Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 155 There's Something

Lin Xiaoxiao's gaze was fixed on Lin Dawei.

What was she thinking!It is said that if there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, the uncle's ability to cause trouble is really first-rate.No wonder grandma was so worried when she left. Such a son really can make people worry.

Before my grandma got old, she kept asking her to take care of her things. Every time she heard this, she smiled and shook her head, always saying that she could do something.She worried that the elderly would be bored if they had nothing to do, so she didn't try to persuade them much.

When my grandmother was still around, my uncle always listened to my grandmother. Although there were a lot of troubles, they were all trivial things. Every time my grandmother told her, she would comfort her and save my uncle some face.

But grandma had only been away for a long time, and she was really tired of uncle's series of accidents.

Lin Dawei stood anxiously for Lin Xiaoxiao to see, how dare he sit down, anyway, he didn't have the mood to sit down, so he was really anxious to death.

This time, he called someone as soon as something happened, so his niece wouldn't scold him, would she?
Forget it, just scold him, he's used to it anyway.

"Uncle, what's the matter this time? You are only a niece, and she is married. There is no second one who can earn gift money for you."

Lin Dawei's face became hot, and he was almost buried in the ground by Lin Xiaoxiao's words, "It's not that serious this time."

"If it's not that serious, there's something wrong. Sit down first and talk about it, and see if I can solve it."

Lin Xiaoxiao expressed that she was very tired of always tidying up her uncle's tail like this.She didn't even know if it was right to do so, she really had to let that guy Lin Zhihao replace his father quickly, lest she, a married woman, always think about her mother's affairs.

Lin Dawei hurriedly sat down. Seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao hadn't sat down yet, he said, "Sit down too."

"I'll go get you a glass of water."

Lin Xiaoxiao turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Lin Dawei wanted to tell her not to trouble her, but thinking that she would have to talk a lot later, she might as well drink some water.He was in a hurry to find someone just now, and he didn't drink a few sips of water, but now he is really thirsty.

Lin Xiaoxiao could only bring Lin Dawei water, tea was unnecessary, and she didn't want to waste that time.

She really didn't know what happened to the company, she was mentally prepared.

Lin Xiaoxiao held the water glass, waiting for Lin Dawei to speak.

Lin Dawei drank the water and his throat felt comfortable.When he met Lin Xiaoxiao's serious gaze, he was a little apprehensive.

Talk about it sooner or later, talk about it early and find a solution.

"Whether this matter is big or small, the main thing is to let you know, and you can see how to solve it."

Why can't you just get to the point with so much nonsense?

Lin Xiaoxiao complained about Lin Dawei's procrastination in her heart, and planned to act like she didn't care too much. Anyway, it's okay to scare people.

Lin Dawei always felt that he was sweating, but when he touched his forehead, it seemed that there was no sweat.

Psychological effect, it turned out to be psychological effect.

Xiaoxiao is young, but she grew up with her mother. He has understood the essence of her mother's methods, but he is not comparable to her anyway.He is not as powerful as his mother, nor is he as powerful as Xiaoxiao, there is really no place for this old face.

"The company negotiated a few deals yesterday. According to the past, as long as the next business is coming, it will immediately contact the factory. You know the process. If the supply of goods from the factory is not sufficient, we dare not take it all at once. It’s a big business. But when we negotiated a deal, the factory said there was not enough wood. If the wood was replenished immediately, it would not be impossible to complete the delivery time according to the order, and it turned out that the wood was out of stock.”

Lin Xiaoxiao said, "If the wood is out of stock, it will be replenished. Is it a big problem?"

"Originally, this kind of wood was not difficult to replenish, but recently this kind of wood is so popular that suppliers don't have it ready."

Lin Xiaoxiao understood that it wasn't her uncle's fault.

She said for a long time that she thought that her uncle was in trouble again, but she really wanted to hit someone.

"No ready-made ones, what about other suppliers?"

"I found a problem yesterday. We contacted overnight and asked all we could. The demand for this kind of wood is usually very small, so the suppliers are also very worried, but they can also get the raw materials, but after some drying and other processes , it will take at least half a month before it can be delivered here. We can wait up to a week, and the time difference is too big."

The time difference is a very serious problem, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little strange, "Didn't you know about the inventory before talking about business?"

"I understand that there was no problem with the inventory, but yesterday when the master lightened it again, he found that there was a small problem with a batch of wood. The large ones could not be made, and only small ones could be made, but the small ones were not what the customer wanted. .”

"Since there is a problem, why didn't you say it before? This is a management problem. Obviously there is wood but the utilization rate of wood is reduced. Have you considered this problem?"

Lin Xiaoxiao's question made Lin Dawei very depressed, he didn't care about that now, he just wanted to solve the problem of wood purchase.

Lin Dawei's expression said it all. Lin Xiaoxiao knew what was going on in his uncle's mind when he saw his face. She really had a knife in her hand, so she flew over directly.

Lin Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, opened her eyes and said, "I'll talk about the management issue later, and talk about the timber issue first. I really can't buy this kind of timber. What kind of timber is it?"


"Shouldn't ash be readily available?"

Lin Xiaoxiao wondered if she hadn't been in touch with the family's business for a long time. Why did it sound like it was difficult to buy ash wood? No way.

This kind of wood has been very popular in recent years. The wood is hard and practical, and many consumers like to buy this kind of ash wood furniture that is biased towards log color.

In the past, the Lin family had a lot of inventory, and they bought back the land next to the factory before, and the warehouse became bigger. She watched her uncle make people fill up half of the warehouse.

"It was easy before, but in the past two months, due to the hurricane weather in the production area, the difficulty of felling wood, and the cost of transportation, suppliers have postponed the harvesting of raw materials."

"It's caused by natural factors, so there's nothing you can do about it. Have you told the customer, can't the delivery time be a week late?"

"I haven't dared to contact the client yet, I want to hear your advice first."

Lin Xiaoxiao expressed her relief that her uncle didn't make his own decisions this time.

Grandma is right, as long as uncle is not reckless, the company will have no major problems.

Lin Xiaoxiao replied with a smile, "My suggestion is to do it with both hands. First, contact the customer to explain the reason. If the customer agrees to extend the delivery time, then it is not a big problem. At the same time, you must be active in purchasing, and there may be unexpected gains. What about delivery? You explain it to the customer yourself now."

Lin Dawei listened to Lin Xiaoxiao, and he was also prepared to come, so in front of Lin Xiaoxiao, he contacted the client.

Things didn't go well. Lin Dawei contacted the client, who was also eager to ask for it. The time for signing the contract was already their maximum deadline, so they faced a problem on the spot.

"What should I do? The customer is waiting for a reply. Either the delivery will be delivered on time, or the compensation will be refunded."

The customer's request is not excessive, and Lin Xiaoxiao understands the other party's request.

"Reply over there in an hour?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked.

Lin Dawei nodded, the expression on his face was more anxious than when he came, "The customer also said that if this order cannot be completed, they will not consider cooperating with us in the future."

"A regular customer?"

"Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't be embarrassed."

Lin Xiaoxiao flicked her hair, "According to reason, old customers will not be sympathetic, have you asked the other party's reason?""

How could Lin Dawei not ask, because he knew the reason of the other party, he couldn't handle it, "This batch of goods is the activity fund of their company. Isn't this preparing for the end of the year? They are all rushing for performance. The other party also hopes to use this batch The goods can be given a go, the delivery time we negotiated before was one week earlier than the contract, and it was only after a few talks that the time was delayed by one week."

"Why didn't you tell me what you knew before?"

Lin Xiaoxiao understood the situation when she heard it. The phone call just now didn't last long, and what uncle said just now obviously knew it before.

Alas, I wanted to say that my uncle handled things better this time, but I didn't expect him to be so unreliable.

"I didn't expect it either."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Since the other party requires a reply within an hour, I will give you four or 10 minutes and let the company's purchasing department contact you immediately."

Lin Dawei immediately complied.

Four 10 minutes, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't just wait.She contacted Wu Min'er immediately. After all, Min'er had something to do with her.

As soon as Wu Min'er heard about Lin Xiaoxiao's situation, she promised to help her deal with it.But Lin Xiaoxiao didn't agree right away, her reason was simple, she wanted to see if there was any progress on her uncle's side.

Lin Dawei didn't know what his niece was planning. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and kept calling.

He urged the people in the company vigorously, and called several suppliers he was familiar with, really begging his grandma.

Instead, Lin Xiaoxiao acted like a normal person, chatting with Wu Min'er on the phone.Sometimes I want to laugh but dare not laugh, for fear of dampening my uncle's enthusiasm.

Both Lin Xiaoxiao and Lin Dawei were watching the time, so when 10 minutes came, their eyes immediately met.

"It's an old face, it's almost there, Xiaoxiao, do you think?"

Lin Dawei was half relaxed and half anxious at this moment, he didn't know what Lin Xiaoxiao would think.

Should he continue to fight his old face or, in short, he almost tried his best.

"How much?"

"This number."

Lin Dawei gestured with his fingers, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, "It's only so close?"

"It's still a little bit worse."

Uncle is being humble, Lin Xiaoxiao thought to herself.

She didn't say it, but she still showed a smile, "If this is the case, I will find a way. You should contact the customer now and tell them to ship on time."

"Okay, it's finally safe and sound."

When Lin Dawei was leaving, Lin Xiaoxiao happened to answer the phone, and they walked down the parking lot together.

"Xiaoxiao, tell uncle the truth, is Young Master Ye treating you well?"

Why did I remember to ask this, I never asked before.

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, "He treats me very well, don't worry, Uncle."

"Just be nice to you. I'm really afraid that you're going to be superficial. In this case, uncle has something for you. It was given to me by your mother back then. I'll bring it to you later."

"My mother gave it to me?"

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