Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 79 The wings are hard

"Actually, as long as you don't cross the line, Mr. is still very good to us." Angela pretended to remind casually. It's not that she doesn't know what Mr. and the housekeeper think of Ye Anan, but during this time with Ye Anan, she I think Ye An'an might really stay because he likes the young master.

When Ye Anan heard the word crossing the line, what Li Jinchen did to her in the car just now came to mind unconsciously, and her ears slowly turned red.

With a sudden brake, Ye Anan ran forward uncontrollably, and slammed back onto the back of the chair.

"What's the matter?" Ye An'an rubbed his sore back from the impact, and asked Angela with his face in the front seat.

Angela rolled her eyes at her. "A car made a sharp turn in front of us just now, didn't you see it?"

Ye Anan scratched his head in embarrassment, shrugged his shoulders and returned to his seat, opened the car window and took a deep breath, clearing away all the thoughts that shouldn't be in his mind, and focused on looking forward to the idol he would meet at night.

The car sped along the road, and soon arrived at the Li family's mansion.

"Miss Ye, the young master told us to let you wait in the waiting room for him to come back." The butler stood by the car, opened the door for Ye Anan, put one hand on the roof of the car, protected Ye Anan's head, and put the little bun Retell the explanation before going out to Ye An'an.

Ye Anan stepped out with a twisted foot. She hadn't worn high heels for a long time, so she wasn't very used to the height of the shoes. She bent over and got out of the car with great difficulty. She carefully protected the skirt with both hands, politely and kindly. The butler nodded.

During the few days he stayed in Li's house, he was either in Xiao Baozi's room or in the kitchen, but he really never visited the waiting room. He walked around the waiting room with great interest, and then sat up straight on the sofa in fear.

In this waiting room, from the calligraphy and painting to the vases containing flowers and plants, they all look like genuine antiques. If one of them is damaged, Li Jinchen will seize the opportunity and ask her to pay for it.

I don't dare to lean on the sofa casually, for fear of wrinkling the expensive clothes on my body. Although it is said that it cannot be returned, if it is well preserved, it can still be sold as second-hand, right?Ye Anan was a little bored thinking about it.

"You just stay here honestly and don't go anywhere." Angela held the tray in one hand and pushed open the door with the other, and said aggressively to Ye An'an who was sitting on the sofa, "Today are all distinguished guests, and you all Can't afford to offend."

He took out a cup of tea from the tray and put it in front of Ye Anan, "Please drink less water, too. It's troublesome to wear this clothes to the toilet."

Ye Anan picked up the cup with a smile, even though Angela's tone was fierce, and even her face was full of disdain, but she said words that cared about her. "Okay, I know, you go to work."

"It's good to know, it will save me from having my wages deducted." Angela murmured as she glanced at her and walked out of the waiting room.

The night wiped away the last sliver of the setting sun from the sky, and quietly descended in Ye Anan's anticipation, and soon hung one or two twinkling stars to embellish the boundless night.

There was already a hustle and bustle from downstairs and the voice of the butler giving orders in an orderly manner.Ye An'an stood at the entrance, looking left and right, but she couldn't see Xiao Baozi's figure. She sighed helplessly and wanted to go back to the room and continue to stay obediently. The familiar ringtone of the phone interrupted her steps.

"Hey, Dad..." Glancing at the people downstairs, Ye Anan clutched the phone and walked towards an inconspicuous corner, making sure that the people on the other side of the phone would not hear the noisy voice here, and then called softly A sentence.

"I've ordered everything, don't you know how to come back and help your aunt with some housework? Even Xinxin is more sensible than you." Father Ye was a little annoyed in his words, especially when he caught a glimpse of Ye Xinxin helping to choose vegetables in the kitchen. My daughter is becoming more and more ignorant now.

Ye Anan sighed, usually Ye Xinxin would be so hardworking, she just saw her father coming back, she wanted to perform well, and then get more living expenses: "Dad, my master's house is holding a banquet today, I want to stay Come down and look after the child for him for a while. Go back later today."

Father Ye frowned, with a face full of disapproval: "An'an, I think you should stop being a nanny, not only do you have to work overtime all the time, but if someone asks what kind of work you are doing now, your father and I will I'm sorry to say it, I'm going to lose my old face."

"Dad, I got it, I got it, I'll take care of it." Ye An'an listened to Ye's father's nagging, and didn't dare to conflict with him, for fear that he would get angry again. He was finally discharged from the hospital. Don't be angry.

"Hey, An'an, don't be perfunctory to your father like this. Your father also cares about you. You see, you are still a child yourself, and you have never really taken care of your children. How can you take care of other people's children?"

Yu Hongxia snatched the phone from Father Ye's hand, turned on the loudspeaker, glanced at Father Ye, and persuaded her softly, like a good mother caring for her daughter.

Ye An'an could hear the irony in Yu Hongxia's words, every word she said pierced her heart, thinking of her lost child, she couldn't help but grabbed the clothes on her chest, her eyes were red.

"I know, Auntie, I will definitely learn how to take care of the children, and then I will take care of the children of our master's family." Knowing that Ye's father is by his side, it is not easy to choke with Yu Hongxia, Ye An'an added "definitely" two words Words, wiped away the tears she wanted to leave, the cute little bun appeared in her mind, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

"You child, why don't you listen to persuasion." Yu Hongxia sighed, "Oh, by the way, Xinxin is going to start star training classes now, if you can, take your sister there to see the world, Xinxin But your only sister, if you don't take care of her, how can you make your father feel at ease."

Father Ye looked at Yu Hongxia's persuasion to Ye An'an with relief. "That's right, An An, if you have a chance, help your sister."

"Okay, okay, I understand, but this big family has a lot of rules, wait until I get to know the people here and see if I can bring my heart to open my eyes, okay, the master called me, I'll hang up first Ah." Ye Anan coped helplessly, and hung up the phone hastily.

Yu Hongxia couldn't hear Ye Anan's perfunctory, Ye Anan hung up the phone before she could say anything.

"Old Ye, your girl's wings are stiff, the bigger you are, the less you can control it." Yu Hongxia suppressed the anger in her heart, sighed and said something to Father Ye, and went straight back to the kitchen regardless of Father Ye's reaction. Cook.

Father Ye sat where he was, not knowing what he was thinking about.

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