Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 650 It's All Because of Me

"Don't make fun of me, director, you can see how I'm doing on the Internet, you want to take the opportunity to laugh at me, right?" Hearing this familiar voice, Ye An'an also felt in his heart He relaxed a little, and became more interested in joking with Dai Chu.

Lin Qiran also heard Dai Chu's voice, and stopped what she was doing. After filming Dai Chu's scene, they didn't contact each other in private. It was also because they were busy. The phone call at this juncture must have seen the comments on his TV series on the Internet.

"We were being scolded at the same end. How could I come here to mock you? I came here specially to say sorry. I have already called the other leading actors. It was because of my incompetence that I let this The drama has been suppressed and there is no way to pass the review, and now it is suddenly shown, which caught me off guard."

Dai Chu was also very helpless. After the filming of this TV series was completed, he excitedly took the TV for review, thinking that he must show his hard work. The TV series by Ember was rubbish. The real emotions are expressed, and his script is completely drawn according to the emotional trend of the original work.

However, the review side has always suppressed his drama, and he has complained many times, but was pushed back for various reasons, until yesterday he suddenly said that this TV series can be released, and I don’t know who is on the Internet The previous publicity did not give him any preparations, and she never expected that this matter would turn out like this.

Ye An'an can clearly hear the vicissitudes in Dai Chu's words. Dai Chu has put a lot of effort into this drama. If people can really be evaluated in an upright manner, it will definitely be well received, and it will not be like it is now. For the worst TV series in the world.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry. It was because I got into trouble before that you couldn't release this TV series. This time, it's because of me that someone is behind the scenes. If it wasn't because of me, If there is trouble, our TV series will definitely not end like it is now."

In Ye An'an's view, all the reasons for this incident were on her. Whether it was the inability to pass the review at the beginning or the current bad reviews, it was all because someone deliberately targeted her. This drama was used as a gun by him. Just make it.

"Okay, it's useless to say these things now. No one will watch this show. It's a kind of return for our hard work if it's released. No one will watch it. We can watch it ourselves. As for the online drama You don’t need to read those comments, it’s not good for you, you are a good actor, everyone who has worked with you will know about it, and you don’t need to pay attention to those that can be driven by public opinion Man, don't take it too seriously."

Even at such a juncture, Dai Chu still did not forget to comfort Ye An'an. He knew how harmful this public opinion was. Back then, Lin Qiran was crushed by these pressures. He didn't want to see it. Seeing that such a good actor as Ye An'an was also defeated.

Because of Dai Chu's concern, Ye An'an felt a wave of turmoil in his heart, and the two of them sighed for a while before hanging up the phone.

Lin Qiran saw more and more people commenting on Ye Anan on the Internet, the accusation and criticism of himself, Lin Qiran and Xiao Baozi really didn't work, even if Quan was allowed to handle this matter There will be a good result, but if this matter is not handled well, even if Ye An'an returns to the ancient castle country, the influence will not disappear.

"Solve this matter perfectly first before returning to the ancient castle country. This is a future trouble. If you don't solve it now, there will be big troubles in the future. I will arrange some work for you in Yucheng later. Let's stay longer in Yucheng." Lin Qiran put down the computer in her hand, looked at Ye An'an's schedule, and thought about which ones to cancel in the ancient castle country first.

Ye An'an has no opinion on Lin Qiran's decision. She doesn't know how much this matter will affect her, but Lin Qiran must have her own considerations in making such a decision. She just needs to cooperate. . "Is there anything I can do?"

Lin Qiran raised her eyes and glanced at Ye An'an. Seeing her firm eyes, she knew that Ye Anan was not asking if there was anything she could do to help, but that she already had an idea. "You can do whatever you want, just let go and do it. We are your backing, and we will follow you and cooperate with your actions."

Ye Anan smiled, took out her mobile phone, edited a long Weibo and sent it out, and it was immediately searched on the top. The content in it probably said thank you for everyone's love for this TV series, and I am very glad that this TV series can be broadcast and has such a high degree of attention. At the same time, I also thank the director for shooting such a perfect work, and the partner who cooperated so tacitly. The next plot will be even more exciting. Please continue After watching it, I also @ all the leading actors in the play.

This looks like a very official way to promote his own drama. It is no problem for anyone to say this, but Ye An'an said it at this time, and he suffered a lot of discussion up.

Most of the comments below think that Ye An'an is crazy. At this time to promote this plagiarized drama, it has been hacked a lot. Do you want it to become popular?While everyone was guessing Ye Anan's intentions, this trending search quickly became the first one.

It's really just like what these people said, Ye An'an became popular, and the leading actors and directors also cooperated with Ye An'an's statement, and started to promote the show, which is basically unified Caliber said: What can I do? After only two episodes, An An has so many scolding voices. Later, An An will not be scolded to death. After all, the role of An An in this drama is set in this way, and An An His acting skills are so good, he showed the soul of this character.

The replies from the leading actors brought the topic to a climax. This response was not expected by Ye Anan. After all, they had not communicated with them in advance, but they still stood up to speak for themselves with such loyalty. She remembered this friendship. in my heart.

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