Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 129 You were so cute when you were young

"If you don't want to have a baby, there's nothing I can do if I want a baby." Ye Fanyu looked into Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, "Don't you think so?"

Lin Xiaoxiao made him look into his eyes a little bit and didn't know how to refute, so he could only bite his lips in the end, "Yes."

"So when am I going to have a baby?"

The question came back to the original point, Lin Xiaoxiao was speechless, "I don't know when, just let nature take its course."

Ye Fanyu's eyes were full of smiles, he gently scratched Lin Xiaoxiao's face with his fingers, "I hope it will be faster."

"When do you think it will be soon? We haven't held a wedding yet. I don't want to hold a wedding while pregnant." Lin Xiaoxiao expressed his request.

Ye Fanyu nodded, "Then let's hold the wedding as soon as possible, so that we can have a child earlier, our own child. But the wedding still needs time to prepare, and the child does not need time to prepare."

Lin Xiaoxiao felt that it was going to be bad when she heard it, and before she could withdraw her hand from Ye Fanyu's, she was picked up by him, "Ah, you put me down, we just had enough."

"It's because you've just eaten enough that you have strength, otherwise you'll always say you're hungry."

"Can I not be hungry? My stomach is not a fairy stomach. If I exercise too much, I will get hungry."

Lin Xiaoxiao patted Ye Fanyu's shoulder to let him put her down, but he just carried her to the bed very forcefully.

"I want to take a shower!"

Ye Fanyu stopped, "Take a bath first?"

Yes, take a shower first, so she can procrastinate for a while.

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, and Ye Fanyu changed direction.

Why don't you put her down, "Put me down, I'll take a shower first."

"Let's wash together."

What!She doesn't want to wash together, the ghost knows what the consequences of washing together, she dare not even think about it.

However, what Ye Fanyu had already decided could not be changed by others, it was useless for Lin Xiaoxiao to refuse or resist, and in the end she was taken into the bathroom, where she took a bath that she thought was the longest.

After coming out later, Ye Fanyu pressed Lin Xiaoxiao to discuss a round of life issues well.

Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't remember when she fell asleep, anyway, when she opened her eyes again, the room was still dark, but there was no one around her, and she was the only one on the bed.

"Where did the person go?" Lin Xiaoxiao just opened her eyes, she was still a little sleepy.

Lin Xiaoxiao fell asleep unknowingly for more than half an hour, opened her eyes again, and began to grope to get up.

The light was on, she was the only one in the room, Ye Fanyu didn't know where she went.

Half an hour after Lin Xiaoxiao dawdled to freshen up, she found the remote control for the curtains.

As soon as the curtains were opened, the sunlight from outside came in. Lin Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes slightly, and then saw through the glass the scene of Ye Fanyu talking to Uncle Yan in the open space outside.

Ye Fanyu was talking about Chashan with Uncle Yan, when he suddenly raised his head with a heartbeat, and saw Lin Xiaoxiao upstairs.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Ye Fanyu looked up and down through the glass. She originally wanted to smile, but thinking about what happened last night, she decided not to smile.

This man doesn't seem to understand how to write the word temperance, and has been pestering her all night, haha.

Ye Fanyu felt Lin Xiaoxiao's dissatisfaction, but he raised the corners of his mouth generously, and showed Lin Xiaoxiao a breezy smile.

"What are you laughing at, you say your teeth are good, don't you hate it, huh!"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't plan to read it, she was going to look for food.

Downstairs, as soon as Aunt Yan saw Lin Xiaoxiao coming down, she quickly asked her to eat.

"Young Madam, go and sit in the dining room, I'll serve you something to eat."

"Aunt Yan, you can just call me Xiaoxiao, don't be so polite." Lin Xiaoxiao always felt awkward when Aunt Yan called her Young Madam.

It was not good for her to make such a request in front of everyone last night, but now it's just the two of them, she has to make it clear quickly.

"There are family rules, young lady, don't come in, I'll bring it out to you."

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter. In fact, I can do it myself. Please trouble Aunt Yan."

Lin Xiaoxiao followed Aunt Yan and served some side dishes, and was about to ask if these were appetizers, when Aunt Yan urged her to go outside.

She put down the side dishes, and Aunt Yan asked her to sit still. She wanted to continue helping, but Aunt Yan's face became serious, and she was taken aback.

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao sitting up straight like a child, Aunt Yan nodded in satisfaction, "Young Madam, sit down."

Lin Xiaoxiao just sat there, and then saw Aunt Yan serving dish after dish, and didn't stop until the table was full, she swallowed hard, "Aunt Yan, these dishes are all for me ?”

"Yeah, I don't know what you like to eat, Young Madam. It just so happens that these are found on the mountain, and you can't eat them in the city. You can try them all."

"But this is too much, I can't finish it."

Aunt Yan said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if you can't finish it, you can eat as much as you can, just to taste."

The taste doesn't need to be so rich, I guess she will be full after one bite of each dish.

No matter what Lin Xiaoxiao said, Aunt Yan insisted on her eating, so in the end she was forced to taste every dish.

After trying every dish, she was still not full.Finally, when she was full, she found that there were still a lot left on the table.

"Aunt Yan, let's make it hotter these nights."

"Re will not serve this table anymore, I will take it away later."

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the leftovers on the table, there was still a big table, why did people take it away?

"Aunt Yan, will this be wasted?"

"Don't worry, I just let them go back to eat."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't ask who Aunt Yan was referring to.Anyway, someone took care of the leftovers, so she felt that it was not so wasteful.

After cleaning up, Aunt Yan found Lin Xiaoxiao, "Young Madam, can I chat with you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was sitting on the sofa, she was digesting quietly, when she heard Aunt Yan's words, she pointed to the seat next to her, "Sit, Aunt Yan."

Aunt Yan sat down, and she looked at Lin Xiaoxiao again like the first time, "Young Madam is so beautiful, no wonder Young Master Ye will marry you."

"Thank you, he didn't marry me because he liked my appearance."

"That is?"

Faced with Aunt Yan's curiosity, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't say that she and Ye Fanyu were together because of their marriage contract. She said vaguely, "I don't know the specific reason. You might as well ask him if you ask me."

"That's great, Young Master Ye is married. We all thought he would get married very late, and he's just the right age. Last night, Uncle Yan was so happy that he kept asking you about having children. Don't bother him, it's not like having children. If you can force it, let nature take its course and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”


Aunt Yan nodded with satisfaction, "I watched Young Master Ye grow up. Although he looks a bit cold on the outside, he is a nice person. Now that you are by his side, he will smile often. When your child is born, You can remember to make the children smile more. Ye Shao just smiled less when he was a child, and he will be cold when he grows up."

Lin Xiaoxiao thought of her stack of photo albums, "Aunt Yan, does Ye Fanyu have any photo albums here?"

"Yes, young lady wants to see it, then wait a moment, I'll get it for you."

"Aunt Yan, if you don't want to call me Xiaoxiao, I have no problem calling me Young Madam, but can you not use honorifics?"

Aunt Yan agreed to Lin Xiaoxiao's simple request.

Lin Xiaoxiao waited for ten minutes, and Aunt Yan came back with a stack of photo albums.

"These are all." Aunt Yan put all the photo albums on the coffee table with a smile, and then took the first one on the surface, "This is a photo of Ye Shao who is more than one year old. Because the child is young, the old man will wait for Ye Shao to reach this age." Dare to hug me."

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the photos of the one-year-old, the three-and-four-year-old, and the six- and seven-year-old one by one. Some she thought looked good, so she took pictures with her mobile phone.

Aunt Yan watched Lin Xiaoxiao take pictures with a smile, and sometimes when she saw that Lin Xiaoxiao didn't take pictures, she would say, "Young Master Ye is also very cute in this picture, won't Madam take pictures?"

The two of them sat for an entire afternoon, and when Ye Fanyu returned to the house after finishing his work, he saw the two admiring the photo album.

Aunt Yan was the first to notice that he was back, she stood up, "Young Master Ye, are you done?"


Lin Xiaoxiao heard the voice, looked up, and said before Ye Fanyu approached, "You were so cute when you were young."

"Who is cute?" Ye Fanyu sat next to Lin Xiaoxiao, and put his arms around her shoulders.

Lin Xiaoxiao originally didn't want to give Ye Fanyu a good face, but after seeing his photos all afternoon, she decided to forgive him, "You are cute, look at this one, isn't it cute!"

Looking at his own photos, Ye Fanyu didn't think he was cute anymore, but seeing Lin Xiaoxiao talking so happily, he nodded, "It's fine if you think it's cute."

"Look at this one, oh, it's so cute. This one is also cute, isn't it!"

Lin Xiaoxiao kept talking about being cute, so Uncle Yan couldn't help but want to move over. Aunt Yan pinched Uncle Yan's ear so that he wouldn't disturb the two of them.

"Young couple, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Oh, don't I want to see it?"

"You don't look at it every day at home, but you do if others want to. Are you a monkey?"

Aunt Yan pulled Uncle Yan away, and when Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to find Aunt Yan, she realized that Aunt Yan was missing.

"Aunt Yan, she was still here just now, why did she disappear when you came?"

"She went out with Uncle Yan, can I watch with you?"

"OK then."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't want to eat until she saw the meal, so Ye Fanyu forcibly took her away.

"Aunt Yan, won't they eat with us tonight?"

Lin Xiaoxiao felt strange that there were only two people at the table.

"No, they eat it at their house."

Lin Xiaoxiao accepted this explanation, so she chatted with Ye Fanyu while eating.

"When are we going back tomorrow?"

"Before lunch, just go back and have lunch."

Lin Xiaoxiao was actually very happy when she knew the time to go back, because there was no signal on the mountain, and her mobile phone was useless, which really makes people feel uncomfortable these days.

Ye Fanyu brought some vegetables for Lin Xiaoxiao, "These are all vegetables from the mountains, eat more."

"I also ate a lot before."

"Then eat more."

After the two had dinner, they could only move around in the house because of the fog outside.Ye Fanyu started to take Lin Xiaoxiao from house to house, and finally stopped in the piano room.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the piano, and she asked, "Can I play it?"

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