Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 135 Cleaning up moths

"Since you're here, sit down for a while. You may need to be present for something later, lest I have to explain it later."

Ye Fanyu's words caused Ye Huishan's bad thoughts to spread quickly. She swallowed, wanted to speak but didn't know how to speak, so she remained silent for a while.

After Ye Fanyu finished speaking, he ignored Ye Huishan. He walked towards Lin Xiaoxiao, then sat beside her, wrapped his arms around her, and fixed her by his side.

He approached her ear, and then asked softly with his cheek against her hair, "Have you been bullied?"

"No, aren't you in a meeting, why are you back?"

"There's nothing else to do with me, I'll come back to accompany you."

Lin Xiaoxiao squinted, "Didn't you just go there not long ago?"

"Don't believe in my abilities?"

Facing Lin Xiaoxiao's question, Ye Fanyu was not unhappy, but just found it funny.

Ye Fanyu held Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, and when she heard that there were other people talking, he rubbed her face affectionately, "Does it matter? We are husband and wife, and intimacy is a normal behavior."

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't refute, so she could only let Ye Fanyu rub her face.Fortunately, he just rubbed his face and had no other intimacy.

Ye Huishan always felt that there was something in Ye Fanyu's words.

Ye Fanyu is not a talkative child, he has been like this since he was a child, and he is even more taciturn when he grows up.Although she was his second aunt, this child really couldn't kiss her.

What he said just now, could it be.
Ye Huishan vaguely felt a bad premonition in her heart, she didn't dare to express it, but she was still flustered.

Ye Fanyu was asking Lin Xiaoxiao where to eat at night, Lin Xiaoxiao thought for a long time, "Xianning club, I haven't seen Qiuxian for a while, I want to go see him."

"Thinking about other men in front of me?" Ye Fanyu was jealous.

Lin Xiaoxiao said "haha" twice, "You eat Qiuxian's jealousy, can you ask for something lower?"

"As long as he is not a woman, I will be jealous."

"Dare you say that you are not jealous of Allergy, she is a woman."

When he was full of words, Ye Fanyu slapped his face live.

Seeing Ye Fanyu deflated, Lin Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

"I have pleased you, is there any reward?"

"Three words for you, mellow."

Ye Fanyu didn't understand what Lin Xiaoxiao meant, and Lin Xiaoxiao smiled happily at him without explaining.This made Ye Fanyu's heart soften, he couldn't help but kissed her.

Lin Xiaoxiao pushed Ye Fanyu away, blushing.

Ye Huishan looked at the pair in front of her, feeling very dazzling.

"Second aunt, how long has cousin been in the company?"

The evil in Ye Huishan's eyes was concealed, but Ye Fanyu still caught traces of it.

He played with Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, then looked at Ye Huishan expressionlessly, "I remember it was three years and four months."

"Yeah, it's been more than three years, and he's still a department manager. Why is he also your cousin, do you want to move to another place?"

"Some employees who have only been in the company for more than a year have already been promoted. Why is my cousin still a department manager? Has Second Aunt thought about why?"

Ye Fanyu's rhetorical question made Ye Huishan smile embarrassingly, "Your cousin is dull, that's why he hasn't moved. I'll go back and educate him, how can he grow old in one position."

"It is true that one position should not be left after three years, so I plan to let him move a position."

Ye Huishan was overjoyed, "Where do you want to arrange for him to go?"

"My cousin is also a member of the Xu family, so you can just go back to work in your own company."

Ye Huishan was stunned on the spot, she suspected that she had heard wrong.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know who Ye Huishan married. When she heard Ye Fanyu's words, she asked in a low voice, "Does your cousin have his own company?"


"Then why does he still come to Ye's to work?"

If his own company doesn't go, there must be something wrong with his brain.

Lin Xiaoxiao's question touched Ye Fanyu's heart. He thought she was so cute and understood his heart so well.

"The Xu family's company is the same size as Ye's branch. If you were an employee of Ye's, would you choose to work in the branch or the head office?"

One point, one total, Lin Xiaoxiao understood.

"Fan Yu, how can you explain it like this, your cousin came to work at Ye's for your own good."

Ye Huishan understood Ye Fanyu's intentions, she didn't dare to get angry at him directly, she could only speak tactfully, hoping that Ye Fanyu was just talking verbally.

How can the Xu family's company be compared with the Ye's Group, her son is the blood of the Ye's family anyway, and he is also a part of the Ye's Group, so it is not surprising that he works in his own company.

"If a person is helpful to Ye's development, then I welcome him to work in Ye's. My cousin has been the manager of the purchasing department since he joined the company. This position has not been used for three years. Do you know what it means?"

Ye Fanyu's questioning got Ye Huishan an embarrassed smile.

Although Ye Huishan has never worked, she knows everything about the position in the company.She had been planning for a long time to beg the old man to put her son in this position.

Purchasing manager can be said to be a position that everyone wants. Both she and her son think that this position can last longer, but now it seems that Ye Fanyu wants her son to leave.
No matter what, you can't leave. If you leave, it will be unknown if you come back.

"Fan Yu, we are all one family. Although your cousin is dull, he still takes things very seriously. Besides, for this position, you might as well let others do it for you. If you think your cousin is not suitable for this position, you can He won’t choose to be transferred to another position.”

"Second aunt, it's not that I don't want to keep my cousin, but the manager who caused the company to lose [-] million yuan a year, do you think I can let him stay in this position? Or you can make up for the losses of these three years, and I can Think again."

Ye Fanyu spoke casually, and he looked at Ye Huishan with a look of sneer.

When Lin Xiaoxiao heard this, she could only describe it as dumbfounded.A loss of [-] million a year, thanks to the Ye family's company, otherwise who would dare to lose like this!And it's not just one person, there are so many people in the company, if it is said that everyone cleans up, she will believe a ghost.

These people are simply moths, no wonder Ye Fanyu made such a big move.

Lin Xiaoxiao finally understood Ye Fanyu's intentions. What he had done during this time was nothing more than fighting against the outside world and making peace with the inside.

Ye Huishan was completely anxious, "Fan Yu, why did your cousin let the company lose so much money? Is it the fault of his subordinates? How can your cousin inherit my property in the future? How can he lose his share of the company's shares?"

"Grandpa is still there, Second Aunt, you just want to divide the property?" Ye Fanyu was all sarcastic.

"I'm also a member of the Ye family, why can't I divide the property?"

She is the old man's biological daughter, so she must have a share.

Ye Fanyu knew what Ye Huishan was up to. Even though part of the old man's property belonged to her, the company's interests belonged to everyone. How could she let her son steal the company's money in private? Eyes, hands and feet are not clean, and there are a lot of greed, how could he let people stay in the company.

"Second aunt, Ming people don't say dark words. Even if you will have a part of the company's equity in the future, it will be a matter of the future. Now, your son is taking the company's money to go back to the Xu family to develop. Do you think grandpa won't know? Back then you When you got married, how much dowry the Ye family gave you, why don't you use your private house to subsidize the Xu family?"

When Ye Huishan heard about her private room, she became anxious, "Your grandma gave it to me for self-defense, how can I give it to the Xu family?"

"So you think the company should support the Xu family?"

"Our two families are married. The Lin family is worse than the Xu family. Didn't you let them share the wealth?"

When people walk on the ground, disasters come from heaven.

Lin Xiaoxiao thought to herself, what are you talking about, why did she get involved.

Ye Fanyu glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao, he seemed to know what she was thinking, he held her hand and patted her to keep her silent.

Seeing the intimate behavior of the two, Ye Huishan felt heavy in her heart.

"Grandpa and I would both."

Ye Fanyu's answer made Ye Huishan speechless. She knew that what she said was useless. Ye Fanyu was a man of his word. Since he asked her son to leave, the notice should be ready.

The purpose of her coming is to hope that Lin Xiaoxiao can blow the wind around her pillow. If her son can't get promoted, he will stay in the purchasing department anyway. In the end, he steals the chicken and loses the rice. She picks the sesame seeds and loses the watermelon. How can she talk to her husband when she goes back? son explain?
Ye Huishan panicked, she began to resent Ye Fanyu's ruthlessness.

"Fan Yu, my family doesn't need to be so fussy, how about we each take a step back?"

"Take a step back?"

Ye Huishan nodded, "Didn't the company lose [-] million yuan? Let's make up for it. Your cousin will stay in the company, you see?"

"A loss of [-] million a year, without including other rebates. How much do you think Mrs. Ye has lost in more than three years? Mrs. Ye can't afford such moths. My decision will not change, express Brother won't use it for work tomorrow. If there's nothing wrong, you can go, Second Aunt."

The eviction order came out, Ye Huishan was Ye Fanyu's elder no matter what, being humiliated by a junior, her always proud heart could not bear such treatment, she got up angrily.

"Fan Yu, don't forget, you still have your father above you, and the old man is still alive. You are not the only one who has the final say on this company."

"Many relatives of the Xu family have been stuffed into the company, and they won't be going to work tomorrow."

Ye Huishan was dumbfounded when one harsh word was exchanged for an equal amount of cruelty.

She didn't dare to stay any longer and left in a hurry.She wants to go back to Xu's house to discuss how to solve this matter.

Lin Xiaoxiao witnessed Ye Fanyu's "cold-blooded and ruthless" with her own eyes. She stretched out her hand and drew circles on his palm, "Will Second Aunt look for Grandpa?"

"It's for sure, but Grandpa has long wanted to clean up those people."

"So you're going to be the villain?"

Lin Xiaoxiao's description made Ye Fanyu laugh, and he held Lin Xiaoxiao's hand, "Then do you think I, a villain, should do this?"

"Do it, do it, as long as you are happy."

"There are very few things that can make me happy, but as long as you want to make me happy, I will be happy."

With honey on her mouth, Lin Xiaoxiao cursed.

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