Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 598 Just a Poor

What the envoy said was yin and yang, and Ye An'an could understand the meaning of the envoy's words, and it was not once or twice that people misunderstood her like this. She had long been immune to these people's abnormal thoughts, and just bent down The corner of his mouth did not answer the envoy's words.

When the envoy saw that Ye An'an was ignoring him, his words became more and more excessive. "Miss Ye hasn't entered the palace yet, so it's better not to put on such a high profile. Although I don't have an important position in the palace, all of you who enter the palace are under my jurisdiction. Miss Ye is right It's better for me to be more polite, life in the palace will not be too easy."

These words have always been regarded as a threat to Ye Anan. Before Ye Anan, those who thought they had climbed the high branch of Prince Charlie and looked down on him were wrong, but there were a few of them, but those people did not end up very well. Others Some people were able to leave the palace smoothly after being abandoned by Charlie, but he kept them in the palace for various reasons, and finally became the lowest maids, serving envoys like them.

"I didn't talk much on the way, so why did I put on a high profile? If you want to talk about high profile, you are an envoy, you have a higher attitude. You are an envoy sent by the palace, and you represent the face of the entire palace. But judging by your current face, the palace seems to be nothing more than that."

Ye Anan felt that the envoy's attitude was too much. She was a guest invited by Prince Charlie, so she was ridiculed along the way?Fortunately, she has some understanding of Prince Charlie, otherwise she would think that this is a deliberate blow to her by Prince Charlie. If there is an important guest in front of this envoy, wouldn't it embarrass the entire palace? ?

Out of respect for Prince Charlie, Ye An'an still kindly reminded the envoy of this attitude, and she can't take care of other things so much.

"You, a pauper, dare to reprimand me, don't you? You are just a toy that Prince Charlie likes. When Prince Charlie gets tired of playing with it, you can only be at the mercy of us, thinking that you have status Miss?" The envoy glared at Ye An'an fiercely.

"Am I a toy? It has nothing to do with you. You said it yourself. You don't have any important status in the palace, so it's not your turn to intervene in this matter. Prince Charlie asked you to bring the guests back to the palace." , you just need to complete your own tasks, and don’t worry too much about other things.” Ye Anan’s attitude also became tougher, after being so humiliated, she didn’t have a good attitude to face this again Envoy.

When the envoy wanted to refute something, the car stopped in front of the palace. Ye Anan got out of the car without hesitation, and closed the door forcefully. After coming to the palace so many times, she is already familiar with this road. I'm very familiar with it, and I don't need a guide, let alone the envoy in the car.

But as soon as she got out of the car, the envoy chased after her, grabbed Ye Anan's arm and pulled it back. She raised her hand in the air and was about to fall on Ye Anan's face. Ye Anan didn't have time to dodge it, but she didn't expect it This envoy is so courageous, and he is still so presumptuous at the gate of the palace.

At this juncture, a hand stretched out and directly folded the envoy's hand back. Ye An'an clearly heard the sound of the dislocation of the bones, and hid back in a panic, and saw the envoy again While eating the painful expression, he subconsciously wanted to see how he was doing.

However, the person who stretched out his hand didn't give Ye Anan this chance, and took Ye Anan's wrist and moved a few steps in his direction: "You have nothing to do, you can just slap this kind of person, and How polite."

Ye An'an looked over blankly, but didn't see anyone. After lowering his head a little, he saw Prince William sitting in a wheelchair. "What about you?"

"You want to say why I appear here? I belong to the palace. I can go wherever I want. Who can stop me? It's just that I'm just bored. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. After such a long time No, you are still as cowardly and fearful as before." Prince William let go of Ye Anan's hand, and looked at the envoy coldly.

"The imperial palace has the rules of the imperial palace. As an envoy, you treat the guests in the imperial palace like this, and it seems that this is not the first time you have done this kind of thing. I haven't come out for a long time, and I don't know the status of an envoy. Are you already this tall? You are all working for the palace, why do you feel that you are superior to others?"

The envoy couldn't react to William's wrench just now. When he saw William's face, he couldn't care less about the pain in his hand. With cold sweat on his forehead, he stepped back a few steps, and said in trepidation: " No, it was all a misunderstanding, and things are not what you see, Prince William."

"It's not what I saw? What does it look like? Although I'm lame, I'm not blind yet. You tell me what I saw wrong. If what you say makes sense, then I I won’t punish you.” William shrugged and gave the envoy a chance to speak.

Seeing that William was so talkative, the envoy became more confident: "This Miss Ye left something on the car, that's why I got out of the car and held Miss Ye's hand. For some reason, the prince thought that I wanted to I beat Miss Ye with my hand, don't you think this is a big misunderstanding? Miss Ye is a guest invited by Prince Charlie, so I naturally want to entertain her well."

"Oh? Really? Why don't you ask the driver in your car to come down and tell me what you guys said on the way here? If you're not guilty, you don't have to be afraid of the driver coming to confront you. It’s not convenient for me to walk, why don’t you go and get the driver down yourself?” William didn’t do anything, but a look was enough to make the envoy feel terrified, and immediately knelt down on the ground, trembling all over .

"I did something wrong. As an envoy of the palace, I should treat all the guests who come to the palace equally and lead them to the palace with respect. But this time, because of Miss Ye's outfit, I look down on Miss Ye. , showing off in front of Ms. Ye, I forgot my duty, please punish Prince William."

The envoy's remarks not only admitted his mistakes, but also minimized his guilt. It was regarded as a concession given by himself, but William was not satisfied with this concession.

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