Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 176 Scared?

The huge roar of the helicopter lingered in Lin Xiaoxiao's ears.

She leaned against Ye Fanyu's arms and remained motionless. Occasionally, the wind lifted her hair and brushed against her cheeks.If Ye Fanyu notices, he will also help her remove the hair from her face.

There was a person sitting opposite the two of them. Lin Xiaoxiao was embarrassed at first, but Ye Fanyu didn't let go of his hand, so she could only cuddle up to his warm chest obediently.

Because both of them were wearing earphones, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't speak loudly.

During the long flight, Lin Xiaoxiao kept recalling everything about her and Wu Min'er.

When did they know each other, how did they get along after getting acquainted, and finally became girlfriends who talked about everything, in fact, it didn't take too long in the middle.

As Wu Miner said, once a person closes his eyes, time is not a problem.

Although the Wu family has such a background, Wu Min'er is a good girl.Lin Xiaoxiao has one and only such a close girlfriend, she wishes Wu Min'er would be fine.

But after so many days, it was impossible for Wu Min'er to be fine.She was happy to know that she was still alive.For the rest, I just hope in time.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the time from time to time, and when two helicopters came one after the other, she would stare at the other one in a daze.Until they parted, she grabbed Ye Fanyu's hand nervously.

Ye Fanyu was closing his eyes to rest, but Lin Xiaoxiao's movement made him open them.

He is like a sleeping lion, even if he closes his eyes, he still maintains a majestic demeanor, so the moment he opened his eyes, Lin Xiaoxiao saw that there was no sleepiness in his eyes, and she knew he was awake.

Lin Xiaoxiao pointed to the flying helicopter.

Ye Fanyu looked in the direction she pointed, and nodded clearly.

Lin Xiaoxiao stared blankly at the helicopter flying towards the setting sun, she silently bless Wu Zetian in her heart to find Wu Min'er smoothly.

A few minutes later, when the helicopter landed, Lin Xiaoxiao felt a jolt, and Ye Fanyu pressed her face to her chest just in time, as if to reassure her that she needn't be afraid.

The helicopter landed in an open space surrounded by trees, insects and birds were singing in the dark night, and the unique sound of the forest fell into the ears of Lin Xiaoxiao who took off her earphones.

"Go down and walk."

After sitting for more than four hours, Ye Fanyu was worried that Lin Xiaoxiao's legs would be uncomfortable, so he half hugged and half hugged her off the helicopter, and then they stood in the grass as tall as their calves.

Lin Xiaoxiao almost jumped onto Ye Fanyu's body, the grass must be too high.


Although Lin Xiaoxiao didn't jump up, Ye Fanyu still saw the timidity in her eyes.

"It's dark here, and the grass is still so tall, could there be snakes?"

Lin Xiaoxiao thought of the cold strip animal, and goosebumps all over her body.

She held Ye Fanyu's hand tightly, and the surrounding darkness seemed to be subduing dangerous animals. As long as they didn't pay attention, they would pounce on them with bared teeth and mouths.

Ye Fanyu felt Lin Xiaoxiao's trembling, and he hugged her without hesitation.

"Ah! What are you doing, let me down!"

Lin Xiaoxiao yelled, but put her arms around Ye Fanyu's neck honestly, "Didn't you tell me to walk around, how can I walk like this?"

What are you afraid of, and you still want to walk?

Ye Fanyu didn't believe that Lin Xiaoxiao dared to go around in circles, so he still hugged her to rest assured, "I'll carry you, don't move around."

"But." Lin Xiaoxiao looked around vigilantly, but still didn't force herself, "Then don't go far, just walk around the helicopter."

"With me here, don't be afraid."

Ye Fanyu hugged the man and started to walk forward.

In fact, Lin Xiaoxiao's worries were superfluous, besides Li Hao, there were two other people following them.

Lin Xiaoxiao only knew that these two men were bodyguards, but only Ye Fanyu and Li Hao knew their abilities best.

They shot neatly, and they cleared away the branches that blocked the way one by one.

After Lin Xiaoxiao looked at it for a while, she quietly approached Ye Fanyu's ear and whispered to him, "Aren't these two very powerful?"

Although her voice was small, it was heard by anyone with a keen ear, but only one answered.

Ye Fanyu's eyes fell on Lin Xiaoxiao, and he noticed that there was no timidity in her eyes, "They are capable, but they are not the most powerful."

"Ah? Is there something more powerful?"


Lin Xiaoxiao waited for Ye Fanyu to say a few more words, but he ended with just one word, leaving her speechless.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't need to guess what Ye Fanyu was thinking.Didn't it just mean another man, this guy is probably jealous again.

I really don't know if there is so much vinegar to eat, I don't even mention it, and I don't satisfy her curiosity.

After muttering to herself, Lin Xiaoxiao gave up on this topic.

The night in the forest is full of unknown dangers, Lin Xiaoxiao was suddenly hugged and took a step back, she saw the man on the left suddenly waved the knife in his hand, and something was cut off.


Lin Xiaoxiao shuddered when she heard a strange male voice, "Is there really a snake?"

"It's already dead." Ye Fanyu watched calmly as the man threw the dead snake aside.

Lin Xiaoxiao's hair was still numb, she leaned tightly against Ye Fanyu, "Let's go back, it's too dangerous here, I'm afraid."

"I am here."

Ye Fanyu's voice did have a soothing effect, Lin Xiaoxiao gradually relaxed, but she decided not to look around, it was really too dark to see.

Ye Fanyu stood there and thought about it, and decided to obey Lin Xiaoxiao's wishes.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy to be able to go back and sit on the helicopter.

Lin Xiaoxiao was sent onto the plane by Ye Fanyu, but he was standing below, she was puzzled, "Aren't you going up?"

"I'll walk around, Li Hao will accompany you."

Li Hao stayed on the helicopter with Lin Xiaoxiao, while Ye Fanyu led the other two into the night.

"Li Hao, are you afraid?"

Li Hao looked at the expression of "I just want to find someone who is as afraid as I am" on Lin Xiaoxiao's face, and was silent for a while, but still did not go against his heart, "I am not afraid."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't find an ally, but she wasn't disappointed either, "You're a man, so you're definitely not afraid. In fact, I'm not very scared, but it's too dark and I can't see anything, so I feel uneasy."

Not very scared?Then who insisted on urging Young Master Ye to come back and sit down? He still wanted to walk around. After sitting for more than four hours, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Li Hao didn't dare to complain aloud, he said with a smile, "I'm used to it, Young Master Ye and I often go to this kind of place."

What is this kind of place? Lin Xiaoxiao seemed to hear something strange.

Li Hao saw Lin Xiaoxiao's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't explain.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't ask any further questions. Although she was curious, she still felt that men would have some secrets about themselves.Besides, adventures in the forest are all men's favorite.

She is a woman, and she is not very interested in this kind of hobbies, so it is unnecessary to ask the bottom line.

The two were sitting in the helicopter, it was very quiet outside, Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't see Ye Fanyu, but she wasn't worried that he wouldn't come back.Now she is more worried about whether Wu Zetian has found Wu Min'er.

She didn't have her mobile phone with her. Wu Zetian had to contact Li Hao or Ye Fanyu, but Ye Fanyu was the first contact. She could only know the latest progress when he came back.

"Do you think you can find Miner back tonight?"

With nothing to do, Lin Xiaoxiao felt bored if she didn't talk anymore.

Li Hao's gaze was in the distance, how much he wanted to go down for a walk, even if it was to walk around the helicopter, "It should be no problem, Mr. Wu's ability is still good."

"It's okay to call it, how about comparing it with Ye Fanyu?"

Is that even a question?
"Young Master Ye must be the most powerful."

A satisfied smile appeared on Lin Xiaoxiao's face, but Wu Zetian was still her elder brother, "They are all amazing."

Aunt, then you still ask?
Lin Xiaoxiao still wanted to chat with Li Hao, but just as she was about to continue speaking, Li Hao made a silent movement.

Before Lin Xiaoxiao could react, Li Hao pulled her up from the seat, and then she was forcibly pulled off the helicopter by him.

Before she could stand still, Lin Xiaoxiao's scalp was numb and Li Hao pushed her behind a tree and hid her. She covered her mouth so as not to scream.

"It's not Young Master Ye and the others."

Li Hao whispered in Lin Xiaoxiao's ear, he watched the few people coming out of the darkness vigilantly, and when he saw the last, his eyes were a little strange.

Three men were holding lighting tools, and one of them was a woman.

"Boss, no one."

Lin Xiaoxiao leaned against the big tree, she didn't immediately see the person Li Hao saw.But she heard a familiar language, and the other party was from their own country.

"People must be around, let's be careful not to run into them."

Lin Xiaoxiao really wanted to look back, but Li Hao pressed her shoulder with one hand, and she couldn't move at all.

The voice of talking gradually faded away, Lin Xiaoxiao was lucky not to be discovered, but Li Hao's words almost made her desperately chase after her.

"Miss Wu is in their hands."

Lin Xiaoxiao stared anxiously, "Min'er is in their hands, so let's chase after her."

"Wait for Shao Ye to come back."

Li Hao stopped Lin Xiaoxiao, who wanted to leave but couldn't, so he could only stay in place and worry.

"The direction they came just now is not the direction Ye Shao went out, but Ye Shao will not go far."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought to herself, she won't go far, but she doesn't know when she will come back, "Call him."

"There is no signal here, and the only communicator that works is with Ye Shao and the others."

Lin Xiaoxiao was extremely anxious about what was going on.

Time passed by, and she was afraid that the person would walk away, "If you don't chase, you won't be able to catch up."

"It's okay, the people we brought in are good at tracking."

Lin Xiaoxiao held back her temper, but she didn't see Ye Fanyu and the others come back after waiting for more than ten minutes. She really couldn't wait any longer, and glared at Li Hao fiercely, "It's all about you, no one knows where to go now Already!"

"Why hasn't Young Master Ye come back?"

Li Hao was also beating drums in his heart, he didn't expect Ye Fanyu to go for so long.

"Leave him alone, let's go after him."

Lin Xiaoxiao refused to wait any longer, she wanted to chase after herself.

Fortunately, it was difficult to move in the forest, and Lin Xiaoxiao was stopped by Li Hao after only a few steps.

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to slap Li Hao's hand away, but before she succeeded, Li Hao's expression changed.

"Boss, they are here!"

Li Hao immediately blocked Lin Xiaoxiao behind, they never thought that the person who had already left did not go far, and kept hiding nearby waiting for them to "fall into the trap".

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