Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 152 Conditions

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what Ye Fanyu took from Qin Hanlin, but the result of the appraisal had already confirmed everything.She is the daughter of her mother and Qin Hanlin, and the name mentioned in her mother's diary is her favorite man.

Mother loves a man so much, doesn't that man love his mother even more?

Lin Xiaoxiao sat quietly on the sofa after reading the appraisal results. Li Hao had nothing to say, and left under Ye Fanyu's signal. Seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao needed to digest these things alone, Ye Fanyu went back to Continue working at your desk.But occasionally, he would look up.As long as Lin Xiaoxiao has any abnormalities, he can intervene immediately.

In the mother's diary, Qin Hanlin liked her mother, so why did the two part ways in the end?
There are happy things and unhappy things in the diary, but the reason why the two broke up is missing.There was no reason why two people who clearly liked each other separated, this was something she couldn't figure out.

Lin Xiaoxiao was immersed in her own world, she needed to figure out what was going on.

She imagined many reasons, for example, if there is someone who suddenly doesn't love between the two, it must not be the mother.Because in the diary, the mother loves from beginning to end.

Women love men, but what is going on with men?
The Qin family more than [-] years ago shouldn't be bad, but the Lin family at that time was only the tip of the iceberg compared to the Qin family.Maybe there is still a lot of water mixed in this corner. Anyway, the two families are not in the right household.

Marriage depends on the right family, or else it is two parents.The mother didn't tell the family about Qin Hanlin's affairs. Does that mean that the Qin family disliked the mother at that time?
This is the most likely, otherwise they are clearly together, why should they separate?

The mother was still pregnant with her at the time, and there was a child in her womb, would Qin Hanlin not know?
Maybe I really don't know, it's really
Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do next, she already knew about Qin Hanlin's existence, and someone in the Qin family should also know about her existence.

Thinking of the strangeness between Qin Kexin and her mother, Lin Xiaoxiao was not very sure.

What exactly happened that year and why it ended like this, she wanted to know quickly.

Lin Xiaoxiao clasped her hands, and when she was more excited, her hands would change from holding to pinching. When pinching and pinching, her palms hurt, and when she looked down, her nails accidentally broke the skin.

The slight bloodshot hinted at it, Lin Xiaoxiao stared at it, and finally came up with an idea in her heart, that is to let nature take its course.

Anyway, it has been more than twenty years, my mother has passed away, and my grandmother has also passed away, and everything has faded with time.Maybe grandma needs an explanation, so she will tell grandma another day. As for the rest, I will talk about it later.

She has a feeling that the matter will not end here, and something must happen to the Qin family.

Lin Xiaoxiao ended her self-world, she looked up at Ye Fanyu, just as Ye Fanyu raised her head as if feeling something, the eyes of the two blended together, full of affection.

Lin Xiaoxiao sat without moving, she just looked at Ye Fanyu, and said, "Thank you."

Ye Fanyu put down the pen in his hand, then folded his hands together, "Why do you say thank you?"

"Thank you for helping me find these and unraveling the secrets of our family for more than [-] years."

In fact, if the mother could tell the truth, there would be no need to go to such a trouble to find out this secret.But she could understand her mother's thoughts, she just wanted to keep her own world, after all, it was her own unique memory.

Ye Fanyu's handsome face does not seem to be cold towards outsiders, and his cold pupils are not as dead as outsiders.Facing Lin Xiaoxiao, the woman he liked, he gave him gentle eyes and a rare smile.

"I've heard the word too much, but I want you to put it into action."

"What kind of action, thank you, can't you just say it, you still ask so much, who cares about you."

In one sentence, I understood what Ye Fanyu meant, but Lin Xiaoxiao pretended not to understand.

Lin Xiaoxiao slightly turned her face away, not to look at Ye Fanyu's aggressive gaze.

Ye Fanyu chuckled, "Don't you even dare to look at me?"

"Who says I don't dare to look at you, I look at you, look at you, okay? You look like this, I think it can still change?" Lin Xiaoxiao's tone quickened, following Ye Fanyu's intentionally, and deliberately Not following him.

This Lin Xiaoxiao is much more lively, unlike the sullen and troubled look of this time, he just likes to see her happy.

Ye Fanyu didn't care about the relationship between Qin Hanlin and Lin Xiaoxiao at all, he only cared that his woman could be happy every day.Of course, it wasn't all unhappy during this time, he immediately thought of the carpet at home.

As long as she can eat certain foods she likes, she is still her.

"Am I handsome?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was dizzy when Ye Fanyu asked this question, she thought to herself, is it necessary to ask this question?
Young Marshal Ye is not handsome, and he will definitely give a shocking answer when he goes out and stands in front of a bunch of women.Does he have some misunderstanding about himself? Does he think he is not handsome enough when he is so handsome?

That's too much, he is so handsome and still questioning his own handsomeness, how can those who are not handsome still live?
Ye Fanyu was waiting for Lin Xiaoxiao's answer, so his eyes were fixed on Lin Xiaoxiao's face.

Lin Xiaoxiao has a lot of inner activities, but she is still very dedicated to a man who insists on answering.

"You are handsome, you are handsome."

"Then just look at me and don't turn your face away."

What is this requirement?
"What do you want me to watch you do?"

"Don't you want to thank me, it's very simple, just look at me."

Lin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes without hesitation, "This request is too much, I will be annoyed if I keep looking at you."

"Will it bother you to look at me?"

Suddenly feeling a hint of danger, Lin Xiaoxiao was about to change her words when she saw Ye Fanyu get up.She followed subconsciously, and then shifted to a safe place.

"Stand still, or you won't be allowed to eat crayfish in the future."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to move.

Ye Fanyu walked to Lin Xiaoxiao's side very satisfied, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, and the two of them leaned against each other.

He lifted Lin Xiaoxiao's chin, and the two of them met their gazes, "Would it bother you to look at me?"

"Slip of the tongue, don't bother me, I'm ready to eat after watching you!"

"You can only eat when you look at me? What about other things, you can't do it when you look at me?"

Lin Xiaoxiao decided not to go along with him, as if someone had opened her mouth, otherwise she would rub her neck and face.

"Don't make trouble, don't you want to work, I won't bother you anymore, go get busy."

"Is this called throwing away when you're done using it?"

Ye Fanyu picked out some ambiguous words to tell Lin Xiaoxiao, he was very satisfied to see Lin Xiaoxiao's shy look, and the sudden blush on her face was really fascinating.

Really wanted to do something, or did he do it first?
A feeling of familiarity came to the fore, if Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what Ye Fanyu wanted to do, she wouldn't be Ye Shao's wife.Seeing the change in his eyes, she immediately began to struggle.

"Don't mess around, this is the office."

"I haven't messed around yet, how do you want me to mess around, is this or this?"

After Ye Fanyu finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Lin Xiaoxiao. He first kissed her on the face, and then kissed her red lips.Without giving Lin Xiaoxiao another chance to say no, Ye Fanyu hugged her tightly and hugged her tightly, and the lips of the two remained close to each other.

What happened next was completely out of control. Whether it was Ye Fanyu or Lin Xiaoxiao, the two stayed in the lounge for the whole day.

When night fell, Lin Xiaoxiao was still asleep, if Ye Fanyu didn't gently wake her up, she should still be able to continue to sleep.

"Xiaoxiao, wake up, let's go eat."

"Don't bother me, I'm so sleepy."

Lin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and patted Ye Fanyu next to her. She stopped when she caught someone, and then her arms hung down limply. She was too tired to make any more movements.

Ye Fanyu grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's hand that was outside the quilt, and he kissed her smooth arm, then continued to lean closer to her ear, and said softly, "I'll take you to eat crayfish and barbecue."

Lin Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping, heard crayfish and barbecue, and immediately woke up from the dream.

Lin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes, she still felt her eyelids were clenched, but the temptation of food had already made her struggle out of sleep.

"You treat? Didn't you say you don't want to eat these things?"

"you like to eat."

If you like someone, you have to accept everything about her.If she likes it, he can't stop her by force.

Lin Xiaoxiao was lying lazily, she glanced at Ye Fanyu who was already up and dressed, "Go out and wait for me."

"I'll help you."

"Need not."

Ask him to help her, maybe she won't even be able to get out the door.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao insisted, Ye Fanyu had no choice but to go out.When Lin Xiaoxiao came out, she happened to see him explaining something to Li Hao.

Lin Xiaoxiao met Li Hao's smile and felt that it had a lot of meaning.Thinking of everything that happened in the lounge, she felt that her old face was going to disappear.In a fit of anger, walking to Ye Fanyu's side was a ruthless pinch.

Ye Fanyu didn't change his face, he took a deep look at Li Hao, "Get off work."

Li Hao is not stupid, every move of the two fell into his eyes, he only hated himself for being invisible.But it's worth it to see Young Master Ye deflated, I don't know if Young Master Ye will settle accounts after the fall.

With Ye Fanyu's words, Li Hao didn't dare to watch, nodded and left.

As soon as Lin Xiaoxiao and the others left, she complained angrily to Ye Fanyu, "It's all your fault, I told you not to mess around, and Li Hao saw it as a joke, right?"

"He dare not laugh."

"I definitely don't dare to laugh in front of us, but laugh behind my back. I've decided, I'm going to eat two buckets of crayfish tonight, you can't have any objections."

Lin Xiaoxiao pouted, Ye Fanyu knew she was taking the opportunity to blackmail her, so she agreed, but he also had conditions.

"Let's go home tonight and continue."


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