Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 758 Mommy, I will never do it again next time

This matter is something that only she can decide, and letting others know will only increase the trouble, and it will not be of any other help.

"Mum, we're back. I'm sorry for worrying you. I was greedy for fried chicken, so I asked Lin Qiran to take me out to buy it. But there were too many people queuing up, and the time wasted all of a sudden. , These are bought for those people in your crew, Lin Ran, you can share them, one fried chicken or roast chicken per person."

Xiao Baozi and Lin Qiran walked in with two foam boxes in their arms, and after taking out some fast food and two chickens, Xiao Baozi began to explain very consciously, without any intention of shirking responsibility , Take everything on your own.

Lin Ran was very obedient, and Lin Qiran walked out with two foam boxes in their arms. Although the crew usually gave milk tea and other drinks, it would be nice to give them a chicken to improve their food. , That is to say, so many chickens made the fried chicken shop overwhelmed at once, so so much time wasted.

"Okay, next time you go out, you must tell me. Mommy knows that you are very smart, but you are still a child. There is no way to compare this strength with adults. If you have any ulterior motives The people who took you away, what can you tell Mommy to do." Seeing the heroic appearance of Xiao Baozi, Ye Anan had no choice but to persuade him.

The little bun put his arms around Ye Anan's waist and rubbed him twice. "Mum, I won't do it again next time. No matter where I go, I will tell you, and I won't worry you anymore."

"Okay, okay, I can't bear to reprimand you for what you're like, but you just found out that I don't know how to reprimand you, so you dare to be so bold. You must be hungry after going out for such a trip. Just wait for the two of them to come back and eat the chicken, do you want the grilled chicken or the fried chicken." Ye Anan patted Xiao Baozi on the head and opened the fried chicken bag.

The oil from the grilled chicken is still hanging on the skin of the chicken, and it must be delicious from the first look.

After lunch, the crew must be full of energy, and the speed of shooting in the afternoon has doubled. The directors who watched joked that they would feed them chicken every day at noon, so that they could beat the chicken blood.

The speed of the staff is quick, and the cooperation of the artists is tacit. Originally planned to shoot until the evening, the filming was finished in the afternoon, and the effect of the shooting made the director very satisfied.

"If you can all have this speed in the future, I don't know how much you can save on the venue fee. It seems that you will have to invite Ye An'an to shoot with you in the future. When you see a beautiful woman, you will be full of energy. You guys have performed so well, I can see through it."

The director saw Ye An'an coming out of the dressing room holding Xiao Baozi's hand, and said jokingly.Ye An'an also smiled lightly and didn't respond. It doesn't matter whether he responds to this kind of joke.

"After shooting early, let's experience the end of work. If you should go back to serve your wife, go back to serve your wife. If you should go back to take care of your children, take care of your children. If you don't have a partner, make arrangements quickly. Don't look at how old you are. Ye Anan's child You are so big, you still have face." The director was also happy and a little forgetful.

The most taboo thing for a female star is to talk about children, but Ye An'an is a different kind of person, she didn't care about the director's words at all, and was still amused by being teased.

After returning home, it was still a bit early for dinner, and it was too late to go out for a stroll. Several people simply said to watch TV with a projector at home. An An would definitely not stop him, so she let him go back.

After the little bun returned to the room, he locked the door, lay on the door and listened for a while. After hearing the opening sound of their movie, he took out his mobile phone and dialed William's number. Looking for the number Ye Anan left behind, I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

"Hello? It's rare for you to call me. Isn't your mommy staying with you in Yucheng? You won't find someone to find me here, right?"

"Seriously, what was the last time my mommy came to see you?" Little Baozi's indifferent appearance was carved out of the same mold as Li Jinyi when he was with someone he didn't know well.

William raised his eyebrows. He already knew that Ye Anan's child was not a cheap lamp. What Ye Anan wanted to hide was something that Ye Anan couldn't hide from this child who wanted to investigate, but what he agreed to Ye Anan was naturally I won't say it so easily.

"What is your mommy asking me for? Wouldn't it be more straightforward to ask your mommy? What's the use of asking me? And I've already promised your mommy to keep a secret for him. People value their promises very much, you want me to break my promise for you?"

"Promise? This is just a small matter for you, and it's telling Mommy's child that I shouldn't be considered someone else. Strictly speaking, you didn't break your promise, and my mommy won't know about it , you just slipped your tongue when chatting with me."

Little Baozi knew about William's personality, and gave him a step up so that he wouldn't have to have any embarrassments. He could also see that William was not as harmless as he appeared on the surface, and he often created such an image for himself. It is the most dangerous, and it can only deceive simple people like Ye An'an.

"You're right. You are An An's child. It doesn't matter if I tell you the story, but why should I tell you? What good can I do? I'm a disabled person in the forest, and I don't seek anything for myself. Things are always worthless."

Little Baozi already knew what conditions William would put forward. "Don't you feel like you're bullying a child when you're negotiating terms with me? I'm a child who is only this young, what can you covet."

"Hahahahaha, you really made me feel a little bit guilty, that's fine, then I will tell you for free, your mommy is looking for me to let me identify the parent-child relationship between you and her It doesn't matter, what's the matter with you mother and child, don't you know if it's your own child, and you have to ask me to find an organization for her to be firm." William teased, as if he didn't know what Xiao Baozi was now Emotions are the same.

"You can put forward any condition and tell me what the result will be." Xiao Baozi's face was pulled down, and he said through gritted teeth.

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