, but she still walked in front of him.

When Ye Fanyu reached out to grab Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't react at all, because his movements were too fast, and it took only a blink of an eye for her to fall into his arms.

"Sorry, I am late."

There was warmth in her heart, such a proud man actually said sorry to her, she couldn't help wondering if it was the real Ye Fanyu.

Whether it's true or not, Lin Xiaoxiao knew very well.

"You don't need to apologize to me, I also want to thank you for coming here, otherwise I don't know what will happen next."

"Are you scared?"

"Of course I'm afraid. I've never encountered such a thing. If you don't show up in time, I will definitely be murdered. You don't know. I'm delaying time and praying. I'm afraid you won't be in time."


"Why did you say sorry to me again? What happened to you?"

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