Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 173 Missing?

The flower shop has been in business for several years, Wu Zetian appears here only a handful of times, but every time he comes, there is nothing more than one thing.

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't remember when Wu Zetian came last time, but it's been a long time, so this time, did Min'er disappear again?
Going abroad to study a book, how good it is to live in peace and contentment, I really remember eating but not playing.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't even know what to say about her best friend. Sometimes she was very good, and sometimes she was so stupid that people couldn't bear to look directly at her.

Wu Zetian was wearing a black suit, like a hanger standing in a flower shop.Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at the people in the flower shop, several of them seemed to be picking flowers, but in fact they were quietly looking at Wu Zetian.

"Brother, why are you here? Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Although Lin Xiaoxiao had guessed seven or eight points in her heart, she still had to put on a show.If it wasn't for that reason, she would be in a big embarrassment.

"Just arrived, what did the car say?"

Wu Zetian pointed to the silver-gray sports car parked by the side of the road, Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head and took a look, "It's another car, I'm still wondering which rich man parked here. It just so happens that I haven't ridden it before, how about you?" Give me a ride?"

Wu Zetian naturally agreed to Lin Xiaoxiao's proposal.

The two got into the car, Wu Zetian asked her, "Where are you going?"

"Whatever, anyway, I just experience it, the distance is up to you."

Wu Zetian understood, he chose a route himself.

Turning the steering wheel, Wu Zetian spoke while driving, "Min'er disappeared again."

"When did you find out that it was missing?"

And sure enough, she guessed right.

"This morning, she didn't text me."

The thing about sending text messages every day is that one time Wu Miner went out to play, and then the family looked for her for several days and almost thought that something happened to her, but after a lot of people turned her back, she came back. After that, she was restrained and sent text messages every day to keep her safe.

Wu Min'er didn't take it seriously at first, but once she didn't post for two days in a row, she almost became a "poor" that month.From then on, she never dared to break her faith again, unless there were special circumstances.

When studying abroad, there will be a fixed time for text messages every day. Otherwise, the time difference between the two places will be too large. In case of any accident, the distant water cannot save the nearby fire.

Wu Min'er often complained to Lin Xiaoxiao, but they all knew that it was caused by the Wu family's situation.

The Wu family has too many enemies, and they are definitely not soft-hearted people. Wu Zetian's mandatory request is nothing more than to protect his sister.

Lin Xiaoxiao subconsciously swallowed her saliva, she turned sideways to look at Wu Zetian, "Can't you reach me by phone?"

After all, Wu Min'er is his best friend, and Lin Xiaoxiao also reminded her ten thousand times before going abroad that she must not forget about the text messages.

A few times I forgot, it was because Wu Miner was busy studying and forgot, and I was able to contact him on the phone; or Wu Miner came back secretly, but he had sent text messages in advance, so when Wu Zetian came to the door, Lin Xiaoxiao would only tell him , It was all a false alarm.

And this time, she didn't receive the text message, that.
"I have called several times, but there is no news. The person I arranged to be over there can't find anyone, so I want to know if she has said anything to you."

People are gone!

This idea appeared in Lin Xiaoxiao's mind, and she began to worry, "No, I sent a message to her yesterday, and there was nothing unusual at that time."

"That's what happened."

Wu Zetian decisively took out his mobile phone, and then called someone on the other side of the ocean.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't interrupt Wu Zetian, but she took out her mobile phone to call Wu Min'er.

Phone off.

Lin Xiaoxiao panicked when a cold mechanical female voice came from the phone.

"The phone can't get through."

Wu Zetian paused to explain, he glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao who was already flustered, "Don't scare yourself."

She is not scaring herself, she is scared by the situation in front of her.

"Brother, let someone check the flight. Maybe she came back secretly? Last time she also came back secretly. I don't even know."

Lin Xiaoxiao really remembered what happened before, Wu Min'er had too many criminal records.

Wu Zetian responded with "Yes" and continued to explain.

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that Wu Min'er had "disappeared", and felt uneasy, feeling that something was going to happen.

Wu Zetian just drove around a small circle, knowing that Wu Miner didn't look for Lin Xiaoxiao, so he had to start from another place.

The sports car stopped at the entrance of the flower shop again, Wu Zetian hung up the phone.

Lin Xiaoxiao was sitting in the car in a daze, Wu Zetian told her to come back to her senses.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, I will find her as soon as possible."

Lin Xiaoxiao turned a deaf ear to Wu Zetian's words, she guessed and guessed again and again in a short period of time, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't have a reasonable reason to convince herself, so she finally thought of a situation.

"Brother, have you encountered difficult things recently?"

Lin Xiaoxiao's mood went up and down when she asked, she didn't want to hear bad news, but if it wasn't for this, she really couldn't think of anything else.

In fact, Wu Zetian had already thought about it. He was afraid that he would scare Lin Xiaoxiao if he said it, so he didn't reveal the thoughts in his heart at all, and his face didn't change, "No."

Lin Xiaoxiao was dubious.

"I may have to go there myself. Are you going to get off here, or go home?"

"I'll just get off here. Brother, let's keep in touch. If you have any news, you must remember to tell me, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

Wu Zetian nodded, agreeing to Lin Xiaoxiao.

At night, Lin Xiaoxiao had been tossing and turning in bed for more than two hours. From turning on the light to turning off the light, Ye Fanyu had no choice but to trap her in his arms to prevent her from tossing and turning.

"Why don't you sleep, insomnia?"

"Min'er is missing."

Ye Fanyu was a little apprehensive, "She's such an adult, it's not uncommon for her to lose contact for a day or two. Do you want to care about her all the time? I haven't seen you care about me so much."

"She's my best friend, can I not care about her? You don't understand what's going on with her, right? Missing is missing. She doesn't dare to play Lost Contact."

Lin Xiaoxiao was very upset.

She was worried to death, why is this person like this.

She was also frightened by Min'er's loss of contact before, so from then on, even if Min'er lost contact with her brother, she did not dare to lose contact with her.

Ye Fanyu hurriedly recited Lin Xiaoxiao's words, "Don't be angry, what does her family say?"

"Her brother looked for me today, and he's on the plane now. I've called Min'er countless times today, and they were all turned off. As long as she turns on the phone, she can see the news, and she will definitely look for me as soon as possible. We sent a message yesterday, why did something happen overnight."

Lin Xiaoxiao was so annoyed that she wanted to roll, but she was held by Ye Fanyu, so she could only take one position.

"Since Wu Zetian has already gone to find her, just wait patiently for news."

"I'm waiting, but I'm very irritable. Why did something happen to her? Something must have happened to her."

Lin Xiaoxiao grabbed the collar of Ye Fanyu's pajamas, her eyes were full of fear and worry.

Ye Fanyu felt sorry for his woman, but he couldn't persuade her, she would only worry more.

Lin Xiaoxiao finally fell asleep, and Ye Fanyu waited for her to fall asleep before falling asleep.

When Lin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes the next day, Ye Fanyu was about to get out of bed.

The first thing Lin Xiaoxiao did when she opened her eyes was to look for her phone, but there was not a single unread message on her phone, what was she in before going to bed, and what was she in when she woke up.

"It's still early, sleep again?"

Ye Fanyu waited for Lin Xiaoxiao to show a disappointed expression before reaching out to take her cell phone away. He threw the cell phone aside. He gently stroked her cheek, then lowered his head and kissed her face, "Go to sleep." .”

"Why is there no news yet? I'll call her again."

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to retrieve the phone, but Ye Fanyu stopped her.

"cell phone!"

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't help losing her temper, can this person stay out of the way?

"So fierce?"

In Ye Fanyu's eyes at this time, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little milk cat with teeth and claws. It had teeth, the size of a grain of rice, and claws, with small pointed points protruding from the soft pads.The mustache was stretched straight, and there was a "frightening" meowing sound from his mouth, but it was a pity that he was invisible but cruel, and his milk was fierce, without any lethality.

For such a "kitten", he wanted to pinch the back of his neck and stroke it twice.

How can there be such a cute little thing, it is really painful.

Lin Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, "There are more fierce ones, will you give me a cell phone!"

Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to get up, but Ye Fanyu couldn't get up with his body pressed down.

"I guess there will be news when I wake up. It's only before six o'clock."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to the time, and now she heard the exact time, she still didn't believe it, "How could it be less than six o'clock."

"It's still dark outside."

Layers of thick curtains blocked the sky outside, so Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it.

"Don't believe it?"

Very good, the little cat doesn't believe in people, so it really deserves to be beaten.

Ye Fanyu wanted to give him a beating, but he couldn't bear to give him a beating, and felt very conflicted.

"Give me your phone and I'll check the time."

Ye Fanyu put his mobile phone in front of Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand, and he gave it.

When Lin Xiaoxiao saw the time, it was indeed less than six o'clock in the morning. She glanced at Ye Fanyu, "What are you doing up so early?"

"I'm going out for a while. Be good at home these few days."

"Where are you going?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't see Ye Fanyu talking about the business trip, she finished pressing the number on the phone with her fingers, and then dialed out in front of Ye Fanyu, "I remember Min'er's number, hehe."

The kitten that steals the fish to eat is so cute.

Ye Fanyu looked at Lin Xiaoxiao on the phone, "Go to the place where your girlfriend is studying."


The phone was still turned off, but Lin Xiaoxiao didn't care anymore.

Lin Xiaoxiao put away the phone, hugged Ye Fanyu's neck with both hands, and said flatteringly, "I'm going too!"

"What are you going to do, wait for me at home."

"No, I will follow you!"

Lin Xiaoxiao made a fuss and wanted to follow.

Ye Fanyu was disturbed for more than ten minutes, and he realized that if the stalemate continued like this, no one would be able to leave the room.

He thought about it, but said helplessly, "Go, pack up and get ready to go."

"it is good!"

Lin Xiaoxiao pushed Ye Fanyu away, and when she got out of bed to look for shoes to wear, she asked, "What time is the plane?"


"That early! Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Lin Xiaoxiao washed up in a hurry, and finally had no time to pack her things, so she could only follow Ye Fanyu and leave home relaxed.

Before the flight took off, Lin Xiaoxiao sent messages to Wu Miner and Wu Zetian respectively.After the message was sent, she turned off the phone directly, and did not see the subsequent message.

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