Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 149 Just Wait And See

The diary is not thick, but every page is full of writing.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't notice the page of the diary that was written on the cover the night before. She only discovered it the next day, because she also found a photo in that cover.

The man's handsome appearance is the kind of skin that a woman can fall in love with at a glance.The woman leaned delicately beside the man, with a bright smile and bright youth.

There is only a date on the back of the photo, and Lin Xiaoxiao recognized the meaning of that date at a glance.Even if the date is not seen, the clothes on the mother can be guessed seven or eight points.

There are only people on the photo, and only the date after the photo, without the man's name.

Lin Xiaoxiao put down the photo, and she looked at the inside cover of the diary.

It was written in my mother's delicate handwriting, with only three simple words, Lin Miaoran.

Her mother's name is Lin Miaoran, Miaomiao is like water. Both grandpa and grandmother hoped that her mother would be a gentle woman like water, but her mother was as bright and delicate as the sun, and hearty as fire.

After Lin Xiaoxiao finished reading the photos and the cover, she turned to the page that was folded at a corner the night before, and continued to read.

It only took Lin Xiaoxiao half a day to finish reading.She read it line by line, wishing she could see through every word.

Life goes from plain and beautiful to passionate, and suddenly there is another storm. The disappointment and longing in the last sentence occupy the blank space behind.

What a terrible thing it is for a person to go from longing for life to losing confidence in life.On a few pages, Lin Xiaoxiao even saw the smudged handwriting, and she had to guess whether it was written down by her mother while crying.

Lin Xiaoxiao was infected by the gloom in the diary, and she also saw a man's name from that loss.Although there are only two simple words, Hanlin.

These two words plus photos are enough to find more content.Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think about how to find someone at this time, but she read her mother's diary again from beginning to end, to feel her mother's last despair.

Obviously such a beautiful woman, but because of a man, maybe she also exists
Her arrival was an unexpected surprise for her mother. In the diary, her mother was terrified, but at the end she was a little happy. Although there were few words of joy, she knew that her mother liked her.

Lin Xiaoxiao was so immersed in her pain that she didn't notice the sound of someone entering the door at all.

Ye Fanyu pushed the door with a moderate voice. He thought it would attract Lin Xiaoxiao's attention, but his woman didn't seem to notice him, but stared blankly at the diary on the table, looking very sad.

"Sad?" Ye Fanyu approached Lin Xiaoxiao, and he reached out to lift her chin.

It was only then that Lin Xiaoxiao noticed Ye Fanyu. She looked at him with a mist in her eyes.


Ye Fanyu let this layer of mist hurt his heart, and his fingertips touched the corner of Lin Xiaoxiao's eye, where a teardrop had condensed and was about to fall from the eye.

Ye Fanyu gently wiped away the teardrops, feeling the wetness on his fingertips, "Why are you crying?"

"I miss her."

Who is she referring to, no need for too many words.

Ye Fanyu let go of Lin Xiaoxiao's jaw, first he grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's wrist, and then gently pulled Lin Xiaoxiao up from the chair.Then he replaced her and sat on the chair, and she fell into his arms when he took his seat.

Ye Fanyu hugged Lin Xiaoxiao tightly in his arms, resting his chin on Lin Xiaoxiao's shoulder, and said in a helpless tone, "Then what can I do?"

"I miss grandma too."

"You think of two people at once, what about me?"

Although he didn't want to open his mouth to be jealous, Ye Fanyu couldn't help it.

The somewhat sad atmosphere was broken by a strange sourness, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little confused.

"Don't you miss me?"

"You are in front of me, why do I miss you? Can you not make trouble, I think what happened to my mother and grandma, can't I think about it?"

As long as he dares to say no, she will make him look good.

Lin Xiaoxiao's tone was already filled with anger, and Ye Fanyu was very discerning, so she was "counseled" on the spot.

"Yes, I have no problem with how long, when or how you think about it."

"Then what are you doing, don't make trouble."

The originally good atmosphere was disturbed by Ye Fanyu, and Lin Xiaoxiao was depressed.

Thinking about it now, Lin Xiaoxiao realized that her emotions were not right, she immediately gave Ye Fanyu a fist and asked him to make trouble, really, who is it!
Ye Fanyu received Lin Xiaoxiao's meaning, and he was happy, "I have no objection if you miss grandma and the others, but don't make yourself sad. The deceased is gone, you should think more about the person in front of you."

"To put it bluntly, I want to think about you more. What do I want when I face you every day?"

"I want you to think about it every moment, so that our relationship will be stronger"

Lin Xiaoxiao really didn't want to listen to Ye Fanyu's words anymore, she put out her hand to cover Ye Fanyu's mouth, "Stop talking, if you keep talking, I want to hit you again."

"Hitting is kissing and scolding is love, which means we have a good relationship."

Lin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "Yes, yes, let me hit you twice after that."

Ye Fanyu grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, and he kissed the back of her hand, "You can hit it however you want, provided you don't hurt yourself."

"If you know you have thick skin, don't think about it, man, do you have persecution paranoia?"

What Lin Xiaoxiao said made Ye Fanyu laugh, "Only you can make me think this way. What do you want for lunch?"

"It's already noon?"

She left the Lin's house in the morning, and after returning home, she went about her own business. Lin Xiaoxiao also knew that the time had passed, but she didn't expect it to be noon so soon.

If Ye Fanyu didn't remind her, she still didn't feel hungry, but now that she said it like this, she was so hungry!

"What do you want to eat?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked Ye Fanyu back, she wanted to eat too much.

"I sent someone to deliver the food, you go down and have a look?"

Lin Xiaoxiao thought to herself, asking her only after everything was arranged, is it meaningful?
But she didn't say it, anyway, as long as there is something to eat, she doesn't dislike it very much, because Ye Shao's taste is quite good, and she will never let her eat bad food.

Ye Fanyu helped Lin Xiaoxiao stand up, and when she left the room, Lin Xiaoxiao also took the diary with her.

Ye Fanyu looked at the diary in her hand and raised his eyebrows.

"There is a photo and a name inside, and Li Hao may need help."

"Let me see."

Lin Xiaoxiao was holding the diary with one hand, and Ye Fanyu was holding the other hand, so she couldn't take the photos at all.

Ye Fanyu also saw this situation, "Go down and sit down."

Before reaching the restaurant, Lin Xiaoxiao smelled the fragrance.

When she saw a table full of dishes, she was surprised, "There are so many, how can I eat it!"

"I don't know what you want to eat, let them get some."

"As expected of Young Master Ye, does your mother know that you are so extravagant?"

Lin Xiaoxiao just blurted it out, but Ye Fanyu unexpectedly picked it up.

"My mother knows, she just sent it from home."

Well, she was speechless, as expected, she didn't understand the world of rich people.

The delicious food is right in front of you, and it is impossible for Lin Xiaoxiao to refuse to eat it.Knowing who did it, Lin Xiaoxiao drooled even more.


If it wasn't for Ye Fanyu's reminder, Lin Xiaoxiao would have forgotten what she said upstairs just now.

She quickly took out the photo in the diary and handed it to Ye Fanyu, and just as she was about to tell Ye Fanyu the name of the other party, she found that Ye Fanyu's eyes were a little dignified when he saw the photo.

Ye Fanyu had seen his mother's photo before, so Lin Xiaoxiao didn't think he had seen his mother's expression in this photo, so the only explanation was that Ye Fanyu's expression was directed at another person.

"You know him?"

Lin Xiaoxiao's words made Ye Fanyu silent for a while, he didn't refute immediately, but just asked, "Name."

"Han Lin."

"No surname?"


Ye Fanyu was silent again.

Lin Xiaoxiao had no appetite to eat anymore, she wanted to understand why Ye Fanyu was silent.

"Do you know who this person is?"

Facing Lin Xiaoxiao's question, Ye Fanyu nodded.

"Who is he?"

"Qin Kexin's father's name is Qin Hanyuan. From the Qin family to her father's line of Chinese characters, there are two younger brothers under him, Qin Hanyuan and Qin Hanlin. The third uncle Qin you've heard before is Qin Hanlin."

"Qin Hanlin? Sanshuiyou, the approaching Lin?"

"It's him. The third uncle Qin is just more mature than before, and his appearance hasn't changed much."

Lin Xiaoxiao clenched her fists after Ye Fanyu's words fell, she hesitated what to say, and finally she just asked, "Is he married?"

"Uncle Qin is single."

"Let's eat first. I don't know if it's the same person. Let's talk about it after we find out."

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly fell into a low mood again, Ye Fanyu had no choice but to end this topic, and then began to feed the whole process.

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little bit clueless at the beginning, but slowly, the dishes in the bowl and the dishes someone handed to her mouth made her unable to stop eating, and only then did she realize the word delicious.

"good to eat!"

Lin Xiaoxiao's expression made Ye Fanyu heave a sigh of relief, he continued to feed, but she avoided him.

"You eat your own. This bowl is full of dishes you picked up. I'll finish eating first."

"It doesn't affect you to eat what's in the bowl if I feed you."

Brother, you will be beaten like this.

Lin Xiaoxiao chewed, chewed, swallowed the meat in her mouth, "The key is that if you keep feeding me, I won't be able to eat what's in my bowl. In this case, I guess you've fed me enough, but there's still not a single piece in my bowl." move."

"It's ok."

"I said, why are you like this? You can either feed it or pick it up. Go, eat your own, don't waste it."

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly followed Ye Fanyu's example and picked up a bunch of vegetables for him, then she pointed to the bowl of vegetables in front of him, "Eat quickly, don't waste it."

"I'll eat after feeding you."

"eat together!"

Lin Xiaoxiao pushed Ye Fanyu's hand away, not letting him continue feeding.Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao like this, Ye Fanyu had no choice but to give up.

Half an hour later, Lin Xiaoxiao slumped on the sofa with her stomach outstretched, "It's so supportive! Ye Fanyu, you can't do this in the future, you should be feeding pigs!"

"Are you calling yourself a pig?"

"You! Well you Ye Fanyu, just wait and see!"

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