Just as Ye An'an was about to speak, he heard Father Ye's furious voice. "You unfilial daughter, come back to me now."

"Dad, don't be angry. Didn't you always teach us to always do good deeds and never stand idly by when you can help? I'm trying to help my host as much as possible. Besides, I won't What's unexpected, our master's family is still very good." Ye An'an persuaded Father Ye, knowing that Father Ye would like this, she was not worried at all that Father Ye would get angry again.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye An'an's words, Father Ye's lofty thoughts popped up again, "That's true, never stand by when you can help others, you've done a good job in that."

"Then I'll hang up first. The host's child is calling me. Dad should go to bed early." Ye Anan hung up the phone quickly and sighed. Let her quit this job.

Patting her face to ease the expression on her face, she walked to Xiao Baozi's room and opened the door, Xiao Qi and Xiao Baozi rushed up and threw themselves into her arms.Ye An'an felt satisfied all of a sudden.

Holding each hand, let them lie down on the bed first, cover the quilt, and then take the undressed clothes borrowed from Angela, and simply go to the bathroom to deal with themselves.

When she came back, Xiao Qi and Xiao Baozi were already fighting with pillows on the bed, still muttering words.Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Anan quickly pulled the two of them apart, "What's going on?"

Ye Anan's face was full of seriousness, the two children stood on the bed and bowed their heads in silence, but they kept making small movements.Xiao Qi put his hands behind his back, stretched out to the side, and pinched Xiao Baozi's waist.Xiao Baozi was in pain, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Qi, but unfortunately Xiao Qi's movements were just blocked by Xiao Baozi's pajamas, and Ye Anan didn't see him.

Knowing that if I make a move in front of Ye Anan now, I will fall into Xiaoqi's way, so I can only endure it first, then kick my right leg to the side and then sit down, the movement is so fast that Ye Anan didn't even react .

"Why are none of them talking, didn't they fight very hard just now?" Ye Anan looked at Xiao Qi, then turned to look at Xiao Baozi.

"We're talking about Mommy lying next to me tonight." Ye An'an's gaze made Xiao Baozi gradually panic, and he couldn't stand it anymore, "But the two of us are just exchanging feelings in a very friendly way, and we didn't fight." Xiao Baozi stood up and put his arms around Xiao Qi's shoulders, and gave her a look.

"Is that true? Xiao Qi, tell me." Hearing Xiao Baozi's explanation, Ye An'an's expression softened a little, and he looked at Xiao Qi, wanting to hear her explanation.

Xiao Qi nodded fiercely. "Of course, how could Haohao and I quarrel? Our relationship is very good." Xiao Qi pinched Xiao Baozi's cheek with both hands and said.

Xiao Baozi frowned in pain, but he couldn't express it in front of Ye Anan. He tried to forcefully suppress the expression on his face, but in the end he looked very ferocious.

"Then did you discuss any results?" Ye Anan said, pulling the pillows from the two of them over and putting them on the head of the bed, shaking the quilt that had become a little messy due to the children's playfulness.

"Sister/Mummy, lie down here." The two children lay down in tacit understanding, patted the vacated space in the middle, and said at the same time.

Ye An'an felt warm in his heart, wondering if it was because the two of them had no mommy since they were young, but they were very sensible, hugging them both in their arms distressedly, humming a good night song softly.

The room was full of peace and tranquility. When Li Jinzhang and Lu Chimo entered the room, what they saw was the two children nestled in Ye Anan's arms, and the three of them had satisfied smiles on their faces. They are full of warm atmosphere.

Lu Chimo stepped forward, covered them with the quilt, and closed the door with ease.

"This Ye An'an looks pretty good. Not only can she cook, but she can also please the children, making them rely on her unconsciously. The most important thing is that she really treats the children well with her heart." Lu Chi Mo thought for a while, and said to Li Jinzhen with a smile on his face, "If you don't need this Ye Anan someday, you can throw it to me, and I will take over everything. It just so happens that Xiaoqi also lacks a congenial nanny."

Li Jinchen didn't expect Lu Chimo to say that, pursed his thin lips, and tapped the seam of his trousers unconsciously with his fingers. "It seems that you have a high opinion of this woman." I don't know what kind of ecstasy Ye Anan gave them.

"That's natural." Lu Chimo nodded and admitted that although he saw Ye An'an for the first time today, judging from her various performances today, she is a good woman, at least she is perfectly capable of being Xiao Qi's nanny. position woman.

"This woman is very scheming, and she is very good at buying people's hearts. Do you dare to ask for it? I don't want my niece to use such a nanny." Seeing him nodding, Li Jinzhang gave a disdainful bark.

"Then how can you rest assured that you put your scheming woman by Haohao's side and take care of her personally, not afraid that she will instill some bad thoughts in Haohao?" Lu Chimo choked, and glanced up and down at him meaningfully At first glance, he didn't believe that Li Jinzhen would put Ye An'an by Haohao's side without investigation, after all, the person he cares about most now is Haohao.

"Li Haoxuan is a man, and he is also the only heir of our Li family. It is only good for him to know that people's hearts are sinister, and there is no harm. Besides, if he can judge the good or bad of the people around him by his own ability, don't worry about him in the future. Being used by others kills two birds with one stone, I'm a businessman, so there's no reason for me to let go of my profits." Li Jinzhen explained his thoughts.

Lu Chimo listened to Li Jinzun's serious words, smiled and didn't answer anything.It's all nonsense, Li Jinzhang, Li Jinzun, I still have a little understanding of you.

Without a chance to ask Lu Chimo any more questions, Li Jinzhen walked back to the room quickly, closed the door with a snap, found a bottle of red wine from the cupboard, leaned on the sofa, unbuttoned his shirt casually, and crossed his legs. On the table, shaking the red wine glass, looking at the full moon in the distance, I don't know what I'm thinking about.

Lu Chimo shook his head helplessly at Li Jinzun's emotionally revealing behavior, and went back to his room to wash and rest.

The hustle and bustle of Li's house during the day gradually fell into silence following Ye Shen, but no matter how quiet the night was, there would still be a few restless mice waiting for an opportunity to move out.

A black figure appeared at the corner of the stairs, bent its waist, pointed its toes, and sneaked into the second floor without making a sound.

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