Chengbei Village is a slum in City A. Due to the high turnover of people, poor environment and disordered public security, it is notoriously dirty and chaotic.The residents living here basically have no money, because those who have money will not live in places where such shacks can be seen everywhere.

The government has tried to renovate this place many times, but Chengbei Village covers a large area, and it has a natural protection/umbrella for crimes, so some criminals don't want this favorable location to be destroyed by others, resulting in delays in the demolition compensation plan It has not been implemented for a long time, so there are more and more crimes here, and ordinary residents dare not break into this notorious place.

Ms. Zhang was hiding in a shed. She didn't dare to walk around, because she knew that as long as she got out of this house, her personal safety would be in danger.

She has been hiding here for several days. At first she didn't know what it was, so she went out for a while.Just a few meters away from the shed, she witnessed a bloody incident that left her terrified.

She was then thrown back into the shed by the man with the knife who told her she would be safe as long as she didn't go out.If she wanted to try the taste of bleeding to death, she could leave freely, and no one would stop her.

Ms. Zhang was terrified. She didn't dare to go anywhere. She could only wait for the news and come out when it was time for her to go out.

She was supposed to be in prison, but when she woke up, she found herself in a different place.

After observing, she found that she was in a dilapidated factory building, and she could actually see the moon in the sky when she looked up.

She didn't know how she got out of the prison, but she was excited as she stood outside breathing the air of freedom.

"Do you want revenge?"

Suddenly a voice came from a dark corner, and Ms. Zhang began to "repay" the other party's revenge.

Ms. Zhang didn't know what blood feud the other party had with Lin Xiaoxiao. Anyway, she and Lin Xiaoxiao must have endless hatred.

Because of the surname Lin, she lost her only son.She swore in prison that when she was released from prison, Lin Xiaoxiao would be punished.

After all, she is a fugitive, so she can't go to crowded places.When night fell, she broke into Lin Xiaoxiao's apartment under the cover of twilight.

She went through all the destructible things in the house, killed the chicken that had been prepared in advance, and then left in the dark of night.

Ms. Zhang's revenge was not that simple. Just as she was preparing for the second revenge, she was immediately taken to Chengbei Village.On the way here, she heard the reason, and in order to avoid being found, she had to hide in Chengbei Village.

"time to eat."

The door of the shed creaked and was pushed open from the outside. Ms. Zhang relaxed her vigilance when she heard a familiar voice.

If Liu Ji was still alive, he would definitely recognize him, because the man in front of him was Zhao Si whom he had hired with money.

When Zhao Si approached Ms. Zhang, a flash of revenge flashed in his eyes, but the position he stood just blocked the light, so Ms. Zhang didn't see his eyes and regarded him as a good person.

"Big brother, what's for dinner tonight?"

Although she couldn't go out, she was full for every meal and the dishes were good. Ms. Zhang was very satisfied.

At least she can have a room for herself in the shed. In the prison, a group of people live in a large room, and there is no privacy at all.

Zhao Si said carelessly, "Mushroom stewed chicken, roast duck, and shrimp."

"Are you so rich tonight?"

"It's said above, eat better these two days, and get ready to work."

Zhao Si was not the one who used the knife that day. Ms. Zhang thought of the one who used the knife when she heard what Zhao Si said.She took the lunch box, and finally smelled the smell of the food in the musty smell of the shed, "The people looking for me outside have withdrawn?"

"Do you have to work whether you want to withdraw or not? Do you think that the purpose of getting you out is to make you moldy here? This meal alone costs dozens of dollars. If you let you eat like this every day, you are really the boss Is it money burning?"

Ms. Zhang quickly comforted her, "Brother, that's not what I meant. Aren't I afraid that the people outside who are looking for me will find me, and it will be bad to implicate you."

Zhao Si didn't take it seriously, "You don't have to worry about it, just do your own thing well."

"Then big brother, will you be with me then?"

Zhao Si smiled, "Big girl, I'm just a delivery man, do you think I'm the same as you?"

Ms. Zhang twitched her lips in embarrassment, "I thought so."

"Don't think about it, it's not my turn to intervene in your affairs, I just take care of your housing and food."

When those people found him, they asked him to hide and take care of himself.No matter how much, he won't care, he doesn't want to risk his life.But when he knew who Ms. Zhang was, he deliberately deducted her food expenses a few days ago in order to retaliate against her son for causing him to be detained.

Actually, he didn't have any enmity with her, but he still felt the pleasure of revenge when he saw her down and out.

Ms. Zhang wanted to say something else, but Zhao Si said, "Sister, take your time. I've made an appointment to play cards, and I'll come back tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then you go to play cards."

Ms. Zhang was the only one left in the hut again. She opened the lunch box with the help of the dim light. The steaming food was not just as few as Zhao Si said. She also saw fish and crabs, which were very rich.

For two days in a row, Ms. Zhang ate seafood, and at the end of the meal, she pulled out two large abalones from the lunch box.

"If this happens every day, I'd rather not go out."

Ms. Zhang murmured in her heart, but she knew it was impossible.

When night falls, the wild dogs and cats in Chengbei Village will become active.Outside the wall of the shed, the garbage that Ms. Zhang just threw immediately attracted wild dogs and cats nearby. Ms. Zhang watched them through the gaps to pass the time.

Suddenly, wild dogs and cats ran away, and Ms. Zhang heard footsteps.

It wasn't alone. If Ms. Zhang hadn't heard Zhao Si's voice, she would have probably hid in a dark corner.

"Be careful where you step." Zhao Si led the people forward cautiously. When he saw the dog poop on the ground, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth, "Damn wild dog, why did it run to the door to shit? Wait until I catch it. Stew a pot of dog meat."

The door opened, and Ms. Zhang saw the man with the knife.

"Go out and watch, I'll talk to her about something."

Zhao Si was very knowledgeable, and immediately closed the door and guarded outside.

"I'll take you to find out the place later, and it's up to you to see if you can get things done tomorrow."

Ms. Zhang nodded, "I will try my best."

"Afterwards, as long as you don't die, I will send you abroad, and I will give you a settling allowance at that time. If the matter is revealed and you dare to confess us, you can just wait for my knife."

A sharp knife was shining between the two of them. Ms. Zhang had seen the knife stab someone, and subconsciously took a step back with a pale face.

"Did you understand what I said?"


"Let's go then."

The man led Ms. Zhang out of the shed, and Zhao Si stepped forward, "Are you leaving now?"

"Go out for a while, you wait here, I will send the person back later."

"Okay, I'm not going anywhere, just waiting here."

Ms. Zhang was taken to the place, and the man personally explained to her how to hide it.She studied for more than half an hour, and then was brought back to Chengbei Village by the man.

Under the starry sky in the same city, Lin Xiaoxiao, who was watching an American TV series at home, felt that her blood was about to freeze when she received a call from Lin Zhihao.

She hung up the phone with trembling hands, then put her feet off the sofa, and as soon as she put on her slippers, she rushed to the stairs.

In the study, Ye Fanyu was in the middle of a video call when the sudden sound of the door opening interrupted his words.

Lin Xiaoxiao rushed to the desk in a few steps. She looked across the desk at Ye Fanyu and didn't speak immediately. Instead, she glanced at the computer in front of him, her eyes flustered.

"Sorry, I have something to do here, I will contact you later."

Ye Fanyu turned off the video immediately after talking with the other party. He stood up and walked towards Lin Xiaoxiao. When he took her hand, he found that her hand was cold and trembling.

"Don't be afraid, what happened?"

"Zhihao caused trouble, drugs"

Ye Fanyu's eyes darkened slightly, "Is he taking drugs?"

"No, he wanted to go abroad to see Miao Miao. When he left the country, he was found to be carrying drugs with him, and he had already been detained by the customs."

"Are you still at the airport?"


Ye Fanyu contacted Li Hao in front of Lin Xiaoxiao, and after a few words he hung up, "I'll let Li Hao handle it, you don't have to be afraid, everything will be fine."

"I want to go and take him home."

"Okay, I'll let the driver come over."

The driver came over soon, and Ye Fanyu and Lin Xiaoxiao sat in the back seat.On the way to the airport, news came from Li Hao that the lawyer had arrived at the airport and was negotiating with the customs.

Although it was good news, Lin Xiaoxiao went to the airport with confidence.

They saw Li Hao as soon as they got off the car, and then Li Hao took them to the place where Lin Zhihao was detained.

In a room with transparent surroundings, Lin Zhihao sat alone in it.There were two policemen at the door. When Lin Xiaoxiao was about to go in, the policemen stopped her and refused to let her go.

"Let her in."

The man next to Ye Fanyu spoke majestically, and when he saw Lin Xiaoxiao go in, he turned his head and gave Ye Fanyu a resentful look.

"Just say that you can take the person away, why bother to go there yourself. Now that you're here, I don't think it's okay to do business for personal gain, and everything has to go through the process. Are you not going to take the favor I owe you?"

"This matter must go through a process. I don't want someone to find out and drag it to my wife."

Zhan Minglin let out a "ah", "The process is very fast, I just simplified the procedure, you don't appreciate it."

"If your old man knew, would he break your leg?"

Zhan Minglin followed Ye Fanyu's line of sight, clamped his legs, slightly annoyed, "Look!"

"It's okay if you want to return the favor, the surveillance will ask my people to make a copy and take it away."

"No, this is too fake for public benefit."

"Then you don't want to return my favor?"

"Also! You wait!"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know how Ye Fanyu was talking with the people outside. After she walked in, she turned a blind eye to Lin Zhihao's pitiful expression, grabbed his ear directly, and shouted, "I'll ignore my warnings! Right, this time the hole is big!"

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