Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 918 Where Did This News Come From?

Quan Tingmo took the suit that was draped over the back of the chair, and ran to the parking lot without any delay. He was going to go back to Quan's house to find Mrs. Quan to ask for clarification. The most likely thing about this matter was Mrs. Quan. Yes, but he didn't understand why Mrs. Quan wanted to hide Ye An'an's accident from him. Didn't Mrs. Quan like Ye An'an very much, and even adopted her as her daughter.

I ran through countless red lights along the way, and when I was about to reach Quan's house, Quan Tingmo made another sharp turn and drove past another fork. What the old lady did, I'm afraid it will limit my own actions, so it's most important to understand this matter first.

"Is your Patriarch at home now? Let me know. I have something important to ask him. Let him see you soon." After thinking for a long time, Quan Tingmo felt that Patriarch Andre should be very clear about this matter. According to the Andre family In this network of relationships, nothing can escape his eyes, let alone a person he is familiar with.

The housekeeper saw that the person who came was the heir of the Quan family, so he went in to report without hesitation, and Patriarch Andre immediately sent Quan Tingmo to the study.

"I'm so anxious to find me, is there something or something? When did the two of us have such a good friendship? Sit down and drink a glass of water first, and talk slowly if you have something to say." Patriarch Andre looked at the standing in front of him. Quan Tingmo, with an ugly expression on his face, was a little confused about the purpose of his visit this time. The only communication between them was probably Ye An'an?
Quan Tingmo also felt a little strange seeing Patriarch Andre's calm appearance. The relationship between Patriarch Andre and Ye Anan was not bad, and the relationship between his wife and Ye Anan was even better. He wouldn't care at all, unless he didn't know what happened to Ye An'an at all.

"I would like to interrupt you to ask, has the Patriarch received any news related to Yucheng recently? Or has the patriarch of the entertainment news outside heard about it?" Quan Tingmo asked tentatively, without thinking The matter is punctured but it is straightforward enough.

"What's the news from Yucheng? I don't have any news income here, let alone things about the entertainment industry. I don't know much about the entertainment industry, although my wife is in the entertainment industry. , but she doesn't like me meddling in these matters, Mr. Quan asked what is the meaning of this, let's just say it, the time between the two of us is very precious."

It was even more strange for Patriarch Andre to be asked this question by Quan Tingmo, but he was also a little interested in what Quan Tingmo was going to say next.

"Ye An'an passed away. I don't know if the Patriarch has heard the news." Quan Tingmo squeezed out the word "death" from between his teeth, and he still hasn't digested the news.

"What did you say? Where did this news come from? My news network is already so lagging?" Patriarch Andre shook the tea cup in his hand, and didn't care at all when the tea splashed on the documents on the table. Quan Tingmo, he can imagine what Lou Yuena will be like if this news is told to her.

Patriarch Andre's expression was already telling him that he didn't know about it, so it was clear to the person who blocked the news behind the scenes.

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