Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 746 Why Didn't I Know?

Lin Qiran's point has reached Ye An'an's death spot. Facing these delicacies, she really has no self-control ability. If she can't even eat to her heart's content in life, how sad it would be, so Lin Qiran's words had no effect on Ye An'an, she should still eat and drink.

"Hey, An An, let me ask you, if you are allowed to participate in a food show, you can eat whatever you want, but you will meet Su Ruxin in the show, would you like to participate?" Lin Qiran also knew what Ye Anan was thinking, Suddenly came up with the idea of ​​teasing, moved a chair and sat beside Ye Anan and asked.

Ye An'an really thought about being in front of the delicious food seriously, but with Su Ruxin sitting beside her, could she still eat. "Let's forget it, even if I'm eating delicious food, I don't have much appetite sitting next to annoying people. Instead of participating in this kind of program, I might as well hide at home and eat food from these small stalls. I'm happy and don't have to worry about it. What."

"I didn't expect you to be so enlightened, but even if you are willing to participate, I will not agree. You can't gain three to five catties when filming this kind of food show? When the time comes, your face will be swollen into a pig's head when you go on camera. I don't want to arrange for a fitness teacher to help you lose weight."

Lin Qiran curled her lips and said jokingly, but she was obviously satisfied with Ye Anan's answer.

"Oh, by the way, so many things happened today, I forgot to tell you. Li Jinyi said that there was an endorsement that he wanted to find me. It’s quite high, no less than those high-end luxury brands, I asked if I have any ideas to go, this is the contact information of that partner.”

Ye An'an suddenly remembered the cooperation that Li Jinzhen had talked about during the meal, and gave Lin Qiran the note that Gong Ming handed her. She was tempted by such a high endorsement fee. You are right, there is no reason not to participate in a win-win situation.

"A few of you were talking about this matter during the meal? Li Jinzun introduced endorsement to you? When did he have so much free time? He even knows so clearly about the endorsement. You often wear clothes of this brand. Don't you know?" After muttering a few words, Lin Qiran opened the note, glanced at the contact information and brand name on it, and complained helplessly.

"Huh? Do I wear it often? Why don't I know?" Ye An'an really didn't know that she had worn clothes of this brand, but she couldn't be blamed for that, her usual clothes were Lin Qiran's She prepared it, and when she wore it, she just picked what she liked, and she didn't pay attention to the brand on the label.

Lin Qiran stroked his forehead: "The one you are wearing now is from this brand. If you don't believe me, take a look at the trademark on the clothes. I have noticed this brand for a long time. They haven't had a spokesperson since they were founded. To be able to have the current brand This achievement is based on the design sense of their clothes, and their clothes are not expensive, so the audience is very large, if you can really accept this endorsement, it will be really a happy event."

Ye Anan curled her lips and didn't look at the trademark on her clothes, but she seemed to appreciate this matter after hearing what Lin Qiran said. "Li Jinyi said that there will be a lot of endorsement fees, and I took this note because of the endorsement fees. Now you say that this brand is not bad, so let's try it out, shall we? He might have been chosen."

"Come on, you, I'm just thinking about money. I have to find out how many people participated in this selection. I haven't heard that this brand has announced that it will choose a spokesperson. If this is just for you A back door, then the matter is very simple, if this is an open selection, then you should prepare for me."

Lin Qiran gave Ye An'an a supercilious look, walked up to the sofa with a broken mind, picked up the computer on the coffee table to investigate, his connections in the Yucheng entertainment circle are still very wide, and he asked within a few minutes Out.

"I asked a lot of people, and they all said that they had received invitations to select this spokesperson, so your competitive pressure has come. I have inquired about it, and their selection time will start tomorrow morning. Give me Make good preparations and make sure to win this endorsement." After staying in Yucheng for so long, this is the only thing that Lin Qiran really prepared for.

Ye Anan took a look at Lin Qiran's serious look, and nodded, it doesn't make any sense to prepare or not, and he doesn't know how they are going to select and what to prepare for, but if Lin Qiran is so serious, It means that she is likely to have these dinners confiscated in the next second.

"Don't eat, go wash and sleep for me quickly, don't look at what time it is, if you stay up late today, your face will turn sallow, and you will lose to others in the selection tomorrow." Ye Anan thought Similarly, Lin Qiran really walked to the edge of the dining table and snatched the chopsticks from Ye Anan's hand.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I won't embarrass you tomorrow, so don't worry." Ye Anan shrugged as if indifferent, turned her head and snatched away the whole box of rice cakes when Lin Qiran was not paying attention I got it, and grabbed a new pair of chopsticks, and ran upstairs.

Lin Qiran had nothing to do with Ye An'an, so he could only shout at the door angrily: "Eat less! You're going to sleep and eat so much, you'll be swollen tomorrow." Ye Anan, who had succeeded in his scheme, could There was no chance for Lin Qiran to clamor, so he leisurely stayed on the balcony watching the stars and the moon eating rice cakes.

Little Baozi couldn't stand it anymore, walked to Lin Qiran's side and pulled Lin Qiran's sleeve: "Don't struggle, you won't let Mommy finish eating those rice cakes, she won't sleep, Rather than competing with her here, you might as well go and see who will participate in tomorrow's selection."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Baozi shrugged and went back to his room. The balcony of his room is connected to Ye Anan's balcony, and they usually don't close the door in the middle, so Xiao Baozi locked the door after entering the room Got up, walked to the balcony and saw Ye An'an sitting there.

"Mum, you really have a leisurely mood. Lin Qiran is going to be mad at you for being outside, but are you really not worried about your selection tomorrow? Don't you really want that endorsement?"

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