Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 143 The Wind Rises (6)

"These are the things my wife and I have found. It's been a little bit over the years, so it looks tired. How about having dinner at home in the evening, and I'll ask someone to buy some seafood, and have a seafood dinner tonight?"

Zhou Ruofang took out a lot of things, just the old lady had checked a bunch before, plus hers, she felt that Lin Xiaoxiao must take a lot of time to read them.

Lin Xiaoxiao agreed. After all, there were a lot of things. She felt that if she took them home and looked at them herself, if there was anything she didn't understand, she would have to call and ask. It was better to say it in person.

In order not to be disturbed, Lin Xiaoxiao decided to go back to the room to watch, but Zhou Ruofang waved her hand, "No need, your uncle and cousin have a social event during the day, and they come back for dinner at night. I told my family not to disturb you, you just sit here Look, if you don’t understand anything, just ask me, I’ll change my clothes, and then I’ll tidy up the flower garden.”

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the flower garden outside, and nodded to Zhou Ruofang.

The thick materials were divided into several bags, and Lin Xiaoxiao picked out a sealed bag with the earliest date on it.

The sealed bag was bulging, and Lin Xiaoxiao took out a bunch of materials from it, and the first thing that came into her mind was grandma's words.

She followed her grandmother's words and began to carefully read page by page. She had just read a few paragraphs, and felt that there were some things that needed to be recorded, so she put it down first, and ran upstairs to find the notebook.

Throughout the afternoon, Lin Xiaoxiao was so immersed in searching for clues that she didn't even notice the message from Ye Fanyu. Only when she knew Ye Fanyu's call came did she realize that time passed so quickly.

After Lin Xiaoxiao informed Ye Fanyu of the situation, he on the other end of the phone also informed her that she had a social event at night.Ye Fanyu was going to pick him up, but Lin Xiaoxiao told him that she would drive back by herself.

When Lin Zhihao came home and saw Lin Xiaoxiao, he happily wanted to rush over, but Zhou Ruofang stopped him.

"You skinny monkey, didn't you see your cousin watching? Don't quarrel with her, eat seafood at night, you go up and wash off the smell of your body, and chat with your cousin after dinner."

Lin Zhihao immediately lowered his head and smelled the smell on his body. It was really an unspeakable stench. He immediately felt the wind under his feet and hurried upstairs.

Lin Xiaoxiao was immersed in her own world, and the sound of footsteps did not interrupt her thoughts. When she saw something useful, she wrote it down in her notebook.When she encountered doubts, she also recorded them.

All in all, don't let go of a clue.

When Zhou Ruofang interrupted Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiaoxiao was still unwilling to put down the materials in her hand.

"I've been watching it all afternoon. There are a lot of these things, enough for you to read slowly for a few days. No matter what, eat first, or your body will not be able to bear it. Don't forget that you were just discharged from the hospital."

Lin Xiaoxiao was right when she thought about it, anyway, it's not a day or two away, so there's no need to force herself.

Lin Dawei also noticed Lin Xiaoxiao when he came home, if his wife hadn't stopped her, he would have disturbed Lin Xiaoxiao too.Now that he was at the dinner table, he finally had a chance to speak.

"There's so much to see, I almost don't even want to eat."

Just as Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to speak the truth, she saw Zhou Ruofang winking at her. She immediately understood, and what she wanted to say turned a corner, "Some plans."

"A plan for what?"

"My florist."

Lin Xiaoxiao lied. She was surprised that her aunt kept the investigation from her uncle. Was it Grandma's idea or her own idea?
Because of Zhou Ruofang's hint, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't talk about other things during the meal.

After dinner, Lin Zhihao pulled Lin Xiaoxiao and refused to let him go home. Lin Dawei and Zhou Ruofang beat him twice before he had to compromise.

After Lin Xiaoxiao got in the car, Zhou Ruofang leaned forward and leaned against the window and said, "It's fine if Ma'am says we know about it. Your uncle is impulsive. If he finds out, it will definitely be more troublesome."

Grandma commented very well, Lin Xiaoxiao understood.

"If I don't understand anything, I'll come back tomorrow and ask you. Thank you, aunt."

"Thank you, one family doesn't talk about two families."

Lin Xiaoxiao left from Lin's house, but didn't go home right away, but visited the flower shop before returning home.

Although she can now be a shopkeeper, it is still her shop, and she must visit it even if she finds time.

When Lin Xiaoxiao returned home, Ye Fanyu was already sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"I am back."

While taking off her shoes, Lin Xiaoxiao told Ye Fanyu, who was on the phone, that she lowered her eyes to change her shoes after meeting her gaze.

Ye Fanyu hung up the phone and reached out to Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao approached, but made no further move.

Ye Fanyu stretched out his hand again and said directly, "Come here."


"Come here and give me a hug."

Lin Xiaoxiao shook her head, "I just went to the flower shop, and I have mud on my body, I'll go take a shower first."

"come over."

Ye Fanyu's persistent demands made Lin Xiaoxiao very helpless.

She casually put the things aside, and approached Ye Fanyu.When they were only ten centimeters away, she was grabbed by him and pulled into his arms.

Ye Fanyu thought about it for a day, and now he hugged his woman, feeling satisfied.

"What are you doing at Lin's house today?"

If there was no question on the phone, Ye Fanyu asked in person.

"I went to meet someone today, and she showed me a photo, and I went back to find the photo later, and ate dinner at home by the way. What did you eat at night, there is no alcohol, isn't it social?"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't intend to say more, she leaned closer to Ye Fanyu and smelled him, there was no smell of alcohol.

Ye Fanyu raised Lin Xiaoxiao's chin, and he slightly fixed Lin Xiaoxiao's gaze.

She spoke lightly, but there were many doubts in her words.Especially the bluntness with which she changed the subject, he knew what she was trying to hide from him.

Ye Fanyu didn't intend to let Lin Xiaoxiao mention anything that he couldn't let him know.

"Who did you meet?"

When Lin Xiaoxiao's transfer was unsuccessful, she joked, "An insignificant person."

"Irrelevant people? Then tell me, let me hear if it really doesn't matter."

Lin Xiaoxiao originally wanted to say something casually, but the next second she told herself in her heart, isn't she a rival in love, after she said it, she could still emphasize some precautions with Ye Fanyu.

After having an idea in her heart, Lin Xiaoxiao generously told Ye Fanyu the answer, "Qin Kexin."

"Oh, why do you want to meet?"

"Do you remember what she looked like?" Lin Xiaoxiao imitated Ye Fanyu, holding his chin with her hand.

Ye Fanyu rubbed Lin Xiaoxiao's palm with his chin, "What does she look like has nothing to do with me?"

"That means you forgot what she looks like? It's impossible, she's so beautiful."

"In my eyes, you are the most beautiful."

Well, this love story has 99 points instead of 95 points, and she accepted it.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy in her heart, but Ye Fanyu interrupted her before she could get enough.

"What's the matter with you? Is she planning to let you leave me again?"

Ye Fanyu will never forget the things Qin Kexin did to Lin Xiaoxiao, and Qin's behavior still makes him feel that the other party has no good intentions.

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget it!" Lin Xiaoxiao only belatedly recalled the previous events. She was so angry that she forgot such a horrible thing!

Ye Fanyu reached out and touched Lin Xiaoxiao, and stroked her hair, "So when you met, you didn't talk about the previous incident, so what was it?"

Lin Xiaoxiao still hesitated, but Ye Fanyu refused to let her go.

"Don't want to tell me?" Ye Fanyu held Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, "If I find out, will there be any serious consequences?"

"No, I just don't know how to speak."

Under Ye Fanyu's gaze, Lin Xiaoxiao told the story, and finally she pointed to the pile of things on the sofa, "Grandma and aunt found it, and I'm looking for clues to see if I can find that photographer."

"I'll have someone check it out for you."

Ye Fanyu thought it was something, but the result was a bit unexpected.

Facing Ye Fanyu's proposal, Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't make up her mind.

"Don't you believe me?" Ye Fanyu laughed, "Based on the Ye family's connections, it might be possible to find out soon. Do you want to find that person quickly, or do you want to find that person slowly?"

"Grandma and the others have searched for so long and still haven't found that person back then. Do you think you can find it quickly?"

It's not that she wants to be so unconfident, but that she thinks this is a long process.

Ye Fanyu smiled, "You don't believe me."

"No, I believe in you, but there are always accidents."

"There will be accidents, it just depends on how to deal with them. Xiaoxiao, you have to trust me completely. We have become a husband and wife, and we can take on everything together. So you check it out, I check it out, and we check it out together .”

Lin Xiaoxiao had nothing to say now, she nodded, "Then let's check together."

"I'll take this pile of things to Li Hao to make a copy tomorrow."

"Don't let too many people know, I want to keep a low profile."

Ye Fanyu agreed with Lin Xiaoxiao's words, and then he asked another question, "Qin Kexin asked you out and let you see your mother's photo, so she must know something."

"You are not allowed to find her!"

"Jealous?" Ye Fanyu was very happy to see Lin Xiaoxiao's reaction was a bit big.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't deny it, "In short, you can't meet her alone. If you want to know something from her, let's go together."

"Okay, whatever you say is what you say, my wife."

After Ye Fanyu finished speaking, she immediately covered the red lips that attracted him in front of his eyes.

Lin Xiaoxiao accepted his kiss, but his next move did not allow her to resist at all. In the end, the two were immersed in each other from dark to dawn.

Qin family.

Qin Kexin held back for a day and a night, and finally couldn't hold it anymore. She found her mother with a copy of the photo.

Liu Yixin was looking at the album to choose clothes for the new season, when she was suddenly interrupted by her daughter, she was not at all unhappy, but instead took her daughter's hand and pointed to the album, "Quickly see if there is anything you like."

"Mom, why do you have this photo?"

Liu Yixin was startled when she saw the photo suddenly, she immediately snatched it, and then realized that the material of the photo was wrong, so she pretended to be calm and asked, "Where did you get this?"

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