Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 672 I Was Rescued

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think of such a possibility at that time. At the beginning, everyone said that you were dead. I didn't believe it and I couldn't help it. If I could find out that the person lying on the ground was not you, you wouldn't You will suffer so many unbearable things." Ember blamed herself and took all the faults on herself.

Su Rumeng turned her head to meet Yu Jin's gaze, obviously the two of them were looking at each other, but Yu Jin always felt that Su Rumeng's vision was not only narrowed on her body, but also that there were more things she didn't understand, even There is also a sense of refinement.

"It's not because of you, no one came to save me. After staying in the mental hospital for almost two months, I accepted this fact. During that time, I was in a daze, as if my mind was awake but it seemed to be blurred. Yes, I was just immersed in that world, forgetting my original identity and why I came to that mental hospital." Su Rumeng said, his eyes suddenly changed, and the dim eyes suddenly changed. There was a glimmer of light.

"Until one day, the person guarding me was going to do something temporarily, and the person on shift hadn't come yet. I knew this was my only chance to escape, so I pretended to be crazy and went to the door openly and saw that no one was there. After noticing me, I took the opportunity to escape, and after I came out, I didn’t know what kind of place it was, I only knew to run forward and escape from that hell.”

Seeing Su Rumeng's tone, Ember couldn't help raising her tone, and she was also brought to that tense moment by her, clenched his fists and waited for her to say the follow-up things.

"I kept running and running, and I didn't dare to run on the main road. I was afraid that they would find that I was gone and come out to arrest me. I only dared to be in the small woods. The road in the small woods was invisible at all, and I didn't know where to go. It’s the way to escape, I only know how to run, and I don’t feel the slightest when those weeds cut my legs.”

"Maybe God couldn't bear to let me be imprisoned in such a poor way. After running for a day and a night, I finally ran out of the woods. There was a road from the woods. Those people looked at me like they were looking at me. Like a lunatic, I can't care so much, I just know to run a little further."

"But even if I came out, I didn't dare to ask the Su family for help, and I didn't know who else could help me. It was still raining that day, and I was tired and hungry. I didn't know where I ran and passed out from exhaustion. , At that moment, I was afraid that if I woke up after falling like this, I would go back to that mental hospital again."

Su Rumeng's emotions were gradually out of her control, as if she had gone through what happened at the beginning again, her hands clenched tightly into fists, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and even her voice was trembling .

Ember interrupted Su Rumeng's words, took Su Rumeng into his arms, patted her on the shoulder, and felt the ups and downs of her breathing: "It's okay, it's all over, Haven’t you come back well now? You won’t go back to that mental hospital again, and the people there won’t have that chance to hurt you again. I will protect you and prevent you from being hurt any more. .”

Under such warm comfort, Su Rumeng's mood slowly changed from sudden to sluggish, and she let go of her clenched fist. The palms of her hands were full of crescent moon marks left by force, and the tears in her eyes were uncontrollable. flowed down.

"After I passed out, I don't know how long it took. Someone walked up to me and took me home. I opened my eyes in a daze and saw that the ceiling didn't look like a mental hospital. I felt relieved. I passed out, and when I woke up again, because I was too tired and drenched in the rain for so long, I fell seriously ill, and I forgot all the memories about the mental hospital."

Ember also smiled a little when she heard her words. He had never been so grateful that Su Rumeng had been ill. This serious illness took away all Su Rumeng's pain and gave her two years of carefree life. time. "Who is that person who saved you? We should thank him properly."

"It's Wang Yu. The person who saved me was Wang Yu, who was Lina's former fiancé. It might be a coincidence. After I was rescued, Wang Yu treated me well, but I also lost my memory. I don't know. Where should I go? It wasn't until Lina came to Wang Yu's house that she recognized me and told me who I was. With her help, I remembered my identity bit by bit. , but those memories of the past five years are all gone.”

Su Rumeng's eyes were full of gratitude to Lina, but she changed the subject and talked about the cause of today's incident. "But I don't know why these days. At the beginning, I always had headaches for no reason. The family doctor couldn't find any problems. After that, I slowly remembered those days in the mental hospital. , I'm very scared, I don't know who to ask for help, and I dare not mention this matter to the Su family."

Ember narrowed her eyes, and grasped the key point in Su Rumeng's words: "The Su family is your natal family, and should be your most solid support. Why don't you dare to mention your memory to the Su family?" Are there any hidden secrets in the things you mentioned, or is there someone in the Su family that you can't trust."

Su Rumeng's whole body froze for a moment, seeing Ember lower her head timidly, her reaction made Ember confirm that there was something wrong with some people in the Su family, grabbed Su Rumeng's shoulders and squatted down, letting Su Rumeng looked up at herself: "Rumeng, you believe me, don't you? I will not betray you, I will always be your supporter, you know this, you don't have to trust anyone, but You can definitely believe me."

"The car accident back then was actually not caused by accident, but caused by Su." Su Rumeng firmly nodded her head, held Ember's arm back, and tightly grasped such a life-saving straw, speaking halfway. He lowered his head in fear.

Ember felt how hard Su Rumeng was holding her hand, and asked hesitantly: "You mean that people from the Su family planned to make you have that car accident, and wanted to put you to death, but you didn't?" Thinking that you escaped some, they put you in a mental hospital to cover up what they did?

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