Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 666 Was ridiculed by the crowd

"There are [-] in this card. I'm very busy these days. If you don't have anything to do, don't come to me again. The contact between the two of us has been very frequent this month. If you don't want to get into trouble Just be honest." Su Ruxin took out a bank card from the bag and swiped it on the table, left a word and then got up and left without giving Fu Yuanjin another chance to talk nonsense.

Fu Yuanjin was also satisfied and took the bank card and tapped it on his hand a few times, walked arrogantly to the cashier to pay the bill, and drove the car he bought to the casino.

"Hey, have you watched Ye Anan's new drama today?"

"Why do you still watch this woman's drama? This woman is very indiscreet. She takes a child with her outside and flirts with her. She is exactly the same as the second female in the drama. She is embarrassing us women. I don't want to contribute to her ratings, this kind of woman can only produce bad dramas."

The woman glanced disdainfully at the TV series that was playing on the mobile phone held by the person next to her, and looked at the woman next to her with disgust. That look seemed to say how could there be such a friend by her side.

The woman's friend locked the phone and put it in her pocket in embarrassment: "I think Ye An'an's acting is pretty good. I can't judge her acting skills by what kind of virtue she looks like outside, right? I'm also curious. I took a few glances at it with my mentality, isn't it too one-sided for you to evaluate Ye Anan like this."

The woman shook off her friend's arm: "If you continue to watch Ye Anan's drama, then don't be friends with me. Watching Ye Anan's drama is not a good thing. You still argue for this woman, see Come, you and Ye Anan are a virtue." After wrestling and leaving, the friend looked at him inexplicably, then curled his lips and walked away.

Neither of them noticed that a car had been parked next to them until they parted and closed the windows. "It seems that after Mommy's Weibo, the public opinion has indeed changed a little bit, and the ratings of this drama have also increased."

Lin Qiran nodded: "It's true, what An An said before made those who originally wanted to boycott the TV series watch the TV series because of her words, with the mentality of wanting to mock her, okay An An's acting skills have never disappointed."

"Okay, it will take some work to solve this matter, just wait slowly, the public opinion will not be resolved for a while, it's enough for An An not to be affected, let's go to the supermarket quickly, we're done with them But I'm anxious to wait." Lin Qiran stepped on the accelerator and didn't stay any longer, it was just a coincidence that the car stopped there just now.

After a few episodes of this TV series, the public opinion on the Internet began to let go. It was no longer the group ridicule like the first day, and some viewers felt that Ye Anan's acting skills were not bad, and they fell in love with Ye Anan's acting skills. There was a slight change in her attitude.

But this is not the end of the story. Since Ye Anan's play and Yu Jin's play are from the same original work, it is inevitable that some people will compare the two plays together, especially the female second played by Ye Anan. The role of No. [-], after the drama became popular, the discussion on the comparison of this role became more and more heated.

Lin Qiran also knows about this kind of discussion, but this kind of discussion is inevitable, even if he wanted to stop it, he couldn't control so many people's speech, so he just let them go, anyway, Ye Anan is good at acting But will not lose to anyone.

But Lin Qiran overlooked one thing. The person who compared Ye Anan was Gu Yuxi. There was some resentment between the two of them because of Quan Tingmo's reason, plus this comparison and discussion among netizens. Most of the people inside said that Ye An'an's acting skills were better than hers, so she was naturally outraged.

I personally posted a Weibo: Oh, some people really like to rub the heat recently.Although the words were not named, everyone could tell that the words were addressed to Ye Anan, or they were dissing Ye Anan.When I saw someone comparing Gu Yuxi and Ye Anan before, Gu Yuxi's fans couldn't wait to refute it, but they didn't take any action because Gu Yuxi didn't move at all.

The Weibo that Gu Yuxi posted this time was like a password for them, and they ran to Ye Anan's Weibo and began to mock. Some of them were Gu Yuxi's fans, and some of them were Gu Yuxi's fans. Gu Yuxi spent money to invite the navy, since he wanted to make a fuss about this matter, he had to make the scene bigger.

"I'll give you one hour. After one hour, I will see Ye An'an being ridiculed by everyone." Gu Yuxi looked at the people who had already argued on Weibo, took out her mobile phone and made a call.She just wanted Ye Anan to know that even if she became a member of the Quan family, she was not her opponent.

Who knows what kind of means she used to please the old lady Quan, although Quan Tingmo couldn't be with Ye Anan because of Ye Anan's identity, but Quan Tingmo defended her against Ye Anan before. But I still keep it in my heart.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yuxi took a shower and changed clothes in a good mood, packed up and prepared to accompany Quan Tingmo's company, even without Ye Anan, there are still many people coveting Quan Tingmo, she can't let someone take advantage of this loophole.

There was already a commotion on the Internet because of Gu Yuxi's remarks. Naturally, Gu Yuxi's fans took this opportunity to find out a lot of Ye An'an's previous black material to mock Ye An'an, and some fans found out When Ye An'an was filming in the ancient castle country, the domestic news.

When the commotion was in full swing, a marketing account came out to summarize the various behaviors of Ye An'an's crew's hype. This article was pushed to the top of the hot search in less than a minute, and the content in it was well-founded. I also posted a lot of photos to stone hammer.

The main point is that when the two crews were filming at the same time, Ye Anan's crew deliberately made a plane with Gu Yuxi's crew, and filmed scenes in the same old castle. With the investment of Ye Anan's crew Level, this kind of behavior is tantamount to slapping a swollen face to pretend to be fat. All the funds are spent on these things, and the filming of the drama is very substandard, and now it is spending money to buy hot searches to gain the popularity of the film crew.

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