Lin Qiran was angry and felt warm when she saw Ye Anan let go of her like this. "Let's put this matter aside for now. Your spokesperson is completely dirty, right? If you're dirty, I'll arrange another itinerary for you. Don't just stay at home all day with nothing to do."

"It should be yellow, the face of the person in charge of that brand is so black, even if Director Wu thinks I'm good, it's useless, it's not up to the person in charge, but you don't need to arrange other itineraries, right? Maybe we will return to the ancient castle country in two days, so let me stay at home for a few more days." Ye Anan said while lying on the sofa with a pillow in his arms.

"That can't be done. You are causing me trouble by staying at home. Why don't you go out and work hard for me, earn some money and come back, don't say it as if you don't have to do anything. I don't know if there is any schedule waiting for you to participate in now." How much, your exposure is not very high, there must be some programs to increase the familiarity of passers-by."

Lin Qiran rejected Ye Anan's request without any hesitation, and asked Lin Ran to bring Ye Anan the specific content of the programs of those people he had called them, and asked Ye Anan to choose a few to participate.

No matter how unwilling Ye Anan was, she would never reject Lin Qiran's decision. She reluctantly looked at the schedule and picked a few at random. The ones that could be placed in front of her must have been Lin Qiran's homework. She thinks she can participate, and it doesn't make any difference to her which one she chooses.

In the next few days, Ye An'an will be running around between this itinerary, and the shooting of this itinerary is not considered crowded. There is still time for Ye Anan to rest, but he can't just stay at home and watch TV. Ye An'an's energy was exhausted, he just ate and slept when he got home every day, and he didn't have time to argue with Lin Qiran.

"Why didn't you bring Xuanxuan to pick me up today?" After getting into Lin Qiran's car after get off work as usual, Ye Anan didn't notice the little bun who had been sitting in the back seat waiting for him, and asked a little strangely.

Lin Qiran pursed her lips and pulled over the car. "Because I have something to tell you today, it would not be very convenient for Haoxuan to be here."

"What's the matter, it's so mysterious, you have to hide it from Xuanxuan first, there is something that Xuanxuan can't know." Ye Anan adjusted the pillow behind him without paying attention, and just closed the pillow. With a flash of inspiration in his eyes, he sat up again, grabbing Lin Qiran's sleeve in panic.

"The result of the paternity test came out? Counting the days, the paternity test should indeed come out." Ye Anan's hands were shaking a little. The reason why she was so busy these two days was because she didn't want to Allow yourself time to think about this.

Lin Qiran nodded, and gave Ye Anan the documents on the co-pilot. "Look for yourself, Gong Ming brought it over early in the morning, Hao Xuan was sleeping at that time, Hao Xuan didn't know, I kept it in the car."

Ye Anan took the paternity report, opened the file trembling slightly, and looked directly at the identification result on the last page.

"What are you going to do? The parent-child relationship between Haoxuan and Li Jinyi has been confirmed now, are you going to send Haoxuan back to Li's family? If Haoxuan knew, he would definitely not agree." Lin Qiran He sighed, although he had expected this scene a long time ago, but when it really happened, he was still a little helpless.

"Don't tell Xuanxuan about this, it's only a day if you can keep it a secret, I will deal with it at the Li family." Ye Anan put away the appraisal report with a pale face.

"I see. I will make arrangements with Haoxuan. However, Gong Ming said that Li Jinji wanted to invite you to have dinner together. He probably wanted to talk about taking Haoxuan away. Do you want to go? Or should I find someone else?" Push this matter away with an excuse." Lin Qiran probably understood what Ye Anan meant, but if she could hide from the first day of junior high school, she couldn't hide from the fifteenth day of the junior high school, there must be a solution to this matter.

"Don't push it away, let's go now and make an appointment at that place? It's not a bad thing to face the unavoidable things early. Didn't we come back from the ancient castle country at that time to solve this matter? Now things have developed to This step is over, if I don't stand up to protect Xuanxuan, what will he do." Ye Anan had no expression on his face, looking at the tree blown by the wind outside the window.

"Okay, then I'll take you there now, and I'll call Li Jinchen and the others later, do you want me to accompany you or you by yourself?" Lin Qiran sighed, started the car again, A bend changes course.

Ye Anan looked at the guardrail that was constantly receding, his thoughts wandered a little bit, and he didn't care about answering Lin Qiran's question. Seeing her like this, Lin Qiran didn't say anything, and silently sent Ye Anan to the door of the hotel.

"Here we are, this is the hotel that Li Jinyi booked, I'll call them now." Lin Qiran parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and called Gong Ming.

"Hey, Gong Ming, we are already at the entrance of the hotel, you can tell Li Jinchen to come over."

After Lin Qiran hung up the phone, Ye Anan came back to his senses, picked up his handbag, opened the car door and said, "I'll just go up by myself, you go back first, if the two of us don't go back together, Xuanxuan will definitely You'll think about it, don't let Xuanxuan notice it when you go back, just say that I went to a class reunion or just make up a reason, don't let him see it."

"I see. If you can't handle it, just give me a call. I'll pick you up. You don't have to fight alone, and I can give you advice." Lin Qiran was a little worried about Ye Anan's situation. status, but Ye Anan insisted on going up alone, and he had no choice.

Ye Anan nodded and got out of the car. After watching Lin Qiran drive away, she straightened her clothes and walked into the hotel. Coincidentally, this hotel was the hotel where Chi Nan asked her to go.

"Hello, may I ask which box Li Jinzhang booked?" Ye An'an didn't know which box Li Jinzun booked, and he didn't remember to ask Lin Qiran just now, so he could only ask at the front desk.

"Is Li Jin Li always? He booked box 407, I'll take you there, this way please." The front desk came out enthusiastically and brought Ye Anan into the box, and brought her a pot of hot tea Only then left.

This environment immediately brought Ye Anan back to that night, it was also the same box, but the person sitting opposite him was Chi Nan.

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