From confirming the marriage contract to agreeing to the marriage proposal, and then to registering the marriage, Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the small program on the phone—the calendar, and calculated and calculated. The result of the third time was undoubtedly the same as the previous two, so the whole The process is one hundred days.

A hundred days ago, she knew Ye Fanyu, but she didn't know him.

He is Young Master Ye from the Ye family in the west of the city, and a well-known diamond man.

He has a strong family background and a lot of money, and wealth is an adverb that accompanies him.

He didn't have many high-definition photos of the front face, but every one of the photos that came out could make people lick the screen.

He has a face that makes women uneasy, handsome, cold and arrogant, rebellious, etc. All the cold and handsome idioms that can be used on men can be applied to him.

A business report described him like this, if a person is born synonymous with success, then Ye Fanyu is the prefix of this synonym.

Lin Xiaoxiao read this report by chance, and there happened to be a photo of Ye Fanyu in the report, so she recognized him the first time she saw him.

She never thought that her grandmother would choose such a man for her. The Lin family and the Ye family have very different backgrounds, and she is the sparrow that flies on the parasol tree to become a phoenix.

Lin Xiaoxiao still remembered what they had said when they met for the first time. Unexpectedly, a hundred days later, they became a loving couple.

Ye Fanyu had already left the house early in the morning, Lin Xiaoxiao tossed and turned on the bed thinking about it for a long time before getting up.

The impact of the typhoon has not subsided, so the flower shop is still closed, and she can freely arrange the first day of marriage.

Lin Xiaoxiao finished washing, she was just going to the guest room to pick out clothes, but just as she opened the door of the master bedroom, she met the eyes of the aunt who was cleaning the corridor.

Auntie came early and made a rich breakfast, but Lin Xiaoxiao considered that it was almost noon, so she ate some briefly and decided to eat more at noon.

Auntie has already moved the box she put in the guest room to the master bedroom. Lin Xiaoxiao went up to take a look after breakfast, and found that Auntie moved very quickly. Auntie had already emptied half of the closet, and her clothes began to take up the empty space. s position.

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to help, but her aunt declined, but she didn't insist.

Ye Fanyu's study room has a lot of books. Lin Xiaoxiao had said the night before that she would read books when she was bored, so she took the books from the study room and went downstairs to sit on the sofa to enjoy a comfortable time.

When the doorbell rang, Lin Xiaoxiao realized that she almost fell asleep.She casually put the book on the sofa and went to open the door.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood in the entrance, looking at the person on the surveillance screen, hesitating whether to open the door or not.

Ye Fanyu's mother and her mother-in-law were standing at the door with a dissatisfied expression.

Finally, Lin Xiaoxiao made a decision.

She can't keep the door behind her every time. Since she is married to Ye Fanyu, his family is her family, and she will always be in contact with them. It is impossible to be a stranger all her life.

When the door opened, Chen Weiping thought it was her aunt who opened the door, so she taught her a lesson before the door was finished, "Why did it take so long to open the door, don't you want to do it here?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't speak, she backed away from the middle seat, ready to let Chen Weiping in.

At this moment, Chen Weiping saw the person who opened the door, she frowned, "Why is it you?"

"Auntie, hello."

"Hmph!" Although Chen Weiping knew that her son had registered for marriage with the woman in front of her, she just didn't want to accept it. Her favorite daughter-in-law was not Lin Xiaoxiao, and she didn't care if she called her mother.

Lin Xiaoxiao still had a smile on her face, she closed the door after Chen Weiping entered, and followed Chen Weiping into the living room.

"Only you?" Chen Weiping glanced around, and was about to sit down on the sofa with her bag in hand. She found a book on the sofa, so she sat on another single sofa.

"Auntie is tidying up the room, would you like something to drink?"

"Give me a glass of warm water."

Lin Xiaoxiao filled a glass of warm water from the kitchen.

Chen Weiping took the water glass, and after taking a sip, she looked disgusted, "Why is it so hot, will you do it?"

"Excuse me, may I pour you another glass?"

"No, sit down and let's talk."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought that Chen Weiping would continue to criticize, but it was over, a bit beyond her expectation.

Lin Xiaoxiao sat back where she had just been sitting, and the book was beside her, but when she was about to lay the book down so that she wouldn't be crushed by it, Chen Weiping's words of reproach came right away.

"Did you sit down and read it? There is a good book there, and there is a sofa next to it. Do you have to sit there?"

"I was just sitting here reading a book just now." Lin Xiaoxiao picked up the book and put it away.

Chen Weiping didn't expect that her son didn't just put the book away, so she coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Have you registered your marriage with Fan Yu?"


"Why did you do such an important thing in private without our parents' consent? You think you are married into the Ye family now, but I haven't agreed yet. If I don't recognize your identity, you are not from the Ye family. .”

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that this person was here to find fault, she smiled, "Auntie, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as the law admits it."

"I don't know what methods you used to confuse my son, but I don't agree with you as a daughter-in-law. Based on your family background, you are not qualified to marry into the Ye family."

"I despise you, you are petty, you are not qualified to marry my son."

"Don't think that even if you register for marriage, you can marry into the Ye family, and you can get divorced after you get married."

It's just a small Lin family, what audacity.

Chen Weiping thought, no matter what method she uses, she will let Lin Xiaoxiao leave her son.

"Auntie, I know you look down on the Lin family, but it's fine if grandpa likes it. If you can change grandpa's mind, then you can go to grandpa. But I will marry Ye Fanyu, and it was grandpa who facilitated it. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can express it Let Grandpa go, it's useless for you to speak unscrupulously to me, I won't be hit."

Lin Xiaoxiao only missed the words thick-skinned on her face.

"Don't use the old man to pressure me, he will set you up for Fan Yu only if he is old-fashioned. I don't know if it is because of the romantic debts owed by the old man back then, that's why he wronged my son."

"Before I gave you 4000 million, now 5000 million, you will divorce my son immediately."

She was asked to divorce on the first day of her newlyweds. If it wasn't because the other party was her man's mother, she would definitely slap her in the face, otherwise it would be hard to calm her dissatisfaction when she heard this.

But Chen Weiping's words made her feel funny, thanks to her being able to speak out such absurd guesses about grandpa's romantic debts back then.

Her grandma and grandpa are in love with each other, so it's not the grandpa's turn.

But the two must have an old relationship, and the relationship is a friendship, otherwise the two would not make a marriage contract.

"5000 million is too little? How many 5000 million can the Lin family have, and you are worth it."

Chen Weiping picked up the water glass to drink, and she waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to give her an answer.

"Auntie, you wanted to use money to send me off before, and now you are using the same trick again. Do you think I am a money-hungry person? If you still don't understand, let me tell you again, Ye Fanyu and I did it because If you are married emotionally, money can't destroy our relationship. If you have money in your life, then spend it."

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that she had made a very good suggestion, otherwise this guy would always want to use money to send her off, there really was too much money to spend.

Chen Weiping knew that her attempt to send people with money failed again, and she was not angry, just unhappy.

It happened that the mobile phone in the bag rang, and Chen Weiping took out the mobile phone from the bag.

Seeing the number of the incoming call, she glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao, then stood up and went to the window to answer it.

Lin Xiaoxiao was not interested in who called Chen Weiping, she just sat on the sofa and waited.

Chen Weiping quickly ended the call, and she came over to get her bag, "I will not change my mind, I will wait for you to divorce my son, so I can take care of myself."

"Auntie, I will tell Ye Fanyu your blessings. Please forgive me if this damages the relationship between your mother and child."

"Do you threaten me?"

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded calmly, without any fear, "I don't want to hide anything from my husband, I hope to be a qualified wife."

"What kind of wife are you? You don't have a family background that can help Fan Yu, and this alone is not qualified. You can say what you like, and you have to believe in Fan Yu if you want to sow discord. I'm his mother. The best person in the world for him."

"I believe that Fan Yu is just impulsive, you just wait to divorce him."

Chen Weiping did this out of kindness to her son, and she didn't think Ye Fanyu would be angry about it.

Her raised voice covered the sound of the door, neither Lin Xiaoxiao nor she noticed that someone had entered the door.

Ye Fanyu saw his mother's car downstairs. He didn't expect his mother and his new wife to get along well. After all, his mother didn't like Lin Xiaoxiao, but he didn't expect that on the first day of his marriage, his mother felt that He will get a divorce.

He stood in the porch without making any sound, so he heard his mother's words clearly.

"Who is not impulsive?"

When Ye Fanyu heard Lin Xiaoxiao's voice, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled at the corner of her mouth. She pretended to obey Chen Weiping's words, and when she saw the corner of her mouth raised, she changed the topic, "If he is not impulsive, can he marry a wife like me? I don't brag. Since I was the one who saved the Milky Way in his previous life, otherwise there are so many people who want to marry me, why would I choose him?"

"Auntie, divorce is impossible, even in this life."

Chen Weiping suffered from Lin Xiaoxiao's place twice in a row. She was depressed and angry, but she had other things, so she decided to leave first.

"Young man, don't talk too much, there will always be times when you regret it, hum!"

"Auntie, are you leaving? I'll see you off."

Chen Weiping ignored Lin Xiaoxiao, but when she saw Ye Fanyu in the entrance, she lost her voice, "Fan Yu, when did you come back?"

Lin Xiaoxiao also saw Ye Fanyu's eyelids twitch, when did he come back, why didn't they hear the sound of opening and closing the door.

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