Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 595 is back

"As a family, it's good to be reunited. Since the misunderstandings have been resolved, there is nothing to do. Let's all go to have a reunion dinner to celebrate this good day today." Mrs. Li's face The smile on the face was revealed, and he took Su Rumeng's hand and said.

Mrs. Su and Yu Lina also had no opinion on this so-called reunion dinner, and Li Jinzhen didn't say anything. Only the two mothers and daughters of the Su family and Fu Yuanjin felt that this was a bit strange, as if all the signs were He said that the Su Rumeng in front of him was the real Su Rumeng, and everyone recognized her identity.

Only the three of them think that things are not so simple, but they don't want to act rashly now, so they can only recognize Su Rumeng first.

Ye An'an and the others on the plane were completely unaware of these things.

"May I show you some cartoons? The ipad on it seems to have a lot of TVs to watch. It's still so long from our side to the ancient castle country. If you don't sleep for a while, you will be very boring. Let's watch cartoons to pass the time." Ye Anan took out an ipad from the pocket of the chair in front and handed it to Xiao Baozi.

"Mum, I'm not a child anymore, you still show me these things, forget it, I'd better go to bed, if you want to read it, you can read it yourself." Little Baozi handed the ipad back to him helplessly. He glanced at Ye Anan, glanced at Ye Anan's expectant eyes, turned around and pretended he didn't see it.

Ye An'an didn't know how to respond to Xiao Baozi's mature performance, so he could only rub his sore temples, put the ipad back in its original position, and then leaned on the back of the chair to get ready Take a break, it was indeed a little early when I went out in the morning.

When the two woke up leisurely, the flight attendant on the plane just reminded that the plane was about to land, Ye Anan turned his head and glanced out the window, patted the shoulders of some little buns who were still awake and said in a low voice: "Look, the scenery outside is really good. I always sleep when flying, and I miss so many beautiful scenery."

At such a high altitude, it seems that there is no need to think about everything, as long as you put your heart and soul into this pure sky.

Xiao Baozi originally wanted to say that he was tired of seeing this kind of scenery, but when he thought that Ye Anan was sharing that joy with himself now, it would be better not to hit him, so he closed his mouth and did not speak, following Ye Anan's direction Looking over, I don't know why, it seems that the scenery I see is indeed much better than when I saw it alone.

"Dear passengers, your plane is about to arrive at your destination. Thank you for your support and cooperation along the way. On behalf of the entire crew of this flight, I would like to express my gratitude to you and wish you a pleasant journey."

Accompanied by the purser's concluding remarks, the plane was also slowly landing, and tall buildings appeared dotted in the blue sky. If you descend further, you can see the crowd waiting outside the tall buildings.

"How about it, did you two have a good rest? I was so sleepy, I slept all the way, and I said I would take a few photos to commemorate the beginning of my new life, but when I woke up, I was already I'm almost on the ground, and I didn't see anything." After getting off the plane, Lin Ran quickly ran to Ye Anan's side, complaining about herself.

"Whoever said you are like a pig, Mommy and I both saw a beautiful scenery." Xiao Baozi complained a few words in response. After getting along with each other for a few days, the relationship between the few people has also become very close. In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Xiaobaozi to say such words from Xiaobaozi's mouth.

Lin Ran snorted, she didn't want to fuss with a child, and Ye An'an didn't try to dissuade them, instead she thought it was interesting for them to quarrel like this. "Hey, aren't you sitting with Qiran, where is Qiran? Why didn't you see him come out?"

"Senior Lin went to make a phone call right after getting off the plane, and he hasn't finished calling yet. It must be something important. Let's wait for him at the gate, and he will come by himself." Lin Ran said indifferently Ye Anan didn't care, and followed Lin Ran to the airport.

After the three of them waited outside for a short while, they saw Lin Qiran trotting out from the exit: "Qiran, what are you answering the phone for? You answered the phone just after getting off the plane. What happened? Is it?" Ye Anan asked curiously.

Lin Qiran was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "What could happen, it's just that a former media friend asked me if I was still working as an agent, I thought that although I didn't develop in Yucheng anymore, I was still a friend after all, I just chatted with him a few more words, nothing else, let's go, let's go to Andre's Castle to put down all the luggage."

If Ye An'an and Lin Ran were more careful, they would be able to spot Lin Qiran's abnormality now, but they were both so focused on thinking about the matter that they hadn't gone to pick up the luggage yet, so they didn't notice Lin Qiran's small movements .

The two of them looked at each other, but they didn't bother to talk about it, so Xiao Baozi said helplessly: "The two ladies standing beside me seem to have forgotten to pick up their luggage, and I don't know where the luggage has been transported now." .”

"I knew what would happen if the three of you acted alone. What are you doing here? Hurry up and find your luggage." Lin Qiran slapped each of them on the back of the head, and hurried back to the airport.

Xiao Baozi muttered silently: "It's not because of me, these two people started chatting as soon as they got off the plane, and I was taken outside the airport without even having a chance to interrupt."

Fortunately, it seems that this is not the first time that the staff at the airport have encountered such a thing. Standing on the edge of the luggage paging belt, seeing Ye Anan and the others running over in such a hurry, they silently pushed the suitcase beside them Walking to the side of several people: "May I ask who these suitcases belong to? Can you check the boarding pass of this person?"

When several people saw the familiar suitcase, they were all stunned for a moment. It was Xiao Baozi who reacted the fastest and took out his own ticket. "These suitcases are all ours, please."

The staff checked the information on the ticket and suitcase that Ye Anan and the others took out, and after confirming that they were correct, handed the suitcase to them, and then told them to be careful next time, and then walked away.

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