Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 132 Resignation

For Lin Xiaoxiao, the news of her discharge from the hospital was undoubtedly what she wanted to hear the most.

There was no need for her to be hospitalized. In order to cooperate with Ye Fanyu, she could only treat hospitalization as a serious matter.

Being discharged from the hospital means that she can go back to work in the store, but she doesn't know how to face Zhai Junyi, she never thought that he would like her.

On the other end of the phone, Ye Fanyu was still urging, Lin Xiaoxiao was a little distracted, and the door was knocked at this moment.

"Someone is knocking on the door." Lin Xiaoxiao just woke up, her hair was not combed and her face was not washed, she was afraid that someone would push the door and enter.

"A doctor's round?"

Lin Xiaoxiao got up from the bed, putting on her slippers in a panic, "I don't know, wait, I'll go and see who it is."

Just when Lin Xiaoxiao was about to open a crack in the door to see who was outside, she found that the door was locked, "Did you lock the door when you went out?"

"Well, who is it?" Ye Fanyu asked.

"I don't know, let me ask."

Since the door is locked, it means that people outside the door cannot come in, so she can ask the other party to wait, at least brush their teeth, wash their face or something, and tidy up the appearance.

"Who?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked through the door.

Zhai Junyi stood outside the door, "Me."

Lin Xiaoxiao recognized Zhai Junyi's voice immediately, "Why are you here, wait a minute."

Lin Xiaoxiao ran to the toilet and said to Ye Fanyu, "Brother Zhai is here, I'll brush my teeth and wash my face first."

"Okay, I'll go and pick you up now."

Ye Fanyu originally planned to arrange for Li Hao to pick him up, but when he heard the news of Zhai Junyi's arrival, he immediately changed his mind.In any case, he couldn't let other men take advantage of it.

"Well, let's not talk, bye."

Lin Xiaoxiao hung up Ye Fanyu's phone, followed by brushing her teeth, washing her face and combing her hair, changed her clothes before walking to the door to open it.

"Sorry, I just woke up."

Zhai Jun lifted the bag in his hand, "It's okay, I just brought you something to eat."

"You did it?"


Lin Xiaoxiao was torn, she didn't know how to refuse the food.

He likes her, it's fine if she doesn't know about it, but if she knows, it's a bit unreasonable to accept him, after all, she can't respond to him, she is already married.

When Lin Xiaoxiao was struggling, Zhai Junyi had already entered the room, and she could only watch helplessly as he went to the table and opened the bag to take out the food.

"Try it, I haven't made this dish for a long time, the taste may be a little bit worse."

Lin Xiaoxiao walked to the table, she looked at the food on the table, then turned her head to meet Zhai Junyi's gaze, "Thank you, have you eaten yet?"


"Then you can take it to the store to eat with Xiao An." Lin Xiaoxiao declined.

"This is your share, eat it at ease."

Lin Xiaoxiao instantly didn't know what reason to refuse this kindness.

Facing the person who likes you, Lin Xiaoxiao realizes that she is a scumbag at all.He refused decisively because he was afraid of hurting Zhai Junyi's heart, but he couldn't justify not refusing.

When Lin Xiaoxiao was in trouble, Zhai Junyi spoke.

It is impossible for Zhai Junyi not to see Lin Xiaoxiao's entanglement, he leaned in front of her, "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything."

She can't say it, for fear of a complete misunderstanding or something, and she is too embarrassed to be sentimental.

"There's nothing to worry about, I didn't poison you."

"Your joke is not funny at all."

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh. After organizing her words in her heart, she asked softly, "Do you like me?"

"Well, I like you."

Zhai Junyi didn't hide anything, but confessed generously.

He likes her. He doesn't know when it started, but he just likes her anyway.

Lin Xiaoxiao was in a dilemma, she didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"It's my business that I like you, you don't need to make things difficult."

But now she is in a difficult situation. She knows that she has to refuse, but she is also afraid that if she refuses, she will not even be able to be a friend.No matter how she got along for a few months, she thought he was a nice person.

How did he fall in love with her?
Lin Xiaoxiao's expression fell firmly into Zhai Junyi's eyes, and the sense of loss in his heart became more serious.

Love never pays attention to first come, first served, but he still appeared too late.Not only did he show up at the wrong time, he also fell in love with her at the wrong time.

When he found that he liked her, he asked himself if she was worthy of his liking.

After thinking about it many times with questions, he still had to admit that he really liked her, even though she was already someone else's fiancee.

He carefully hid his love affairs, but he was unwilling to let him give up just like that.

Zhai Junyi knew that it was wrong to destroy other people's feelings, so he despised that kind of behavior, but when he encountered this situation, he very much hoped that there would be emotional conflicts between Lin Xiaoxiao and Ye Fanyu, so that he could take advantage of the situation enter.

He didn't wait for an opportunity to take advantage of, but what he waited for was the news of her marriage.

Being involved in a relationship is not the same concept as being involved in a marriage, and Zhai Junyi regretted not letting Lin Xiaoxiao know his feelings for her earlier.

I wanted to bless her quietly, but she was still injured under the protection of another man. This incident made him unable to hide his inner anger no matter what.

Since Ye Fanyu couldn't protect her, he would stand up.

Lin Xiaoxiao noticed that Zhai Jun's eyes had changed when he looked at her. If it was still sparkling a second ago, it was now the surface of a sea churning with huge waves.

His eyes betrayed him.

Lin Xiaoxiao saw some kind of information in Zhai Junyi's eyes, and she quickly took a few steps back.

"Why do you want to hide?" Zhai Junyi stayed where he was.

"Brother Zhai, maybe your liking for me is just a liking between friends?
Lin Xiaoxiao was lucky, she had to let Zhai Junyi think clearly about what kind of liking he had for her.Maybe they all misunderstood, he just likes her purely as a friend.

"I can tell the difference between friendship and love. Xiaoxiao, Ye Fanyu can't protect you, but I can. I will do my best to protect you from any harm."

"What can you do?"

When Lin Xiaoxiao saw that Zhai Jun wanted to compete with Ye Fanyu, she was not happy.

Anyway, she didn't like his attitude of looking down on Ye Fanyu.

She met Zhai Junyi's eyes full of emotion, and expressed her thoughts resolutely, "First of all, you and Ye Fanyu are not on the same level, whether it is status or money. Secondly, I only have feelings for you as a friend. If you Like me, please respect my choice."

"I'm not as good as him in terms of status and money, but at least I won't hurt the woman I like. It's not his fault why you were hospitalized?"

"What's wrong with him?" Lin Xiaoxiao didn't like what Zhai Junyi said. "Ye Fanyu didn't want me to get hurt either. It wasn't his fault that I was hospitalized. Please don't frame me."

Zhai Junyi didn't like Lin Xiaoxiao's rebuttal very much, he couldn't accept her affection for Ye Fanyu.

"If a man can't even protect his wife, then what kind of man is he?"

"This is an accident, an accident that no one could have imagined."

After Lin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she noticed that Zhai Jun took a step forward, and she immediately took a step back, "Don't come near me, let's keep a distance and explain clearly if there is anything, I don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

"Are you afraid of me?"

Afraid, of course she is afraid!
She is a woman, if he can't think of it for a while and does something uncontrollable, it will be difficult for her to beat him.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't answer, but her expression was enough to explain.

Di Jun frowned, he wanted to ask Lin Xiaoxiao who he thought of him, but after thinking about it, it's no wonder Lin Xiaoxiao was afraid of him.

He couldn't bear his feelings for her anymore, and if something happened, it was out of his control.

Zhai Junyi really hoped that he could not control his emotions and do something, but facing Lin Xiaoxiao with a scared expression, he seemed to be poured with cold water, and his head instantly sobered up.

"I'm sorry I scared you."

If he really did something to her, what is the difference between him and those who hurt her?
Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't feel the dangerous aura emanating from Zhai Junyi, she knew that he had calmed down, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay."

"Xiaoxiao, you should eat something first, otherwise it won't taste good if it's cold."

Zhai Jun glanced at the things on the table. He made them for her. He hoped that she would eat them and feel his feelings for her.

"I'm not very hungry. Ye Fanyu is on his way to the hospital now. I'll wait until he arrives."

"You are in the hospital, does he still have the mind to go to work?"

Lin Xiaoxiao made a "head" and said, "I'm leaving the hospital today."

"Can you leave the hospital?"

Zhai Junyi was worried that Lin Xiaoxiao would be discharged from the hospital because she couldn't bear it and was bored, "Have all the test results indicated that you can be discharged from the hospital? What did the doctor say?"

"I was discharged just because the doctor let me go."

Zhai Junyi looked safe, but Lin Xiaoxiao still didn't dare to act rashly, "Brother Zhai, thank you for coming to see me, and thank you for liking me. Feelings can't be forced, I can't respond to you, so please Don't embarrass me."

"Xiaoxiao, I have the right to like you."

"I can't force you not to like me, just like you can't force me to like you."

As soon as Zhai Jun agreed with Lin Xiaoxiao's words, he couldn't bear to see her embarrassed.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm resigning."

"Have you found a company to work for?"

As expected, Lin Xiaoxiao still couldn't accept it.

For employees like Zhai Junyi, Lin Xiaoxiao wished to have more employees.His resignation means that she has to recruit again. Where can she find an employee like Zhai Junyi.

"It will be found."

It will be found, that is, it has not been found, "If you don't find it, you will resign?"

So capricious?
Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to ask her to stay, but she thought about Zhai Junyi's liking for her, maybe this result would be good for them all.

"You can ask me to stay."

Facing Zhai Junyi's expectant gaze, Lin Xiaoxiao still failed to do what he wished, "I'm sorry."

"Having said so much, let's eat."

Everyone was about to leave, so Lin Xiaoxiao didn't have any worries. She sat down at the table and began to move her chopsticks.

When Ye Fanyu returned to the ward, he saw the two sitting facing each other.

He walked past Zhai Junyi with a cold heart and sat down next to Lin Xiaoxiao, then put his arms around Lin Xiaoxiao's waist in front of Zhai Junyi, "Why don't you wait for me to have lunch together?"

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