Tsundere Daddy Genius

Chapter 505 You are already on the hot search

"It really seems to be Ye An'an? Didn't they just start pursuing? Why did they buy the car? Could it be a consumer fan?" A netizen commented under the shopping guide, which immediately attracted attention.

Some people who have not been fans but are just passers-by, when they saw such a person's comment, they immediately turned their backs and were ready to follow the trend. "Hey, I just said how could a woman like Ye An'an be pursued by Mr. Quan? The pursuit is fine, but if you refuse to welcome Mr. Quan, let's see if you slap him in the face now."

"According to the salary of Ye Anan, a newcomer who just debuted, he shouldn't be able to afford the car in this store, unless someone invested money in Ye Anan, and wait for Ye Anan's explanation."

Those who defended and those who scolded online stood in two teams, and the number of people was basically the same. When the two sides were at a stalemate, Quan Tingmo posted the second Weibo tonight.

I heard someone said that I bought a car for An An?I think, An An will not give me this chance, An An's car was bought by the company, the company car is not her own, but if you expect so much, I will test it out to see if she is willing to let her I buy her a car.

Quan Tingmo made it clear that he was on Ye An'an's side, and explained the matter of the car to Ye Anan. He has been staying on Weibo since he saw the results in the last Weibo, for fear of any reversal, so As soon as the photos of the car shop came out, he had already asked people to check what was going on.

I am waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the best opportunity to explain, and try to minimize the damage to Ye Anan. Obviously, his Weibo post is just right.Seeing what Quan Tingmo said, those who defended Ye An'an's affection for Quan Tingmo kept rising, and even some passers-by became fans of Quan Tingmo.

But Ye An'an didn't know what happened here, they were eating hot pot in a good atmosphere, and they sold the hot pot to Rennie by the way.

"Is this the hot pot you are talking about? It looks very spicy, or I should cook the pasta by myself." Rennie retreated when he saw the red oil on the hot pot. He always eats lightly. He had never touched such a bright red thing before.

"Don't, hot pot must be like this to be delicious. If you want to eat the tasteless one, it's boring, and it's the first time we meet today, shouldn't we celebrate and welcome us? There are so many good things that happened today, you don’t want to celebrate.” Lin Ran didn’t confront Rennie head-on, but softened up and talked to Rennie aggrievedly, as if if Rennie didn’t agree to her, she would cry same.

Lin Qiran glanced at Lin Ran, who was pretending to be pitiful, and her eyes darkened. "That's right, Rennie, you should sit down and eat, don't spoil the current atmosphere, commemorate our first meeting, and we will continue to walk in the days to come."

These few people persuaded Rennie together, and Rennie had to stay. Seeing this, Ye Anan put a piece of potato in Rennie's bowl while the iron was hot. "You try this? The taste is invincible."

Under the watchful eyes of several people, Rennie slowly picked up the fork to pick up the potatoes, and fed them into his mouth with trembling hands. As soon as he took the first bite, the numb and spicy feeling was gone. Stimulating his taste buds, his face and ears turned red unconsciously.

Ye An'an thoughtfully handed Lei Ni a glass of cold water, and Lei Ni drank it all in one go, which relieved the irritation of his taste buds a little. "This is too spicy, I can't eat it, you should eat it."

"In this way, put this potato in boiled water for a while, and then eat it, it should be less spicy, try it?" Lin Ran didn't want to give up selling such a delicious thing as hot pot to others.

Rennie didn't want to destroy the atmosphere, and didn't want to continue to try the things in the red pot. In a dilemma, he listened to Lin Ran's words and rinsed the potatoes in a bowl of boiled water before putting them in his mouth. The excitement was indeed much less, and it also allowed him to taste the deliciousness of the bottom of the red oil pot.

After Rennie accepted the hot pot, their dinner officially began. Although Rennie ate it after taking it out of the pot and rinsing it in water, it didn't affect his integration into the atmosphere of several people at all. between.

After the enjoyable dinner was over, Lin Qiran first put down her chopsticks and leaned on the chair to think, wanting to go to Weibo to see the trend of some netizens and the dynamics of those public opinions on the Internet.

"Are you going to buy a car this afternoon?" Lin Qiran asked these people seriously.

"Because when I went to buy vegetables in the afternoon, I found that Rennie's car was really bad. We felt that going out like this would damage the company's image, so we thought about buying a car when we went out. What's wrong? You How did you know we went to buy a car?" Lin Ran explained without caring.

Lin Qiran handed the phone to Lin Ran, and said angrily: "You are all on the hot search, you can see for yourself, I have only been away for a long time, and you have caused me trouble again, you really don't want me at all Don't worry."

"We... We didn't expect to cause such a thing. Who knew that going out to buy a car would be discussed like this, so what should we do now?" Lin Ran didn't go any further after reading the blogger's Weibo. Flip through the comments, talking nervously.

Seeing Lin Ran asking for help, Lin Qiran felt a little better than before: "What should I do, you read the Weibo post by Quan Tingmo, he has already clarified for you, netizen The firepower has also been attracted by this pair of CPs, tell me about you, don't you know what An An's identity is now?"

Ye An'an also lowered his head with a bit of self-blame: "This time, my identity was discovered because I didn't protect myself properly. I will pay attention next time. When I am free, I try not to go out as much as possible. "

Rennie also stood up and admitted his mistake: "This time it was my fault. I shouldn't have insisted on buying this car. If I didn't buy this car, I wouldn't have offended the shopping guide. There would be no such revelation at night." .” Rennie knew who the person who broke the news would be without guessing.

"Okay, okay, what are you all doing? I didn't say to blame you, I just asked you to arm yourself when you go out next time. If you are bullied by someone, don't be angry. I Naturally, there is a way to solve the public opinion, and the artists under my Lin Qiran will definitely not be blacked out by such small news."

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