Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 629 We want a two-player world

"The two of us are going to go out on a date to experience the world of two people. Anyway, it's boring to stay at home. Since you bought food and are going to eat, we won't take you with you. Oh, by the way, Qiran will be back at noon For dinner, don't forget to bring Qiran's portion with you when cooking." Ye Anan suppressed his smile, pretended to be calm and pushed Xiao Baozi's shoulders, and the two walked to the entrance together change shoes.

Lin Ran hadn't realized what Ye Anan meant by this, and the two mother and son walked out the door.

"Mum, what you just said is not too obvious. Even if you want to bring the two of them together, you can't be so obvious. And Lin Qiran clearly said that he won't come back for lunch. What are you going to do?" Xiao Baozi put one hand in his pocket, looked at Ye Anan, he knew what Ye Anan was thinking.

It is nothing more than seeing that Lin Qiran and Lin Ran obviously like each other, but there is a layer of paper that has not been pierced, and there is no way for the two of them to watch and worry as bystanders. The opportunity, of course, is to let them have a lunch for two, live in the world of two, and see if it can prompt them to further develop this relationship.

"What's so rare about this, just look at me." Ye Anan raised his eyebrows, and excitedly took out his phone to dye Lin Qi's hair.

After Lin Qiran picked up the phone, she immediately switched to an anxious tone: "Oh, Qiran, where are you now, I just received a call from Ran, she said she was not feeling well, dizzy and wanting I want to vomit, but Xuanxuan and I are outside now, and we won’t be able to go back for a while, so you have to find time to go back and see her, I’m really worried.”

An actor is worthy of being an actor, Ye Anan entered the role extremely quickly, Xiao Baozi couldn't help nodding beside him. "Oh, okay, then you come back quickly. If you have any serious problems, you should send them to the hospital as soon as possible. Don't delay at home. I will rush over here when I am done with work. If it is a common cold, you have to Let her take some medicine, this summer's cold is not so easy to heal."

"Hey, okay, then I'll hang up first, and you drive carefully." After hanging up the phone, Ye An'an smiled triumphantly at her. She is still proficient in this kind of small acting. "Okay, the matter is settled, and hearing Qi Ran's anxious tone just now, I think there is probably something going on about this matter."

The little bun saw that Ye An'an solved the matter so easily, and Lin Qiran didn't even notice any flaws, so he gave her a thumbs up, but after thinking about it, he said: "It's best if things can be done." , otherwise, just because you lied to Lin Qiran just now, the two of us will have to be cleaned up by him when we come back later."

"Don't worry, we are doing good deeds without leaving a name. Qiran can't find a reason to deal with us. At most, he just scolds us. We can just go in the left ear and out the right ear." Ye Anan patted the little bun shoulder and hail a taxi. "Master, go to the amusement park in Linyi."

"Little girl, is this your younger brother? You two look quite alike. There are not many girls who can take care of younger brothers like you." The driver looked at the two people in the rearview mirror who were playing with their respective mobile phones. , couldn't help but said, just happened to encounter a red light and stopped the car.

Ye An'an was stunned for a moment, and said with a broken smile: "Master, you are wrong. I am his mother. Naturally, the two of us are similar. You think I am too young."

"Then I really didn't see it. You look really young. Even if you say you are a college student, people will believe you." The driver didn't feel embarrassed, and said in response.

Ye An'an just smiled and didn't answer what the driver said, but after getting off the car, he put his arms around Xiao Baozi's shoulder and said, "Then I will reluctantly be your sister, so that you can experience the feeling of having a sister." Xiao Baozi looked at it with disgust He glanced at Ye Anan, he was used to Ye Anan's indirect convulsions.

"Buy the tickets, I don't want to wait in a long line." Xiao Baozi pulled Ye Anan's clothes and led Ye Anan to the ticket office, but after walking in, Xiao Baozi still underestimated the weekend. The number of people playing inside is already packed as soon as you enter, and you have to wait for half an hour before you can buy a ticket.

"Let's line up, let's line up, you stand in front of me, we need to buy two tickets, I can't line up alone." Seeing so many people, Ye Anan shielded the little bun in front of him, fearing that someone would take the little bun The bun was hit.

In the past, Xiao Baozi didn't even want to come to a place where so many people lined up. It's pointless to waste time, but after staying with Ye Anan for two years, Ye Anan changed his thoughts , Ye Anan felt that it didn't matter to queue up, the longer the queue, the more people would cherish the things they bought.

In fact, the most important point is that he was still the young master of the Li family before, so there was no need for him to do this kind of thing in person, and if he wanted to play in the playground, it would be natural for someone to clear the playground and leave him alone Had a great time, but now it's different, he no longer has this privilege.

After the two people lined up for a while, they didn't find anyone jumping in the line. The crowd was also slowly moving, and they also slowly arrived at the front seat. When they were about to reach the ticket office, a woman walked away with her child. He came to Ye Anan's side and said, "Sorry, sorry, can you let us go first, my child wants to play the games here, but I don't have that much time, and I have to go back to work, if there is a queue It must be too late, so..."

Ye Anan and Xiao Baozi looked at each other, Xiao Baozi knew without thinking that Ye Anan would definitely agree to this woman's request, and sure enough, Ye Anan said: "Then you go ahead, I'm not in a hurry anyway." Ye Anan stepped back One step, give up a place to that woman.

"Thank you, thank you." The woman was not polite at all, and stood directly in the position Ye Anan gave up, but at this time the people behind were not happy: "Hey, it has nothing to do with us if you are a good person, but If you let this woman come in now, then we will have to line up with another person."

The woman who stood in didn't speak, and lined up on her own, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

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