Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 10 Can you cook porridge?

When the atmosphere was tense, the doctor came out of the consulting room.Seeing a group of people confronting each other outside the door, she frowned and took off her mask.

"Which one of you is Wang Yuan's family?"

Ms. Zhang pulled her son closer, "We are, doctor, is the child okay?"

"You are Wang Yuan's family members, right? The child is fine and fine, but"

"It's okay to be okay."

The doctor was a little dissatisfied at being interrupted. Can't the old lady let her finish her sentence?
Liu Ji knew how to read his face. He found that the doctor seemed to have something to say, so he quickly grabbed his mother, "Mom, the doctor still has something to say."

"Oh, tell the doctor." She thought to herself, as long as the child is fine, there is nothing else to say.

"When a pregnant woman is pregnant, her temper will come when she says it, so sometimes it is normal to be unreasonable. At this time, family members can give way. But being unreasonable and wasting the doctor's time, this kind of practice is over. Here is A hospital is a place to save lives and heal the wounded, not a sanctuary for pregnant women to lose their temper, please your family members to persuade pregnant women."

"Doctor, what do you mean?" The happy mood was interrupted, and Ms. Zhang changed her face.

The doctor looked directly at the family members, "I just asked the pregnant woman, she didn't have stomach pain, she just wanted to scare people. Although she was pretending, she also did a lot of tests, the fee she should pay is still If you want to pay, please ask the family members to settle the bill at the cash register."

Lin Xiaoxiao, who laughed after listening, said to Ms. Zhang who was full of embarrassment, "Auntie, you also heard what the doctor said. Now that the truth is out, let's talk about compensation?"

"What compensation, I will not pay!"

Ms. Zhang felt ashamed of her old face, and after yelling, she dragged her son away in a hurry.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't stop her. She knew that if she stopped, she would not be able to pay compensation. She should hand over the money to the police.

This is the end of a farce.

The three left along the corridor, but within a few steps, Ye Fanyu, who was walking side by side, suddenly stood in front of Zhao Mingmei. Lin Xiaoxiao gave him a strange look, what is he doing?
Zhao Mingmei didn't know why Ye Fanyu stopped in front of her suddenly, she just wanted to speak when she heard the voice of her husband Cao Yuanzhou.

"Fan Yu, get out of the way."

Ye Fanyu didn't move, Zhao Mingmei pushed him.

When Ye Fanyu stepped aside, Zhao Mingmei saw that her husband was hugging a woman and lowering his head to caress the woman's obviously protruding belly.Because he lowered his head, he didn't notice her.

"Cao Yuanzhou, who is she, and does the child in her belly belong to you!"

The way Zhao Mingmei lost her mind on the spot and rushed to tear the woman apart completely changed her impression of Lin Xiaoxiao.

Is she so tough? It doesn't look like it.

Lin Xiaoxiao was stunned.

The tearing scene was somewhat chaotic, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't move.

She didn't dare to rush forward because she didn't know what was going on, but Ye Fanyu didn't move at all, so she was a little puzzled.

"Aren't you going to help?"

"This is a matter between their husband and wife."

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly realized that they were husband and wife, so it was inappropriate for them to intervene.

So the two stood aside and watched quietly.When Lin Xiaoxiao saw Zhao Mingmei being beaten, she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush over, but Ye Fanyu stopped her.

"Your senior sister has already been beaten by her husband, why are you still standing still?"

What's wrong with this man? Now that this is the case, are you still going to stand by and watch?

Ye Fanyu didn't answer her question. He naturally had his own considerations in doing so. When he felt that the situation needed to be controlled, he stepped forward and grabbed Cao Yuanzhou's hand.

As soon as Ye Fanyu intervened, Zhao Mingmei kicked the pregnant woman next to Cao Yuanzhou at the right time, and this kick happened to hit the pregnant woman's knee, her legs went numb, and she fell straight down.

Everyone present was a step slower, no one helped the pregnant woman, and the pregnant woman who fell on the ground bled on the spot.

It happened so suddenly that even though it was in the hospital, the child in the pregnant woman's womb could not be saved in the end.When the doctor announced the news, Cao Yuanzhou turned around and left, which made Lin Xiaoxiao completely dumbfounded.

"He just left?" Lin Xiaoxiao pointed at the direction where Cao Yuanzhou left, and she looked at Ye Fanyu in disbelief and asked.

Ye Fanyu glanced casually, "You care about him so much?"

"I don't know him, and I care about what he does. This should be the one I should care about. She has been crying for a long time. Do you want to persuade her?"

Lin Xiaoxiao pointed to Zhao Mingmei who was sitting on the special seat for pregnant women and was crying. She has been crying since the bleeding of pregnant women. It has been more than half an hour, and she has no intention of stopping.

She knows that it is difficult to accept such things as derailment in marriage, but it has already happened, and the person concerned should control his emotions, otherwise he will lose ugly.If a man also plays this after she gets married, she shouldn't cry, she just tears him up.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were too direct, Ye Fanyu understood the meaning in her eyes.

"I'm not interested in cheating in marriage, put away your imagination. Go over and comfort her, and I'll go smoke a cigarette."

"You!" Lin Xiaoxiao watched Ye Fanyu take out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. She couldn't stop him from leaving, her teeth itching with anger.

Lin Xiaoxiao had no choice but to approach Zhao Mingmei, "I really owe you in my previous life."

Lin Xiaoxiao sat next to Zhao Mingmei, hesitated for a moment about how to speak, she scratched her head and decided to improvise, "I know you are sad, but you should calm down now. I am an outsider and can't say anything about your husband's cheating , just as a woman, I think I need to advise you that women should cherish themselves more. Your husband has already passed away. What's the point of you crying here alone? You might as well calm down and think about what you should do next. Whether to divorce or continue to maintain a married relationship will have a great impact on your future life."

Lin Xiaoxiao persuaded Zhao Mingmei earnestly, and the latter finally stopped crying.

"Thank you."

"It's fine if you don't cry. That guy Ye Fanyu just went to smoke a cigarette. If he comes back and sees you still crying, he should blame me."

Lin Xiaoxiao had just finished speaking when someone slapped the back of her head.She turned her head angrily, but she didn't expect it to be Ye Fanyu, and said guiltily, "Didn't you go to smoke? How long has it been! And why did you hit me? What I said is the truth."

"Noisy, shut up!" Ye Fanyu said coldly without any emotion.

"What's the noise? Why did I bother you? I find you really strange. Why did I mess with you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was not convinced. Although she was not as tall as Ye Fanyu, she could still pat him on the shoulder.

She slapped Ye Fanyu on the shoulder, and then backed away to keep a safe distance, "You slap me, I slap you, we're even."


"I'm just naive." Lin Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue at Ye Fanyu, and she managed to make Zhao Mingmei, who was depressed, laugh.

"You can still laugh, so no matter how sad you are, there are always people or things around you that can make you happy again."

The three finally left the hospital peacefully.

Seeing her husband's cheating, Zhao Mingmei asked to go home first as soon as she got in the car, and even apologized to Lin Xiaoxiao. Lin Xiaoxiao said it was okay, she was the boss and she was willful.

The car was driving along the familiar road. It was a quiet night, but today was sunny. Lin Xiaoxiao leaned her face against the car window with her body crooked, her eyes vacant.

Mid-level villa area.

After the car stopped, Lin Xiaoxiao was not left in the car, this time she followed Ye Fanyu into Zhao Mingmei's house.

"Fan Yu, please greet Miss Lin, I'm a little tired."

Zhao Mingmei sat on the sofa directly after entering the door, her face was paler than in the hospital.One hand was still covering his abdomen, and his voice was weak.

Ye Fanyu knew it all at a glance, and frowned, "Why don't you tell me you have a stomachache?"

"It just started to hurt. I'll just take a rest. Miss Lin, you can sit wherever you want. Please don't mind if the reception is not good."

Lin Xiaoxiao quickly waved her hand, "Don't talk to me, are you okay?"

"It's nothing, Fan Yu, help me get some stomach medicine."

Ye Fanyu turned and went upstairs.

Under what circumstances can a man be so familiar with a woman's living environment, Lin Xiaoxiao thought to herself, she felt that she had discovered some ulterior secret.

Ye Fanyu went downstairs with the medicine, and poured a glass of water to pass to Zhao Mingmei. Lin Xiaoxiao quickly stopped Ye Fanyu, "The medicine needs to be eaten before it can be taken. With her current state, taking the medicine will make her feel even more uncomfortable."

Ye Fanyu withdrew his hands, he felt that Lin Xiaoxiao was right.He turned around and went to the kitchen, and pulled Lin Xiaoxiao up.

"Can you cook porridge?" Ye Fanyu asked without looking back.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt a ghost inside.

Now that the question has come to this point, Lin Xiaoxiao can only say, "Yes, let go first, I'll make some porridge for her."

Ye Fanyu let go of Lin Xiaoxiao, and the latter began to look for ingredients for porridge in the refrigerator.Fortunately, there are meat and fresh vegetables in the refrigerator, otherwise I can only eat porridge.

In the kitchen, Lin Xiaoxiao started washing rice and cooking porridge.

Ye Fanyu randomly found a high stool and sat next to the refrigerator. Lin Xiaoxiao put the rice away and turned around to see him leaning against the refrigerator with his eyes closed.

Ye Fanyu's face is not as simple as being handsome.The aura on his body set off his facial features more perfectly. He completely showed how handsome a man should be, and he had no flaws in appearance.

This kind of man is simply the object of natural admiration for women. It is estimated that there is a long queue of women who like him. Coupled with his proud family background, he is the ideal husband that many women dream of.

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