When Lin Xiaoxiao walked to the door, she could vaguely hear conversations, but through the door, she couldn't hear who the people were or what they said at all.

Lin Xiaoxiao thought for a while, but she didn't open the door right away, but walked towards the window.

She opened the curtains and saw the bright sunshine outside and the city under the sun.

"So it's not even night yet."

Lin Xiaoxiao almost thought that she slept through the night, and the brightness in front of her eyes made her feel less guilty.

The room was on a high floor, Lin Xiaoxiao stood by the window and looked around, she could see far away.

Rivers, lakes, high-rise buildings, parks and other scenery are in the eyes, and the scenery here is unique.

When Ye Fanyu opened the door of the room, he saw Lin Xiaoxiao standing by the window, and she turned around almost at the same time.

"Are we at the hotel?"

"Well, how did you sleep, you seem to be more energetic."

Ye Fanyu walked to Lin Xiaoxiao's side, and he wrapped her in his arms.

Lin Xiaoxiao turned around in his arms, and cast her eyes into the distance, "Is there any news from Min'er?"

"The car hasn't been found yet."

This news was very depressing, Lin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips.

Ye Fanyu didn't see the expression on Lin Xiaoxiao's face, but he could feel her displeasure.His face was pressed against Lin Xiaoxiao's hair, and when she moved slightly, the soft hair brushed against the tip of his nose, and he smelled a faint fragrance.

"It's been so long, has something happened to Min'er? Is the person who captured her alone or a group of people? Do they want Min'er's life?"

All kinds of bad thoughts were running around in Lin Xiaoxiao's mind. She opened the window and stretched out her hand. Even with the warm sunshine, she still felt a little cold all over.

Ye Fanyu took Lin Xiaoxiao's hand and withdrew it, "It's cold outside."

A gust of cold wind blew into the room, and Lin Xiaoxiao shivered suddenly.

Ye Fanyu quickly closed the window and led the person away from the window.

After blowing the cold wind, Lin Xiaoxiao felt hungry.

Before Lin Xiaoxiao could speak, Ye Fanyu seemed to see Lin Xiaoxiao's hunger, "I have to wait a while for the food, I just had someone cook it and bring it up."

While waiting to eat, Lin Xiaoxiao took a shower.

When Lin Xiaoxiao finished her hair and walked out of the room, the food had been neatly placed on the table.

"I don't know if Min'er is hungry or something happened. I hope she is just hungry."

Although the table was delicious, as long as Lin Xiaoxiao thought about Wu Min'er's situation, she would have no appetite for food.But she knew that it was impossible not to eat, because she was really hungry.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't eat as much as before, and Ye Fanyu was very dissatisfied with this.

He put a lot of food on Lin Xiaoxiao's plate, and stopped when he saw her take a few mouthfuls, and finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly fed it with his own hands.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Fanyu in surprise.

Ye Fanyu didn't move his hand away, but when he saw that Lin Xiaoxiao hadn't opened his mouth, he moved forward again.

On the fork was an appetizing shrimp ball. Lin Xiaoxiao was still hungry, but after Ye Fanyu's actions, she felt that the shrimp ball in front of her seemed quite delicious.

"Eat it yourself, I still have a lot on my plate."

Ye Fanyu filled her a plate full of food, but when she lowered her head, she felt that the shrimp balls on the plate seemed not as fragrant as the one in her mouth, and she swallowed involuntarily.

Lin Xiaoxiao's little actions fell into Ye Fanyu's eyes, and the smile on his face was even wider, his hand was still raised, just waiting for Lin Xiaoxiao to open his mouth to eat the food he brought to her mouth.

Lin Xiaoxiao saw Ye Fanyu looking at her stubbornly with a smile, and she really felt that the shrimp balls in her mouth seemed delicious, so she stopped hesitating and opened her mouth to bite.

If there is one, there are two, the plate in front of Lin Xiaoxiao was brought to him by Ye Fanyu.The food he put on the plate before was fed into Lin Xiaoxiao's mouth one by one by him, and when Lin Xiaoxiao finished the last bite, he nodded with satisfaction.

Lin Xiaoxiao rubbed her stuffed stomach. Fortunately, she had no appetite before, but now she was so full that she didn't want to move at all.

Ye Fanyu didn't give Lin Xiaoxiao a chance to sit and rest, he pulled her away from the dining table and helped her get dressed before going out.

Lin Xiaoxiao was manipulated by Ye Fanyu like a doll, she asked him where to take her, but he refused to tell her a word.

It wasn't until Lin Xiaoxiao saw Wu Zetian that she knew they were coming to him.

"Brother, is there any news?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't ask Ye Fanyu why he knew where Wu Zetian was.Seeing Wu Zetian, she hurried to his side and asked for the latest news with concern.

Wu Zetian shook his head wearily, "No new progress yet."

"How come you haven't found anyone for so long?"

It's not that Lin Xiaoxiao insisted on complaining, but that she really felt that the situation was too bad.

It's been so long, and she can't find anyone anymore. She can't imagine the consequences at all.

Ye Fanyu stood behind Lin Xiaoxiao, he and Wu Zetian looked at each other, "Have you gone in yet?"

"Just went in, there is no latest news yet."

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't understand what the two of them said, what was going on, "What are you talking about?"

"Young Master Ye and I suspect that the other party has entered the forest."

"Into the forest? Wouldn't that make it more difficult to find, are you sure that Min'er is in the forest?"

Ye Fanyu and Wu Zetian couldn't guarantee it, but after discussing this, they felt that they should intensify their search.There are and only forests can hide people, otherwise how could they never find people.

The other party was so smart that he didn't leave any suspicious traces along the way. As a result, they searched so many places, but they couldn't find anyone.

If it wasn't for Ye Fanyu's words, Wu Zetian still didn't want to go into the forest for the time being.Because the forest area of ​​this country is really huge, he was afraid that he would go in the wrong direction.But if the other party really hid in the forest as Ye Fanyu guessed, then it would be foolish to look for him in the city.

Wu Zetian is not a person without brains, after Ye Fanyu reminded him, he still separated into the forest.Anyway, Ye Fanyu also provided a lot of people, so he won't be unused.

"Xiaoxiao, sit down first, I'll talk to Young Master Ye."

"Is there anything I can't hear?"

Lin Xiaoxiao really couldn't listen to what Wu Zetian wanted to say to Ye Fanyu.He also waited for Ye Fanyu to come, and he couldn't say it on the phone.

Ye Fanyu probably guessed the content, he put Lin Xiaoxiao in his arms and took him to the sofa, "It's not suitable for you to listen to, just sit and play with your phone."

"What is not suitable for me to listen to, I don't care about it."

Lin Xiaoxiao wasn't making trouble out of no reason. What the two men wanted to say was obviously very important, and they probably did it out of safety considerations.

So, it's not good for men who do big things. There are always secrets that women can't know.

"Okay, tell me, I won't listen."

Lin Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone to pass the time by herself.

Ye Fanyu and Wu Zetian walked into another room, and Li Hao followed. Lin Xiaoxiao could only sneak a glance unwillingly, and then played the game calmly.

The game was playing vigorously, when suddenly a strange call came in.

Lin Xiaoxiao murmured dissatisfiedly, "Who is it, it's so annoying."

"Xiaoxiao, it's me."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very low, but Lin Xiaoxiao recognized the other party's identity immediately.

"Min'er, where are you?"

"Xiaoxiao, don't talk! The other party is three men, and they are going to take me out of the country tonight. I hid my phone in the toilet, and you have to find someone to track the signal. There is no time, hurry up."

Wu Min'er spoke very softly, and Lin Xiaoxiao could hear that she seemed to be in a lot of pain.She didn't dare to make a sound. After listening to Wu Min'er's words, she immediately heard the voice of a hidden cell phone, followed by a man's scolding, and the sound of messy footsteps.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to make a sound, she stood up in a hurry until she couldn't hear the sound, and then ran to the room where Ye Fanyu and the others were talking, clutching the microphone.

Lin Xiaoxiao opened the door suddenly, Ye Fanyu and the others inside stopped talking vigilantly.

Fortunately, Lin Xiaoxiao quickly made a silent gesture.

Lin Xiaoxiao walked up to the two of them, repeated what Wu Miner said, and then handed over the phone, but she covered the receiver.

Wu Zetian immediately took the mobile phone from her hand, he put it to his ear and listened, but there was no sound.

After Wu Zetian covered the microphone again, he asked in a low voice, "What's the difference in Min'er's voice?"

"It seems to be very uncomfortable."

"I see, wait a minute."

Wu Zetian took the mobile phone and left the room, Lin Xiaoxiao grabbed Ye Fanyu's arm, "Min'er is still alive, that's great!"


Ye Fanyu stroked Lin Xiaoxiao's head, "Are you scared?"

"A little bit, I didn't dare to run in casually just now, for fear that your voice would pass."

"You did very well."

Ye Fanyu's praise made Lin Xiaoxiao smile silly, but in the next second she changed from laughing to choking.

The woman's mood changed so fast, Ye Fanyu didn't expect it.

He felt sorry for his woman and hugged her, "Why are you crying? Isn't she still alive?"

"Min'er's voice is very strange. She must have been hurt, but she didn't say that they might have hit her."

Lin Xiaoxiao spoke incoherently.

Ye Fanyu was worried that Lin Xiaoxiao was thinking wildly, and comforted her, "It is inevitable to get hurt, as long as she is alive, we will find her as soon as possible. Now there is a phone number to track, and we will have news later."


Ye Fanyu comforted Lin Xiaoxiao for a long time before she stopped crying.

Li Hao left quietly when Lin Xiaoxiao started crying. He found Wu Zetian and waited for the technicians to track the signal point together.

The mobile phone signal is strong, and the technicians found the place in one go.

Ye Fanyu led the people out of the room. Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were still a little red. When she heard that she had found a seat, she didn't care about being sad, and hurriedly urged, "Then let's go there quickly, and they will leave when it is late. To find again."

"From here, it will take more than four hours at the fastest."

Lin Xiaoxiao was startled when she heard Wu Zetian's words, "Why did it take so long?"

"We are in the south, they are in the north, and the distance is still a straight line, and it will take four hours at the fastest."

"Where's the plane?"

"I'm talking about flight time."

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