Lin Xiaoxiao has been carefully looking at the things her grandmother and aunt found in the past few days. She took several pages of notes.Whenever she feels that she has no ideas, she will look back and find something different, and then she will record it.

She had to read every little clue over and over again. After she read it countless times, she always felt that something was missed by her.She vaguely felt that she had seen something before, and that something might be useful.

Lin Xiaoxiao tried very hard to think, but no matter how much she thought, she just couldn't remember what it was.

Her sixth sense told her that things existed, but her rationality told her that these might just be her thoughts.There are many things that can be clues, but they are not what she feels in her consciousness.

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao being so troubled, Ye Fanyu felt sorry for her, "Pause for a moment, shall I take you out for something to eat?"

"I do not want to go out."

How could she be in the mood to eat anything now, she wished she could find clues quickly and know everything about that year.

She never thought about finding a biological father before, but now she has signs, she hopes to know what happened to her mother.

The mother's early death made grandma heartbroken. If mother lived well, maybe grandma would not have passed away so early. "You've been watching it for several days, so you can't just focus on it here? How about just being with me?" Ye Fanyu hoped that Lin Xiaoxiao could combine work and rest, "Li Hao has already started to investigate this matter. , you don’t have to work so hard, and even the time to sleep has been reduced.”

"He is him, I am me. I hope to find out the whole thing quickly. This is also a last wish of my grandmother. Ye Fanyu, look here, this is my grandmother's word. You say a person who has the habit of keeping a diary since childhood, Will you stop keeping a diary all of a sudden? Grandma told me that my mother likes to keep a diary, but she hasn't started writing since she got sick, do you think it's possible?"

Lin Xiaoxiao finally stopped at grandma's handwriting, she let herself think hard, she felt that this was a breakthrough.

Ye Fanyu took a few glances, "Grandma's handwriting is very beautiful, delicate and powerful, not like a woman's handwriting."

"Of course, grandma's handwriting was taught by her father. When she speaks her handwriting, grandpa sometimes can't tell whether it's his own or grandma's. It's amazing."

"I was able to write such good handwriting at that time, and my grandma had a good family background. But my grandma's last name doesn't seem to be a common name."

Ye Fanyu was too biased, Lin Xiaoxiao knocked on the table, "If I ask you something, answer quickly, you don't care which family grandma belongs to, it's all for the older generation."

Ye Fanyu just said something casually, but he didn't expect to arouse Lin Xiaoxiao's dissatisfaction. He reached out and grabbed her hand, and said with a smile, "Such a big temper?"

"When I still have a bigger temper, do you want to try? Hurry up and follow my train of thought and help me sort it out, don't you have a good brain, hurry up." Lin Xiaoxiao urged.

"How about this, I'll help you think about it, you promise me one thing?"

"What conditions are you talking about? Do you have the conditions to talk about it?"

Ye Fanyu was at ease, with an indescribably calculated smile on his face, but Lin Xiaoxiao didn't look carefully, so she just thought he was smiling casually.

"Do you agree? You know that I spend my brains, and the business is tens of millions, or hundreds of millions, so now you ask me to help you with your brains. I don't want your money, as long as you promise me one condition."

Lin Xiaoxiao squinted, thinking that men are really the masters of business, and they have to worry about everything, "Okay, tell me, let me hear what the conditions are first."

"It's very simple. If my analysis can clear your mind a little, then you agree to accompany me for a day."

"When? After the matter is cleared up, I promise you."

Ye Fanyu shook his head, "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? No, I'm not free."

What's the matter with this man, she doesn't want to go out now, and let her accompany him for a day, how can she stop halfway, this is impossible.

Ye Fanyu and Lin Xiaoxiao "reasoned".

"One day passes quickly. Tomorrow is not the weekend. I can let go of work. Why can't you let go of these things and treat it as a relaxation."

"But I'm not in the mood." Lin Xiaoxiao said honestly.

"The mood is changed by yourself. Maybe you can think clearly about the previous things after you relax? You don't have to blindly jump on the blind spots, you have to learn to use jumping thinking to discover value. Whether it is doing business or For other things, you have complicated a simple truth, which is unnecessary."

The way Ye Fanyu said it clearly and logically made Lin Xiaoxiao speechless, and she had no reason to refute. She looked at him with her mouth slightly open, and then said dissatisfied, "You are amazing, so please simplify it for me first. Look, as long as you have a good reason, I promise to accompany you tomorrow."

Ye Fanyu was excited to succeed. He didn't show it on his face, but said what he had already thought about, "Since a person loves to do one thing since childhood, then this habit will definitely be maintained, unless he can't write. I think Your mother must have kept the habit of keeping a diary, but you don't know it."

"You mean, mom must have written a diary, but grandma doesn't know." Lin Xiaoxiao said word by word at the end, "The diary was hidden by mom!"

"It's very possible. After all, isn't she already hiding things from the truth? For the sake of safety, she won't let anyone else know what she does. But this is just a judgment with a high probability. What is the real result? Only when you find it will you know.”

"Then I'll go back and look for it now."

As Lin Xiaoxiao said that, she stood up and wanted to go outside.

Ye Fanyu held her back.

After finally finding a clue, how can Lin Xiaoxiao wait any longer, "Why are you dragging me?"

"You haven't promised me yet."

"Let's talk about it later, oh, why are you still trying so hard!"

Ye Fanyu held Lin Xiaoxiao firmly, "Want to play tricks?"

"Who's cheating! Okay, okay, okay, I promise you, it's okay, really, how old are you, and you still look like a child. Hey, are you still that cold and heartless Young Master Ye, image, pay attention to image!"

"My wife is about to run away, what image do I need?"

Whoever wants to run will not talk.

If she ran, would it be like this?Besides, what good is it to run away from her? It would be better to be his wife.

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that Ye Fanyu was just talking nonsense, but it also gave her the urge to hit someone, but just thinking about it, she couldn't beat Ye Fanyu.

One wants to leave, the other pulls. In this stalemate, neither one is willing to compromise.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the time, it was past ten o'clock in the evening, and it was past eleven o'clock when she returned to Lin's house, she must have rummaged through boxes and chests to find things, the family needs to rest, it is best to find them quickly, Alas, this man is really in the way.

Ye Fanyu tilted his neck slightly, never leaving Lin Xiaoxiao's gaze, and never slack in the movements of his hands, "Have you thought about it yet?"

"Okay, isn't it just to accompany you for a day, where and what do you want me to accompany you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow you will find out."

Lin Xiaoxiao agreed to Ye Fanyu, but when she wanted to leave, she found that he still didn't let go, "Honey, I promised you, let go, how can I go if I hold on so tightly?"

"It's so late, you plan to go back to your mother's house?"

"Can't you go back?"

Who stipulates that people can't go back to their mother's house at night, does she have to check the time when she goes back to her own house?

Ye Fanyu pulled Lin Xiaoxiao in front of her with a little force, and said before she struggled, "I'll go back with you, but let me clean up, we'll stay there tonight."

Ye Fanyu understood Lin Xiaoxiao's doubts at a glance, "It's very late now, you must not be so fast if you want to find something, otherwise your grandma can be found all these years, so why is it your turn? , it’s already dawn, why don’t we just rest there and leave tomorrow.”

Ye Fanyu's proposal seemed very reasonable to Lin Xiaoxiao, and she didn't know when she would find it.If you look for half or an hour, it's okay, but I'm most afraid of looking for two or three hours, so that it will really be dawn after going back and forth.When the time comes, I will be so sleepy that I still want to move.

Besides, it was also her home, so why bother, maybe after waking up, you can find another place. After all, the home is still very big, so finding a diary is definitely not that easy.

"Then go and clean up, I'll wait for you."

Ye Fanyu was willing to live in Lin's house, but Lin Xiaoxiao felt nothing.While Ye Fanyu went upstairs to pack her things, Lin Xiaoxiao decided to vent her uncle and the others.

Lin Dawei hadn't slept yet, he was already sleepy, but when he received Lin Xiaoxiao's phone call, his expression changed drastically, and then he jumped up from the sofa, his sleepiness disappeared immediately.

Zhou Ruofang was taking care of her face. Her husband's actions didn't scare her, but she was still a little angry, "What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't mess with it, hurry up and clean up, Young Master Ye is coming to live with us."

Lin Dawei started to panic after hanging up the phone. He was about to rush out when he found that he was wearing a nightgown. He stopped immediately and turned back to look for clothes in the closet.

Zhou Ruofang put her hands on her face, she was surprised, and then she forgot what to do next, and then saw her husband changing clothes, she looked down at the nightdress on her body.

How could she still be in the mood to take care of her skin now, so she hurriedly changed her clothes or something, "Why did Young Master Ye come to live with us all of a sudden? How long will he stay? Is there something wrong with Ye's family?"

"Ah bah! What happened so well? He came back to stay with Xiaoxiao for a night. You should quickly wipe off the stuff on your face, don't let Shao Ye still be so glistening when he gets home, what are you talking about?" Zhi How about that brat Hao, won’t he go out to play again?”

"How do I know! Staying for one night, you scared me to death. Get out of the way and block me from taking clothes."

The two couples began to squeeze back and forth in front of the closet. Lin Dawei was relatively simple, and hurried to arrange things after changing clothes.When Zhou Ruofang went downstairs, she saw her husband directing the aunt to sweep the floor, and he started to pack his teacups.

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