Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 116 Tasks That Shouldn't Be Triggered

Lin Xiaoxiao waited for Mr. Ye to leave, and quickly got up from the hospital bed.She is not sick or anything, and she doesn't have a mobile phone with her. She lies in bed all day, and she feels that all the bones in her body are hurting, and she feels uncomfortable everywhere.

She thought of pretending to be sick to deceive the old man, and she felt very guilty.I don't know if the old man saw that she was pretending to be sick. If he didn't see it, the old man must be feeling uncomfortable. She felt depressed even thinking about it.

I really don't know why Ye Fanyu thought of such a thing, there is no pressure to lie to his grandfather, he deserves to be a dear.

When Ye Fanyu returned to the ward, he saw Lin Xiaoxiao standing beside the bed stretching his body, he closed the door gently and walked in front of her, "Why aren't you lying down?"

"Didn't Grandpa leave, do you still want to lie down?" Lin Xiaoxiao continued pulling her arms, twisting her waist by the way, "If I lie down again, I'm going to get moldy."

"I asked Li Hao to urge the phone to make you less bored as soon as possible. I have wronged you and lived in the hospital for a few days. When the matter is resolved, you can go home."

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what was going on, so she asked casually, "What's going on?"

"The company's affairs, with your incident this time, grandpa and I plan to make a move."

Ye Fanyu didn't say what and how to move, and Lin Xiaoxiao didn't ask.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't expect what Ye Fanyu was going to do to make such a big noise, but she wanted to know what other things she could do about her being hospitalized.She thought about it quickly, and suddenly asked with some uncertainty, "Do you still want to take advantage of this incident to clean up the Cao family?"

"Not just the Cao family, but also the Qin family and the Chen family."

Cao Yuanzhou's surname is Cao, the Qin family and the Chen family will not be.
Ye Fanyu didn't intend to hide it from Lin Xiaoxiao, he continued, "Cao Yuanzhou's Cao family, Qin Kexin's Qin family, my mother's Chen family."

"No, are you planning to kill relatives righteously?"

The Chen family is Ye Fanyu's grandfather's family. Although she doesn't know who else is there, but Ye Fanyu's body is bleeding from the Chen family. Do you want to take such a heavy blow?

Speaking of the whole matter, she felt that there was a wrong and a debt, and she wanted to find Ye Fanyu's mother.If the Chen family is involved, whether it is related or not, it will not be good if the relationship is too stiff. After all, she just married him, and she will also get to know the relatives of the Chen family in the future.

Lin Xiaoxiao's thinking was correct, but Ye Fanyu had another idea of ​​her own.

"The Chen family has been attached to the Ye family all these years. Although some places have been kept private, too much accumulation will only drag the Ye family into trouble. Grandpa took care of my mother and didn't do anything. I also thought that my grandpa and grandma didn't do anything hard when they were old, but thousands of miles away The embankment collapsed in the ant's nest, if I don't take advantage of this opportunity to make a move, the old man's heart will be more serious."

He wanted to clean up the Chen family a long time ago, but he didn't do it due to various reasons.This opportunity is rare, and he needs to vent his anger well, otherwise he will consider staying in the Chen family for a while longer.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't expect the matter to be so serious, she suddenly felt that what happened to her was actually not bad, at least the old man came, and she got 3% of the shares of the Ye Group.

She is not greedy for money, but she also likes money. With this money, she probably won't have to worry about eating well.

"The Qin family?"

The Qin family can't be the Qin family she knows, can it?

Ye Fanyu narrowed his eyes, "Qin Kexin's Qin family."

The name sounds familiar, but I can't remember who it is.

Ye Fanyu looked at Lin Xiaoxiao's expression and knew that she had forgotten who this person was. He reminded, "My mother wants me to marry her."

Well, this explanation is on point.

Lin Xiaoxiao immediately thought of what she saw that night. With one hand on her hip and one finger in the other, she poked Ye Fanyu's chest forcefully, "Say, am I beautiful or is she beautiful?"

"Does it need to be said?" Ye Fanyu smiled.

"Don't tell me who knows, you should make it clear quickly. Don't worry, you think she is beautiful, and I have no objection. The big deal is that I live alone. Anyway, grandpa gave me so many shares. I don't rely on you to support me. Live happily ever after."

Ye Fanyu reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao's fingers, and pulled Lin Xiaoxiao into his arms.

The person was in his arms, Ye Fanyu stepped back, and the two fell on the sofa.

Lin Xiaoxiao was suddenly hit like this, her butt hurt a little, "Can you sit down?"

"Where does it hurt?" Ye Fanyu stretched out his hand to touch it, and the goal was very clear.

Seeing that the place he wanted to touch was her butt, Lin Xiaoxiao quickly stopped her with her hands, "It's okay, don't move."

"Then let's continue the topic just now, can we live happily ever after without my support?" This woman, who seemed swollen, dared to say such a thing.

Ye Fanyu thought that if some things were not clearly stated, Lin Xiaoxiao would not know what to say and what not to say.

Lin Xiaoxiao was already a little bit withdrawn when she heard Ye Fanyu's voice, but it was only a while after she said it, how could she not recognize it, besides, she felt that Ye Fanyu didn't dare to deal with her, she was a "patient" now.

"Isn't that right? Grandpa gave me so many shares. How can I say that I'm a little rich woman. Don't say that 3% of Ye's shares are not enough for me to live freely for a lifetime, otherwise I will seriously doubt your ability."

The most unacceptable thing for a man is to be doubted about his abilities, especially his own woman.

Ye Fanyu still had a smile in his eyes, but that kind of smile was different from the one a second ago.It was a kind of evil look, as if he had already set his sights on his prey and was about to launch an attack.

Lin Xiaoxiao was sitting facing Ye Fanyu, so when his eyes changed, she witnessed the whole process.

She had a sense of crisis of being targeted by hunters, she recalled what she said just now, uh, she seems to have triggered a mission that shouldn't be triggered, oops!
"That. I'm not suspicious of yours. I'm just talking about your ability to make money! Don't get me wrong, I really don't mean that."

How could she bump into the aspect that men care about the most?I hope her explanation can be accepted by him, but why the sense of crisis still hasn't dissipated!

Lin Xiaoxiao found that she had explained everything, but Ye Fanyu's eyes still remained unchanged. She pushed him away, thinking of getting away from him, and then ran to a safe corner.

"Xiaoxiao, no matter what ability you doubt about my ability, I will tell you with practical actions whether my ability is good or not. Come on, let's recognize this ability first, it is related to your lifetime happiness."

Ye Fanyu grabbed Lin Xiaoxiao and prevented her from escaping from his embrace.He conquered the territory under her complicated eyes, and finally marked the ownership clearly and won a big victory.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoxiao fell asleep in Ye Fanyu's arms.

She was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, and she really wanted to lie down now.

"Do you still doubt my ability?" Ye Fanyu spoke against Lin Xiaoxiao's ear, and her ears trembled. He thought it was cute, so he gritted his teeth again.

Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked, "What are you doing!"

"Say, do you still doubt my ability?" Ye Fanyu insisted on getting a satisfactory answer, otherwise he would not let Lin Xiaoxiao go.

Lin Xiaoxiao yawned, "It's amazing, is it okay? I will be very happy in my life, thank you, uncle!"

"Am I that old?"

"No, you're young, young and strong! Please, let me sleep, I'm so sleepy."

Lin Xiaoxiao used a begging tone, and Ye Fanyu decided to let her go.

Consciousness began to blur, and Lin Xiaoxiao was in a state of sleep and wakefulness. She heard Ye Fanyu say a word, and fell asleep with a smile on her face the next second.

"You're the prettiest one to me."

Ye Fanyu coaxed Lin Xiaoxiao to sleep, but he didn't leave immediately, but waited for her to fall asleep before getting up slowly.

He cleaned up the ward by himself, after all, he was not at home, and he also felt that this was not very good.After packing up, he took all the documents out of the ward.

Li Hao was outside the door the whole time, but he deliberately chose a position in case the boss thought he was listening to the corner.

When Ye Fanyu opened the door and came out, he immediately put down his notebook and went up to him.

"Young Master Ye."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Li Hao opened his mouth and reported to Ye Fanyu his follow-up situation, "Cao's stock price has dropped by 0.4 points, and it can fall to the point you want before the market closes today. We have stopped the upcoming cooperation project with Qin's , Qin’s side is sending people over to communicate, and I asked them to delay first. The three cooperation projects with Chen’s have been withdrawn, Madam has received the news, and is on the way back.”

Ye Fanyu still didn't know where his mother had gone, "Where is Madam going?"

"Madam originally planned to live on the island in the south for a few days."

"At this time, you still have leisure time to go to the island to play? After she comes back, you will pick up the plane yourself. Why did you clean up Mrs. Chen? You should explain the reason to her clearly. As for Mrs. Qin, if the people below can't hold her back, you can go there again. Is there any movement in the company?"

This time he made a direct confrontation with the three families. He didn't believe that they would not be in a hurry.

"There is not much movement within the company for the time being, and the timing may not be ripe enough."

Ye Fanyu closed his eyes and thought for a while. After opening his eyes, "Cao and Qin haven't started to fight back yet, let's wait until they make a move."

It is impossible for Mrs. Cao to do nothing. His action was too sudden today. I think they have figured it out by now. However, the market will be closed in half an hour. They can only watch the stock price continue to fall, and tomorrow will be the big show.

Li Hao understood that he had something else to report, "Young Master Ye, that woman is already awake, do you want to go and see?"

"It's not necessary. Since she is destined to die, let her continue to suffer. Give all the evidence to Zhan Minglin and let him take action."

Ye Fanyu ordered some more things, and when he returned to the ward, Lin Xiaoxiao had turned over.

Instead of going back to bed, he sat on the sofa and closed his eyes in thought.

He had to think about what he was going to do next. Both Cao and Qin were not ordinary companies. Their families would not just watch him make a move. In front of interests, there are no eternal friends.

He is not afraid of them fighting back, but he is afraid that they will not fight back.

Being in the same room, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what Ye Fanyu was thinking, and there was only peace in her dream.

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